Port forwarding in Jelastic with Docker - docker

I have simple application which has rest api on port 4567 and run it in my docker container in jelastic cloud.
Now I want to forward port 4567 to the external world. When I run docker locally I can do it like that: docker run -d -p 4567:4567 -ti myapp /bin/bash
But how can I do that in jelastic without external IP? I've also tried to use jelastic endpoints but port is not available.
Also found some information on jelastic's docs: "In case your Docker container does not have an external IP attached, Jelastic performs an automatic port redirect.
This means that if application listens to a custom port on TCP level, Jelastic will try to automatically detect it and forward all the incoming requests to this port number.
As a result, in most cases, your dockerized app or service will become available over the Internet under the corresponding node’s domain right after creation."
To build docker image I use Dockerfile and it has "EXPOSE 4567" field.

Pay attention that there is no need to expose ports in Jelastic because it uses PCS container-based virtualization, which is more technologically advanced compared to the native Docker containers’ implementation: it has the built-in support of the natural virtual host-routed network adapters.
By default, Jelastic automatically detects the ports, that are predefined to be listened by an application within the appropriate Docker image settings, and applies the required redirects to ensure container’s accessibility right after the deployment.
Let us explain which ports are listening on Shared Load Balancer (SLB) and can be forwarded to the containers:
80 -> HTTP
8080 -> HTTP
8686 -> HTTP
8443 -> SSL
4848 (glassfish admin) -> SSL
4949 (wildfly admin) -> HTTP
7979 (import/export feature) -> SSL
In the case when you want to specify another port instead of selected by auto-redirect functionality you can do it by specifying the JELASTIC_EXPOSE docker variable in the environment settings wizard to specify the needed port.
JELASTIC_EXPOSE variable should be used, with the following values as possible:
0 or DISABLED or FALSE - to disable auto-redirect
a number within the 1-65535 range - to define the required port for setting the corresponding redirect
Also, you can either map the required private port via endpoint (for being accessible over Shared LB) and bind your service to the received address and shared port.


Map Google Cloud VM docker port to HTTPS

I have a Google Cloud VM which runs a docker image. The docker image runs a specific JAVA app which runs on port 1024. I have pointed my domain DNS to the VM public IP.
This works, as I can go to mydomain.com:1024 and access my app. Since Google Cloud directly exposes the docker port as a public port. However, I want to access the app through https://example.com (port 443). So basically map port 443 to port 1024 in my VM.
Note that my docker image starts a nginx service. Previously I configured the java app to run on port 443, then the nginx service listened to 443 and Google Cloud exposed this HTTPS port so everthing worked fine. But I cannot use the port 443 anymore for my app for specific reasons.
Any ideas? Can I configure nginx somehow to map to this port? Or do I setup a load balancer to proxy the traffic (which seems rather complex as this is all pretty new to me)?
Ps. in Google Cloud you cannot use "docker run -p 443:1024 ..." which basically does the same if I am right. But the containerized VMs do not allow this.
Container Optimized OS maps ports one to one. Port 1000 in the container is mapped to 1000 on the public interface. I am not aware of a method to change that.
For your case, use Compute Engine with Docker or a load balancer to proxy connections.
Note: if you use a load balancer, your app does not need to manage SSL/TLS. Offload SSL/TLS to the load balancer and just publish HTTP within your application. Google can then manage your SSL certificate issuance and renewal for you. You will find that managing SSL certificates for containers is a deployment pain.

Docker host multiple containers with different ip address but on same port

I have three tomcat containers running on different bridge networks with different subnet and gateway
For example:
container1 bridge1
container2 bridge2
container3 bridge3
These containers are running on different ports like 8081, 8082, 8083
Is there any way to run all three containers in same 8081?
If it is possible, how can I do it in docker.
You need to set-up a reverse proxy. As the name suggests, this is a proxy that works in an opposite way from the standard proxy. While standard proxy gets requests from internal network and serves them from external networks (internet), the reverse proxy gets requests from external network and serves them by fetching information from internal network.
There are multiple applications that can serve as a reverse proxy, but the most used are:
HAProxy mainly as a load-balancer
Majority of the reveres proxies can run as another container on your docker. Some of this tools are easy to start since there is ample amount of tutorials.
The reverse proxy is more than just exposing single port and forwarding traffic to back-end ports. The reverse proxy can manage and distribute the load (load balancing), can change the URI that is arriving from the client to a URI that the back-end understands (URL rewriting), can change the response form the back-end (content rewriting), etc.
Reverse HTTP/HTTP traffic
What you need to do to set a reverse proxy, assuming you have HTTP services, in your example is foloowing:
Decide which tool to use. As a beginner, I suggest NginX
Create a configuration file for the proxy which will take the requests from the port 80 and distribute to ports 8081, 8082, 8083. Since the containers are on different network, you will need to decide if you want to forward the traffic to their IP addresses (which I don't recommend since IP can change), or to publish the ports on the host and use the host IP. Another alternative is to run all of them on the same network.
Depending on the case, you need to setup the X-Forwarding-* flags and/or URL rewriting and content rewriting.
Run the container and publish the port 80 as 8080 (if you expose the containers on host, your 8081 will be already taken).
Reverse TCP/UDP traffic
If you have non-HTTP services (raw TCP or UDP services), then you can use HAProxy. Steps are same apart from the configuration step #2. The configuration is different due to non-HTTP nature of the traffic and you can find example in this SO

Forward docker exposed port to another port on the same container without publishing it to the host

I have a container exposing a web app through the 3000 port and another one witch access it by docker dns.
I want to access this container using the 80 port without modifying the web app and without direct exposing it to the host (aka --publish). Basically internally forward the 80 port to the 3000 port.
Is it possible to do it using docker without modifying the container to have socat or something?
No, Docker doesn’t have this capability. The only port remapping is when a port is published outside of Docker space using the docker run -p option, and this never affects inter-service communication. Your only options here are to change the server configuration to listen on port 80, or to change the client configuration to include the explicit port 3000.
(Kubernetes Services do have this capability, and I tend to remap an unprivileged port from a given Pod to the standard HTTP port in a Service, but that’s not a core Docker capability at all.)

Docker app not available with host IP when using automatic port mapping

I am deploying a eureka server on a VM(say host external IP is a.b.c.d) as a docker image. Trying this in 2 ways.
1.I am running the docker image without explicit port mapping : docker run -p 8671 test/eureka-server
Then running docker ps command shows the port mapping as :>8761/tcp
Try accessing the eureka server from outside of the VM with http://a.b.c.d:32769 , its not available.
2.I am running the docker image with explicit port mapping : docker run -p 8761:8761 test/eureka-server
Then running docker ps command shows the port mapping as :>8761/tcp
Try accessing the eureka server from outside of the VM with http://a.b.c.d:8761 , its available.
Why in the first case the eureka server is not available from out side the host machine even if there is a random port(32769) assigned by docker.
Is it necessary to have explicit port mapping to have docker app available from external network ?
Since you're looking for access from the outside world to the host via the mapped port you'll need to ensure that the source traffic is allowed to reach that port on the host and given protocol. I'm not a network security specialist, but I'd suggest that opening up an entire range of ports simply because you don't know which port docker will pick would be a bad idea. If you can, I'd say pick a port and explicitly map it and ensure the firewall allows access to that port from the appropriate source address(es) e.g. ALLOW TCP/8671 in from as an example - obviously your specific address range will vary on your network configuration. Docker compose may help you keep this consistent (as will other orchestration technologies like Kubernetes). In addition if you use cloud hosting services like AWS you may be able to leverage VPC security groups to help you whitelist source traffic to the port without knowing all possible source IP addresses ahead of time.
You either have the firewall blocking this port, or from wherever you are making the requests, for certain ports your outgoing traffic is disabled, so your requests never leave your machine.
Some companies do this. They leave port 80, 443, and couple of more for their intranet, and disable all other destination ports.

Docker network settings and iptables NAT

I have a server running inside a docker container, listening on UDP port, let's say 1234. This port is exposed in Dockerfile.
Also, I have an external server helping with NAT traversal, basically, just sending addresses of the registered server and a client to each other, and allowing to connect to a server by the name it sent during registration.
Now, if I run my container with -P option, my port is getting published as some random port, e.g. 32774. But on the helper server I see my server connected to it from port 1234, and so it can't send a correct address to a client. And a client can't connect at all.
If I run my container explicitly publishing my server on the same port with -p 1234:1234/udp, a client can connect to my server directly. But now on the helper server I see my server connected to it from port 1236, and again it can't send the correct port to a client.
How can this be resolved? My aim is to require as little addition configuration as possible from people who will use my docker image.
EDIT: So, I need either to know my external port number from inside the container to send it to the discovery server, which, as I understand, not possible at the moment, right? Or I need to make outgoing connections from the container and my port to use the same external port as configured for incoming connections - is that possible?
The ports are managed by docker and the docker network adaptor. When using solely -P then the port is exposed docker internally and accessible through docker linking. When using "1234:1234" then the port is mapped on a host port and directly available for a client and also available for linking.
Start the helper server with a link option "--link server container/name". The helper server will connect to host "server" on port 1234. The correct ip address will be managed by docker.
Enable docker to change your iptables configuration, which is docker default. Afterwards the client should be able to connect to both instances. Note that the helper server should provide the host ip and not the docker container ip address. The docker container ip address does only work inside the host where the docker network adapter is running.
