Cloud Dataflow Streaming continuously failing to insert - google-cloud-dataflow

My dataflow pipeline functions as so:
Read from Pubsub
Transform data into rows
Write the rows to bigquery
On, occasion data is passed which fails to insert. That is alright, I know the reason for this failure. But dataflow continuously attempts to insert this data over and over and over and over. I would like to limit the number of retries as it bloats the worker logs with irrelevant information. Therefore making it extremely difficult to troubleshoot what is the problem when the same error repeatedly appears.
When running the pipeline locally I get:
no evaluator registered for Read(PubsubSource)
I would love to be able to test the pipeline locally. But it does not seem that dataflow supports this option with PubSub.
To clear the errors I am left with no other choice than canceling the pipeline and running a new job on the Google Cloud. Which costs time & money. Is there a way to limit the errors? Is there a way to test my pipeline locally? Is there a better approach to debugging the pipeline?
Dataflow UI
Job ID: 2017-02-08_09_18_15-3168619427405502955

To run the pipeline locally with unbounded data sets, on #Pablo's suggestion use the InProcessPipelineRunner.
Running the program locally has allowed me to handle errors with exceptions and optimize my workflow rapidly.


How can I debug why my Dataflow job is stuck?

I have a Dataflow job that is not making progress - or it is making very slow progress, and I do not know why. How can I start looking into why the job is slow / stuck?
The first resource that you should check is Dataflow documentation. It should be useful to check these:
Troubleshooting your Pipeline
Common error guidance
If these resources don't help, I'll try to summarize some reasons why your job may be stuck, and how you can debug it. I'll separate these issues depending on which part of the system is causing the trouble. Your job may be:
Job stuck at startup
A job can get stuck being received by the Dataflow service, or starting up new Dataflow workers. Some risk factors for this are:
Did you add a custom file?
Do you have any dependencies that require a special setup on worker startup?
Are you manipulating the worker container?
To debug this sort of issue I usually open StackDriver logging, and look for worker-startup logs (see next figure). These logs are written by the worker as it starts up a docker container with your code, and your dependencies. If you see any problem here, it would indicate an issue with your, your job submission, staged artifacts, etc.
Another thing you can do is to keep the same setup, and run a very small pipeline that stages everything:
with beam.Pipeline(...) as p:
| beam.Create(['test element'])
| beam.Map(lambda x:
If you don't see your logs in StackDriver, then you can continue to debug your setup. If you do see the log in StackDriver, then your job may be stuck somewhere else.
Job seems stuck in user code
Something else that could happen is that your job is performing some operation in user code that is stuck or slow. Some risk factors for this are:
Is your job performing operations that require you to wait for them? (e.g. loading data to an external service, waiting for promises/futures)
Note that some of the builtin transforms of Beam do exactly this (e.g. the Beam IOs like BigQueryIO, FileIO, etc).
Is your job loading very large side inputs into memory? This may happen if you are using View.AsList for a side input.
Is your job loading very large iterables after GroupByKey operations?
A symptom of this kind of issue can be that the pipeline's throughput is lower than you would expect. Another symptom is seeing the following line in the logs:
Processing stuck in step <STEP_NAME>/<...>/<...> for at least <TIME> without outputting or completing in state <STATE>
.... <a stacktrace> ....
In cases like these it makes sense to look at which step is consuming the most time in your pipeline, and inspect the code for that step, to see what may be the problem.
Some tips:
Very large side inputs can be troublesome, so if your pipeline relies on accessing a very large side input, you may need to redesign it to avoid that bottleneck.
It is possible to have asynchronous requests to external services, but I recommend that you commit / finalize work on startBundle and finishBundle calls.
If your pipeline's throughput is not what you would normally expect, it may be because you don't have enough parallelism. This can be fixed by a Reshuffle, or by sharding your existing keys into subkeys (Beam often does processing per-key, and so if you have too few keys, your parallelism will be low) - or using a Combiner instead of GroupByKey + ParDo.
Another reason that your throughput is low may be that your job is waiting too long on external calls. You can try addressing this by trying out batching strategies, or async IO.
In general, there's no silver bullet to improve your pipeline's throughput,and you'll need to have experimentation.
The data freshness or system lag are increasing
First of all, I'd recommend you check out this presentation on watermarks.
For streaming, the advance of the watermarks is what drives the pipeline to make progress, thus, it is important to be watchful of things that could cause the watermark to be held back, and stall your pipeline downstream. Some reasons why the watermark may become stuck:
One possibility is that your pipeline is hitting an unresolvable error condition. When a bundle fails processing, your pipeline will continue to attempt to execute that bundle indefinitely, and this will hold the watermark back.
When this happens, you will see errors in your Dataflow console, and the count will keep climbing as the bundle is retried. See:
You may have a bug when associating the timestamps to your data. Make sure that the resolution of your timestamp data is the correct one!
Although unlikely, it is possible that you've hit a bug in Dataflow. If neither of the other tips helps, please open a support ticket.

Drain DataFlow job and start another one right after, cause to message duplication

I have a dataflow job, that subscribed to messages from PubSub:
p.apply("pubsub-topic-read", PubsubIO.readMessagesWithAttributes()
I see in docs that there is no guarantee for no duplication, and Beam suggests to use withIdAttribute.
This works perfectly until I drain an existing job, wait for it to be finished and restart another one, then I see millions of duplicate BigQuery records, (my job writes PubSub messages to BigQuery).
Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
I think you should be using the update feature instead of using drain to stop the pipeline and starting a new pipeline. In the latter approach state is not shared between the two pipelines, so Dataflow is not able to identify messages already delivered from PubSub. With update feature you should be able to continue your pipeline without duplicate messages.

Is google dataflow BQ/BT Write atomic per job?

maybe I am a bad seeker but I couldn't find my answers in documentation, so I just want to try my luck here
So my question is that say I have a dataflow job that write to a BigQuery or BigTable and the job failed. Will dataflow will able to rollback to state before it started or there might simply be partial data in my table?
I know that write to GCS seems not atomic that there will be partial output partition produced along the way when the job is running.
However, I have tried dumping data into BQ by dataflow, and it seems that the output table will not be exposed to users until the job claimed success.
In Batch, Cloud Dataflow uses the following procedure for"some table"):
Write all data to a temporary directory on GCS.
Issue a BigQuery load job with an explicit list of all the temporary files containing the rows to be written.
If there are failures when the GCS writes are only partially complete, we will recreate the temp files on retry. Exactly one complete copy of the data will be produced by step 1 and used for loading in step 2, or the job will fail before step 2.
Each BigQuery load job, as in William V's answer, is atomic. The load job will succeed or fail, and if it fails there will be no data written to BigQuery.
For slightly more depth, Dataflow also uses a deterministic BigQuery job id (like dataflow_job_12423423) so that if the Dataflow code monitoring the load job fails and is retried we will still have exactly-once write semantics to BigQuery.
Together, this design means that each BigQueryIO.Write transform in your pipeline is atomic. In a common case, you have only one such write in your job, and so if the job succeeds the data will be in BigQuery and if the job fails there will be no data written.
However: Note that if you have multiple BigQueryIO.Write transforms in a pipeline, some of the writes may have successfully completed before the Dataflow job fails. The completed writes will not be reverted when the Dataflow job fails.
This means that you may need to be careful when rerunning a Dataflow pipeline with multiple sinks in order to ensure correctness in the presence of commited writes from the earlier failed job.
I can speak for Bigtable. Bigtable is atomic at the row level, not at the job level. A Dataflow job that fails part way will write partial data into Bigtable.
BigQuery jobs fail or succeed as a unit. From
Each action is atomic and only occurs if BigQuery is able to complete the job successfully. Creation, truncation and append actions occur as one atomic update upon job completion.
Though, just to be clear, BigQuery is atomic at the level of the BigQuery job, not at the level of a Dataflow job that might have created the BigQuery job. E.g. if your Dataflow job fails but it has written to BigQuery before failing (and that BigQuery job is complete) then the data will remain in BigQuery.

Running periodic Dataflow job

I have to join data from Google Datastore and Google BigTable to produce some report. I need to execute that operation every minute. Is it possible to accomplish with Google Cloud Dataflow (assuming the processing itself should not take long time and/or can be split in independent parallel jobs)?
Should I have endless loop inside the "main" creating and executing the same pipeline again and again?
If most of time in such scenario is taken by bringing up the VMs, is it possible to instruct the Dataflow to use customer VMs instead?
If you expect that your job is small enough to complete in 60 seconds you could consider using the Datastore and BigTable APIs from within a DoFn in a Streaming job. Your pipeline might look something like:
PCollection<Long> impulse = p.apply(
CountingInput.unbounded().withRate(1, Duration.standardMinutes(1)))
PCollection<A> input1 = impulse.apply(ParDo.of(readFromDatastore));
PCollection<B> input2 = impulse.apply(ParDo.of(readFromBigTable));
This produces a single input every minute, forever. Running as a streaming pipeline, the VMs will continue running.
After reading from both APIs you can then window/join as necessary.

Dataflow OutOfMemoryError while reading small tables from BigQuery

We have a pipeline reading data from BigQuery and processing historical data for various calendar years. It fails with OutOfMemoryError errors if the input data is small (~500MB)
On startup it reads from BigQuery about 10.000 elements/sec, after short time it slows down to hundreds elements/s then it hangs completely.
Observing 'Elements Added' on the next processing step (BQImportAndCompute), the value increases and then decreases again. That looks to me like some already loaded data is dropped and then loaded again.
Stackdriver Logging console contains errors with various stack traces that contain java.lang.OutOfMemoryError, for example:
Error reporting workitem progress update to Dataflow service:
"java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
I would suspect that there is a problem with topology of the pipe, but running the same pipeline
locally with DirectPipelineRunner works fine
in cloud with DataflowPipelineRunner on large dataset (5GB, for another year) works fine
I assume problem is how Dataflow parallelizes and distributes work in the pipeline. Are there any possibilities to inspect or influence it?
The problem here doesn't seem to be related to the size of the BigQuery table, but likely the number of BigQuery sources being used and the rest of the pipeline.
Instead of reading from multiple BigQuery sources and flattening them have you tried reading from a query that pulls in all the information? Doing that in a single step should simplify the pipeline and also allow BigQuery to execute better (one query against multiple tables vs. multiple queries against individual tables).
Another possible problem is if there is a high degree of fan-out within or after the BQImportAndCompute operation. Depending on the computation being done there, you may be able to reduce the fan-out using clever CombineFns or WindowFns. If you want help figuring out how to improve that path, please share more details about what is happening after the BQImportAndCompute.
Have you tried debugging with Stackdriver?
