Attribute parameter from <action> element - equivalent in Struts 2 - struts2

In Struts1 you can use the attribute parameter from element(struts-config.xml) and access it's value within the action class via the actionMapping.getParameter() method. For actions requiring multiple steps, the parameter is often used to indicate which step the mapping is associated
<action path="\something\Step1"
parameter="step1"> ...
<action path="\something\Step2"
parameter="step2"> ...
Which is the alternative solution for Struts2?

Parameters in the action configuration could be used instead
<package name="something" namespace="/something" extends="struts-default">
<action name="Step1" class="actions.SomethingAction">
<param name="step1" ...
<action name="Step2" class="actions.SomethingAction">
<param name="step2" ...


How can i use multiple parameters in restful struts?

i'm trying the struts restful plugin .. but i didn't find any solution to pass more than one parameter to my controll class ..
I put the parameters into struts.xml and but every time i can't use more than one
<package name="rest" namespace="/rest" extends="rest-default">
<action name="doctor/*" class="">
<param name="id">{1}</param>
<param name="name">{2}</param>
i can't rich the second parameter .. any suggestion?

struts2 tokensession not setting request in Action excludedMethod [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Prevent same action called twice as long as user is in current session
(1 answer)
Closed 5 years ago.
I'm trying to avoid double-submit problems using tokenSession. My action methods are working fine without tokenSession technique.
I add <s:token/> in upsert_crypto_sources.jsp and tokenSession interceptor in struts.xml but I receive request as null in my action excludedMethod of list().
The list page doesn't need to avoid double submit problem but if I add <s:token/> in view_crypto_sources_list.jsp and remove list() from excludedMethod then I always receive result invalid.token.
My struts.xml is like:
<package name="key-manager" namespace="/shared/km" extends="console-default" strict-method-invocation="true">
<action name="manage_cs_*" method="{1}" class="">
<interceptor-ref name="tokenSession">
<param name="excludeMethods">
list, initInsert, load, delete
<result name="list">/shared/km/view_crypto_sources_list.jsp</result>
<result name="insert">/shared/km/upsert_crypto_sources.jsp</result>
<result name="update">/shared/km/upsert_crypto_sources.jsp</result>
<result name="load">/shared/km/upsert_crypto_sources.jsp</result>
<allowed-methods>list, insert, load, update, delete, testConnection, forward, cancel</allowed-methods>
My action implements ServletRequestAware interface therefore it gets the request member variable set using setServletRequest() method.
I added a defaultStack interceptor and it is working fine:
<package name="key-manager" namespace="/shared/km" extends="console-default" strict-method-invocation="true">
<action name="manage_cs_*" method="{1}" class="">
<interceptor-ref name="defaultStack"></interceptor-ref>
<interceptor-ref name="tokenSession">
<param name="excludeMethods">
list, initInsert, load, delete
<result name="list">/shared/km/view_crypto_sources_list.jsp</result>
<result name="insert">/shared/km/upsert_crypto_sources.jsp</result>
<result name="update">/shared/km/upsert_crypto_sources.jsp</result>
<result name="load">/shared/km/upsert_crypto_sources.jsp</result>
<allowed-methods>list, insert, load, update, delete, testConnection, forward, cancel</allowed-methods>

Get request from two different name space and to call same action

I have below struts configuration file with me,I need add another "namespace"(/mservice) to same action,In that config file I need to remove <param name="excludeNullProperties">false</param>
<package name="" namespace="/service" extends="mobile-default">
<action name="ticketSupport!*" class=""
<result type="json">
<!-- This parameter should remove to the "/mservice" namesapce -->
<param name="excludeNullProperties">false</param>
<result name="input" type="json"/>
I have two mobile apps, need to call same action with different parameters,I am thinking to maintain 2 struts configuration files, How can I modify existing config file to work with both apps?

Strange effects when chaining results in struts 2

When an error event occurs I am chaining the result to an error action, this works okay when its all happening in the same namespace but when chaining across namespaces the results of the chained action are in the chaining actions namespace.
<package name="mynamespace-htm" namespace="/mynamespace/htm" extends="mybase-base">
<action name="newsItem" class="com.mypackage.control.GetNewsItemAction">
<result name="success">newsItem.jsp</result>
<result name="error" type="chain">
<param name="actionName">invalidSite</param>
<param name="namespace">/mynamespace</param>
<package name="mynamespace" namespace="/mynamespace" extends="mybase-base">
<action name="invalidSite" class="com.mypackage.control.GetInvalidSiteAction">
<result name="success">commonviews/invalidSite.jsp</result>
If I access the newsItem action in a way that causes an error result I get an exception javax.servlet.ServletException: File "/mynamespace/htm/commonviews/invalidSite.jsp" not found why is it trying to find the file relative to the original namespace mynamespace/htm instead of mynamespace?

Reuse of redirect-action in struts.xml?

I have multiple actions that after completion redirect back to a general page (showStuff). I'm looking for a way to NOT repeat the list of parameters for every redirect-action.
What I have is this:
<action name="doThis" class="com.domain.package.MyAction" method="doThis">
<result type="redirectAction">
<param name="actionName">showStuff</param>
<param name="parse">true</param>
<param name="selectedYear">${selectedYear}</param>
<param name="selectedMonth">${selectedMonth}</param>
<param name="selectedDay">${selectedDay}</param>
<action name="doThat" class="com.domain.package.MyAction" method="doThat">
<result type="redirectAction">
<param name="actionName">showStuff</param>
<param name="parse">true</param>
<param name="selectedYear">${selectedYear}</param>
<param name="selectedMonth">${selectedMonth}</param>
<param name="selectedDay">${selectedDay}</param>
I would like to keep the parameter list within the showStuff action definition, and then use is like so:
<action name="doThis" class="com.domain.package.MyAction" method="doThis">
<result type="redirectAction">
<param name="actionName">showStuff</param>
<action name="doThat" class="com.domain.package.MyAction" method="doThat">
<result type="redirectAction">
<param name="actionName">showStuff</param>
Is it possible?
There are a few options.
Honestly, I'd skip most of my workarounds, and put them into session.
Once they're in session, create an interceptor and interface (Dateable or something). In the interceptor check the session for the variables (see below) and if the action is a Dateable, set them on the action, and you're done.
Another option is to encapsulate these variables as a date and either use the built-in converter or use your own converter. Then you'd only need a single parameter. This option would work with the interceptor idea as well.
As it turns out, it is very much possible. This is how you do it:
Add a global result:
<result name="show-stats" type="redirectAction">
<param name="actionName">showStats</param>
<param name="parse">true</param>
<param name="selectedYear">${selectedYear}</param>
<param name="selectedMonth">${selectedMonth}</param>
<param name="selectedDay">${selectedDay}</param>
And then for the actions:
<action name="doThis" class="com.domain.package.MyAction" method="doThis"/>
<action name="doThat" class="com.domain.package.MyAction" method="doThat"/>
Finally in the java code, just:
return "show-stats";
And you're done.
As a sidenote, why do I have to spend so much time trying to adhere to the very basic DRY principle? Aren't all these frameworks supposed to .. you know.. simplify stuff? Just wondering...
I was facing the same problem with an endless list of params getting longer and longer, repeated in several places. What I ended up doing was that I created an external file and declared it in struts.xml as an entity then included it instead of repeating all the params
This goes in the doctype tag
<!ENTITY referenceName SYSTEM "fileName">
Then you include it like so
