How do I manually close jquery-ui tooltip set on table but tooltip created on td using items selector - jquery-ui

I'm trying to manually close a tooltip. The tooltip is created on a table using the items option to select some td's. When the td is clicked, it should close the tooltip. This doesn't seem to work.
<table id="thingtable">
<tr><td class="thing one">One</td></tr>
<tr><td class="thing">Two</td></tr>
items: ".thing",
content: "Thing"
$(".one").click(function (e) {
If I instead add the tooltips directly to the td's, then it works.
$(".thing").each(function (index) {
items: ".thing",
content: "Thing"
$(".one").click(function (e) {
var td = $(;
Here is a fiddle. Clicking on One in the fiddle doesn't close the tooltip, but clicking on Three does.
Having to add a tooltip to each td seems wrong, especially when the table approach works other than this manual close issue. Is that the route I must take?

In the click event, you need to use the close and the disable methods. The caveat is if you want them to be enabled for use later. Here is a way to do that.
Working example:
$(".one").click(function() {
console.log("Thing One clicked.");
}).hover(function() {
}, function() {
Making use of .hover() we can detect when the mouse has moved in and out and trigger the enable method. Technically, we do not need to take any action with the handlerIn function.


Turn Off JQuery UI tooltip and need to used regular tooltip within a page

I have JQuery in my application. But I want to Turn Off Jquery script for tool tip and want to use regular tool tip in tag
I followed this document and tried disable, hide all properties. Its hiding and whole <a> element
Plese find myJSFiddler here: Code
$(function () {
content: function () {
return $(this).prop('title');
Please let me know how can I get regular Tooltip instead of styling tooltip
If you do not assign ToolTip, it will not initialize.
If you want to initialize it, but also disable it, you can use the disable method:
$(function() {
See More:

Show the contextmenu of jstree on hover

I try to show context menu jstree on hover event with using api context menu plugin, but it doesn't work. Have you any idea how to do this?
I had to implement the same thing. Here's what I ended up doing:
var $treeView = "myTreeList";
/* options */
.on('loaded.jstree', function() {
$(".myTreeList a").hover(
$treeView.jstree("show_contextmenu", $(this));
I just hooked up a hover event to every anchor in the tree when the loaded event fired (don't try to use the li elements or the event on a child will fire along with all it's ancestors). You could also use "on" instead of just hover and you wouldn't need to do this in the loaded event handler but that's what worked for me.

How to programmatically invoke jQuery UI Draggable drag start?

I create a new jQuery element after the mouse is in a down position and before it is released. (After mousedown).
I would like to programmatically trigger dragging on the new element using jQuery UI, so that it will automatically begin dragging with my mouse movement. I don't want to have to release and then click the mouse again.
I have tried the following...
var element = $("<div />");
...however this does not work.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to accomplish this?
UPDATE: After some searching the poster of this question has the identical problem. However the suggested solution, which boils down to...
$("body").on("mousedown", function(e) {
$("<div />").draggable().appendTo("body").trigger(e);
}); longer works in the latest versions jQuery and jQuery-UI, and instead generates a Maximum Call Stack Exceeded error.
The draggable plugin expects its mousedown events to use its namespace and to point to the draggable object as the target. Modifying these fields in the event works with jQuery 1.8.3 and jQuery UI 1.9.2.
$("body").on("mousedown", function(e) {
var div = $("<div />").draggable().appendTo("body");
e.type = "mousedown.draggable"; = div[0];
Demo here:
See fuzzyBSc's answer below. It's the proper way to do this.
This is totally a hack, but it seems to do the trick:
var myDraggable = $('#mydraggable').draggable();
// Yeah... we're going to hack the widget
var widget ='ui-draggable');
var clickEvent = null;{
clickEvent = event;
else {
clickEvent = null;
// We need to set this to our own clickEvent, otherwise
// it won't position correctly.
widget._mouseDownEvent = clickEvent;
Here's the plunker
My example uses an element that already exists instead of creating one, but it should work similarly.
Create your draggable function on mouseover
$('#futureDragableElement').mouseover(function() {
As the draggable initialization has already be done, your first mouse click will be taken into account
You have to bind the mousedown event to the element in question, then you can trigger the event.
Any event handlers attached with .bind() or one of its shortcut
methods are triggered when the corresponding event occurs. They can be
fired manually, however, with the .trigger() method. A call to
.trigger() executes the handlers in the same order they would be if
the event were triggered naturally by the user:
$('#foo').bind('click', function() {
Hacks are not needed if you are creating the element during the event and that element is not too complicated. You can simply set draggable to the element that mousedown occurs and use draggable helper property to create a helper that is going to be your new element. On dragStop clone the helper to the location in dom you want.
helper: function() {
return '<div>your newly created element being dragged</div>';
stop: function (e,ui) {
Of course you would need to set position for the helper, so mouse is on it. This is just a very basic example.

Droppable not recognising draggables

I'm using jQuery to create a droppable element - this appears to work fine, as the element gets the class ui-droppable.
I've set it up like this:
drop: function( event, ui ) {
where #trashcan is an image.
Later, in response to a user action, I set up some draggables. These are table rows, and I set them up like this ('element' is just the created table row):
revert: false,
helper: 'clone',
intersect: 'pointer',
stop: function() {
Afterwards, they look like this:
<tr class="ui-draggable">
So it all looks like it's set up ok. However, when I drag a table row over the trashcan, I get the 'dropped' from the draggable code, but not from the droppable. So the draggable has been dragged, but the droppable hasn't recognised it.
I'm not sure what to check for here. Is there any reason why it wouldn't work on table rows, for instance? I've checked things like z-index, and that doesn't appear to be the issue. Do I have to do something special to connect the draggable and droppable after the draggables are created (i.e. something that gets done when the droppable is created, which I need to re-do because the draggables are created later)?

jQuery draggable div with an embedded div that has a click handler. How to stop the click handler from firing

I have the following bit of jquery:
I want the foo div's click handler to not fire, when you click and drag. I've tried doing all sorts of things inside the stop/start events of the drag (event.stopPropagation() etc) all to no avail. The click handler is fired after the drag event regardless.
It's annoying, but the only fix is to remove the event on drag start and put it back on drag stop. Try this:
stop: function(event) { setTimeout(function() {
}); }, 100)},
start: function(event) { $('.foo').unbind('click'); }
Now there is still the problem that your click events are probably a bit more complicated than this, and you probably don't want to have to rewrite them. You can save the events for later using jquery data like this:
var events = $('#test').data("events");
Alternatively, you can use jquery live function to attach the click event so the event will only ever be binded to an element that matches that selector. That means if you change the class while dragging, so that it no longer matches that selector, it would no longer have that click event. Something like this might work:
$(".bar .foo").live('click', function(){
stop: function(event) { setTimeout(function() {
}, 100)},
start: function(event) { $(this).removeClass('bar').addClass('draggableBar'); }
You'd also have to update the css so draggablebar gets the same style as bar.
