Send notification by Firebase - ios

I want to send notification to specific user when logged in , I use Firebase messaging and I can send notification by console but I want send this notification in Swift code by using send to topic and http request. I couldn't to implement http request to send notification when I run the code in postman I have this error :
The request was missing an Authentification Key (FCM Token). Please,
refer to section "Authentification" of the FCM documentation, at
Error 401

401 Error pertains to an Authorization Error:
The sender account used to send a message couldn't be authenticated. Possible causes are:
Authorization header missing or with invalid syntax in HTTP request.
Invalid project number sent as key.
Key valid but with FCM service disabled.
Request originated from a server not whitelisted in the Server key IPs.
Check that the token you're sending inside the Authentication header is the correct Server key associated with your project. See Checking the validity of a Server key for details.
Make sure you're using the correct Server Key from your Firebase Console, under the Cloud Messaging Tab. Steps below.
Go to your Firebase Console and select the corresponding project.
Then on left-side panel, click on the gear button and select Project Settings.
Then go to the Cloud-Messaging Tab.
The Server Key should be visible from there. This the key that you include in the request when sending a message. Make sure that you're properly setting the headers.
You can also do this using Postman or cURL


Find out who invited my bot the server using OAuth redirect uri

Before someone marks this question as duplicate,
Yes I know audit log is a thing.
No I won't use it because it requires permission.
Yes it's easier to find out server owner
No I need to know exactly who invited my bot
I want to:
Find out who invited my bot the server (user-guild id pair) using invite link redirection.
I read about the OAuth2 API but didn't quite undertstand it due to my lack of background knowledge.
All I understand is that bot invite links can have redirect uri,
and some infos are transfered to it after authentication.
Is it possible to get user/guild id from this?
I tried:
Setting up http server using python -m http.server,
add my IP to redirect uri list in dev page & generate a invite link containing redirect to my IP.
But I didn't get redirected to my http server after inviting my bot using that link,
and nothing got printed on the http server console either.
Things to note:
A. Don't reveal your client secret or your bot token for any purpose. If you do so, immediately regenerate them from the developer portal.
B. Code and token have different meanings in the answer below.
C. This is not for absolute beginners and you are expected to have a general understanding of web requests(specifically GET and POST requests). You might also need to host the site handling redirect URL.
D. This does not cover security issues in any shape, way or form.
In the bot tab of the developer portal, enable the REQUIRES OAUTH2 CODE GRANT option. This prevents the bot from joining a server unless step 4 is completed.
Then use the OAuth tab to generate an OAuth URL with identity and bot scopes. This is important to get user info in step 5.
When someone visits the URL, logs in, and selects a server, they are redirected to your redirect URL. This URL receives a single-use code as URL parameter ie the URL will be <base_url>&code={code}<other stuff>. It is up to you (and probably outside the scope of any SO answer; google is your friend here) to set up a web server and handle requests.
This code can then be used to get a token. This link explains how to exchange code for token. It involves sending a post request with your application's client id and secret. Both are available from discord's developer portal. The response will also have information about the guild along with the token in fields "guilds" and "access_token" respectively.
Send a get request to with a header containing Authorization: Bearer ${token} where the token is obtained in step 4. The response is in JSON format and contains user data specified here. Note: The link above is for the latest API version v9 which may change in future versions.
It is possible to manually modify the URL to remove identity scope from URL. The bot would still join the server as long as you make a request to exchange the code for the token. In this case, the request to /users/#me would fail and you would have no access to the user object. It should be easy to make the bot leave the server if the request fails with the status code corresponding to unauthorized.

Invalid Authorization Code auth_code_not_found in OAuth2

Hi guy I have a simple diagram to explain what I to achieve
first want to authenticate OAuth with mobile because mobile cant receive a callback from auth server so I need to create new simple node server for handle authentication code and get real token everything just fine until getting real token I already send code
you will see URL that console log print
already attach code in URL
I dint know issue come from guess because different referer who getting and obtain code
because I try to use only server:9000 getting and obtain access token is work
we dont need server for obtain token just only external browser and deeplink
here solove workflow
native trigger external browser
browser send authentication request to auth server
authserver send authorization back to browser
browser trigger some address that associate to app with deeplinking also passs auth code with query param
native capture auth token then send code to auth server for obtain access_token
auth server send access token back to native 
native store access token in secure storage like keychain and shared preference 

DeleteMessage Action - Invalid Receipt Handle

Task is to receive messages and delete messages. Am modeling this in Postman. I can successfully execute the receive messages action, but not the delete message action.
I have tried copying the receipt handle string from the receive messages response and using it in the delete messages request, and also tried url encoding the string. Both returned errors
In Postman I run the aws sqs ReceiveMessage action and get the ReceiptHandle
Then I run the aws sqs DeleteMessage action
Try #1
Pass the ReceiptHandle with exact copy
In the response, Postman shows the ‘+’ being replaced with spaces, so assume this is an encoding problem:
The input receipt handle "AQEBjiliZegyBS/ZO9wta a/heA/tSx/f6tLFqfH38jEZ2r9zguHAljXhG/B8tXaM S6MKs/XGyZ206S3NC2V38CUKLO sPF0mfP47wqu7 nAIwettlxTGQAYuCFqI1CYBYHXxgajB1UEiFz8Kc6v8SlWs/VPLX IWjckoQOtMRl977sxM5pCLhMNvIwh1RYFvybM0D0WEbJEuYb9JU3DZuRZg/K5rjvNooPqER4FR1JJxpZiJ0tu6481CyePLtEh/J4 Yd2kYRyuqN788oEdSTZIKprA6lHUCiCmeuqCb0yEDsxJcCVX4GmDok5KMHm/E2bgjpRjVRxZ mrnLqTSwojt0LXg61vv8dNF8QD4sngPXqhmKQ7yp5O6S8ygn4lIPaUGOl5cgX1HsB3Q9Pfv3sg4A==" is not a valid receipt handle.
Try #2
URL Encode the Receipt Handle:
Error response is:
The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your AWS Secret Access Key and signing method. Consult the service documentation for details.
Does the receipt handle need to be encoded?
Based on SQS DeleteMessage docs, your second attempt with URL encoding the receipt handle is correct.
It looks like you're having a problem with authentication & authorization - you need to sign your requests with auth params - this is what prevents (a) others from making unauthorized requests to your account's resources, and (b) others from intercepting and modifying (or replaying) your requests to your account's resources.
This tutorial provides great details on this how to do this auth via postman:
Postman makes it easy to setup all the necessary authorization using Collections. Configure the AWS authorization in the parent collection with the Access Key and Secret Access Key found in the AWS Console:
Then reference that authorization in each request:
For full information on how to construct the auth params more manually (which AWS API will do for you by the way), see

The provided registration token is not registered

I'm trying to send push notification for iOS via Google cloud functions but it returns error that The provided registration token is not registered. But I've checked it by debugging my app and the FCM registration token is correct. After that I've tried to send push notification via Firebase console to single device by providing FCM token but it failed due to Unregistered registration token. How this happens because there is no issue with device FCM token?
I think it should be some careless mistake, you should make sure the things below:
The token is same with -[FIRMessagingDelegate messaging:(FIRMessaging *)messaging didReceiveRegistrationToken:(NSString *)fcmToken]
The GoogleService-Info.plist is downloaded from the same account with your Firebase push console.
Updated to the latest Firebase SDK.
From the Google Firebase document are some description of your error The provided registration token is not registered.
The provided registration token is not registered. A previously valid
registration token can be unregistered for a variety of reasons,
The client app unregistered itself from FCM.
The client app was automatically unregistered. This can happen if the user uninstalls the application or, on iOS, if the APNS Feedback
Service reported the APNS token as invalid.
The registration token expired. For example, Google might decide to refresh registration tokens or the APNS token may have expired for iOS
The client app was updated, but the new version is not configured to receive messages. For all these cases, remove this registration token
and stop using it to send messages.
I also got a similar error. Something like this.
FirebaseMessagingError: The provided registration token is not registered. A previously valid registration token can be unregistered for a variety of reasons. See the error documentation for more details. Remove this registration token and stop using it to send messages.
So I simply generated a new token and replaced it with the old one.
And it started working fine.
I also got a similar error on the released build iOS device.
The provided registration token is not registered. A previously valid registration token can be unregistered for a variety of reasons. See the error documentation for more details. Remove this registration token and stop using it to send messages.
I fixed it by reuploading correct .p12 certificate on the firebase messaging
I got a mail from firebase support team:
"In your case, please note that you can only upload up to 2 APN certificates. One for development and another for production. Since one of the APN certificates is invalid, you should delete the incorrect one. To be able to delete an APN certificate, the user must have an 'owner' permission/role. Upon checking, you don’t have enough permission to make this change. I suggest you reach out to the project owner to request the necessary permission or to delete the APN certificate.
Just to add, As of I/O 2017, developers can use either auth keys or certs for their APNs. We recommend that you use auth keys because they are easier to configure and do not expire. If both cert and an auth key is uploaded, our server will use the auth key.
Our system can not validate auth keys like it does certificates. We do not have a way of validating that APNs will accept them without sending an actual message. With certs, we open a connection to APNs before accepting them, and if they are invalid APNs reject them and we can return the error to the user."
I was experiencing this issue and it turned out that our server was sending a bad notification payload for a certain use case. When this happened, Firebase would send a return code of 400 and unregister the token.
The fix for us was to fix the use case sending the bad payload. The error in our payload was due to "DeviceTokenNotForTopic". Be sure to check that you aren't getting errors when posting notifications prior to when you get in this bad state.

iOS Sending Firebase Registration Token to My App Server

I currently have a functional iOS application (with react) and an app server using nodejs. So far, I am able to register with Firebase Messaging and console log my registration token through the AppDelegate.m file. And from my server, I can send my app a notification on a certain device with a POST method. However, in order to do that, I have to copy my registration token from the consolelog and paste it in the post request. Which is pointless because the token can change at any time.
I am still fairly new to this and I cannot find any examples of people sending their registration token to their app server. In all of the documentation it is always just a comment like "//If necessary send the token to your app server" with no explanation on how to go about it.
I just want to send the registration token to my server every time it refreshes so I can save it, and then send downstream messages to certain devices using their latest tokens. How do I get the Firebase token from my Obj-C AppDelegate file to my javascript server side? Can anyone help me out? Or show me an example?
You are on the right track, your app server will need an endpoint (say /register) that will let you make an http request posting your token to your app server.
