I am trying to implement updating Firebase database once a user taps on a button. When the user logs in (with Facebook in my case), a data structure is created successfully with the initial values in the data tree created.
What I want to accomplish is once the user is in the app and they create a new item it saves it to the database, hence updates the values under one of the already created child values. See my code and screenshot for reference - thanks for any help!
// user taps button to send item to be updated in Firebase data tree
func confirmAddPlace() {
// add place to tableview array
let accessToken = FBSDKAccessToken.current()
guard let accessTokenString = accessToken?.tokenString else { return }
let credentials = FIRFacebookAuthProvider.credential(withAccessToken: accessTokenString)
FIRAuth.auth()?.signIn(with: credentials, completion: { (user, error) in
if error != nil {
print("Something went wrong with our FB user: ", error ?? "")
guard let uid = user?.uid else {
// here is where i am having issues
let ref = FIRDatabase.database().reference().root.child("Users").child(uid).child("Places")
let values = ["place": self.placeNameLabel.text]
func viewController(_ viewController: GMSAutocompleteViewController, didAutocompleteWith place: GMSPlace) {
let placeID = place.placeID
placesClient.lookUpPlaceID(placeID, callback: { (place, error) -> Void in
if let error = error {
print("lookup place id query error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
guard let place = place else {
let selectedPlace = place.formattedAddress
if let name = selectedPlace as String!
self.placeNameLabel.text = "Are you sure you would like to add \(name) to your places?"
You want to change the value of Places, which is the value in the child of child(uid).
let values = ["place": self.placeNameLabel.text]
let ref = FIRDatabase.database().reference().root.child("users").child(uid).updateChildValues(["Places": values])
user3708224 - You could try this:
let values = ["place": self.placeNameLabel.text]
// create a child reference that uses a date as the key
let date = Date()
let ref = FIRDatabase.database().reference().root.child("users").child(uid).child(date).updateChildValues(["Places": values])
If you want more control of what components are in the date object try this:
let calendar = Calendar.current
let year = calendar.component(.year, from: date)
// you can do the same with [.month, .day, .hour, .minute, and more]
// This will allow you to have control of how frequently they can update the DB
// And it will allow you to sort by date
If you want to upload it to Firebase as a String try this:
This function returns the Date as a String
- "Year-Month-Day"
If the character ' / ' is used in place of ' - ' Firebase will make each component child of the previous component.
func getDate() -> String {
let date = Date()
let calendar = Calendar.current
// hours + min: -\(calendar.component(.hour, from: date))-\(calendar.component(.minute, from: date))
return "\(calendar.component(.year, from: date))-\(calendar.component(.month, from: date))-\(calendar.component(.day, from: date))"
let values = ["place": self.placeNameLabel.text]
let ref = FIRDatabase.database().reference().root.child("users").child(uid).child(getDate()).updateChildValues(["Places": values])
I have a collection on Firestore and I listen for changes like this:
func createMatchesListener(){
let db = Firestore.firestore()
guard let currentUid = Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid else { return }
matchesListener = db.collection("Matches").document(currentUid).collection("Matches").addSnapshotListener({ snapshot, error in
if let error = error{
snapshot?.documentChanges.forEach({ change in
if change.type == .added{
// do things
I only want to listen for documents that are actually added to that collection.
In fact, the problem is that whenever I invoke this function I receive all the documents of the collection as added documents and then I also receive documents added later.
How can I listen just for actually added later documents, ignoring the ones already present in the collection? Searching online I didn't find any solution to this issue.
This is the way I tried to solve the problem:
func createMatchesListener(){
guard let currentUid = Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid else { return }
getUidsAlreadyMade { uidsAlreadyMade in
matchesListener = db.collection("Matches").document(currentUid).collection("Matches").addSnapshotListener({ snapshot, error in
if let error = error{
snapshot?.documentChanges.forEach({ change in
if change.type == .added{
let data = change.document.data()
let userId = data["uid"] as? String ?? ""
if uidsAlreadyMade.contains(userId) == false{
//means the uid is newly created in the collection, do stuff accordingly
if change.type == .removed{
// if the document has been removed, remove also the id from the array of uids
let data = change.document.data()
let currentUid = data["uid"] as? String ?? ""
arrayOfUidsAlreadyMade.removeAll { $0 == currentUid }
func getUidsAlreadyMade(completion: #escaping ([String]) -> Void){
guard let currentUid = Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid else { return }
db.collection("Matches").document(currentUid).collection("Matches").getDocuments { snapshot, error in
if let error = error{
snapshot?.documents.forEach({ doc in
let dict = doc.data()
let userId = dict["uid"] as? String ?? ""
A simple solution is to include a timestamp in your Firestore documents.
Suppose your documents store Tasks, for example
task: "get dinner"
timestamp: 20211123
and suppose your app doesn't care about past tasks, only new ones.
When the tasks are read, update the timestamp as to when that occurred.
Then each time after that you want to read only 'new data' specify that in your listener, keeping track of when the last read timestamp was:
db.collection("task").whereField("timestamp", isGreaterThan: lastReadTimeStamp).addSnapshotListener...
The above will only read in tasks that occured after the prior timestamp and add a Listener (reading in all of the new tasks so you can populate the UI).
You can store an array with the ID of the documents that you already have stored in the device. That way, all that you need to do before doing things is checking that document's id is not in your array
There's no way of preventing Firestore from returning the initial snapshot of documents when a document listener is added, so just use a boolean to keep track of the initial snapshot and ignore it.
var listenerDidInit = false
func createMatchesListener(){
let db = Firestore.firestore()
guard let currentUid = Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid else { return }
matchesListener = db.collection("Matches").document(currentUid).collection("Matches").addSnapshotListener({ snapshot, error in
if let error = error{
if listenerDidInit {
snapshot?.documentChanges.forEach({ change in
if change.type == .added{
// do things
} else {
listenerDidInit = true
private var listener: ListenerRegistration?
self.listener = db.collection("Matches") // matchesListener
I followed this guide on how to setup a SLComposeViewController, and it includes on how to set up configuration items.
I'm pulling from a MongoDB database to get the most recently modified item. Here is my configurationItems():
override func configurationItems() -> [Any]! {
let configurationItems = [editConfigurationItem]
return configurationItems
and here is my editConfigurationItem variable:
lazy var editConfigurationItem: SLComposeSheetConfigurationItem = {
func getFirstCategory(completion: #escaping(String) -> ()) {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
let email: String = customKeychainWrapperInstance.string(forKey: "email") ?? ""
let password: String = customKeychainWrapperInstance.string(forKey: "password") ?? ""
app.login(credentials: Credentials.emailPassword(email: email, password: password)) { (maybeUser, error) in
DispatchQueue.main.sync {
guard error == nil else {
print("Login failed: \(error!)");
guard let _ = maybeUser else {
fatalError("Invalid user object?")
print("Login succeeded!");
let user = app.currentUser!
let configuration = user.configuration(partitionValue: user.id)
let predata = try! Realm(configuration: configuration)
let unsortedData = predata.objects(Tiktoks.self)
let data = unsortedData.sorted(byKeyPath: "date", ascending: false)
let firstCategory = data[0].category
let firstCategoryId = data[0]._id
self.selectedId = firstCategoryId
let item = SLComposeSheetConfigurationItem()!
item.title = "collection"
item.valuePending = true
getFirstCategory() { (firstCategory) in
item.valuePending = false
item.value = firstCategory // Using self as the closure is running in background
item.tapHandler = self.editConfigurationItemTapped
return item
(Sorry for the messiness of the code, I'm new to Swift)
So far it works, but the item.value variable doesn't get updated in the UI. It "infinitely loads" until you click on the configuration item. When the configuration item is tapped to go to another view though, the actual variable from the database shows for a split second before showing the next view. When you go back from that other view, the actual variable is there.
It looks like to me that the configuration item isn't updating. I see that there is a reloadConfigurationItems(), but by putting that in my editConfigurationItem will cause a loop I would think (and it also errors out too). The documentation even says:
In particular, you don’t need to call this method after you change a configuration item property, because the SLComposeServiceViewController base class automatically detects and responds to such changes.
but it looks like it's not detecting the changes.
Is there a way to refresh item.value and item.valuePending?
This is my working code to fetch one item from NASA API I used the completion handler as presented on Apple Programming book.
class PhotoInfoController {
func fetchPhotoInfo(completion: #escaping (PhotoInfo?) -> Void) {
let baseURL = URL(string: "https://api.nasa.gov/planetary/apod")!
let query: [String:String] = [
"api_key" : "DEMO_KEY"
let url = baseURL.withQueries(query)!
let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url) {
(data, response, error) in
let jsonDecoder = JSONDecoder()
if let data = data,
let photoInfo = try? jsonDecoder.decode(PhotoInfo.self, from: data) {
} else {
print("Not found or data is not sanitazed.")
The problem I having a hard time to figuring it out is how you can return an array go items (PhotoInfo) via a completion handler. This is my code so far:
class PhotoInfoController {
func fetchPhotoInfo(completion: #escaping ([PhotoInfo]?) -> Void) {
let baseURL = URL(string: "https://api.nasa.gov/planetary/apod")!
let currentDate = Date()
let formatter = DateFormatter()
formatter.dateFormat = "YYYY-MM-d"
var photoInfoCollection: [PhotoInfo] = []
for i in 0 ... 1 {
let modifiedDate = Calendar.current.date(byAdding: .day,value: -i ,to: currentDate)!
let stringDate = formatter.string(from: modifiedDate)
let query: [String:String] = [
"api_key" : "DEMO_KEY",
"date" : stringDate
let url = baseURL.withQueries(query)!
let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url) { (data,
error) in
let jsonDecoder = JSONDecoder()
if let data = data,
let photoInfo = try? jsonDecoder.decode(PhotoInfo.self, from: data) {
} else {
print("Data was not returned")
Any ideas or guide will greatly appreciated Thanks!
Code Implemented after suggestions:
class PhotoInfoController {
private let baseURL = URL(string: "https://api.nasa.gov/planetary/apod")!
private let currentDate = Date()
private let dateFormatter: DateFormatter = {
let formatter = DateFormatter()
formatter.dateFormat = "YYYY-MM-d"
return formatter
private let jsonDecoder = JSONDecoder()
func fethPhotoInfo(itemsToFetch: Int, completion: #escaping ([PhotoInfo]?) -> Void) {
var count = 0
var photoInfoCollection: [PhotoInfo] = []
for i in 0 ... itemsToFetch {
let modifiedDate = Calendar.current.date(byAdding: .day, value: -i, to: currentDate)!
let query: [String : String] = [
"api_key" : "DEMO_KEY",
"date" : dateFormatter.string(from: modifiedDate)
let url = baseURL.withQueries(query)!
let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url) {
(data, response, error) in
if let data = data,
let photoInfo = try? self.jsonDecoder.decode(PhotoInfo.self, from: data) {
count += 1
if count == itemsToFetch {
} else {
print("Data for \(self.dateFormatter.string(from: modifiedDate)) not made.")
Your code won't work as written.
You use a for loop to start 2 URLSession dataTask objects. Those tasks are async; the code that invokes the network request returns right away, before the request has even been sent.
Then outside your for loop you invoke your completion handler, before your network requests have even had a chance to be sent out. You will need a mechanism to keep track of the number of pending requests and invoke the completion handler when both requests have finished.
Consider this function that simulates what you are doing:
func createAsyncArray(itemCount: Int, completion: #escaping ([Int]) -> Void) {
var count = 0; //Keep track of the number of items we have created
var array = [Int]() //Create an empty results array
//Loop itemCount times.
for _ in 1...itemCount {
let delay = Double.random(in: 0.5...1.0)
//Delay a random time before creating a random number (to simulate an async network response)
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + delay) {
//Add a random number 1...10 to the array
array.append(Int.random(in: 1...10))
//Increment the number of results we have added to the array
count += 1
print("In loop, count = \(count)")
//If we have have added enough items to the array, invoke the completion handler.
if count == itemCount {
print("at this point in the code, count = \(count)")
You might call that code like this:
let itemCount = Int.random(in: 2...10)
print("\(itemCount) items")
createAsyncArray(itemCount: itemCount) { array in
for i in 0..<itemCount {
print("array[\(i)] = \(array[i])")
Sample output from that function might look like this:
9 items
at this point in the code, count = 0
In loop, count = 1
In loop, count = 2
In loop, count = 3
In loop, count = 4
In loop, count = 5
In loop, count = 6
In loop, count = 7
In loop, count = 8
In loop, count = 9
array[0] = 8
array[1] = 6
array[2] = 5
array[3] = 4
array[4] = 7
array[5] = 10
array[6] = 2
array[7] = 4
array[8] = 7
Note that the output displays "at this point in the code, count = 0" before any of the entries have been added to the array. That's because each call to DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter() returns immediately, before the code inside the closure has been executed.
The function above uses a local variable count to keep track of how many items have been added to the array. Once the count reaches the desired number, the function invokes the completion handler.
You should use an approach like that in your code.
You should be aware that your network requests may complete out of order. Your code submits itemsToFetch+1 different requests. You have no idea what order those requests will finish in, and it is very unlikely that the requests will complete in the order they are submitted. If your second request completes faster than the first, its closure will execute first.
You're complicating it for yourself with trying to do everything in one method. Imagine you have the fetchPhotoInfo function working (it actually works, so, good job so far):
struct PhotoInfo: Codable {
let copyright: String
class PhotoInfoController {
private let base = "https://api.nasa.gov/planetary/apod"
private let dateFormatter: DateFormatter = {
let formatter = DateFormatter()
formatter.dateFormat = "YYYY-MM-d"
return formatter
func fetchPhotoInfo(forDate date: Date, completion: #escaping (PhotoInfo?) -> Void) {
guard var components = URLComponents(string: base) else {
components.queryItems = [
URLQueryItem(name: "api_key", value: "DEMO_KEY"),
URLQueryItem(name: "date", value: dateFormatter.string(from: date))
guard let url = components.url else {
let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url) { (data, response, error) in
guard let data = data else {
let photoInfo = try? JSONDecoder().decode(PhotoInfo.self, from:data)
Your next goal is to fetch multiple photo info. Keep your class, keep your method and add another one which leverages what you already have. One way to achieve this is to use DispatchGroup:
func fetchPhotoInfo(forDates dates: [Date], completion: #escaping ([PhotoInfo]) -> Void) {
// Group of tasks
let taskGroup = DispatchGroup()
// Result of photos
var result: [PhotoInfo] = []
// For each date ...
dates.forEach {
// ... enter the group
// Fetch photo info
fetchPhotoInfo(forDate: $0) { photoInfo in
defer {
// Whenever the fetchPhotoInfo completion closure ends, leave
// the task group, but no sooner.
// If we've got the photo ...
if let photoInfo = photoInfo {
// ... add it to the result. We can safely add it here, because
// the fetchPhotoInfo completion block is called on the
// URLSession.shared.delegateQueue which has maxConcurrentOperationCount
// set to 1 by default. But you should be aware of this,
// do not rely on it and introduce some kind of synchronization.
// At this point, we told the URLSession (via fetchPhotoInfo) that we'd like to
// execute data tasks. These tasks already started (or not, we don't know), but
// they didn't finish yet (most likely not, but we don't know either). That's
// the reason for our DispatchGroup. We have to wait for completion of all
// our asynchronous tasks.
taskGroup.notify(queue: .main) {
You can use it in this way:
let pic = PhotoInfoController()
pic.fetchPhotoInfo(forDate: Date()) { info in
print(String(describing: info))
pic.fetchPhotoInfo(forDates: [Date(), Date().addingTimeInterval(-24*60*60)]) { infos in
And the output is:
Optional(NASA.PhotoInfo(copyright: "Stephane Guisard"))
[NASA.PhotoInfo(copyright: "Stephane Guisard"), NASA.PhotoInfo(copyright: "Zixuan LinBeijing Normal U.")]
There's no error handling, you have to add it yourself.
Even if I did provide an answer to your question, I'm going to mark it as a duplicate of Wait until swift for loop with asynchronous network requests finishes executing. Your code to fetch single photo info works and you are just struggling to understand how to wait for multiple asynchronous tasks.
I am trying to create a Google Calendar event using the API in Swift. I am kind of lost at the moment in how to go about that. More specifically creating a GTLRCalendar_Event object to pass through GTLRCalendarQuery_EventsInsert.query(). Any way to go about this?
I've written the following code
var newEvent: GTLRCalendar_Event = GTLRCalendar_Event()
newEvent.summary = name
//set GTLRDateTimes
var startTime: GTLRDateTime = GTLRDateTime(date:startTimeObject!, offsetMinutes: offsetMinutes)
var endTime: GTLRDateTime = GTLRDateTime(date:endTimeObject!, offsetMinutes: offsetMinutes)
newEvent.reminders?.useDefault = 0
newEvent.start?.dateTime = startTime
newEvent.end?.dateTime = endTime
let service: GTLRCalendarService = GTLRCalendarService()
let query:GTLRCalendarQuery_EventsInsert = GTLRCalendarQuery_EventsInsert.query(withObject: newEvent, calendarId:"primary")
service.executeQuery(query, completionHandler: {(_ callbackTicket: GTLRServiceTicket, _ event: GTLRCalendar_Event, _ callbackError: Error?) -> Void in
print("executed query")
if callbackError == nil {
else {
print("add failed")
} as? GTLRServiceCompletionHandler)
I got this to work in Swift 4. I based it on the Java code example that Google has because that one was the most similar. I hope this answers all of your questions. I am sure there is a prettier way to do this, but I don't know it. :)
//Declares the new event
var newEvent: GTLRCalendar_Event = GTLRCalendar_Event()
//this is setting the parameters of the new event
newEvent.summary = ("Google I/O 2015")
newEvent.location = ("800 Howard St., San Francisco, CA 94103")
//I ran into some problems with the date formatting and this is what I ended with.
//Start Date. The offset adds time to the current time so if you run the program at 12:00 then it will record a time of 12:05 because of the 5 minute offset
let startDateTime: GTLRDateTime = GTLRDateTime(date: Date(), offsetMinutes: 5)
let startEventDateTime: GTLRCalendar_EventDateTime = GTLRCalendar_EventDateTime()
startEventDateTime.dateTime = startDateTime
newEvent.start = startEventDateTime
//Same as start date, but for the end date
let endDateTime: GTLRDateTime = GTLRDateTime(date: Date(), offsetMinutes: 50)
let endEventDateTime: GTLRCalendar_EventDateTime = GTLRCalendar_EventDateTime()
endEventDateTime.dateTime = endDateTime
newEvent.end = endEventDateTime
let service: GTLRCalendarService = GTLRCalendarService()
//The query
let query =
GTLRCalendarQuery_EventsInsert.query(withObject: newEvent, calendarId:"Past your calendar ID here this is specific to the calendar you want to edit and can be found under the google calendar settings")
//This is the part that I forgot. Specify your fields! I think this will change when you add other perimeters, but I need to review how this works more.
query.fields = "id";
//This is actually running the query you just built
completionHandler: {(_ callbackTicket:GTLRServiceTicket,
_ event:GTLRCalendar_Event,
_ callbackError: Error?) -> Void in}
as? GTLRServiceCompletionHandler
I was facing the same problem during the lack of resources at this topic, those are the steps
->configure your app with google calendar account
1-go to https://console.developers.google.com/ add a new project with app bundle id and name
2- go to dashboard click Enable APIS AND SERVICES then choose a calendar API Service and enable It.
3-choose credentials from the side menu and click CREATE CREDENTIALS Link from top of the page and add OAuth Client ID
4-open firebase console https://console.firebase.google.com/u/0/
5- click add project and choose your existing app and continue
6- follow the steps here https://firebase.google.com/docs/ios/setup until download "GoogleService-Info.plist" and add it to your app
-> write code to add an event to google calendar
1-follow those steps to add google sign-in
// Create an event to the Google Calendar's user
func addEventoToGoogleCalendar(summary : String, description :String, startTime : String, endTime : String) {
let calendarEvent = GTLRCalendar_Event()
calendarEvent.summary = "\(summary)"
calendarEvent.descriptionProperty = "\(description)"
let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm"
let startDate = dateFormatter.date(from: startTime)
let endDate = dateFormatter.date(from: endTime)
guard let toBuildDateStart = startDate else {
print("Error getting start date")
guard let toBuildDateEnd = endDate else {
print("Error getting end date")
calendarEvent.start = buildDate(date: toBuildDateStart)
calendarEvent.end = buildDate(date: toBuildDateEnd)
let insertQuery = GTLRCalendarQuery_EventsInsert.query(withObject: calendarEvent, calendarId: "primary")
service.executeQuery(insertQuery) { (ticket, object, error) in
if error == nil {
print("Event inserted")
} else {
// Helper to build date
func buildDate(date: Date) -> GTLRCalendar_EventDateTime {
let datetime = GTLRDateTime(date: date)
let dateObject = GTLRCalendar_EventDateTime()
dateObject.dateTime = datetime
return dateObject
// Helper for showing an alert
func showAlert(title : String, message: String) {
let alert = UIAlertController(
title: title,
message: message,
preferredStyle: UIAlertController.Style.alert
let ok = UIAlertAction(
title: "OK",
style: UIAlertAction.Style.default,
handler: nil
present(alert, animated: true, completion: nil)
here is the GitHub link https://github.com/emanShedeed/writeEventToGoogleCalendar
Is it possible to read Apple Watch move goal from HealthKit?
I can retrieve the Move value by using the Quantity Identifier HKQuantityTypeIdentifier.activeEnergyBurned. I could not find a similar identifier for the move goal.
//Declared globally
var healthStore: HKHealthStore?
func prepareHealthKit() {
guard HKHealthStore.isHealthDataAvailable() else {
var readTypes = Set<HKObjectType>()
healthStore = HKHealthStore()
healthStore!.requestAuthorization(toShare: nil, read: readTypes) { (isSuccess, error) in
Assuming you know the following steps:
1. Start workout session: i.e. "HKWorkoutSession"
2. Wait for delegate: i.e "workoutSession(_:didChangeTo:from:date:)"
3. Start Query for Activity Summary in the delegate:
i.e our "startQueryForActivitySummary()"
func startQueryForActivitySummary() {
func createPredicate() -> NSPredicate? {
let calendar = Calendar.autoupdatingCurrent
var dateComponents = calendar.dateComponents([.year, .month, .day],
from: Date())
dateComponents.calendar = calendar
let predicate = HKQuery.predicateForActivitySummary(with: dateComponents)
return predicate
let queryPredicate = createPredicate()
let query = HKActivitySummaryQuery(predicate: queryPredicate) { (query, summaries, error) -> Void in
if let summaries = summaries {
for summary in summaries {
let activeEnergyBurned = summary.activeEnergyBurned.doubleValue(for: HKUnit.kilocalorie())
let activeEnergyBurnedGoal = summary.activeEnergyBurnedGoal.doubleValue(for: HKUnit.kilocalorie())
let activeEnergyBurnGoalPercent = round(activeEnergyBurned/activeEnergyBurnedGoal)
I got the answer. The move goal is accessible from HKActivitySummary.
You should request permission to read HKActivitySummaryType:
let activitySummaryType = HKActivitySummaryType.activitySummaryType()
let readDataTypes: Set<HKObjectType> = [activitySummaryType]
healthStore.requestAuthorization(toShare: nil, read: readDataTypes, completion: myCompletionHandler)
Then use HKActivitySummaryQuery to read the summary information
let query = HKActivitySummaryQuery(predicate: myPredicate) { (query, summaries, error) -> Void in
if error != nil {
fatalError("*** Did not return a valid error object. ***")
if let activitySummaries = summaries {
for summary in activitySummaries {
//do something with the summary here...
Other activity summary data that is accessible from HKActivitySummary is available here.