How to change Selected Tab icon using Xamarin Forms Android -

I have been trying for the last day to do something simple.
I have a Xamarin Forms app. I need to change the selected tab icon on Android.
I've tried custom renderers, but can't get anything to work.
Does anyone have a recipe or code to do this?
Thank you very much in advance.

James M wrote up a solution here
Thak you James M!


How to replicate this behavior on iOS?

I'd like to implement this component on iOS. As far as my research went I think this is not native. I'm referring to the "Overview | Versions | Activity" bar right below the navigation bar:
I need to use this component in my app. The only difference is that it'll have more items, not only 3, so it needs to scroll... but I'm assuming that's this one does anyway, right?
Appreciate any help :)
So when you swipe right it will go to the next tab (Overview -> Versions)?
if that's what you're trying to do then use this library.
There is CarbonKit library for Xamarin as well:
To install for xamarin:

Angular-meteor tutorial WhatsApp is not working in IOS 9.3

I'm trying to deploy Whatsapp tutorial application shown in this page ( in IOS 9.3, but I'm not able to run properly due to a navigation problem. The behaviour is very weird, you have to click more than one time an action button in order to navigate to other page. Also, the icons in the tab control are not visible.
Somebody knows How can I fix this issue?
I appreciate your help,
After I was trying to find a solution in different forums, I did this fix that it seems to work for me.

iOS/swift - create calendar weekview

I'm trying to create a calendar weekview in portrait mode in an iOS app. I only need 1 week that will be displayed all the time, so 7 columns are enough.
To visualise: the result should look something like the middle screen in this picture:
I'm fairly new to iOS. I can create some basic apps now but can't figure out how to design this view.
What controller and view should I start with?
Any ideas on how to design this view?
Any help is very welcome! Thanks in advance.
Try to use this awesome library..

Adding a color picker in UIAlertView

In my iPhone application, i want a color picker to be added on a button click pop up. Can anyone please suggest how to proceed with it. Read several online materials but not finding a good start point.
Thanks in advance
You can use kartech/Colorpicker , here is link

Action Menu in IOS 7

I'm looking for the menu that pops up when you want to set a photo as wallpaper, where you have a series of options. I'm going to link this to a Action BarButtonItem in a ToolBar and was wondering if you know of any good tutorials for this or have got some code if it's a short and easy thing to do?
I know this is a short question but I really need answer to this, at least to know what the menu is "officially" called ;)
Assuming you are looking for UIActionSheet. These guys have pretty good tutorials. I watched all their tutorials and I think this one will help you out with that.
This is what UIActionSheet Looks like in iOS 7
