Paypal SDK Client ID - ios

I'm confused about the Client ID I have to enter here. I found a few similar answers, but they are all old and don't answer my question.
So I have to enter my Client ID's here:
PayPalMobile.initializeWithClientIds(forEnvironments: [PayPalEnvironmentProduction: "HERE", PayPalEnvironmentSandbox: "HERE"])
But I don't know if I have to create REST API credentials or SDK credentials
I tried REST API first, but it didn't work.
And do I only need client ID's? So I don't have to enter the secrets to the email addresses anywhere?

All you need is to go to paypal developer account then
1- Go to Dashboard.
2- Create app.
3- you will find two tabs(sandbox and production) each one will give you an id to test on either modes.
you should also create testing accounts to make testing payments in sandbox mode
Here is a good documentation for Paypal mobile.


How do I create a test account in adwords

I am trying to work with google adwords API. I was able to optain a developer key, but I simply can't create my test account from manager one. I didn't connect the production account to manager one may be that is an issue. All I see in account types while creating new account is only addword one but no option for test. I wander how to create it. Documentation says nothin
Well I got it. I had to create a new adwords account on an other email address and not fund it at all and then it becomes a test account. There for I can use my api key wich is not approved in google against this account.
Try this link
or this link
See that if it helps you
However, StackOverflow is a platform for asking programming question, You may post identical question type to other platform (For example SEO → ProWebmaster)for the next time :D

Use Twitter API from one account to tweet from another account?

Is it possible to use my twitter API registered account on account X to tweet from another account Y, which is also mine?
Yes, you'd simply have to authenticate as account Y using OAuth 1.0a.
See and for more information.
If you're using Tweepy, see
It seems like Twitter made it intentionally hard to do this. Let me explain how I to do it, based on how I did it,
Create a developer account from your main account and get it approved
Create a separate Twitter account for your bot
In the developer portal Create a project and add an app
copy all the keys and secret keys while you are doing it
Go to user authentication settings in the app details and turn on oAuth 1.0a and OAuth (copy all the keys and keep it in a notepad)
go to tw-oob-oauth-cli and download the relevant binary with respect to your OS.
remove the part after tw-oob-oauth from the file name.
run ./tw-oob-oauth --key ${your_consumer_key} --secret ${your_consumer_secret}
your_consumer_key means your API key, and your_consumer_secret means your API secret (those are basically at the top of your copied keys or you can find them in the keys and tokens section of your app in the developer portal).
Follow the instructions shown in your command prompt after running the command
Finally You will get an Access Token and Token Secret
Use those two along with API key and secret to run your bot.
Hope it saves some hours of your valuable time, Cheers!

Issues in PayPal live transaction via PayPal iOS SDK

I am developing an iOS application for iPad, version 7.x. We Need to perform PayPal transaction via the application. We included PayPal iOS SDK and referring their sample code to perform the transaction.
The sample code is placed here
There are enough funds in the customer account
Also, we have proper Client ID and secret key where funds needs to be transferred.
Both payee and payer have live accounts.
Transaction via their Sandbox account was sucess
Upon debugging the code, we found that we are able to create the payment. However, we get error while the payment is about to be approved.
Here are the error details
PayPal SDK: Request has failed with error: UNKNOWN_ERROR - System error (UNKNOWN_ERROR). Please try again later. (400) | PayPal Debug-ID: 3e8087cbf6bd1 [live, PayPal iOS SDK 2.1.2]
Is there any specific configuration which we need to include in our code for making live transaction?
Or is there specific configuration that needs to be done, in one of the accounts?
Or is there something missing the sample code provided by PayPal iOS SDK? Please advice.
The issue is that you are not using the correct ClientID. The client ID you are using is not associated with an active App from yoiur developer portal. To correct this, please go into the developer portal and either use a different client ID from a different 'active' app or create a new app.
We discussed this issue with PayPal Technical Support team, and here was the FIX:
We’ve found the issue is actually not with buyer account, some flag was not updated for merchant account "” due to a bug which had in our system at the time it was created.
The fastest workaround to resolve this would be if you could please add another email to same account "”.
Steps to add another email address to "” :
Please login to the PayPal account.
Click on Profile—> Email address. Add another email address.
This solved our issue.

can't find where to create adwords developer token

I'm truing to figure out how to create an adwords developer token in new google interface. It was in settings tab formerly (right here at the screenshot but now it's gone. I looked through almost all links and didn't find an answer. So I really appreciate your help guys! Thanks!
If you create a campaign in your MCC (manager account), the MCC became normal Account, and you cant find "AdWords API Center" option.
I had to re-create another MCC
This thread is kind of old, but I just went through this so I can highlight the things that were confusing to me.
You need to create a legitimate MCC account, AND a test account. In the real one you need to apply for a developer token. You want to put this token in the properties file here api.adwords.developerToken
From your test MCC you need to create a test client. Use the clientId from the TEST client you just created in api.adwords.clientCustomerId in the properties file.
You need to get an API token for your app (and an OAuth token) through Google's developer console
Make sure the active google account session for your browser is for the email you registered your TEST Account to. Run the script they give to get the refresh token and put it here api.adwords.refreshToken in the properties file.
Now you're using your test developer token from your real account and given permissions to use the test account.
Google made this way more confusing than it had to be in my opinion...hopefully this helps someone figure it out though!
There are two types of Adwords Manager accounts, normal and testing.
How to get a testing account
With the normal one, I got the developer token but I cannot run nothing throught the API because the account was not approved.
So I created a testing account, which allows to work with the API without the need of being approved.
With the testing account I didn't saw the Adwords API Center link under Account Settings.
Reading documentation I saw the developer token of a normal account can be used with a different Adwords account.
So I'm using the info (client_id, client_secret, oauth_token) of a testing Adwords account and the developer token a normal Adwords account.
To get the Oauth_token you can use the OAuth Playground (remember to set the Playground link for redirection on your Oauth credentials).
Instructions to get a OAuth Playground with Adwords
Please complete the billing details after creating MCC account.
Once that is completed you can see API Center option under Tool Icon.
By filling billing details doesn't charge you but its just for verification purpose.
I just had the same issue.
Go here:
Click "Create a manager account", follow the prompts and voila.

Migration Questions from Paypal MPL to PaypalMobile iOS SDK

We are migrating from MPL to Paypal Mobile iOS SDK and we have what you call classic app. We could not find the migration guide and are having following questions.
The new sdk needs client id. Is the client id same as API Key?
According to the guide
"You need two credentials:
clientId: Available on the PayPal developer site.
receiverEmail: Your PayPal account email address
These are used to identify you as the recipient of payments. Both are public credentials; there is no need to attempt to obscure them or keep them private.
Important The receiverEmail should match the account used to get your client_id and secret."
We are not a receiver. We only facilitate payments between our users. Also we don't have a secret key. How do we let our users pay to other users?
In our app, user can pay their peers and also service providers. How do we make the distinction?
Your help is really appreciated!
Josh from PayPal here.
The PayPal iOS SDK does not currently have support for peer to peer payments.
The client_id is not the same as an API Key. You can get one from the PayPal developer website.
If you don't need support for direct credit card payments (sender has no PayPal account) you don't need the client_id. There is an option in the SDK to suppress direct credit card option. All you need to do is pass the payee's email address when initializing PaymentViewController. You can see the code snippet at
