Are Delphi record constructors really needed? - delphi

I am studying "More Coding in Delphi" by Nick Hodges, and he is using a TFraction record to explain operator overloading. I have written by myself this record:
TFraction = record
strict private
aNumerator: integer;
aDenominator: integer;
function GCD(a, b: integer): integer;
constructor Create(aNumerator: integer; aDenominator: integer);
procedure Reduce;
class operator Add(fraction1, fraction2: TFraction): TFraction;
class operator Subtract(fraction1, fraction2: TFraction): TFraction;
//... implicit, explicit, multiply...
property Numerator: integer read aNumerator;
property Denominator: integer read aDenominator;
Of course, I had to create a constructor because in Q (rationals) I must have a denominator that is not equal to zero.
constructor TFraction.Create(aNumerator, aDenominator: integer);
if (aDenominator = 0) then
raise Exception.Create('Denominator cannot be zero in rationals!');
if ( (aNumerator < 0) or (aDenominator < 0) ) then
Self.aNumerator := -aNumerator;
Self.aDenominator := -aDenominator;
Self.aNumerator := aNumerator;
Self.aDenominator := aDenominator;
Since the operator overloads return a TFraction, I am going to define an operation like this:
class operator TFraction.Add(fraction1, fraction2: TFraction): TFraction;
tmp: TFraction;
//simple algorithm of the sum
tmp := TFraction.Create(fraction1.Numerator*fraction2.Denominator+fraction1.Denominator*fraction2.Numerator, fraction1.Denominator*fraction2.Denominator);
//return the result
Result := tmp;
As you can see here, I am creating a tmp that is returned from the function.
When I read Marco Cantu's book, he used another approach:
class operator TFraction.Add(fraction1, fraction2: TFraction): TFraction;
Result.aNumerator := (fraction1.Numerator*fraction2.Denominator+fraction1.Denominator*fraction2.Numerator);
Result.aDenominator := fraction1.Denominator*fraction2.Denominator;
I have made some tests, and I see that both give me the correct result, but there is something that I cannot understand. In the first approach, I am declaring tmp and then I call the constructor so I can return a TFraction. In the second approach, I am instead not creating anything because records have an automatic constructor. The documentation, in fact, says that:
Records are constructed automatically, using a default no-argument
constructor, but classes must be explicitly constructed. Because
records have a default no-argument constructor, any user-defined
record constructor must have one or more parameters.
Here I have a user-defined record constructor. So:
Is the constructor call on tmp of the first approach not needed? If I want to call Reduce (which is a procedure), I need to create a variable. Is the Result just returning a copy of tmp without creating anything?
In the second approach, are Result.aNumerator and Result.aDenominator the parameters of the automatic created constructor?

A record constructor isn't anything magical. It's just an instance method like any other. You write:
tmp := TFraction.Create(...);
But you may equally well write it like this:
I personally find neither to be especially useful because I am used to constructor calling semantics for classes which allocate and default initialise memory, and then call the constructor method.
And especially the second variant grates with me because that looks like the classic mistake that novice Delphi programmers make when starting out and trying to create an instance of a class. That code would be no good if TFraction were a class, but for a record it is fine.
Were it me I would get rid of the record constructor and instead use a static class function that returned a newly minted instance of your record type. My convention is to name such things New. But these are matters of personal preference.
If you did that it would be declared like this:
class function New(aNumerator, aDenominator: Integer): TFraction; static;
It would be implemented like this:
class function TFraction.New(aNumerator, aDenominator: Integer): TFraction;
Result.aNumerator := ...;
Result.aDenominator := ...;
You would then call it like this:
frac := TFraction.New(num, denom);
But as I said, that's a matter of preference. If you like record constructors, feel free to stick with them.
You ask whether or not you can skip the constructor. In terms of allocation of the record, yes you can skip it. In terms of running the code in the constructor, only you can determine that. Do you want that code to execute or not?
If you wish that code to be executed, but don't want to use a temporary variable, then you can write the code like this:
class operator TFraction.Add(fraction1, fraction2: TFraction): TFraction;
fraction1.Numerator*fraction2.Denominator + fraction1.Denominator*fraction2.Numerator,
Or if you preferred a static class function it would be:
class operator TFraction.Add(fraction1, fraction2: TFraction): TFraction;
Result := TFraction.New(
fraction1.Numerator*fraction2.Denominator + fraction1.Denominator*fraction2.Numerator,


Rtti invoke a class method says invalid type cast

I have made a unit that's very generic and settings objects in this are all TObjects i don't want to make uses of any units that's why i'm doing this. So my approach is to use RTTI to call everything. But now i face a problem where i can call all the functions and give arguments and everything but when the method is a class procedure/function i can't call it and it says invalid type cast.
I checked on embarcadero's website it says that when we call rtti.invoke on a classmethod we have to set the first argument in Args as a class reference. I tried that but it doesn't work. Take a look at my code:
function TSomething.ExecMethodAndRet(MethodName: string;
Args: array of TValue): TObjectList<TObject>;
R : TRttiContext;
T : TRttiType;
M : TRttiMethod;
lArgs : array of TValue;
i : integer;
T := R.GetType(MainObj.ClassInfo);
for M in t.GetMethods do
if (m.Parent = t) and (UpperCase(m.Name) = UpperCase(MethodName))then
if (m.IsClassMethod) then
for I := 0 to Length(Args) do
lArgs := [args[i]];
lArgs := [MainObj] + lArgs;
result := M.Invoke(MainObj, Args).AsType<TObjectList<TObject>>; <- this will say invalid type cast
result := M.Invoke(MainObj, Args).AsType<TObjectList<TObject>>; <- this one works when it's not a classMethod that's why i made a condition
I don't know what i'm doing wrong. Maybe it's not possible to do it without knowing the type of the object. My Main Obj is a TObject that is of the required type and i can call the methods of it. But That class procedure is really giving me a hard time.
Someone knows how i could achieve this?
Instead of the instance use

Delphi closure and "old style" object type

Working with anonymous functions I found out that sometimes the compiler throws the following error:
E2555 Cannot capture symbol 'Self' when I try to use some field of the object.
I also noticed that this error seems to be related to the fact that a type, the method belongs to, is declared with "object" key word:
MyType = object()
field: integer;
p := procedure
// do something with field
However when a type is declared with "class" keyword it seems it works fine.
I know that to prevent the compiler error I can make a local copy of needed fields and use them inside the anonymous functions, but just to be sure - is "object" type cause of the compiler error and what's the reason of that?
Thanks in advance
As David properly analyzed it is because Self in your case is a value and not a reference. It cannot be moved to the internally created class - same is the case with any method arguments that are records. They also cannot be captured for the very same reason.
For arguments I usually copy them to a local variable which is being captured.
The same can be done for capturing Self in a record or object.
However if you capture it as value you get a copy and calling the closure later might have the "wrong" state because it captured a copy. To make it work similar you would have to capture a reference to Self but then for a value type you cannot guarantee that this reference is still valid when you call the closure.
You can see this in the following code:
program Project1;
TProc = reference to procedure;
PRecord = ^TRecord;
TRecord = object
y: Integer;
procedure Foo;
function GetProc: TProc;
procedure TRecord.Foo;
function TRecord.GetProc: TProc;
this: PRecord;
this := #Self;
Result :=
procedure Nested(var p: TProc);
r: TRecord;
p := r.GetProc();
r.y := 0;
r.y := 32;
procedure Main;
p: TProc;
p(); // <- wrong value because PRecord not valid anymore
If you would capture TRecord it would do a local copy that it captures - you can see that it then will print 0 all the time.
Since Turbo Pascal object is long deprecated, it is reasonable for new language features not to have support for object.
There's not really any need to look much further. Since you are maintaining legacy code, I would not expect you to be introducing new language features like anonymous methods. Once you start introducing such language features, this no longer feels like legacy code maintenance and it would be reasonable to re-factor the code away from the legacy language features like object.
Having said that, I do note that the same restriction to capture applies in methods of advanced records.
TProc = reference to procedure;
TRecord = record
procedure Foo;
procedure TRecord.Foo;
P: TProc;
P :=
This fails to compile with error:
E2555 Cannot capture symbol 'Self'
Why does this code fail, even though advanced records are a fully supported modern feature?
I don't have an explanation for that and the documentation does not make it clear. A plausible explanation is that records are value types. When a local variable is captured, it is hoisted from being a stack allocated variable to a variable owned by an internally created class. That's possible for Self when Self is a reference to an instance of a class. But when Self is a value like a record, it is too late to hoist the record.
Or perhaps it is much more prosaic. Maybe the designers just implemented the most important use case (capturing Self for a class) and omitted the less widely used cases for expediency. It is frustrating that the documentation does not appear to give any rules for what can and cannot be captured.

Writing a generic TList of records

I am trying to write a generic TList that contains records of a specific type. Starting from David's answer on this question, I have written this class:
TMERecordList<T> = Class(TList<T>)
Public Type
P = ^T;
Function GetItem(Index: Integer): P;
Procedure Assign(Source: TMERecordList<T>); Virtual;
Function First: P; Inline;
Function Last: P; Inline;
Property Items[Index: Integer]: P Read GetItem;
Procedure TMERecordList<T>.Assign(Source: TMERecordList<T>);
SrcItem: T;
For SrcItem In Source Do
Function TMERecordList<T>.First: P;
Result := Items[0];
Function TMERecordList<T>.GetItem(Index: Integer): P;
If (Index < 0) Or (Index >= Count) Then
Raise EArgumentOutOfRangeException.CreateRes(#SArgumentOutOfRange);
Result := #List[Index];
Function TMERecordList<T>.Last: P;
Result := Items[Count - 1];
Having methods that return a pointer to the record works well (not perfectly) as pointers to records can be used as if they were records in most use cases. Using a record with properties and setters, these test cases work as expected:
TMETestRecord = Record
FID: Word;
FText: String;
FValues: TIntegers;
Procedure SetID(Const Value: Word);
Procedure SetText(Const Value: String);
Procedure SetValues(Const Value: TIntegers);
Property ID: Word Read FID Write SetID;
Property Text: String Read FText Write SetText;
Property Values: TIntegers Read FValues Write SetValues;
// TestSetItem1
rl2[0] := rl1[0];
// TestSetItem2
r.ID := 9;
r.Text := 'XXXX';
r.Values := [9, 99, 999, 9999];
rl1[0] := r;
// TestAssignEmpty (rl0 is empty... after assign so should rl2)
// TestAssignDeepCopies (modifications after assign should not affect both records)
r.ID := 9;
r.Text := 'XXXX';
r.Values := [9, 99, 999, 9999];
rl1[0] := r;
Problem 1 - modifying a contained record
... this test case compiles and runs but does not work as desired:
// TestSetItemFields
rl1[0].ID := 9;
rl1[0].Text := 'XXXX';
rl1[0].Values := [9, 99, 999, 9999];
Modifications are applied to temporary copy of the record and not to the one stored in the list. I know this is a known and expected behaviour, as documented in other questions.
But... is there a way around it? I was thinking that maybe if the TMERecordList<>.Items property had a setter the compiler could maybe do what is actually desired. Could it? I know David has got a solution, as hinted at in this question... but I can't seem to find it on my own.
This would really be nice to have, as it would allow me to have a way of using the list identical (or almost) to that of a TList of objects. Having the same interface means I could easily change from objects to records and viceversa, when the need arises.
Problem 2 - interface ambiguity
Having the TList<> return a record pointer does pose some interface ambiguity problems. Some TList<> methods accept T parameters, and we know that being records, these are going to be passed by value. So what should these methods do? Should I rethink them? I'm talking specifically about these sets of methods:
Remove and RemoveItem
Extract and ExtractItem
Contains IndexOf, IndexOfItem and LastIndexOf
There is some ambiguity as to how these should test contained items to see if they match the parameter record value. The list could very well contain identical records and this could become a source of bugs in user code.
I tried not deriving it from TList<>, so as not to have these methods, but it was a mess. I couldn't write a class similar to TList without also writing my own TListHelper. Unfortunately System.Generics.Collections's one has some needed fields that are private, like FCount, and cannot be used outside the unit.
Problem 1
Your Items property is not marked as being default. Hence your erroneous code is picking up the base class default property. Add the default keyword to your Items property:
property Items[Index: Integer]: P read GetItem; default;
Problem 2
This is really a consequence of deriving from TList<T>. I would not recommend doing that. Encapsulate an instance of TList<T> and therefore define the interface explicitly rather than inheriting it. Or implement the list functionality directly in your code. After all, it's not much more than a wrapper around a dynamic array.
For what it is worth my classes don't use TList<T> at all which is a decision that I was very happy with when Emba broke the class in a recent release.
In the recent versions TList<T> in System.Generics.Collections contains a List property that gives you direct access to the backing array of the list. You can use that to manipulate the records inside the list.

How do I assign a pre-existing function to a TComparison<T>?

program Project55;
TestRec<T> = record
Compare: TComparison<T>;
CompareI: IComparer<T>;
TRI: TestRec<Integer>;
TRI.CompareI:= TComparer<Integer>.Default;
TRI.Compare:= TRI.CompareI.Compare; //E2035 Not enough actual parameters
TRI.Compare:= #TRI.CompareI.Compare; //E2035 Not enough actual parameters
I know I can assign the function body as an anonymous function, but why can't I assign an existing function?
Of course the following works, but that's just silly:
TRI.Compare:= function(const L,R: integer): Integer
Result:= TRI.CompareI.Compare(L,R);
PS. I'm using Delphi XE7, but I doubt the version matters.
Knowing that IComparer<T> is an interface with just one method that has the same signature as TComparison<T> and that anonymous methods are just interfaces with one method you can do the following.
IComparer<Integer>(TRI.Compare) := TRI.CompareI;
I am using that trick in Spring4D to avoid creating a wrapper object around a TComparison<T> to be passed as IComparer<T> because they are binary compatible.
Your attempts to perform this assignment fail because an interface method cannot be with assigned to a method reference variable. The language simply does not permit that. The types are not assignment compatible. Valid assignment sources are anonymous methods, methods of classes (instance or class) and unit scope procedures.
The tricks that can be seen in other answers all depend on in depth knowledge of the implementation details. Which means that they are subject to change. But in terms of the language, what you are attempting is not permitted.
Anonymous methods are not exactly method pointers. They are implemented as an interface with a single method "Invoke".
It is possible to extract a method pointer from an anonymous method, but as far as I know it relies on the current implementation details of anonymous method and could be subject to changes in future version of delphi. In other words, I would advise against it. This was taken verbatim from Barry Kelly's post here. (Which covers the topic more thoroughly than I do here)
procedure MethRefToMethPtr(const MethRef; var MethPtr);
TVtable = array[0..3] of Pointer;
PVtable = ^TVtable;
PPVtable = ^PVtable;
// 3 is offset of Invoke, after QI, AddRef, Release
TMethod(MethPtr).Code := PPVtable(MethRef)^^[3];
TMethod(MethPtr).Data := Pointer(MethRef);
Based on your example, I'd propose this as an alternative
TestRec<T> = record
CompareI: IComparer<T>;
function Compare(const L, R : T) : Integer;
function TestRec<T>.Compare(const L, R : T) : Integer;
Result := CompareI.Compare(L,R);
But then, it may/may not apply to your current situation.

What are good uses for class helpers?

Delphi (and probably a lot of other languages) has class helpers. These provide a way to add extra methods to an existing class. Without making a subclass.
So, what are good uses for class helpers?
I'm using them:
To insert enumerators into VCL classes that don't implement them.
To enhance VCL classes.
To add methods to the TStrings class so I can use the same methods in my derived lists and in TStringList.
TGpStringListHelper = class helper for TStringList
function Last: string;
function Contains(const s: string): boolean;
function FetchObject(const s: string): TObject;
procedure Sort;
procedure Remove(const s: string);
end; { TGpStringListHelper }
To simplify access to record fields and remove casting.
At first I was kind of sceptic about class helpers. But then I read an interesting blog entry and now I'm convinced that they are indeed useful.
For example, if you want extra functionality for an existing instance class and for some reason you are not able to change the existing source. You can create a class helper to add this functionality.
TStringsHelper = class helper for TStrings
function IsEmpty: Boolean;
function TStringsHelper.IsEmpty: Boolean;
Result := Count = 0;
Every time, we now use an instance of (a subclass of) TStrings, and TStringsHelper is within the scope. We have access to the method IsEmpty.
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
if Memo1.Lines.IsEmpty then
Button1.Caption := 'Empty'
Button1.Caption := 'Filled';
Class helpers can be stored in a separate unit, so you can add your own nifty class helpers. Be sure to give these units a easy to remember name like ClassesHelpers for helpers for the Classes unit.
There are also record helpers.
If there are multiple class helpers within scope, expect some problems, only one helper can be used.
This sounds very much like extension methods in C#3 (and VB9). The best use I've seen for them is the extensions to IEnumerable<T> (and IQueryable<T>) which lets LINQ work against arbitrary sequences:
var query = someOriginalSequence.Where(person => person.Age > 18)
.OrderBy(person => person.Name)
.Select(person => person.Job);
(or whatever, of course). All of this is doable because extension methods allow you to effectively chain together calls to static methods which take the same type as they return.
They're very useful for plug-ins. For example, let's say your project defines a certain data structure and it's saved to disc in a certain way. But then some other program does something very similar, but the data file's different. But you don't want to bloat your EXE with a bunch of import code for a feature that a lot of your users won't need to use. You can use a plugin framework and put importers into a plugin that would work like this:
TCompetitionToMyClass = class helper for TMyClass
constructor Convert(base: TCompetition);
And then define the converter. One caveat: a class helper is not a class friend. This technique will only work if it's possible to completely setup a new TMyClass object through its public methods and properties. But if you can, it works really well.
I would not recommend to use them, since I read this comment:
"The biggest problem with class
helpers, from the p.o.v of using them
in your own applications, is the fact
that only ONE class helper for a given
class may be in scope at any time."
... "That is, if you have two helpers
in scope, only ONE will be recognised
by the compiler. You won't get any
warnings or even hints about any other
helpers that may be hidden."
The first time I remember experiencing what you're calling "class helpers" was while learning Objective C. Cocoa (Apple's Objective C framework) uses what are called "Categories."
A category allows you to extend an existing class by adding you own methods without subclassing. In fact Cocoa encourages you to avoid subclassing when possible. Often it makes sense to subclass, but often it can be avoided using categories.
A good example of the use of a category in Cocoa is what's called "Key Value Code (KVC)" and "Key Value Observing (KVO)."
This system is implemented using two categories (NSKeyValueCoding and NSKeyValueObserving). These categories define and implement methods that can be added to any class you want. For example Cocoa adds "conformance" to KVC/KVO by using these categories to add methods to NSArray such as:
- (id)valueForKey:(NSString *)key
NSArray class does not have either a declaration nor an implementation of this method. However, through use of the category. You can call that method on any NSArray class. You are not required to subclass NSArray to gain KVC/KVO conformance.
NSArray *myArray = [NSArray array]; // Make a new empty array
id myValue = [myArray valueForKey:#"name"]; // Call a method defined in the category
Using this technique makes it easy to add KVC/KVO support to your own classes. Java interfaces allow you to add method declarations, but categories allow you to also add the actual implementations to existing classes.
As GameCat shows, TStrings is a good candidate to avoid some typing:
TMyObject = class
procedure DoSomething;
TMyObjectStringsHelper = class helper for TStrings
function GetMyObject(const Name: string): TMyObject;
procedure SetMyObject(const Name: string; const Value: TMyObject);
property MyObject[const Name: string]: TMyObject read GetMyObject write SetMyObject; default;
function TMyObjectStringsHelper.GetMyObject(const Name: string): TMyObject;
idx: Integer;
idx := IndexOf(Name);
if idx < 0 then
result := nil
result := Objects[idx] as TMyObject;
procedure TMyObjectStringsHelper.SetMyObject(const Name: string; const Value:
idx: Integer;
idx := IndexOf(Name);
if idx < 0 then
AddObject(Name, Value)
Objects[idx] := Value;
lst: TStrings;
lst['MyName'] := TMyObject.Create;
Did you ever need to access multi line strings in the registry?
TRegistryHelper = class helper for TRegistry
function ReadStrings(const ValueName: string): TStringDynArray;
function TRegistryHelper.ReadStrings(const ValueName: string): TStringDynArray;
DataType: DWord;
DataSize: DWord;
Buf: PChar;
P: PChar;
Len: Integer;
I: Integer;
result := nil;
if RegQueryValueEx(CurrentKey, PChar(ValueName), nil, #DataType, nil, #DataSize) = ERROR_SUCCESS then begin
if DataType = REG_MULTI_SZ then begin
GetMem(Buf, DataSize + 2);
if RegQueryValueEx(CurrentKey, PChar(ValueName), nil, #DataType, PByte(Buf), #DataSize) = ERROR_SUCCESS then begin
for I := 0 to 1 do begin
if Buf[DataSize - 2] <> #0 then begin
Buf[DataSize] := #0;
Len := 0;
for I := 0 to DataSize - 1 do
if Buf[I] = #0 then
if Len > 0 then begin
SetLength(result, Len);
P := Buf;
for I := 0 to Len - 1 do begin
result[I] := StrPas(P);
Inc(P, Length(P) + 1);
FreeMem(Buf, DataSize);
I've seen them used for making available class methods consistent across classes: Adding Open/Close and Show/Hide to all classes of a given "type" rather than only Active and Visible properties.
If Dephi supported extension methods, one use i want is:
TGuidHelper = class
class function IsEmpty(this Value: TGUID): Boolean;
class function TGuidHelper(this Value: TGUID): Boolean;
Result := (Value = TGuid.Empty);
So i can call if customerGuid.IsEmpty then ....
Another good example is to be able to read values from an XML document (or JSON if you're into that sort of thing) with the IDataRecord paradigm (which i love):
orderGuid := xmlDocument.GetGuid('/Order/OrderID');
Which is much better than:
node: IXMLDOMNode;
node := xmlDocument.selectSingleNode('/Order/OrderID');
if Assigned(node) then
orderID := StrToGuid(node.Text) //throw convert error on empty or invalid
orderID := TGuid.Empty; // "DBNull" becomes the null guid
Other languages have properly designed class helpers.
Delphi has class helpers that were introduced solely to help the Borland engineers with a compatibility problem between Delphi and
They were never intended to be used in "user" code and have not been improved since. They can be helpful if developing frameworks (for private use within the framework, as with the original .NET compatibility solution); it is dangerously misguided to equate Delphi class helpers with those in other languages or to draw on examples from those other languages in an effort to identify use cases for those in Delphi.
To this day, the current Delphi documentation has this to say about class and record helpers:
they should not be viewed as a design tool to be used when developing new code
So the answer to the question "what are the good uses for class helpers" in Delphi specifically is quite simple:
There is only one safe use: For context-specific extensions of utility and interest only in the single codebase that implements and consumes the helper (detailed example here:
The example is a framework for restful API where extensions to a class of interest only to client-side code are provided by "Client Helper" extensions, explicitly imported from client-specific units rather than (over)loading client-concerns into an original class with both server and client context.
Other than that: Do not use them at all (either implementing your own or consuming those provided by others) unless you are prepared to deal with the consequences:
Primarily: Only one helper can be in scope at any time
Secondarily: There is no way to qualify helper referenced
Because of the primary problem:
Adding a unit to (or even just changing the order of) the units in a uses clause may inadvertently "hide" a helper needed in your code (you may not even know where from)
A helper added to a unit already in your uses list could hide some other helper previously "imported" and used from another
And thanks to the secondary problem, if you are unable to re-order the uses list to make a desired helper "visible" or you need 2 unrelated helpers (unaware of each other and so unable to "extent" one another), then there is no way to use it!
Worth emphasising here is that the ability of Delphi class helpers to break other people's code is an almost uniquely bad characteristic. Many language features in many languages can be abused to break your own code; not many enable you to break someone else's!
More details in various posts here:
Particularly this one:
