Optimizing Cypher Query - neo4j

I am currently starting to work with Neo4J and it's query language cypher.
I have a multple queries that follow the same pattern.
I am doing some comparison between a SQL-Database and Neo4J.
In my Neo4J Datababase I habe one type of label (person) and one type of relationship (FRIENDSHIP). The person has the propterties personID, name, email, phone.
Now I want to have the the friends n-th degree. I also want to filter out those persons that are also friends with a lower degree.
FOr example if I want to search for the friends 3 degree I want to filter out those that are also friends first and/or second degree.
Here my query type:
MATCH (me:person {personID:'1'})-[:FRIENDSHIP*3]-(friends:person)
WHERE NOT (me:person)-[:FRIENDSHIP]-(friends:person)
AND NOT (me:person)-[:FRIENDSHIP*2]-(friends:person)
I found something similiar somewhere.
This query works.
My problem is that this pattern of query is much to slow if I search for a higher degree of friendship and/or if the number of persons becomes more.
So I would really appreciate it, if somemone could help me with optimize this.

If you just wanted to handle depths of 3, this should return the distinct nodes that are 3 degrees away but not also less than 3 degrees away:
MATCH (me:person {personID:'1'})-[:FRIENDSHIP]-(f1:person)-[:FRIENDSHIP]-(f2:person)-[:FRIENDSHIP]-(f3:person)
RETURN apoc.coll.subtract(COLLECT(f3), COLLECT(f1) + COLLECT(f2) + me) AS result;
The above query uses the APOC function apoc.coll.subtract to remove the unwanted nodes from the result. The function also makes sure the collection contains distinct elements.
The following query is more general, and should work for any given depth (by just replacing the number after *). For example, this query will work with a depth of 4:
MATCH p=(me:person {personID:'1'})-[:FRIENDSHIP*4]-(:person)
WITH NODES(p)[0..-1] AS priors, LAST(NODES(p)) AS candidate
UNWIND priors AS prior
RETURN apoc.coll.subtract(COLLECT(DISTINCT candidate), COLLECT(DISTINCT prior)) AS result;

The problem with Cypher's variable-length relationship matching is that it's looking for all possible paths to that depth. This can cause unnecessary performance issues when all you're interested in are the nodes at certain depths and not the paths to them.
APOC's path expander using 'NODE_GLOBAL' uniqueness is a more efficient means of matching to nodes at inclusive depths.
When using 'NODE_GLOBAL' uniqueness, nodes are only ever visited once during traversal. Because of this, when we set the path expander's minLevel and maxLevel to be the same, the result are nodes at that level that are not present at any lower level, which is exactly the result you're trying to get.
Try this query after installing APOC:
MATCH (me:person {personID:'1'})
CALL apoc.path.expandConfig(me, {uniqueness:'NODE_GLOBAL', minLevel:4, maxLevel:4}) YIELD path
// a single path for each node at depth 4 but not at any lower depth
Of course you'll want to parameterize your inputs (personID, level) when you get the chance.


Cypher: Find any path between nodes

I have a neo4j graph that looks like this:
Blue Nodes: Account
Red Nodes: PhoneNumber
Green Nodes: Email
Graph design:
(:PhoneNumber) -[:PART_OF]->(:Account)
(:Email) -[:PART_OF]->(:Account)
The problem I am trying to solve is to
Find any path that exists between Account1 and Account2.
This is what I have tried so far with no success:
MATCH p=shortestPath((a1:Account {accId:'1234'})-[]-(a2:Account {accId:'5678'})) RETURN p;
MATCH p=shortestPath((a1:Account {accId:'1234'})-[:PART_OF]-(a2:Account {accId:'5678'})) RETURN p;
MATCH p=shortestPath((a1:Account {accId:'1234'})-[*]-(a2:Account {accId:'5678'})) RETURN p;
MATCH p=(a1:Account {accId:'1234'})<-[:PART_OF*1..100]-(n)-[:PART_OF]->(a2:Account {accId:'5678'}) RETURN p;
Same queries as above without the shortest path function call.
By looking at the graph I can see there is a path between these 2 nodes but none of my queries yield any result. I am sure this is a very simple query but being new to Cypher, I am having a hard time figuring out the right solution. Any help is appreciated.
All those queries are along the right lines, but need some tweaking to make work. In the longer term, though, to get a better system to easily search for connections between accounts, you'll probably want to refactor your graph.
Solution for Now: Making Your Query Work
The path between any two (n:Account) nodes in your graph is going to look something like this:
Since you have only one type of relationship in your graph, the two nodes will thus be connected by an indeterminate number of patterns like the following:
So, your two nodes will be connected through an indeterminate number of intermediate (:Account), (:Email), or (:PhoneNumber) nodes all connected by -[:PART_OF]- relationships of alternating direction. Unfortunately to my knowledge (and I'd love to be corrected here), using straight cypher you can't search for a repeated pattern like this in your current graph. So, you'll simply have to use an undirected search, to find nodes (a1:Account) and(a2:Account) connected through -[:PART_OF]- relationships. So, at first glance your query would look like this:
MATCH p=shortestPath((a1:Account { accId: {a1_id} })-[:PART_OF*]-(a2:Account { accId: {a2_id} }))
(notice here I've used cypher parameters rather than the integers you put in the original post)
That's very similar to your query #3, but, like you said - it doesn't work. I'm guessing what happens is that it doesn't return a result, or returns an out of memory exception? The problem is that since your graph has circular paths in it, and that query will match a path of any length, the matching algorithm will literally go around in circles until it runs out of memory. So, you want to set a limit, like you have in query #4, but without the directions (which is why that query doesn't work).
So, let's set a limit. Your limit of 100 relationships is a little on the large side, especially in a cyclical graph (i.e., one with circles), and could potentially match in the region of 2^100 paths.
As a (very arbitrary) rule of thumb, any query with a potential undirected and unlabelled path length of more than 5 or 6 may begin to cause problems unless you're very careful with your graph design. In your example, it looks like these two nodes are connected via a path length of 8. We also know that for any two nodes, the given minimum path length will be two (i.e., two -[:PART_OF]- relationships, one into and one out of a node labelled either :Email or :PhoneNumber), and that any two accounts, if linked, will be linked via an even number of relationships.
So, ideally we'd set out our relationship length between 2 and 10. However, cypher's shortestPath() function only supports paths with a minimum length of either 0 or 1, so I've set it between 1 and 10 in the example below (even though we know that in reality, the shortest path have a length of at least two).
MATCH p=shortestPath((a1:Account { accId: {a1_id} })-[:PART_OF*1..10]-(a2:Account { accId: {a2_id} }))
Hopefully, this will work with your use case, but remember, it may still be very memory intensive to run on a large graph.
Longer Term Solution: Refactor Graph and/or Use APOC
Depending on your use case, a better or longer term solution would be to refactor your graph to be more specific about relationships to speed up query times when you want to find accounts linked only by email or phone number - i.e. -[:ACCOUNT_HAS_EMAIL]- and -[:ACCOUNT_HAS_PHONE]-. You may then also want to use APOC's shortest path algorithms or path finder functions, which will most likely return a faster result than using cypher, and allow you to be more specific about relationship types as your graph expands to take in more data.

Is neo4j suitable for searching for paths of specific length

I am a total newcommer in the world of graph databases. But let's put that on a side.
I have a task to find a cicular path of certain length (or of any other measure) from start point and back.
So for example, I need to find a path from one node and back which is 10 "nodes" long and at the same time has around 15 weights of some kind. This is just an example.
Is this somehow possible with neo4j, or is it even the right thing to use?
Hope I clarified it enough, and thank you for your answers.
Neo4j is a good choice for cycle detection.
If you need to find one path from n to n of length 10, you could try some query like this one:
MATCH p=(n:TestLabel {uuid: 1})-[rels:TEST_REL_TYPE*10]-(n)
The match clause here is asking Cypher to find all paths from n to itself, of exactly 10 hops, using a specific relationship type. This is called variable length relationships in Neo4j. I'm using limit 1 to return only one path.
Resulting path can be visualized as a graph:
You can also specify a range of length, such as [*8..10] (from 8 to 10 hops away).
I'm not sure I understand what you mean with:
has around 15 weights of some kind
You can check relationships properties, such as weight, in variable length paths if you need to. Specific example in the doc here.
Maybe you will also be interested in shortestPath() and allShortestPaths() functions, for which you need to know the end node as well as the start one, and you can find paths between them, even specifying the length.
Since you did not provide a data model, I will just assume that your starting/ending nodes all have the Foo label, that the relevant relationships all have the BAR type, and that your circular path relationships all point in the same direction (which should be faster to process, in general). Also, I gather that you only want circular paths of a specific length (10). Finally, I am guessing that you prefer circular paths with lower total weight, and that you want to ignore paths whose total weight exceed a bounding value (15). This query accomplishes the above, returning the matching paths and their path weights, in ascending order:
MATCH p=(f:Foo)-[rels:BAR*10]->(f)
WITH p, REDUCE(s = 0, r IN rels | s + r.weight) AS pathWeight
WHERE pathWeight <= 15
RETURN p, pathWeight
ORDER BY pathWeight;

Cypher: retrieve all attached nodes of more than one type?

Beginner Cypher question. I know how to get all the nodes of a particular type attached to a particular person in my database. Here I am retrieving all the friends of a particular person, within 10 hops:
MATCH (rebecca:Person {name:"Rebecca"})-[r*1..10]->(friends:Friend)
RETURN rebecca, friends
But how would I extend this to get nodes of two types: either the friends, or the neighbours, of Rebecca?
You can filter on the label of the friends identifier :
MATCH (rebecca:Person {name:"Rebecca"})-[r*1..10]->(other)
WHERE ALL( x IN ["Friend","Neighbour"] WHERE x IN labels(other) )
RETURN rebecca, other
NB: The answer from InverseFalcon is perfectly valid, here it is just another way to do this filter.
Note that this is not really ideal, FRIEND and NEIGHBOUR are semantically best described as relationships and you can see here that when
going away from the natural way of thinking as a graph (relationships matters!) you suffer from it in your queries.
There isn't an OR we can use on the label in the MATCH itself, so you may have to filter with a WHERE clause:
MATCH (rebecca:Person {name:"Rebecca"})-[r*1..10]->(friendOrNeighbor)
WHERE friendOrNeighbor:Friend or friendOrNeighbor:Neighbor
RETURN DISTINCT rebecca, friendOrNeighbor
Keep in mind variable-length relationship matches like this are meant to find all possible paths up to the given max limit, so this is actually doing extra work that you may not need, that may be slow if there are many relationships within that local graph.
You may want to consider apoc.path.expandConfig() from APOC Procedures. If you use 'NODE_GLOBAL' for uniqueness, and specify the upper bound with maxLevel: 10, it's a much more efficient means of getting the nodes you want faster.

How to filter results by node label in neo4j cypher?

I have a graph database that maps out connections between buildings and bus stations, where the graph contains other connecting pieces like roads and intersections (among many node types).
What I'm trying to figure out is how to filter a path down to only return specific node types. I have two related questions that I'm currently struggling with.
Question 1: How do I return the labels of nodes along a path?
It seems like a logical first step is to determine what type of nodes occur along the path.
I have tried the following:
MATCH p=(a:Building)­-[:CONNECTED_TO*..5]­-(b:Bus)
WITH nodes(p) AS nodes
RETURN DISTINCT labels(nodes);
However, I'm getting a type exception error that labels() expects data of type node and not Collection. I'd like to dynamically know what types of nodes are on my paths so that I can eventually filter my paths.
Question 2: How can I return a subset of the nodes in a path that match a label I identified in the first step?
Say I found that that between (a:Building) and (d1:Bus) and (d2:Bus) I can expect to find (:Intersection) nodes and (:Street) nodes.
This is a simplified model of my graph:
I've written a MATCH statement that would look for all possible paths between (:Building) and (:Bus) nodes. What would I need to do next to filter to selectively return the Street nodes?
MATCH p=(a:Building)-[r:CONNECTED_TO*]-(b:Bus)
// Insert logic to only return (:Street) nodes from p
Any guidance on this would be greatly appreciated!
To get the distinct labels along matching paths:
MATCH p=(a:Building)-[:CONNECTED_TO*..5]-(b:Bus)
WITH NODES(p) AS nodes
UNWIND nodes AS n
UNWIND ls AS label
To return the nodes that have the Street label.
MATCH p=(a:Building)-[r:CONNECTED_TO*]-(b:Bus)
WITH NODES(p) AS nodes
UNWIND nodes AS n
Cybersam's answers are good, but their output is simply a column of labels...you lose the path information completely. So if there are multiple paths from a :Building to a :Bus, the first query will only output all labels in all nodes in all patterns, and you can't tell how many paths exist, and since you lose path information, you cannot tell what labels are in some paths but not others, or common between some paths.
Likewise, the second query loses path information, so if there are multiple paths using different streets to get from a :Building to a :Bus, cybersam's query will return all streets involved in all paths. It is possible for it to output all streets in your graph, which doesn't seem very useful.
You need queries that preserve path information.
For 1, finding the distinct labels on nodes on each path I would offer this query:
MATCH p=(:Building)-[:CONNECTED_TO*..5]-(:Bus)
WITH NODES(p) AS nodes
WITH REDUCE(myLabels = [], node in nodes | myLabels + labels(node)) as myLabels
For 2, this query preserves path information:
MATCH p=(:Building)-[:CONNECTED_TO*..5]-(:Bus)
WITH NODES(p) AS nodes
WITH FILTER(node in nodes WHERE (node:Street)) as pathStreets
RETURN pathStreets
Note that these are both expensive operations, as they perform a cartesian product of all buildings and all busses, as in the queries in your description. I highly recommend narrowing down the buildings and busses you're matching upon, hopefully to very few or specific buildings at least.
I also encourage limiting how deep you're looking in your pattern. I get the idea that many, if not most, of your nodes in your graph are connected by :CONNECTED_TO relationships, and if we don't cap that to a reasonable amount, your query could be finding every single path through your entire graph, no matter how long or convoluted or nonsensical, and I don't think that's what you want.

Six degrees of Kevin Bacon

There are a couple other posts about degrees of Kevin Bacon, and the answers on those posts are similar to what I came up with myself before looking it up. But it's evident that I'm still doing something wrong from the results I get and the way the performance of my query falls off as I increase the degree of separation from Kevin Bacon.
Here's my query to find all actors with one degree of Kevin Bacon:
match p=(:Person {name:"Kevin Bacon"})-[:ACTED_IN*..2]-(:Person) return p
If I understand correctly, that's equivalent to this:
match p=(:Person {name:"Kevin Bacon"})-[:ACTED_IN]->()<-[:ACTED_IN]-(:Person) return p
And indeed, both of these queries return the same number of rows. But if I modify the first version of the query and increase the path length to 6 (i.e., three degrees of Kevin Bacon) it returns 978 rows. There are only 133 Person nodes in the database, so I would expect it to return at most 133 rows.
My guess is that it's returning multiple paths to some of the Person nodes. How do I tell it to return only the shortest path to each? Basically, I want to perform a single depth-first or breadth-first search. I think it might involve WITH, but I don't really understand how to use that yet.
The two statements are not identical: [:ACTED_IN*..2] follows 1 to 2 relationships whereas the second statement forces exactly two relationships. (they return the same since there are no two Person nodes directly connected with a :ACTED_IN in your dataset.
You're right, you'll have multiple paths to the same end node. Cypher has a shortestPath function, see http://docs.neo4j.org/chunked/stable/query-match.html#_shortest_path.
If you want finer grained control e.g. depth-first vs. breadth-first you need to use e.g. Neo4j's traversal API.
