Can't compile image with `gforthmi` - forth

The application shown below
." Hello, world!"
creates the following error when compiling via gforthmi stdout.4th:
/usr/bin/gforthmi: 47: /usr/bin/gforthmi: /usr/lib/gforth/0.7.3/gforth-ditc: not found
/usr/bin/gforthmi: 48: /usr/bin/gforthmi: /usr/lib/gforth/0.7.3/gforth-ditc: not found
redefined th
*OS command line*:-1: No such file or directory
comp-image >>>./temp-image.fi1<<< ./temp-image.fi2 stdout.4th bye
$7F416215C970 throw
$7F41621924F8 slurp-file
rm: cannot remove './temp-image.fi1': No such file or directory
rm: cannot remove './temp-image.fi2': No such file or directory
I am running gforth 0.7.3 installed on an Ubuntu system via the official Ubuntu PPA.
Have I made a mistake in the way I compile the image? Am I missing any options?

There's couple of issues involved.
For some reason gforth-ditc on ubuntu is located in different path. Not under /usr/bin, but under /use/lib/$MACHTYPE/gforth/$version. I.e. for 64-bit ubuntu and gforth version 0.7.2 I have it located at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gforth/0.7.2/gforth-ditc. Find it in your system and specify with GFORTHD environment variable.
Second problem is with your test sample. It shouldn't end with bye, as that will terminate gforth-ditc (used by gforthmi) without possibly saving anything, as savesystem word passed as arguments to gforth-ditc will never be reached.
Another hint - your test sample will be interpreted during compilation, but won't contribute any code to generated image. At least define some words to be called after your image is loaded :)


Weirdness with running a ruby-on-rails program from procmail

I am trying to run a ruby program that is part of a RoR project from .procmailrc. From the command line the entire .procmailrc action line works fine, but when a real email message is processed through Procmail I'm getting the following error:
/bin/sh: line 1: 12625 File size limit exceeded(core dumped) /usr/bin/rails r test.rb
test.rb is just a simple script that copies from STDIN to a temp file.
My .procmailrc is
:0: $HOME/alerts.lock
* ^X-mailer: X-System Alert Info
| cd /usr/local/src/Alert; /usr/bin/rails r ./test.rb
Anyone have any idea what's going on?
EDIT: I should note that replacing /usr/bin/rails r ./test.rb in .procmailrc with a perl program that does the same thing (as test.rb) works.
It seems, as with all the other "File size limit exceeded" questions out there, it was indeed a large file. What threw me was that
I am running a 64-bit Fedora and thought the 2G file size limit did not apply to 64-bit OS's, and
The size of the culprit file was not even over 1G!!
Found this by changing the action line of the .procmailrc recipe to run the same program out of another RoR project and that worked. To make a long story short, in the end it turned out to be the development.log file in the project's log/ directory. As I said in 2. above, the file was only 192M, but as soon as I emptied it the .procmailrc recipe started working.

Sublime Text 3 LaTeXTools plugin won't compile on Debian

When doing Ctrl+B on SublimeText3, the following error is output:
[Compiling first.tex]
TraditionalBuilder: Invoking latexmk...
Attempted command:latexmk -cd -e $pdflatex='pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode -synctex=1 %S %O' -f -pdf first.tex
Build engine: Traditional Builder
Running the exact same command compiles a pdf file just fine.
This answer does not solve the problem, as I've
Removed spaces around "="
Done a "Reconfigure LaTeXTools and migrate settings".
Made sure pdflatex is installed.
Made sure the path for texpath is correct.
If your command runs on terminal then most likely there is an issue either with the path or with the command itself (in the file). There has been some update to the README file by the developer:
some distros do not want a space before and after the = in $pdflatex = %E. But some do want the space there (sigh!)
sometimes latexmk is not on the PATH, or the path is not correctly picked up by ST. In this case, instead of "latexmk", use "/usr/bin/latexmk" or wherever latexmk is in your system.
some distros require quoting the $pdflatex assignment, as in "$pdflatex = \"'%E -interaction=nonstopmode -synctex=1 %S %O'\""
So it might take a while but you'll find it eventually in the settings or the file.
Also when I tried putting /usr/bin/latexmk, latex did not produce the correct pdf (I checked it with few changes and it just opened the old pdf) but in your case it might work.
Also, at least in Arch Linux I can't run sublime with sublime-text but instead with subl so I changed that too in the settings (I don't know if it actually matters) and I needed to change the permissions for the files because user-run sublime could not access my settings files!

How do I save a ruby file? (error)

I am receiving the error No such file or directory in my command line and I think it's because I am not saving the ruby files somewhere specific. All I did was create a random folder where I would save my ruby files.
Do I need to save my scripts in the original ruby folder? Thanks!
** This is Windows 7.
More info -
All I did was make a simple file named "Matz.rb" because I'm currently reading the O'reilly Ruby book. In my code all I wrote was puts "Hello Matz". I saved this on my desktop. When I go to the command line it and I write ruby matz.rb it says "ruby: No such file or directory -- matz.rb " Please help :(
If this has something to do with PATH or shells, I honestly have no idea what those really are because I just started coding last night.
You are most likely not in the right folder. You somehow need to tell the ruby interpreter where it is looking for the file.
Either make sure you're in the right folder - the cd command allows you to change location:
cd C:\Users\Username\Desktop
ruby Matz.rb
or specify the path explicitly:
ruby C:\Users\Username\Desktop\Matz.rb
By default, the ruby interpreter will look in your current directory (the location shown in your prompt) for whatever filename you give it.
Edit: I'll attempt to explain what I mean step-by-step.
When you initially open the command prompt, it will indicate what folder you are in (your "current working directory") in the prompt:
C:\Users\YourUsername >
In the above example, you are working in the C:\Users\YourUsername folder.
You can move directories using the cd command. For example, typing cd Desktop moves you into the folder called Desktop, assuming such a folder exists in your current location
You can move to another folder outside your current folder by specifying explicitly where you want to be: cd C:\Another\Place
When you run a ruby command such as ruby Matz.rb, the system knows how to find the ruby program because the installer placed its location into the PATH environment variable. Don't worry about this too much, this just explains the "magic" by which it knows what ruby means, no matter where you are.
Ruby finds the file you specify (in the above example, Matz.rb) by looking in the current directory. To re-iterate, it is looking in whatever folder is written right there in your prompt.
You can tell ruby to look outside the current folder by specifying the full path (as shown in the answer above).
To go from a new command window that you've just opened, to typing ruby Matz.rb and having it work, you need to do the following:
Move to the correct directory
Run the command
If we assume your username is alex and you have a folder on your desktop called "rubycode", which contains Matz.rb, you could do this:
Open a command prompt, which will most likely start in C:\Users\Alex
Move to the rubycode folder on your desktop: cd Desktop\rubycode. All subsequent commands will be working from within this folder.
Run the ruby command, specifying the file: ruby Matz.rb
Continue to run ruby commands as you learn ruby.
I hope that makes sense.

How to use luadoc in ubuntu/linux?

As the title says, how to use luadoc in ubuntu/linux? I generated documentation in windows using batch file but no success in ubuntu. Any ideas?
Usage: /usr/bin/luadoc [options|files]
Generate documentation from files. Available options are:
-d path output directory path
-t path template directory path
-h, --help print this help and exit
--noindexpage do not generate global index page
--nofiles do not generate documentation for files
--nomodules do not generate documentation for modules
--doclet doclet_module doclet module to generate output
--taglet taglet_module taglet module to parse input code
-q, --quiet suppress all normal output
-v, --version print version information
First off, I have little experience with Luadoc, but a lot of experience with Ubuntu and Lua, so I'm basing all my points off of that knowledge and a quick install that I've just done of luadoc. Luadoc, as far as I can see, is a Lua library (so can also be used in Lua scripts as well as bash). To make documentation (in bash), you just run
luadoc file.lua
(where file is the name of your file that you want to create documentation for)
The options -d and -t are there to choose where you want to put the file and what template you want to use (which I have no clue about, I'm afraid :P). For example (for -d):
luadoc file.lua -d ~/Docs
As far as I can see, there is little else to explain about the actual options (as your code snippet explains what they do well enough).
Now, looking at the errors you obtained when running (lua5.1: ... could not open "index.html" for writing), I'd suggest a few things. One, if you compiled the source code, then you may have made a mistake somewhere, such as not installing dependencies (which I'd be surprised about, because otherwise you wouldn't have been able to make it at all). If you did, you could try getting it from the repos with
sudo apt-get install luadoc
which will install the dependencies too. This is probably the problem, as my working copy of luadoc runs fine from /usr/bin with the command
which means that your luadoc is odd, or you're doing something funny (which I cannot work out from what you've said). I presume that you have lua5.1 installed (considering the errors), so it's not to do with that.
My advice to you is to try running
luadoc file.lua
in the directory of file.lua with any old lua file (although preferably one with at least a little data in) and see if it generates an index.html in the same folder (don't change the directory with -d, for testing purposes). If that DOESN'T work, then reinstall it from the repos with apt-get. If doing that and trying luadoc file.lua doesn't work, then reply with the errors, as something bigger is going wrong (probably).

Windows x64 RabbitMQ install error with Erlang environment var (ERLANG_HOME)

I'm ask/answering this question because it hung me up & it's likely someone else will have the same problem.
Install of RabbitMQ x64 v2.8.6 on Windows Server 2008 x64.
After Erlang install using default install location to C:\Program Files\erl5.9.2, I'm attempting to start the server via running the rabbitmq-service.bat. Fail:
Please either set ERLANG_HOME to point to your Erlang installation
or place the RabbitMQ server distribution in the Erlang lib folder.
Problem is the .bat file does not have the correct subpath. with 5.9.2 (R15B02) version of erlang. My ERLANG_HOME directory is set correctly, but the script does not use it correctly for this version of Erlang, which, it appears to this Erlang noob to have a new subdirectory called "erts-5.9.2" which is causing the problems. Maybe someone intimate with these scripts can describe how to make this work correctly without the hack workaround I'm about to describe?
1- Set environment variable:
Variable name : ERLANG_HOME
Variable value: C:\Program Files (x86)\erl6.4
note: don't include bin on above step.
2- Add %ERLANG_HOME%\bin to the PATH environmental variable:
Variable name : PATH
Variable value: %ERLANG_HOME%\bin
This works well.
There are several RabbitMQ control .bat files on windows. Every one you use needs to get changed to reflect the Erlang path correctly. In this example, I'm editing the rabbitmq-server.bat because it's one of the easier ones... any of the .bat files you want to run will need this hack to get them to work, with the rabbitmq_service.bat file being the most involved to adjust.
editing that rabbitmq_server.bat file, you can see on about line 48 or so there's a check to see if the erl.exe is found, but the path isn't correct:
if not exist "!ERLANG_HOME!\bin\erl.exe" (
that path does not match the file structure for the 5.9.2 version of Erlang. I fixed this by simply removing this path check from about line 48 to 58, then, where the .bat actually makes a call to the erl.exe on about line 129 which reads:
I simply hardcoded the path to my erl.exe:
"C:\Program Files\erl5.9.2\erts-5.9.2\bin\erl.exe"
With the pathing correct, the rabbitmq .bat files will run.
I had the similar issue, modifying ERLANG_HOME in .bat files did not work. Then I tried echo %ERLANG_HOME% in command prompt, that did not print the environment variable value(I could see that ERLANG_HOME environment variable has been created under advance system settings), that lead me to believe that I need to restart server for 64 bit installation of Erlang. After rebooting server, It worked like a charm. I hope this helps someone.
Just to share an up-to-date answer as of 2019: On Windows Server 2019, after setting up the environment variable, a restart is required to solve the problem.
I got into same kind of problem.
I solved it by doing three changes as given below.
Update Path variable "ERLANG_HOME" : "C:\Program Files\erl8.0" in Environment Variables.
Upadte "Path" variable "Path" : ";%ERLANG_HOME%\bin;"
Give urself FULL CONTROL permissions over "Program Files" in C drive.
It worked for me in this way.
This problem still occurs in Erlang 18.3 (erl7.3) and RabbitMQ 3.6.9 on Windows when upgrading from any older version of RabbitMQ to version 3.6.9. The solution as already stated here is to manually set ERLANG_HOME with 'setx -m ERLANG_HOME "C:\Program Files\erl7.3"' before starting the service.
What happens is that the RabbitMQ 3.6.9 installer removes the environment variable ERLANG_HOME from the system while removing the older version of RabbitMQ. Then, when it proceeds to the installation step, it does not put back the ERLANG_HOME variable. Then, the batch files that start up RabbitMQ cannot find Erlang. They try to find Erlang's home directory using "where.exe" but it always fails after an upgrade.
RabbitMQ's installer also does not kill all of the Erlang background processes, causing many of its files to be undeletable due to the Windows "file in use" problem. This leaves behind "files in use" in %APPDATA%\RabbitMQ and "C:\Program Files\RabbitMQ." These processes are "erl.exe," "erlsrv.exe," and "epmd.exe." The RabbitMQ installer should taskkill these processes after shutting down the RabbitMQ Windows service.
RabbitMQ is rather clunky on Windows.
Download Erlang or OTP - Only one Version of OTP should be installed
Download RabbitMQ installer
Install both exe file as Administrator
Set class path for Erlang. (Setting classpath is a bit troublesome, so follow these steps)
Set a new path with name ERLANG_HOME and value C:\Program Files\erl-23.1 (do not copy bin folder here)
Edit System "path" and add %ERLANG_HOME%\bin
Go to Start - Open rabbitmq command promt and run
rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management
Navigate to localhost:15672
Use guest/guest to login
Interesting that this worked for you. There is record of a two bugs in Erl5.9.2 that cause an incomplete installation where %ERLANG_HOME%\bin is not installed.
Either of
* Installed 64bit erlang on 32bit machine
* "The program can't start because MSVCR100.dll is missing from your computer."
Try 5.9.1 or any other version. They also mention making the future versions of the installer alert you if it fails.
I just had the same problem mentioned here. I installed otp_win64_R15B02 on a Windows 7 machine and everything worked perfectly, but I used the same installer on a Windows 2008 server and the bin directory was not created. I then uninstalled otp_win64_R15B02 and downloaded the otp_win64_R15B02_with_MSVCR100_installer_fix and the bin directory was created.
I suspect the reason it worked on my Windows 7 system is that I have Visual Studio installed and the required libraries were already available which allowed the otp_win64_R15B02 installer to work correctly.
Oh, and if you're installing Erlang to run RabbitMQ the RabbitMQ install will succeed with the broken installer but installing otp_win64_R15B02_with_MSVCR100_installer_fix after RabbitMQ will not work, just un-install and re-install RabbitMQ to resolve this.
Just give C:\Program Files\erl10.6\ not C:\Program Files\erl10.6\bin\erl.exe in the environment variable. If you open the server.bat file I came to know the issueenter image description here
I think this is encoding issue on windows.I see a correct value but I write echo %ERLANG_HOME% on console the value come with question mark. These steps fix it.
1.go environment variable window
2.edit ERLANG_HOME item
3.copy the value, open notepad and paste there
4.copy again on notepad and paste to edit window
5.apply and exit window
6.close command line tools and reopen rabbitmq bat file.
I solved it in a quick and dirty way,without naming path variables
I've opened the bat file and replaced every occurrence of
with hard coded path for example might be diffrent path for you because of diffrent version
C:\Program Files\erl10.3\erts-10.3\bin\erl.exe
and replaced
C:\Program Files\RabbitMQ Server\rabbitmq_server-3.7.14\escript\rabbitmq-plugins
Even I was this problem. The issue was the environment variable ERLANG_HOME=c:\Program Files\erl9.0 which was never existed.
I cross checked the path. The correct path was c:\Program Files\erl9.3.
After correcting the
ERLANG_HOME=c:\Program Files\erl9.3
the problem solved. So, definitely it is a path issue.
In my case, it should be installed erlang using admin role running
If above solutions doesn't work for you then you can try following
Find another compatible version of erlang for your rabbit mq e.g. for rabbit 3.7.x erlang version 20.3.x to 22.0.x all are compatible .
Right click newly downloaded erlang version and from properties select the option to unblock the file .
Run the erlang with admin persssion .
Re run rabbit mq exe
