How to import a spreadsheet.csv gephi in an undirected style? - gephi

I am working with gephi. I am having trouble in importing csv srpeadsheet, because it is selected automatically in a directed format style when I apply for edges criteria. Is there any way to select it as undirected?
Is there any explanation for these problems?

You have to specify a Type column in your CSV that will be set to "Undirected" and will be imported as string


Google Sheet gviz csv export - two column labels not exporting

I'm trying to export this Sheet to a csv for use in a webmap using this link:
It works well, except that two of the column headers (lat, long) are not exporting and the column labels in the csv are blank. I tried to change the format of the cell from Automatic to Plain text, but that didn't fix it.
It seems this is an issue with gviz api as there's an ongoing Google Issue tracker report about it. You may want to click the star icon on the top left of issue report page to indicate that your are also affected by this issue.
As an alternative solution, you may try this way as this will export the same csv file:
Download link for Google Spreadsheets CSV export
I did some quick tests on my end & after manually downloading the sheet file as a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file from the Google Sheet UI & after using the alternative solution, there's no issue with missing cells. But when using the gviz api link, the issue occurs:
If you set the column to 'Plain text' under the Format menu > Number, you should receive the data upon export.

Create a report from google sheets

I have a Google Sheets file I use to enter data on different properties.
Each row in this file represents a single property.
If a certain property is of interest, I would like generate a report for it.
I need a functionality that will extract all data fields from a single row, and insert them in a new file (google sheets or preferably a Google Docs file) with a pre built format that would present the data nicely like a report.
Thanking you in advance
Here is a very preliminary answer, to see if this is the right direction.
See my sample sheet.
This lets you select, in C3, which address you want a report on. The fields shown in green change as you select a different address. All of the report fields could be modified like this - you just need to point to which column in the Properties database contains the values.
Is this roughly what you were looking to achieve?

Can I import multiple Excel ranges into SPSS?

I've got an absolutely horrible dataset in Excel (13,500 variables, a lot of them irrelevant to my purposes). I need to analyse in SPSS as I have a lot of data transformations to do... but SPSS 24 struggles with a dataset that size. Well... either SPSS struggles, or my work PC does.
Is there a way, when importing data from Excel, to import multiple ranges? Specifically, I want Column A (my unique identifier), then several other ranges (e.g. G:AC, DD:JJ, etc.).
/CELLRANGE=RANGE only seems to allow a single range.
If you have the appropriate ODBC driver for Excel, you can use the database reading facility in Statistics to select the fields. However, the catch with ODBC and Office is that the bigness has to match. If both are 32-bit, that's easy, but 64-bit Statistics would need 64-bit Office, and that's a world of hurt.
No (you can't specify multiple ranges), is the short answer. What you ought to be doing is importing the entire relevant range and then using SPSS commands to manipulate as you desire. For example using ADD FILES FILE with DROP sub command to delete irrelevant columns/variables.
I don't know of a way to directly import multiple ranges from Excel. You might try importing the file to an MS Access database first, then read the table from the database to SPSS using (in SPSS) "open database" --> "new query". The query editor will let you specify the fields you want to import.

Import custom partition into Gephi

I was wondering if gephi supports importing a cluster file that has the community assignment of each node in a graph on a separate line (similar to the Pajek .clu format)? I am looking for a way to color the nodes belonging to the same community. In igraph (for R), I can import this file and set the vertex color attributes based on it. Was wondering if gephi had a similar feature?
I saw this answer here from over 5 years ago saying that it wasn't possible, was wondering if that had changed now?
The .clu file contains one line per node with the cluster number at least the example I see here. Gephi cannot import it directly but you can trick it to obtain the same result. Here are the steps I propose:
Import your .net file with Gephi
Go to Data Laboratory and sort your nodes according to the Id column, by clicking on the column name
Create a new column called Cluster by pressing Add column the bottom of the screen. The default String type will do
Click Export table, select only the fields Id and Cluster, and export the file somewhere
Open the CSV file with e.g. Excel or LibreOffice
Open your .clu file with a text editor, even Notepad will do
Copy all the numbers in the file and paste them in the Cluster column of your CSV. Save your CSV
Import the CSV back into Gephi, by clicking Import Spreadsheet and press ok through the next steps.
At the end you should see your Cluster values having the same values as in the .clu file!
Make sure that the same field delimiter is used throughout in steps 4. and 8. I would suggest to use ; as Excel directly understands it.
You are welcome to report back if you are still having problems

neo4j graph text search with gremlin

How can i make a text search in neo4j with gremlin? I want to search for all the node types and all node properties. I read the gremlin documentation but was unable to find an answer to my problem.
I'm using the API with node and express.
Do i need to install another system to make the text search for me?
For speed, do filter{it.getProperty('gender').matches...}
For full text search not using a linear scan of vertices, make sure you create a full text index on gender. See Blueprints docs on Neo4jGraph for more information.
