How to loop through 1 to 5 in thymeleaf? - thymeleaf

I want to loop through 1 to 5 in the thymeleaf, similar to jsp code:
<c: forEach begin = "1" end = "5" varStatus = "V"> </ c: forEach>.

<th:block th:each="i: ${#numbers.sequence(1, 5)}"></th:block>


Pattern matching with tag in Lua

I'm trying to parse a text, and based on tags to do actions.
The text is:
<caption>My window
function parse_tag(chunck)
for start_tag,tag_name in string.gfind(chunck,"(<(.-)>)") do
if (child_obj[tag_name]) then
for data,end_tag in string.gfind(chunck,"<" .. tag_name ..">(.-)(</" .. tag_name ..">)") do
for object_prop,value in string.gfind(data,"<(.-)>(.-)") do
print("setting property = \"" .. object_prop .. "\", value of" .. value);
print("</" .. tag_name ..">");
elseif(findInArray(main_obj,tag_name)) then
print("Invalid data");
for key,tag in ipairs(main_obj) do
for start_tag,tag_name,chunck,end_tag in string.gfind(data,"(<(" .. .. ")>)(.-)(</" .. .. ">)") do --> searching for window/panel start and end tags
if (findInArray(main_obj,tag_name)) then
parse_tag(chunck); --> parses the tag with child tag
It seems to fail getting the value, as I get the following output:
setting property = "caption", value of
setting property = "position", value of
setting property = "color", value of
How can I use match the string after the first <%tag%> until the next <%tag%> or end of the chunk.
Here, you try to match the value with .-. However, - is lazy, i.e, .- will try to match as little as possible, in this case, an empty string.
Try telling it to match until the next <:
Tried different type of captures.
Seems to work

AngularJS simple page counter in controller

I have this in my html template. I want the button to fire the showMore function when clicked.
<button ng-click="showMore(secondPage)">Show More</button>
This is the controller. I'm not sure why $scope.nextPage will increment up everywhere except for at $scope.secondPage. I want $scope.secondPage to do fire on the first click Entry.query({page: 2}) then fire Entry.query({page: 3}) on the next click. But right now it keeps firing page 2.
#MainController = ["$scope", "Entry", ($scope, Entry) ->
$scope.entries = Entry.query({page: 1})
$scope.nextPage = 2
$scope.secondPage = Entry.query({page: $scope.nextPage})
$scope.showMore = (secondPage) ->
i = 0
while i < secondPage.length
console.log("nextpage" + $scope.nextPage)
I am using coffeescript. I don't fully understand why the page number in $scope.secondPage is not incrementing.
I'd do:
<button ng-click="showMore()">Show More</button>
#MainController = ["$scope", "Entry", ($scope, Entry) ->
$scope.entries = []
current_page = 1
$scope.showMore = ->
on_success = (entries)->
$scope.entries = $scope.entries.concat entries
current_page = current_page + 1
Entry.query {page: current_page}, on_success

Simple string concatenation in rails in view page

I am new to Rails. Can someone please explain to me the concept of string concatenation using variables in view page and the controller?
For example :
In controller Code :
def show
#firstname = 'Test'
#lastname = 'User'
In view page :
Full Name : <%= "#{#firstname} #{lastname}" %>
For further details Click Here
Scenarios:- If you want to keep two variables on View page and add concatenation for those then use of space is necessary.
View page:
var string_1 = "With"
var string_2 = "Rails"
var addition_1 = string_1 + string_2;
var addition_2 = string_1 + " " + string_2
<h1> First Addition -> #{addition_1} </h1>
<h1> Second Addition -> #{addition_2} </h1>
Output :
First Addition -> WithRails
Second Addition -> With Rails
in view
var1 = "ruby"
var2 = "on"
var3 = var1 + var2
<% f_var = "Ruby #{var3}"%>
but this type of code is not recommended in view as it does not look good. You should use helper method for this type of requirement

How to increment local variable inside Razor Syntax, MVC3

I am working on MVC3, i have a situation where i want to do something like this:
Dim i = 1
End Code
some where, i want to increment i's value, expect 'i' value should be incremented by 1 for subsequent use.
#i = #i + 1
but razor is throwing wrong syntax error message. Could someone help me how to do this properly in side razor code.
Thank you,
I don't know VB, but in C# u can use
#{i = i + 1;}
#{ i++; /* or i += 1; */ }
I think in VB must be:
i = i + 1
End Code
test it!
I create a MVC3 app with VB and test this code:
ViewData("Title") = "Index"
Dim i = 0
End Code
i = i + 1
End Code
It works! post your markup, if u can.

Removing a pattern from the beginning and end of a string in ruby

So I found myself needing to remove <br /> tags from the beginning and end of strings in a project I'm working on. I made a quick little method that does what I need it to do but I'm not convinced it's the best way to go about doing this sort of thing. I suspect there's probably a handy regular expression I can use to do it in only a couple of lines. Here's what I got:
def remove_breaks(text)
if text != nil and text != ""
index = text.rindex("<br />")
while index != nil and index == text.length - 6
text = text[0, text.length - 6]
index = text.rindex("<br />")
index = text.index("<br />")
while index != nil and index == 0
text = test[6, text.length]
index = text.index("<br />")
return text
Now the "<br />" could really be anything, and it'd probably be more useful to make a general use function that takes as an argument the string that needs to be stripped from the beginning and end.
I'm open to any suggestions on how to make this cleaner because this just seems like it can be improved.
gsub can take a regular expression:
text.gsub!(/(<br \/>\s*)*$/, '')
text.gsub!(/^(\s*<br \/>)*/, '')
class String
def strip_this!(t)
# Removes leading and trailing occurrences of t
# from the string, plus surrounding whitespace.
t = Regexp.escape(t)
sub!(/^(\s* #{t} \s*)+ /x, '')
sub!(/ (\s* #{t} \s*)+ $/x, '')
# For example.
str = ' <br /> <br /><br /> foo bar <br /> <br /> '
str.strip_this!('<br />')
p str # => 'foo bar'
You can use chomp! and slice! methods. See:
def remove_breaks(text)
text.gsub((%r{^\s*<br />|<br />\s*$}, '')
%r{...} is another way to specify a regular expression. The advantage of %r is that you can pick your own delimeter. Using {} for the delimiters means not having to escape the /'s.
use replace method instead
str.replace("<br/>", "")
