implementing datepicker with bootstrap -

I'm working on a UI application with mvc. I'm currently using bootstarp.
As i'm still learning about it, i'm confused about where to find the needed components. I used to work with kendo UI where all widgets and api are in the same place.
But now when I need some new functionality or widget (such as datepicker), I find that there are a lot of alternatives and plugins to be installed to choose from..
How should I choose, is there a bootstarp library that I can integrate and which will provide most of what I would need?

As far as I know, there is no package of widgets similar to jquery.ui. But some often used features like popovers and modals are already included in the bootstrap.js.
We are using bootstrap-datepicker by Stefan Petre and Andrew Rowls, which you can install using NuGet.


Does jquery mobile use any template library?

I am choosing a template library for my jQuery Mobile project. I wonder if jqm uses any template library internally, since it uses requireJS for AMD I figured it might use an off-the-shelf library for templates.
I did not find any in the source code, but want to confirm with SO.
If it doesn't, do you have a recommendation for a template library that works well with jqm (I know it is an open-ended question).
No, there is no template engine behind jQuery mobile.
No. jQuery Mobile does not include any template library. You are free to choose the ones you like. There are many good templating libraries like mustache.js, dust.js, handlebar.js etc.

JSF 2 compatible with jQuery Mobile?

so I have been tasked with finding out whether an existing JSF project can incorporate jQuery Mobile. I have only finished college 2 months ago so I have limited experience, which is why I am turning to you guys for help.
The project is using eclipse with JSF,Maven and Spring. At the moment it is my belief that only jQuery mobile 1.0 is fully usable with JSF. One of the pre-requisites of the project however states that the latest version of jQuery Mobile must be used.
So my question is this, is jQuery 1.2 fully usable with JSF? Or does it have parts that are not compatible.
If so does anyone have any good tutorials they can link to on how to use this?
Thanks in advance for any help provided, any information that needs clearing up or any clarification needed just let me know.
I have used jQuery Mobile 1.0 in combination with JSF2 in the past, and things worked pretty well. Not sure about the 1.2 version, but I don't know any reason why that wouldn't work.
As mentioned in Chaney's comment, binding and retrieving data to the jQuery controls can sometimes be troublesome. You might want to check out PrimeFaces Mobile, which takes most of that burden off you and should get you started pretty quickly (if it doesn't conflict with any other component libraries you are using). The latest version of PrimeFaces Mobile seems to use jQuery 1.8.2 and jQuery Mobile 1.1.0.

Web UI Components for dashboard on MVC and IE6

As part of the next project I'm working on, the customer has asked for a user-customisable dashboard-style web page where they can place multiple different chart controls populated with various bits of data.
There are tons of libraries out there that allow you to do this kind of thing but most do not support IE6. (it's out of my hands, we have to target IE6. I know, pity me)
I've had great difficulty finding any appropriate 3rd party control libraries that will work on IE6 and are still supported so any recommendations would be welcome.
The rest of this app is ASP.NET (3.5) but we are wanting to make the dashboard section MVC so either native ASP.NET or MVC components would be fine but MVC would be preferable.
jqChart supports IE6. It has version for ASP.NET MVC -
By far the best IE6-compatible library for charts is Raphael and its sister library g.Raphael. The main library is a general graphics library; the sister lib is for graphs and charts.
Hope that helps.

.net architecture for module based solution

I'm in the research/planning phase of a project (.Net c#, mvc or silverlight). It's a web project that offers certain services bundled into packages. The client can sign up for one of the different packages.
I'm looking for any suggestions on which architecture/framework to use for this kind of project. I want the ability to load or unload modules depending on the package. I also want to be able to enable and disable features within the packages themselves.
The modules have to be highly portable and plug-able into different clients. I know there are MEF and Prism but I haven't really worked with both. I also read about MVC and Areas. I would rather design everything from scratch and not depend on a third party if the task is simple enough. I just don't know where or how to start.
I appreciate the suggestions.
You can forget about unloading. You have to use seperate appdomsins to be able to unload modules. And that's nothing that I would ever try with a ASP.NET website.
You have to get used to the thought that all modules are loaded at all times. You can use role based security to control if a user can use a module or not (one or more roles per plugin).
As for loading things dynamically: I've written an article about how you can create a plugin system using my Griffin.MvcContrib:

ASP.NET MVC - Script Combine

The ASP.NET team released the script combining feature in 3.5 SP1 as detailed here Is there a similar feature already for the MVC framework? If not, is this in scope or is it possible to somehow leverage the webforms capability in MVC? I see this site uses a custom jquery.package.master which, I assume, they have rolled themselves (maybe into the build cycle, however it is not all minified therefore I think they have manually appended the scripts together rather than some automated minify & combine task). Would be interested in any ideas how to accomplish this in MVC but I dont want to begin rolling any of my own functionality in case I will be duplicating work in progress.
Here's what I do, in case it's helpful.
In my postbuild I call a command line version of Dean Edwards's Packer. It combines the scripts and packs them for me.
For now though, I keep all of my stuff seperate and use a Helper method to include my scripts, and if the debug flag is not present it will include the packed versions, otherwise it includes the unpacked.
Another option is in the Telerik Native UI Extensions for MVC (free library and open source), called ScriptRegistar. It will combine and compress javascript for you, and is fairly feature rich. There is also a class for doing the same to css as well.
I am using this to combine +20 javascript files into one file which is downloaded by the browser. and you can get it via NuGet.
Every day there is a different way of doing things and the techniques changes.
At this time there is a very good Nuget Package released in CodePlex.
Combres - WebForm & MVC Client-side Resource Combine Library
