Cypher: retrieve all attached nodes of more than one type? - neo4j

Beginner Cypher question. I know how to get all the nodes of a particular type attached to a particular person in my database. Here I am retrieving all the friends of a particular person, within 10 hops:
MATCH (rebecca:Person {name:"Rebecca"})-[r*1..10]->(friends:Friend)
RETURN rebecca, friends
But how would I extend this to get nodes of two types: either the friends, or the neighbours, of Rebecca?

You can filter on the label of the friends identifier :
MATCH (rebecca:Person {name:"Rebecca"})-[r*1..10]->(other)
WHERE ALL( x IN ["Friend","Neighbour"] WHERE x IN labels(other) )
RETURN rebecca, other
NB: The answer from InverseFalcon is perfectly valid, here it is just another way to do this filter.
Note that this is not really ideal, FRIEND and NEIGHBOUR are semantically best described as relationships and you can see here that when
going away from the natural way of thinking as a graph (relationships matters!) you suffer from it in your queries.

There isn't an OR we can use on the label in the MATCH itself, so you may have to filter with a WHERE clause:
MATCH (rebecca:Person {name:"Rebecca"})-[r*1..10]->(friendOrNeighbor)
WHERE friendOrNeighbor:Friend or friendOrNeighbor:Neighbor
RETURN DISTINCT rebecca, friendOrNeighbor
Keep in mind variable-length relationship matches like this are meant to find all possible paths up to the given max limit, so this is actually doing extra work that you may not need, that may be slow if there are many relationships within that local graph.
You may want to consider apoc.path.expandConfig() from APOC Procedures. If you use 'NODE_GLOBAL' for uniqueness, and specify the upper bound with maxLevel: 10, it's a much more efficient means of getting the nodes you want faster.


Optimizing Cypher Query

I am currently starting to work with Neo4J and it's query language cypher.
I have a multple queries that follow the same pattern.
I am doing some comparison between a SQL-Database and Neo4J.
In my Neo4J Datababase I habe one type of label (person) and one type of relationship (FRIENDSHIP). The person has the propterties personID, name, email, phone.
Now I want to have the the friends n-th degree. I also want to filter out those persons that are also friends with a lower degree.
FOr example if I want to search for the friends 3 degree I want to filter out those that are also friends first and/or second degree.
Here my query type:
MATCH (me:person {personID:'1'})-[:FRIENDSHIP*3]-(friends:person)
WHERE NOT (me:person)-[:FRIENDSHIP]-(friends:person)
AND NOT (me:person)-[:FRIENDSHIP*2]-(friends:person)
I found something similiar somewhere.
This query works.
My problem is that this pattern of query is much to slow if I search for a higher degree of friendship and/or if the number of persons becomes more.
So I would really appreciate it, if somemone could help me with optimize this.
If you just wanted to handle depths of 3, this should return the distinct nodes that are 3 degrees away but not also less than 3 degrees away:
MATCH (me:person {personID:'1'})-[:FRIENDSHIP]-(f1:person)-[:FRIENDSHIP]-(f2:person)-[:FRIENDSHIP]-(f3:person)
RETURN apoc.coll.subtract(COLLECT(f3), COLLECT(f1) + COLLECT(f2) + me) AS result;
The above query uses the APOC function apoc.coll.subtract to remove the unwanted nodes from the result. The function also makes sure the collection contains distinct elements.
The following query is more general, and should work for any given depth (by just replacing the number after *). For example, this query will work with a depth of 4:
MATCH p=(me:person {personID:'1'})-[:FRIENDSHIP*4]-(:person)
WITH NODES(p)[0..-1] AS priors, LAST(NODES(p)) AS candidate
UNWIND priors AS prior
RETURN apoc.coll.subtract(COLLECT(DISTINCT candidate), COLLECT(DISTINCT prior)) AS result;
The problem with Cypher's variable-length relationship matching is that it's looking for all possible paths to that depth. This can cause unnecessary performance issues when all you're interested in are the nodes at certain depths and not the paths to them.
APOC's path expander using 'NODE_GLOBAL' uniqueness is a more efficient means of matching to nodes at inclusive depths.
When using 'NODE_GLOBAL' uniqueness, nodes are only ever visited once during traversal. Because of this, when we set the path expander's minLevel and maxLevel to be the same, the result are nodes at that level that are not present at any lower level, which is exactly the result you're trying to get.
Try this query after installing APOC:
MATCH (me:person {personID:'1'})
CALL apoc.path.expandConfig(me, {uniqueness:'NODE_GLOBAL', minLevel:4, maxLevel:4}) YIELD path
// a single path for each node at depth 4 but not at any lower depth
Of course you'll want to parameterize your inputs (personID, level) when you get the chance.

follow all relationships but specific ones

How can I tell cypher to NOT follow a certain relationship/edge?
E.g. I have a :NODE that is connected to another :NODE via a :BUDDY relationship. Additionally every :NODE is related to :STUFF in arbitrary depth by arbitrary edges which are NOT of type :BUDDY. I now want to add a shortcut relation from each :NODE to its :STUFF. However, I do not include :STUFF of its :BUDDIES.
My current query looks like this:
MATCH (n:Node)-[*]->(s:STUFF) WHERE NOT (n)-[:BUDDY]->()-[*]->(s) CREATE (n)-[:HAS]->(s)
However I have some issues with this query:
1) If I ever add a :BUDDY relationship not directly between :NODE but children of :NODE the query will use that relationship for matching. This might not be intended as I do not want to include buddies at all.
2) Explain tells me that neo4j does the match (:NODE)-[*]->(:STUFF) and then AntiSemiApply the pattern (n)-[:BUDDY]->(). As a result it matches the whole graph to then unmatch most of the found connections. This seems ineffective and the query runs slower than I like (However subjective this might sound).
One (bad) fix is to restrict the depth of (:NODE)-[*]->(:STUFF) via (:NODE)-[*..XX]->(:STUFF). However, I cannot guarantee that depth unless I use a ridiculous high number for worst case scenarios.
I'd actually just like to tell neo4j to just not follow a certain relationship. E.g. MATCH (n:NODE)-[ALLBUT(:BUDDY)*]->(s:STUFF) CREATE (n)-[:HAS]->(s). How can I achieve this without having to enumerate all allowed connections and connect them with a | (which is really fast - but I have to manually keep track of all possible relations)?
One option for this particular schema is to explicitly traverse past the point where the BUDDY relationship is a concern, and then do all the unbounded traversing you like from there. Then you only have to apply the filter to single-step relationships:
MATCH (n:Node) -[r]-> (leaf)
WHERE NOT type(r) = 'BUDDY'
WITH n, leaf
MATCH (leaf) -[*] -> (s:Stuff)
RETURN n, [leaf IN leaves WHERE leaf:Stuff] + stuff AS stuffs
The other option is to install apoc and take a look at the path expander procedure, which allows you to 'blacklist' node labels (such as :Node) from your path query, which may work just as well depending on your graph. See here.
My final solution is generating a string from the set of
and use that for matching. As I am using an API and thus can do this generation automatically it is not as much as an inconvenience as I feared, but still an inconvenience. However, this was the only solution I was able to find since posting this question.
You could use a condition o nrelationship type:
MATCH (:Node)-[r:REL]->(:OtherNode)
WHERE NOT type(r) = 'your_unwanted_rel_type'
I have no clues about perf though

Cypher: Ordering Nodes on Same Level by Property on Relationship

I am new to Neo4j and currently playing with this tree structure:
The numbers in the yellow boxes are a property named order on the relationship CHILD_OF.
My goal was
a) to manage the sorting order of nodes at the same level through this property rather than through directed relationships (like e.g. LEFT, RIGHT or IS_NEXT_SIBLING, etc.).
b) being able to use plain integers instead of complete paths for the order property (i.e. not maintaining sth. like 0001.0001.0002).
I can't however find the right hint on how or if it is possible to recursively query the graph so that it keeps returning the nodes depth-first but for the sorting at each level consider the order property on the relationship.
I expect that if it is possible it might include matching the complete path iterating over it with the collection utilities of Cypher, but I am not even close enough to post some good starting point.
What I'd expect from answers to this question is not necessarily a solution, but a hint on whether this is a bad approach that would perform badly anyways. In terms of Cypher I am interested if there is a practical solution to this.
I have a general idea on how I would tackle it as a Neo4j server plugin with the Java traversal or core api (which doesn't mean that it would perform well, but that's another topic), so this question really targets the design and Cypher aspect.
This might work:
match path = (n:Root {id:9})-[:CHILD_OF*]->(m)
WITH path, extract(r in rels(path) | r.order) as orders
ORDER BY orders
if it complains about sorting arrays then computing a number where each digit (or two digits) are your order and order by that number
match path = (n:Root {id:9})-[:CHILD_OF*]->(m)
WITH path, reduce(a=1, r in rels(path) | a*10+r.order) as orders
ORDER BY orders

Fixed length path between two nodes without knowing relationship type

I want to find paths of a certain length between two nodes - but I don't know what relationships are involved. The tutorials and examples seems to require I know what type of relationship I want to use. E.g.
MATCH (martin { name:"Martin Sheen" })-[:ACTED_IN*1..3]-(x)
I want to ask the graph:
MATCH (martin { name:"Martin Sheen" })-[:3..3]-(x)
But Neo4J seems to hang (I have 600,000 nodes / 1.3m relationships). How can I find paths of a certain length between two nodes, in a performant manner, provided I have no information about the relationships?
First of all, this is not surprising it is really slow. Since Neo4j2.0, the use of labels is almost mandatory for performance reasons.
So make sure to use labels + an indexed property at least for matching your first node.
Secondly, you can just match paths of fixed length without knowing the relationship types.
Assuming your "Martin Sheen" node has a label Person :
Create index for Person/name :
CREATE INDEX ON :Person(name);
Match the person and the path
MATCH p=(martin:Person {name:"Martin Sheen"})-[*3..3]->(x)

How to select relationships spreading from neo4j?

We have a scenario to display relationships spreading pictures(or messages) to user.
For example: Relationship 1 of Node A has a message "Foo", Relationship 2 of Node 2 also has same message "Foo" ... Relationship n of Node n also has same message "Foo".
Now we are going to display a relationship graph by query Neo4j.
This is my query:
MATCH (a)-[r1]-()-[r2]-()-[r3]-()-[r4]
WHERE = '59072662'
and r2.message_id = r1.target_message_id
and r3.message_id = r2.target_message_id
and r4.message_id = r3.target_message_id
RETURN r1,r2,r3,r4
The problem is, this query does not work if there are only 2 levels of linking. If there is only a r1 and r2, this query returns nothing.
Please tell me how to write a Cypher query returns a set of relationships of my case?
Adding to Stefan's answer.
If you want to keep track of how pictures spread then you would also include a relationship to the image like:
If you want how a specific picture got spread in the message network:
MATCH (i:Image {url: "X"}), p=(recipient:User)<-[*]-(m:Message)<-[*]-(sender:User)
WHERE (m)-[:INCLUDES]->(i) WITH length(p) as length, sender ORDER BY length
This will return all senders, ordered by path length, so the top one should be the original sender.
If you're just interested in the original sender you could use LIMIT 1.
Alternatively, if you find yourself traversing huge networks and hitting performance issue because of the massive paths that have to be traversed, you could also add a relationship between the message and the original uploader.
The answer to the question you psoted at the bottom, about the way to get a set of relationships in a variable length path:
You define a path, like in the example above
Then, to access the relationships in that path, you use the rels function
RETURN rels(p)
You didn't provide much details on your use case. From my experience I suggest that you rethink your way of graph data modelling.
A message seems to be a central concept in your domain. Therefore the message should be probably modeled as a node. To connect (a) and (b) via message (m), you might use something like (a)-[:SENT]->(m {message_id: ....})-[TO:]->(b).
Using this (m) could easily have a REFERS_TO relationship to another message making the query above way more graphy.
