I have a sequential process with an optional exit condition. One way to write the algorithms is like this
let mutable more = true
for slot = startSlot to endSlot do
if more then
more <- process()
The overhead of checking more for slots that are skipped due to an exit is insignificant. Still, it seems there should be a more elegant way to express this.
Recursion is usual here:
let rec loop slot = if slot <= endSlot && process () then loop (slot + 1)
loop startSlot
The compiler will reduce this to a simple loop (no actual recursion takes place).
One way of doing this would be to use Seq.takeWhile
seq{startSlot .. endSlot}
|> Seq.takeWhile (fun _ -> process())
|> Seq.iter ignore
This will exit the loop when process() returns false
I have some code which I'm expecting to pause when it asks for user input. It only does this however, if the last expression is Seq.initInfinite.
let consoleaction (i : int) =
Console.WriteLine ("Enter Input: ")
(Console.ReadLine().Trim(), i)
Seq.initInfinite (fun i -> consoleaction i) |> Seq.map (fun f -> printfn "%A" f)
printfn "foo" // program will not pause unless this line is commented out.
Very new to F# and I've spent way too much time on this already. Would like to know what is going on :)
If you try that piece of code in F# interactive you will see different effects depending on how you execute it.
For instance if you execute it in one shot it will create values but nothing will be executed since the Seq.initInfinite instruction is 'lost' I mean, not let-bound to anything and at the same time is a lazy expression so its side effects will not be executed. If you remove the last instruction it will start prompting, that's because fsi bounds to it the last expression so in order to show you the value of it it starts evaluating the seq expression.
Things are different if you put this in a function, for example:
open System
let myProgram() =
let consoleaction ...
Now you will get a warning on the Seq.initInfinite:
warning FS0020: This expression should have type 'unit', but has type
'seq<unit>'. Use 'ignore' to discard the result of the expression, or
'let' to bind the result to a name.
Which is very clear. Additionally to ignore as the warning suggest you can change the Seq.map to Seq.iter since you are not interested in the result of the map which will be a seq of units.
But now again your program will not execute (try myProgram())unless you remove the last line, the printfn and it's clear why, this is because it returns the last expression which is not the Seq.initInfinite which is lost since it's lazy and ignored.
If you remove the printfn it will become the 'return value' of your function so it will be evaluated when calling the function.
Coming from an OO background, I am having trouble wrapping my head around how to solve simple issues with FP when trying to avoid mutation.
let mutable run = true
let player1List = ["he"; "ho"; "ha"]
let addValue lst value =
value :: lst
while run do
let input = Console.ReadLine()
addValue player1List input |> printfn "%A"
if player1List.Length > 5 then
run <- false
printfn "all done" // daz never gunna happen
I know it is ok to use mutation in certain cases, but I am trying to train myself to avoid mutation as the default. With that said, can someone please show me an example of the above w/o using mutation in F#?
The final result should be that player1List continues to grow until the length of items are 6, then exit and print 'all done'
The easiest way is to use recursion
open System
let rec makelist l =
match l |> List.length with
|6 -> printfn "all done"; l
| _ -> makelist ((Console.ReadLine())::l)
makelist []
I also removed some the addValue function as it is far more idiomatic to just use :: in typical F# code.
Your original code also has a common problem for new F# coders that you use run = false when you wanted run <- false. In F#, = is always for comparison. The compiler does actually warn about this.
As others already explained, you can rewrite imperative loops using recursion. This is useful because it is an approach that always works and is quite fundamental to functional programming.
Alternatively, F# provides a rich set of library functions for working with collections, which can actually nicely express the logic that you need. So, you could write something like:
let player1List = ["he"; "ho"; "ha"]
let player2List = Seq.initInfinite (fun _ -> Console.ReadLine())
let listOf6 = Seq.append player1List list2 |> Seq.take 6 |> List.ofSeq
The idea here is that you create an infinite lazy sequence that reads inputs from the console, append it at the end of your initial player1List and then take first 6 elements.
Depending on what your actual logic is, you might do this a bit differently, but the nice thing is that this is probably closer to the logic that you want to implement...
In F#, we use recursion to do loop. However, if you know how many times you need to iterate, you could use F# List.fold like this to hide the recursion implementation.
[1..6] |> List.fold (fun acc _ -> Console.ReadLine()::acc) []
I would remove the pipe from match for readability but use it in the last expression to avoid extra brackets:
open System
let rec makelist l =
match List.length l with
| 6 -> printfn "all done"; l
| _ -> Console.ReadLine()::l |> makelist
makelist []
Lazy evaluation is a great boon for stuff like processing huge files that will not fit in main memory at one go. However, suppose there are some elements in the sequence that I want evaluated immediately, while the rest can be lazily computed - is there any way to specify that?
Specific problem: (in case that helps to answer the question)
Specifically, I am using a series of IEnumerables as iterators for multiple sequences - these sequences are data read from files opened using BinaryReader streams (each sequence is responsible for the reading in of data from one of the files). The MoveNext() on these is to be called in a specific order. Eg. iter0 then iter1 then iter5 then iter3 .... and so on. This order is specified in another sequence index = {0,1,5,3,....}. However sequences being lazy, the evaluation is naturally done only when required. Hence, the file reads (for the sequences right at the beginning that read from files on disk) happens as the IEnumerables for a sequence are moving. This is causing an illegal file access - a file that is being read by one process is accessed again (as per the error msg).
True, the illegal file access could be for other reasons, and after having tried my best to debug other causes a partially lazy evaluation might be worth trying out.
While I agree with Tomas' comment: you shouldn't need this if file sharing is handled properly, here's one way to eagerly evaluate the first N elements:
let cacheFirst n (items: seq<_>) =
seq {
use e = items.GetEnumerator()
let i = ref 0
while !i < n && e.MoveNext() do
yield e.Current
incr i
while e.MoveNext() do
yield e.Current
let items = Seq.initInfinite (fun i -> printfn "%d" i; i)
|> Seq.take 10
|> cacheFirst 5
|> Seq.take 3
|> Seq.toList
val it : int list = [0; 1; 2]
Daniel's solution is sound, but I don't think we need another operator, just Seq.cache for most cases.
First cache your sequence:
let items = Seq.initInfinite (fun i -> printfn "%d" i; i) |> Seq.cache
Eager evaluation followed by lazy access from the beginning:
let eager = items |> Seq.take 5 |> Seq.toList
let cached = items |> Seq.take 3 |> Seq.toList
This will evaluate the first 5 elements once (during eager) but make them cached for secondary access.
Just naively using Seq.length may be not good enough as will blow up on infinite sequences.
Getting more fancy with using something like ss |> Seq.truncate n |> Seq.length will work, but behind the scene would involve double traversing of the argument sequence chunk by IEnumerator's MoveNext().
The best approach I was able to come up with so far is:
let hasAtLeast n (ss: seq<_>) =
let mutable result = true
use e = ss.GetEnumerator()
for _ in 1 .. n do result <- e.MoveNext()
This involves only single sequence traverse (more accurately, performing e.MoveNext() n times) and correctly handles boundary cases of empty and infinite sequences. I can further throw in few small improvements like explicit processing of specific cases for lists, arrays, and ICollections, or some cutting on traverse length, but wonder if any more effective approach to the problem exists that I may be missing?
Thank you for your help.
EDIT: Having on hand 5 overall implementation variants of hasAtLeast function (2 my own, 2 suggested by Daniel and one suggested by Ankur) I've arranged a marathon between these. Results that are tie for all implementations prove that Guvante is right: a simplest composition of existing algorithms would be the best, there is no point here in overengineering.
Further throwing in the readability factor I'd use either my own pure F#-based
let hasAtLeast n (ss: seq<_>) =
Seq.length (Seq.truncate n ss) >= n
or suggested by Ankur the fully equivalent Linq-based one that capitalizes on .NET integration
let hasAtLeast n (ss: seq<_>) =
ss.Take(n).Count() >= n
Here's a short, functional solution:
let hasAtLeast n items =
|> Seq.mapi (fun i x -> (i + 1), x)
|> Seq.exists (fun (i, _) -> i = n)
let items = Seq.initInfinite id
items |> hasAtLeast 10000
And here's an optimally efficient one:
let hasAtLeast n (items:seq<_>) =
use e = items.GetEnumerator()
let rec loop n =
if n = 0 then true
elif e.MoveNext() then loop (n - 1)
else false
loop n
Functional programming breaks up work loads into small chunks that do very generic tasks that do one simple thing. Determining if there are at least n items in a sequence is not a simple task.
You already found both the solutions to this "problem", composition of existing algorithms, which works for the majority of cases, and creating your own algorithm to solve the issue.
However I have to wonder whether your first solution wouldn't work. MoveNext() is only called n times on the original method for certain, Current is never called, and even if MoveNext() is called on some wrapper class the performance implications are likely tiny unless n is huge.
I was curious so I wrote a simple program to test out the timing of the two methods. The truncate method was quicker for a simple infinite sequence and one that had Sleep(1). It looks like I was right when your correction sounded like overengineering.
I think clarification is needed to explain what is happening in those methods. Seq.truncate takes a sequence and returns a sequence. Other than saving the value of n it doesn't do anything until enumeration. During enumeration it counts and stops after n values. Seq.length takes an enumeration and counts, returning the count when it ends. So the enumeration is only enumerated once, and the amount of overhead is a couple of method calls and two counters.
Using Linq this would be as simple as:
let hasAtLeast n (ss: seq<_>) =
ss.Take(n).Count() >= n
Seq take method blows up if there are not enough elements.
Example usage to show it traverse seq only once and till required elements:
seq { for i = 0 to 5 do
printfn "Generating %d" i
yield i }
|> hasAtLeast 4 |> printfn "%A"
Is this function tail-recursive ?
let rec rec_algo1 step J =
if step = dSs then J
let a = Array.init (Array2D.length1 M) (fun i -> minby1J i M J)
let argmin = a|> Array.minBy snd |> fst
rec_algo1 (step+1) (argmin::J)
In general, is there a way to formally check it ?
This function is tail-recursive; I can tell by eyeballing it.
In general it is not always easy to tell. Perhaps the most reliable/pragmatic thing is just to check it on a large input (and make sure you are compiling in 'Release' mode, as 'Debug' mode turns off tail calls for better debugging).
Yes, you can formally prove that a function is tail-recursive. Every expression reduction has a tail-position, and if all recursions are in tail-positions then the function is tail-recursive. It's possible for a function to be tail-recursive in one place, but not in another.
In the expression let pat = exprA in exprB only exprB is in tail-position. That is, while you can go evaluate exprA, you still have to come back to evaluate exprB with exprA in mind. For every expression in the language, there's a reduction rule that tells you where the tail position is. In ExprA; ExprB it's ExprB again. In if ExprA then ExprB else ExprC it's both ExprB and ExprC and so on.
The compiler of course knows this as it goes. However the many expressions available in F# and the many internal optimizations carried out by the compiler as it goes, e.g. during pattern match compiling, computation expressions like seq{} or async{} can make knowing which expressions are in tail-position non-obvious.
Practically speaking, with some practice it's easy for small functions to determine a tail call by just looking at your nested expressions and checking the slots which are NOT in tail positions for function calls. (Remember that a tail call may be to another function!)
You asked how we can formally check this so I'll have a stab. We first have to define what it means for a function to be tail-recursive. A recursive function definition of the form
let rec f x_1 ... x_n = e
is tail recursive if all calls of f inside e are tail calls - ie. occur in a tail context. A tail context C is defined inductively as a term with a hole []:
C ::= []
| e
| let p = e in C
| e; C
| match e with p_1 -> C | ... | p_n -> C
| if e then C else C
where e is an F# expression, x is a variable and p is a pattern. We ought to expand this to mutually recursive function definitions but I'll leave that as an exercise.
Lets now apply this to your example. The only call to rec_algo1 in the body of the function is in this context:
if step = dSs then J
let a = Array.init (Array2D.length1 M) (fun i -> minby1J i M J)
let argmin = a|> Array.minBy snd |> fst
And since this is a tail context, the function is tail-recursive. This is how functional programmers eyeball it - scan the body of the definition for recursive calls and then verify that each occurs in a tail context. A more intuitive definition of a tail call is when nothing else is done with the result of the call apart from returning it.