Dataflow OutOfMemoryError while reading small tables from BigQuery - google-cloud-dataflow

We have a pipeline reading data from BigQuery and processing historical data for various calendar years. It fails with OutOfMemoryError errors if the input data is small (~500MB)
On startup it reads from BigQuery about 10.000 elements/sec, after short time it slows down to hundreds elements/s then it hangs completely.
Observing 'Elements Added' on the next processing step (BQImportAndCompute), the value increases and then decreases again. That looks to me like some already loaded data is dropped and then loaded again.
Stackdriver Logging console contains errors with various stack traces that contain java.lang.OutOfMemoryError, for example:
Error reporting workitem progress update to Dataflow service:
"java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
I would suspect that there is a problem with topology of the pipe, but running the same pipeline
locally with DirectPipelineRunner works fine
in cloud with DataflowPipelineRunner on large dataset (5GB, for another year) works fine
I assume problem is how Dataflow parallelizes and distributes work in the pipeline. Are there any possibilities to inspect or influence it?

The problem here doesn't seem to be related to the size of the BigQuery table, but likely the number of BigQuery sources being used and the rest of the pipeline.
Instead of reading from multiple BigQuery sources and flattening them have you tried reading from a query that pulls in all the information? Doing that in a single step should simplify the pipeline and also allow BigQuery to execute better (one query against multiple tables vs. multiple queries against individual tables).
Another possible problem is if there is a high degree of fan-out within or after the BQImportAndCompute operation. Depending on the computation being done there, you may be able to reduce the fan-out using clever CombineFns or WindowFns. If you want help figuring out how to improve that path, please share more details about what is happening after the BQImportAndCompute.

Have you tried debugging with Stackdriver?


Debugging slow reads from BigQuery on Google Cloud Dataflow

We have a really simple pipeline which reads some data from BigQuery (usually ~300MB) filters/transforms it and puts it back to BigQuery. in 99% of cases this pipeline finishes in 7-10minutes and is then restarted again to process a new batch.
Recently, the job has started to take >3h once in a while, maybe 2 times in a month out of 2000 runs. When I look at the logs, I can't see any errors and in fact it's only the first step (read from BigQuery) that is taking so long.
Does anyone have a suggestion on how to approach debugging of such cases? Especially since it's really the read from BQ and not any of our transformation code. We are using Apache Beam SDK for Python 0.6.0 (maybe that's the reason!?)
Is it maybe possible to define a timeout for the job?
This is an issue on either Dataflow side or BigQuery side depending on how one looks at it. When splitting the data for parallel processing, Dataflow relies on an estimate of the data size. The long runtime happens when BigQuery sporadically gives a severe under-estimate of the query result size, and Dataflow, as a consequence, severely over-splits the data and the runtime becomes bottlenecked by the overhead of reading lots and lots of tiny file chunks exported by BigQuery.
On one hand, this is the first time I've seen BigQuery produce such dramatically incorrect query result size estimates. However, as size estimates are inherently best-effort and can in general be arbitrarily off, Dataflow should control for that and prevent such oversplitting. We'll investigate and fix this.
The only workaround that comes to mind meanwhile is to use the Java SDK: it uses quite different code for reading from BigQuery that, as far as I recall, does not rely on query size estimates.

BigQueryIO Read performance using withTemplateCompatibility

Apache Beam 2.1.0 had a bug with template pipelines that read from BigQuery which meant they could only be executed once. More details here
This has been fixed with the release of Beam 2.2.0, you can now read from BigQuery using the withTemplateCompatibility option, your template pipeline can now be run multiple times.
.apply("Read rows from table."
, BigQueryIO.readTableRows()
This implementation seems to come with a huge performance cost to BigQueryIO read operation, I now have batch pipelines what ran in 8-11 minutes now consistently taking 45-50 minutes to complete. The only difference between both pipelines is the .withTemplateCompatibility().
Am trying to understand the reasons for the huge drop in performance and if there is any way to improve them.
Solution: based on jkff's input.
.apply("Read rows from table."
, BigQueryIO.readTableRows()
.apply("Reshuffle", Reshuffle.viaRandomKey())
I suspect this is due to the fact that withTemplateCompatibility comes at the cost of disabling dynamic rebalancing for this read step.
I would expect it to have significant impact only if you're reading a small or moderate amount of data, but performing very heavy processing on it. In this case, try adding a Reshuffle.viaRandomKey() onto your It will materialize a temporary copy of the data, but will parallelize downstream processing much better.

Multiple export using google dataflow

Not sure whether this is the right place to ask but I am currently trying to run a dataflow job that will partition a data source to multiple chunks in multiple places. However I feel that if I try to write to too many table at once in one job, it is more likely for the dataflow job to fail on a HTTP transport Exception error, and I assume there is some bound one how many I/O in terms of source and sink I could wrap into one job?
To avoid this scenario, the best solution I can think of is to split this one job into multiple dataflow jobs, however for which it will mean that I will need to process same data source multiple times (once for which dataflow job). It is okay for now but ideally I sort of want to avoid it if later if my data source grow huge.
Therefore I am wondering there is any rule of thumb of how many data source and sink I can group into one steady job? And is there any other better solution for my use case?
From the Dataflow service description of structuring user code:
The Dataflow service is fault-tolerant, and may retry your code multiple times in the case of worker issues. The Dataflow service may create backup copies of your code, and can have issues with manual side effects (such as if your code relies upon or creates temporary files with non-unique names).
In general, Dataflow should be relatively resilient. You can Partition your data based on the location you would like it output. The writes to these output locations will be automatically divided into bundles, and any bundle which fails to get written will be retried.
If the location you want to write to is not already supported you can look at writing a custom sink. The docs there describe how to do so in a way that is fault tolerant.
There is a bound on how many sources and sinks you can have in a single job. Do you have any details on how many you expect to use? If it exceeds the limit, there are also ways to use a single custom sink instead of several sinks, depending on your needs.
If you have more questions, feel free to comment. In addition to knowing more about what you're looking to do, it would help to know if you're planning on running this as a Batch or Streaming job.
Our solution to this was to write a custom GCS sink that supports partitions. Though with the responses I got I'm unsure whether that was the right thing to do or not. Writing Output of a Dataflow Pipeline to a Partitioned Destination

Cloud Dataflow Running really slow when reading/writing from Cloud Storage (GCS)

Since using the release of the latest build of Cloud Dataflow (0.4.150414) our jobs are running really slow when reading from cloud storage (GCS). After running for 20 minutes with 10 VMs we were only able to read in about 20 records when previously we could read in millions without issue.
It seems to be hanging, although no errors are being reported back to the console.
We received an email informing us that the latest build would be slower and that it could be countered by using more VMs but we got similar results with 50 VMs.
Here is the job id for reference: 2015-04-22_22_20_21-5463648738106751600
Instance: n1-standard-2
Region: us-central1-a
Your job seems to be using side inputs to a DoFn. Since there has been a recent change in how Cloud Dataflow SDK for Java handles side inputs, it is likely that your performance issue is related to that. I'm reposting my answer from a related question.
The evidence seems to indicate that there is an issue with how your pipeline handles side inputs. Specifically, it's quite likely that side inputs may be getting re-read from BigQuery again and again, for every element of the main input. This is completely orthogonal to the changes to the type of virtual machines used by Dataflow workers, described below.
This is closely related to the changes made in the Dataflow SDK for Java, version 0.3.150326. In that release, we changed the side input API to apply per window. Calls to sideInput() now return values only in the specific window corresponding to the window of the main input element, and not the whole side input PCollectionView. Consequently, sideInput() can no longer be called from startBundle and finishBundle of a DoFn because the window is not yet known.
For example, the following code snippet has an issue that would cause re-reading side input for every input element.
public void processElement(ProcessContext c) throws Exception {
Iterable<String> uniqueIds = c.sideInput(iterableView);
for (String item : uniqueIds) {
This code can be improved by caching the side input to a List member variable of the transform (assuming it fits into memory) during the first call to processElement, and use that cached List instead of the side input in subsequent calls.
This workaround should restore the performance you were seeing before, when side inputs could have been called from startBundle. Long-term, we will work on better caching for side inputs. (If this doesn't help fully resolve the issue, please reach out to us via email and share the relevant code snippets.)
Separately, there was, indeed, an update to the Cloud Dataflow Service around 4/9/15 that changed the default type of virtual machines used by Dataflow workers. Specifically, we reduced the default number of cores per worker because our benchmarks showed it as cost effective for typical jobs. This is not a slowdown in the Dataflow Service of any kind -- it just runs with less resources per worker, by default. Users are still given the options to override both the number of workers as well as the type of the virtual machine used by workers.
We had a similar issue. It is when the side-input is reading from a BigQuery table that has had its data streamed in, rather than bulk loaded. When we copy the table(s), and read from the copies instead everything works fine.
If your tables are streamed, try copying them and reading the copies instead. This is a workaround.
See: Dataflow performance issues

What is the Cloud Dataflow equivalent of BigQuery's table decorators?

We have a large table in BigQuery where the data is streaming in. Each night, we want to run Cloud Dataflow pipeline which processes the last 24 hours of data.
In BigQuery, it's possible to do this using a 'Table Decorator', and specifying the range we want i.e. 24 hours.
Is the same functionality somehow possible in Dataflow when reading from a BQ table?
We've had a look at the 'Windows' documentation for Dataflow, but we can't quite figure if that's what we need. We came up with up with this so far (we want the last 24 hours of data using FixedWindows), but it still tries to read the whole table:
.withWriteDisposition(BigQueryIO.Write.WriteDisposition.WRITE_TRUNCATE) .withCreateDisposition(BigQueryIO.Write.CreateDisposition.CREATE_IF_NEEDED));
Are we on the right track?
Thank you for your question.
At this time, BigQueryIO.Read expects table information in "project:dataset:table" format, so specifying decorators would not work.
Until support for this is in place, you can try the following approaches:
Run a batch stage which extracts the whole bigquery and filters out unnecessary data and process that data. If the table is really big, you may want to fork the data into a separate table if the amount of data read is significantly smaller than the total amount of data.
Use streaming dataflow. For example, you may publish the data onto Pubsub, and create a streaming pipeline with a 24hr window. The streaming pipeline runs continuously, but provides sliding windows vs. daily windows.
Hope this helps
