Incremental Singular Value Decomposition for OpenCV - opencv

I have a large archive of images from outdoor camera. Close to 200000 items, each 1280x960 color pixels. I would like to index this database by constructing SVD (Eigen-images) for this data and making reduced vectors of data (say 100-dimentional vector for every picture).
Loading all this data into RAM at once would require about 200GB of RAM.
Firstly, I don't have so much RAM.
Secondly, it won't scale much. So, I am looking for implementation of incremental singular vector decomposition that probably should exist for libraries like OpenCV or Eigen.
I don't want to reduce resolution before making SVD because I believe that small parts (resoluted far objects) may be important to me, but reducing resolution I just lost all high-frequency features.
I found that NN algorithms GHA or APEX could help here.
Yet another algorithm:

I haven't seen an implementation using Eigen. But it doesn't seem that difficult to code the same method that scikit-learn uses for incremental PCA.


What is the fastest way to use Tensorflow Object Detection API as a flat image recognizer?

I am new to computer vision but I am trying to code an android/ios app which does the following:
Get the live camera preview and try to detect one flat image (logo or painting) in that. In real-time. Draw a rect around the logo if found. If there is no match, dont draw the rectangle.
I found the Tensorflow Object Detection API as a good starting point. And support was just announced for importing TensorFlow models into Core ML.
I followed a lot of tutorials to train my own object detector. The training data is the key. I found a pretty good library to generate augmented image. I have created hundreds of variation of my image source (rotation, skew etc ...).
But it has failed! This dataset is probably good for image classification (with my image in full screen) but not in context (the room).
I think transfer-learning is the key, In my case, I used the ssd_mobilenet_v1_coco model as a base. I tried to fake the context of my augmented image with the Random Erasing Data Augmentation technique without success.
What are my available solutions? Do I tackle the problem rightly? I need to make the model training as fast as possible.
May I have to use some datasets for indoor-outdoor image classification and put my image randomly above? How important are the perspectives?
Thank you!
I have created hundreds of variation of my image source (rotation, skew etc ...). But it has failed!
So that mean your model did not converge or the final performance was bad? If your model did not converge then add more data. "Hundred of samples" is very few. So use more images and make more samples, and make your sample s dispersed as possible.
I think transfer-learning is the key, In my case, I used the ssd_mobilenet_v1_coco model as a base. I tried to fake the context of my augmented image with the Random Erasing Data Augmentation technique without success.
You mean fine-tuning. Did you reduced the label to 2 (your image and background) and did fine-tuning. If you didn't then you surely failed. Oh man, you should at least show me your model definition.
What are my available solutions? Do I tackle the problem rightly? I need to make the model training as fast as possible.
To make training converge faster, just add more GPUs and train on multiple GPUs. If you don't have money, rent some GPU cluster on Azure. Believe me, it is not that expensive.
Hope that help

Implementing Face Recognition using Local Descriptors (Unsupervised Learning)

I'm trying to implement a face recognition algorithm using Python. I want to be able to receive a directory of images, and compute pair-wise distances between them, when short distances should hopefully correspond to the images belonging to the same person. The ultimate goal is to cluster images and perform some basic face identification tasks (unsupervised learning).
Because of the unsupervised setting, my approach to the problem is to calculate a "face signature" (a vector in R^d for some int d) and then figure out a metric in which two faces belonging to the same person will indeed have a short distance between them.
I have a face detection algorithm which detects the face, crops the image and performs some basic pre-processing, so the images i'm feeding to the algorithm are gray and equalized (see below).
For the "face signature" part, I've tried two approaches which I read about in several publications:
Taking the histogram of the LBP (Local Binary Pattern) of the entire (processed) image
Calculating SIFT descriptors at 7 facial landmark points (right of mouth, left of mouth, etc.), which I identify per image using an external application. The signature is the concatenation of the square root of the descriptors (this results in a much higher dimension, but for now performance is not a problem).
For the comparison of two signatures, I'm using OpenCV's compareHist function (see here), trying out several different distance metrics (Chi Square, Euclidean, etc).
I know that face recognition is a hard task, let alone without any training, so I'm not expecting great results. But all I'm getting so far seems completely random. For example, when calculating distances from the image on the far right against the rest of the image, I'm getting she is most similar to 4 Bill Clintons (...!).
I have read in this great presentation that it's popular to carry out a "metric learning" procedure on a test set, which should significantly improve results. However it does say in the presentation and elsewhere that "regular" distance measures should also get OK results, so before I try this out I want to understand why what I'm doing gets me nothing.
In conclusion, my questions, which I'd love to get any sort of help on:
One improvement I though of would be to perform LBP only on the actual face, and not the corners and everything that might insert noise to the signature. How can I mask out the parts which are not the face before calculating LBP? I'm using OpenCV for this part too.
I'm fairly new to computer vision; How would I go about "debugging" my algorithm to figure out where things go wrong? Is this possible?
In the unsupervised setting, is there any other approach (which is not local descriptors + computing distances) that could work, for the task of clustering faces?
Is there anything else in the OpenCV module that maybe I haven't thought of that might be helpful? It seems like all the algorithms there require training and are not useful in my case - the algorithm needs to work on images which are completely new.
Thanks in advance.
What you are looking for is unsupervised feature extraction - take a bunch of unlabeled images and find the most important features describing these images.
The state-of-the-art methods for unsupervised feature extraction are all based on (convolutional) neural networks. Have look at autoencoders ( or Restricted Bolzmann Machines (RBMs).
You could also take an existing face detector such as DeepFace (, take only feature layers and use distance between these to group similar faces together.
I'm afraid that OpenCV is not well suited for this task, you might want to check Caffe, Theano, TensorFlow or Keras.

How possible vector operations on a matrix that does not fit memory

How is it possible to make calculations on a matrix with size 6GB and RAM is 4GB? What techniques are used in this case? Is there any open source solution or tool using files during vector operations?
Yes, the famous Hadoop is an open source computing platform, which can be used for operations on pretty big matrices (and not only for that).
For examples, please read this page.

need advise on sift feature - is there such thing as a good feature?

I am trying out vlfeat, got huge amount of features from an image database, and I am testing with the ground truth for mean average precision (MAp). Overall, I got roughly 40%. I see that some of the papers got higher MAp, while using techniques very similar to mine; the standard bag of word.
I am currently looking for an answer for obtaining higher MAp for the standard bag of word technique. While I see that there are other implementation such as SURF and what not, let's stick to the standard Lowe's SIFT and the standard bag of word in this question.
So the thing is this, I see that vl_sift got thresholding to allow you to be more strict on feature selection. Currently, I understand that going for higher threshold might net you smaller and more meaningful "good" features list, and possibly reduce some noisy features. "Good" features mean, given the same images with different variation, very similar features are also detected on other images.
However, how high should we go for this thresholding? Sometimes, I see that an image returns no features at all with higher threshold. At first, I was thinking of keep on adjusting the threshold, until I get better MAp. But again, I think it's a bad idea to keep on adjusting just to find the best MAp for the respective database. So my questions are:
While adjusting threshold may decrease numbers of features, does increasing threshold always return a lesser number yet better features?
Are there better approaches to obtain the good features?
What are other factors that can increase the rate of obtaining good features?
Have a look into some of the papers put out in response to the Pascal challenge in recent years. The impression they seem to give me is that standard 'feature detection' methods don't work very well with the Bag of Words technique. This makes sense when you think about it - BoW works by pulling together lots of weak, often unrelated features. It's less about detecting a specific object, but instead recognizing classes of objects and scenes. As such, putting too much emphasis on normal 'key features' can harm more than help.
As such, we see folks using dense grids and even random points as their features. From experience, using one of these methods over Harris corners, LoG, SIFT, MSER, or any of the like, has a great positive impact on performance.
To answer your questions directly:
Yes. From the SIFT api:
Keypoints are further refined by eliminating those that are likely to be unstable, either because they are selected nearby an image edge, rather than an image blob, or are found on image structures with low contrast. Filtering is controlled by the follow:
Peak threshold. This is the minimum amount of contrast to accept a keypoint. It is set by configuring the SIFT filter object by vl_sift_set_peak_thresh().
Edge threshold. This is the edge rejection threshold. It is set by configuring the SIFT filter object by vl_sift_set_edge_thresh().
You can see examples of the two thresholds in action in the 'Detector parameters' section here.
Research suggests features densely selected from the scene yield more descriptive 'words' than those selected using more 'intelligent' methods (eg: SIFT, Harris, MSER). Try your Bag of Words pipeline with vl_feat's DSIFT or PHOW implementation. You should see a great improvement in performance (assuming your 'word' selection and classification steps are tuned well).
After a dense set of feature points, the biggest breakthrough in this field seems to have been the 'Spatial Pyramid' approach. This increases the number of words produced for an image, but provides a location aspect to the features - something inherently lacking in Bag of Words. After that, make sure your parameters are well tuned (which feature descriptor you're using (SIFT, HOG, SURF, etc), how many words are in your vocabulary, what classifier are you using ect.) Then.. you're in active research land. Enjoy =)

Image classification/recognition open source library

I have a set of reference images (200) and a set of photos of those images (tens of thousands). I have to classify each photo in a semi-automated way. Which algorithm and open source library would you advise me to use for this task? The best thing for me would be to have a similarity measure between the photo and the reference images, so that I would show to a human operator the images ordered from the most similar to the least one, to make her work easier.
To give a little more context, the reference images are branded packages, and the photos are of the same packages, but with all kinds of noises: reflections from the flash, low light, imperfect perspective, etc. The photos are already (manually) segmented: only the package is visible.
Back in my days with image recognition (like 15 years ago) I would have probably tried to train a neural network with the reference images, but I wonder if now there are better ways to do this.
I recommend that you use Python, and use the NumPy/SciPy libraries for your numerical work. Some helpful libraries for handling images are the Mahotas library and the scikits.image library.
In addition, you will want to use scikits.learn, which is a Python wrapper for Libsvm, a very standard SVM implementation.
The hard part is choosing your descriptor. The descriptor will be the feature you compute from each image, intended to compute a similarity distance with the set of reference images. A good set of things to try would be Histogram of Oriented Gradients, SIFT features, and color histograms, and play around with various ways of binning the different parts of the image and concatenating such descriptors together.
Next, set aside some of your data for training. For these data, you have to manually label them according to the true reference image they belong to. You can feed these labels into built-in functions in scikits.learn and it can train a multiclass SVM to recognize your images.
After that, you may want to look at MPI4Py, an implementation of MPI in Python, to take advantage of multiprocessors when doing the large descriptor computation and classification of the tens of thousands of remaining images.
The task you describe is very difficult and solving it with high accuracy could easily lead to a research-level publication in the field of computer vision. I hope I've given you some starting points: searching any of the above concepts on Google will hit on useful research papers and more details about how to use the various libraries.
The best thing for me would be to have a similarity measure between the photo and the reference images, so that I would show to a human operator the images ordered from the most similar to the least one, to make her work easier.
One way people do this is with the so-called "Earth mover's distance". Briefly, one imagines each pixel in an image as a stack of rocks with height corresponding to the pixel value and defines the distance between two images as the minimal amount of work needed to transfer one arrangement of rocks into the other.
Algorithms for this are a current research topic. Here's some matlab for one: . Looks like they have a java version as well. Here's a link to the original paper and C code:
Try Radpiminer (one of the most widely used data-mining platform, with IMMI (Image Mining Extension,, AGPL licence.
It currently implements several similarity measurement methods (not only trivial pixel by pixel comparison). The similarity measures can be input for a learning algorithm (e.g. neural network, KNN, SVM, ...) and it can be trained in order to give better performance. Some information bout the methods is given in this paper:
Now-a-days Deep Learning based framworks like Torch , Tensorflow, Theano, Keras are the best open source tool/library for object classification/recognition tasks.
