SWReveal View Controller (IOS App development) - ios

I am using SWRevealViewController to show front and rear view. Inside rear view I am using full view Mode and insert table view, but table view cell content is not lies in the middle of screen. it little swap to the right side. I have tried almost every thing, from storyBoard I have used Auto layout and inside cell.m file inside layout subview class but no result.
But when I tap on cell content it appears in the middle of screen, As I wish. please suggest me so if this screen load content appears in the middle of screen of tableview. Your suggestion is highly appreciated. enter image description here
you can see how weird it looks

Now I got the answer, we can edit the sw reveal rear width to screen size and same applied to table view size, In this way we can bring the content of tableview in the middle of view enter image description here


iOS UIScrollView with UIWebView and UITableView in Storyboard

I have a complex design to create. I want to have something like this
- UIScrollView
I am using a Storyboard and I want the ScrollView to take the height of the Full Webview and the TableView so that there is only one parent scrolling and other scrolls are disabled and the whole page seems like one single view.
Right now, the whole UI looks very messed up and only the Webview and table view scroll indivisually and the parent scrollview not scrolling at all making the labels and textfields have a constant place and the button not showing at all.
Using raki's solution, I used a TableViewController. I have something like below:
But the webView does not cover its full content and just shows in the area shown in the image.
How can I solve this issue?

iOS app shifted right and can't view full table

I'm having trouble setting a layout for my iOS app. The entire app is shifted right for some reason as you can see by the label and buttons which are in the middle of the scroll view.
I also can't seem to display the entire table. In the screen shot below "another Item" is supposed to have a checkmark and it is only visible if I shift the table in Main.storyboard far to the left where the actual label for the cell item is half visible.
I have a scroll view inside of the view controller and then a label and three buttons as well as a table view with table view cells.
Thanks to Lucas for the answer
Are you using Auto Layout with that storyboard? Looks like you might not have set your constraints up properly. You might also want to take a look at Xcode's new View Debugging functionality.

XCode 6 Table View cell running off the screen

I have a table view cell inside of a view controller in Xcode storyboard. The cell is formatted 'Right detail' with a Title on the left and Subtitle on the right. It looks like the cell is too wide for the screen - and the Subtitle information has rolled off the side of the screen. I'm on Xcode 6. The table view looks like this
But it should look like this
Is there some formatting option I could check so that the information fits neatly in the table view screen? Thanks for any advice.
Open the resolve layout issues tab at the bottom right, above where the debug panel goes and select Reset to suggested constraints with your tableview selected. If that doesn't work then you'll need to constrain the right side of your tableview to the superview manually, this can be done by control dragging (like an IB connection) from the superview to the tableview and selecting the appropriate constraint in the scene hierarchy to the left of your storyboard editor.

iOS Autolayout - black screen when adding view above table view

I have UIViewController with UITableView which fill entire screen (I am using auto layout). When I add some view to the view above table view sometimes when I push to this view controller I see black screen, but only in the place where should be table view. Sometimes when I remove the view and add other then works sometimes not. So I have no idea why sometimes works sometimes not and what can cause thsi error. I can even add only IBOutlet to the one of the constraints and then I see black screen, if I then delete the view with this constraint, then works and if I then click undo and the view comes again, then works. I don't undernstand it.
Can someone help me?
The default tableview background colour is black so it may be that you're table isn't being populated. Try setting the bg colour of the table view to something obvious (e.g. red) and also check your datasource is available when the table is trying to layout.
Sorry, it was my error I didn't notice. I set view of my view controller to tablew view in the interface builder.

UIScrollview, other controls, not scrolling

I have an app which shows two images housed within a UIScrollview.
The scrollview is of size (320, 530), underneath it is an imageview size (320,38), this acts like a dock at the bottom of this screen, ( in fact it has to be there at the bottom of all screens in this app).
As it stand the scrollview works fine and the images switch from one to anothr when the user
moves the scrollview.
The problem is, I need the scrollview height to go all the way down ( from 530 to 568), and end up behind the dock imageview, when I change its height and the height of images within it, it just stops scrolling.
Is this impossible in scrollviews? does it have to have all of its screen real estate as top view?
Any solutions for this?
Update :
so I worked on the alpha and the image constraints, and the bottom imnage is located properly,
still the scrolling is not functioning.this is the latest code with changes.
This is certainly possible. Add a full height scroll view to the controller's view, then add the small image view to the bottom. In the scene list at the left move that image view up so it's directly underneath the main view, which will make it a subview of that view rather than the scroll view (you'll then need to move the scroll view up above the image view so the image view will appear on top). You'll probably have to change some constraints to pin it to the bottom, and give it an alpha value less than 1 so the scroll view will show through.
After Edit
This is the screen shot of the scene from your updated code:
You only have one view that's directly under the main view, your scroll view. Compare that to my image.
