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Closed 5 years ago.
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My last release of application which is 12.8 is rejected by apple saying that i have to add the IPv6 support to the app, I read and reviewed the recommended apple doc named Supporting IPv6 DNS64/NAT64 Networks thoroughly and came to know that already i am using the NSURLConnection class for network connectivity which is mentioned in the same doc, you can see the image from doc under section "Ensuring IPv6 DNS64/NAT64 Compatibility" mentioning the name of NSURLConnection class as a one of recommended class, below is that image
See the Recommended column in above image,
I thought something might be wrong. So, I did the set up of "local IPv6 Wi-Fi network on our Mac" as per the suggestion in the same apple doc under section *"Test for IPv6 DNS64/NAT64 Compatibility Regularly" and I wondered that the app is working like a charm without any issue or warning in debugger related to network connectivity.
I want some suggestions and recommendations from you related to same issue that is i am missing something to add support to IPv6 network connectivity. I have googled around for same thing and found the solutions whatever i have already tested, but still why apple rejected the app that i need to fix.
Any help will be highly appreciated.
Also not able to get one thing that this is the version 12.8 the app is on app store from last 3 years till the day apple never asked or raised the bug for adding support to IPv6.
Don't believe everything that a reviewer says. You might think that I'm, pardon me for my language, bull-shiting. I am not. They use an iPad to test an app unless it doesn't support such. I got two of my iPhone & iPad apps rejected for the exactly same reason. In the end, they were wrong. One app which keeps track of subway train arrivals connecting a remote server got rejected at the beginning of last Jan. for that reason. But they tested the app at 4 AM according to a screenshot they showed me. No subway is running at that time in my country. The app was working as expected. When I said that to the reviwer through the resolution board, he approved it in a matter of minutes. The other app, which uses the device camera, got rejected for the same reason some 10 days ago. But it doesn't even get on the Internet in the first place. So I was very suspicous. And I appealed. After talking to an appeal board person, it turned out that the app crashed on the iPad because of its support of the camera flash, which the iPad doesn't have.
So what should you do? Talk to the reviewer and ask for more information. So let me say again. Don't believe everything they say when they mention IPv6.
Sometimes apple is really behaves like strange, Nothing was there related to IPv6 support already as i have mentioned in question the network connectivity framework i used "NSURLConnection" supports the IPv6, Still why/how the reviewer raised that issue dont know, It wasted my lot of time, Yesterday i push the app to app store and today it is approved,
Whatever #EI Tomato told was right.
Happy Coding to all!!
I too got faced the same issue. I replied the review team to test the app build again and to provide me crash logs.
And withing a day, my app is approved for distribution.
So if anyone facing the same issue, make sure you test your app against IPv6 WiFi hotspot (Apple source).
If it worked with that environment, reply app review team to review again as it worked with the suggested environment. Most probably your app will get approved after that :)
Hope it might help someone. Upvote if it answered your issue. :)
Thanks to #El Tomato.
[Rejection reason from Apple for my case]
Guideline 2.1 - Performance - App Completeness
We discovered one or more bugs in your app when reviewed on iPad running iOS 11.2 on Wi-Fi connected to an IPv6 network.
Specifically, your app was unresponsive upon launch.
Please see attached screenshots for details.
[My reply to them]
The app (Binary (0.0.xxxxx)) is working fine in our iPad and iPhone running iOS 11.2.1.
Can you please review again with the Binary (0.0.xxxxx)?
Is it possible for us to get the crash log, if any?
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Closed last year.
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My app is rejected with the following message i don't fully understand, because there is a login and it is not Apple related. I provided the login in Resolution Center.
Guideline 2.1 - Performance - App Completeness
Specifically, we were still unable to Sign up or Sign in with Apple. Please review the details below and complete the next steps.
Review device details:
Device type: iPhone and iPad
OS version: iOS 14.4
Next Steps
Please run your app on a device to reproduce the issues, then revise and submit your app for review.
If at first you're unable to reproduce the issue, try the following:
For new apps, uninstall all previous versions of your app from a device, then install and follow the steps to reproduce.
For app updates, install the new version as an update to the previous version, then follow the steps to reproduce.
If we misunderstood the intended behavior of your app, please reply to this message in Resolution Center to provide information on how these features were intended to work.
I can give you multiple options to debug and solve this problem: There is an issue with 14.4 and xcode 12 related to apple login. You can try with iOS 13 and submit video at resolution centre.
Is it due to two factor authentication ? Cross-check apple ID settings.
Try changing http to https on web server, if applicable.
Let us know which option was useful to you.
It sounds like Apple believes there is a social login (Google, Facebook, etc) included in your app. You're going to need to ensure there's not.
You've already mentioned that there's not - but perhaps there is some package you're using which includes code that triggers some automated flagging process? Review your third party dependencies.
The best thing you can do though is get more specificity from Apple. They will usually clarify rejection notices if you contact them with questions.
We have an app that registers and runs a NetworkExtension (specifically NEPacketTunnelProvider) on both iOS and macOS. This works fine (although not in the iOS simulator, of course, known limitation). However, when the network extension is running, the App Store on macOS/iOS, and TestFlight on iOS, fail to update the app. It looks like they're waiting for the NetworkExtension to terminate, but not actually asking the VPN to disconnect.
We don't want our users to have to think about killing our VPN (which should stay connected whenever possible), but we don't want them to have to think about updates either - they should happen automatically.
Are we missing something? Is there an event we should be listening on to detect that the store is trying to install an app update? Conditions when we should arrange for the VPN to terminate, safe in the knowledge that it will be restarted again after being updated?
Apple had bugs regarding this issue. It was supposed to be ok since iOS 11 (and macOS 10.13 or 10.14), but then users reported that the problem still exists. Several bugs regarding this are still probably open at Apple's bugs reports, but we can't check their status.
You can ask again at their forum, and open another bug regarding this issue.
Probably there's nothing else you can do.
Those are only some of the reports related to this issue:
Edit: Someone just posted a question regarding this at Apple's forum. It might be you who posted to question, but maybe it's someone else, so there's another reference:
Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.
This question does not appear to be about programming within the scope defined in the help center.
Closed 3 years ago.
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From Apple
2. 1 Performance: App Completeness
Guideline 2.1 - Performance - App Completeness
We discovered one or more bugs in your app when reviewed on iPad running iOS 12.1.1 on Wi-Fi.
Specifically, we were unable to connect to the internet
Next Steps
To resolve this issue, please run your app on a device to identify any issues, then revise and resubmit your app for review.
If we misunderstood the intended behavior of your app, please reply to this message in Resolution Center to provide information on how these features were intended to work.
For new apps, uninstall all previous versions of your app from a device, then install and follow the steps to reproduce the issue. For updates, install the new version as an update to the previous version, then follow the steps to reproduce the issue.
For information about testing your app and preparing it for review, please see Technical Note TN2431: App Testing Guide.
For a networking overview, please review About Networking. For a more specific overview of App Review’s IPv6 requirements, please review the IPv6 and App Review discussion on the Apple Developer Forum.
Please help to solve this issue and enable app for external tester or generate public url for app.
Disclaimer: We are checking internet connectivity on login and its working good in iPad and iPhone both.
Apple is testing your app in ipv6 connection. so it may get timeout or network not connected errors.
you can check this similar question and can debug your issue.
IPv6 App Store Rejection
Apple App Store IPV6 Requirement
There is an issue in your code:
(flags == NetworkReachabilityFlags.Reachable)
should be:
(flags & NetworkReachabilityFlags.Reachable) != 0
We are facing some weird issue from last couple of days and our app is rejected from apple 3-4 times because of this reason.
"Thank you for your resubmission. We noticed that the previous issue has not been resolved. We are unable to proceed with the review of your app until this issue has been addressed"
Please run your app on a device while connected to an IPv6 network (all apps must support IPv6) to identify any issues, then revise and resubmit your app for review.
We have tested it hundreds times and everything works great with us on same devices. Is it something related to iPv6 ? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
I have same experience. IPv6 rejected
Step 1:
Go to your project and check for all related AF_INET , IPv4
Step 2:
Replace them in AF_INET6 as IPv6
Step 3:
submit those dummy changes version as new project to iTune app store (dont use it for real production just for to PASS test)
Once that confirms you that it PASS, then do those changes to your real production release.
Hope it helps.
Also test your code with IPv6 only to make sure it does not crash.
Closed. This question is not reproducible or was caused by typos. It is not currently accepting answers.
This question was caused by a typo or a problem that can no longer be reproduced. While similar questions may be on-topic here, this one was resolved in a way less likely to help future readers.
Closed 7 years ago.
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I was in the middle of woking on a App in XCode 7 and was pushing it to my phone after making changes. All of a sudden, i was getting a general "security" error.
The app had already been verified and the developer trusted. The XCode console outsputs:
error: failed to launch '/private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/C684E25D-F370-4DFC-B39F-C4508B653EA1/' -- process launch failed: Security
If I go to System Preferences > Profile in my phone and try to verify it, it doesn't do anything and doesn't report any feedback.
I've tried deleting the app, restarting xcode, restarting my phone, etc..
And now, none of my apps will install on my phone for development -- note, I'm only talking about directly launching an app from Xcode to my phone. I'm not using the App Store.
It seems the server Apple uses to verify apps is down again. This has happened before: iOS 9 enterprise app verify failed
All we can do for now is wait until they resolve the issue.
Having the same issue as you, hitting VERIFY does nothing except briefly change my email at the top to 'Verifying", and then changes back. No feedback or notification.
My first thought would be as Dominic said is that the server on Apples side is down. Not sure if that server is listed here:
But they all seem to be operational, so I guess all we have to do is wait.
Edit: As per Dominic's post, this is the proper site:, which is currently down.
For any future people with this error:
If you are having trouble verifying apps on your device, check the above site, if it is down that is almost certainly the cause.