Web UI Components for dashboard on MVC and IE6 - asp.net-mvc

As part of the next project I'm working on, the customer has asked for a user-customisable dashboard-style web page where they can place multiple different chart controls populated with various bits of data.
There are tons of libraries out there that allow you to do this kind of thing but most do not support IE6. (it's out of my hands, we have to target IE6. I know, pity me)
I've had great difficulty finding any appropriate 3rd party control libraries that will work on IE6 and are still supported so any recommendations would be welcome.
The rest of this app is ASP.NET (3.5) but we are wanting to make the dashboard section MVC so either native ASP.NET or MVC components would be fine but MVC would be preferable.

jqChart supports IE6. It has version for ASP.NET MVC - http://www.jqchart.com/SamplesAspNetMVC

By far the best IE6-compatible library for charts is Raphael and its sister library g.Raphael. The main library is a general graphics library; the sister lib is for graphs and charts.
Hope that helps.


System.Web.Helpers dll

In Visual Studio 2019 for Razor pages for nuGet I see the following
the descriptions are pretty clear but what makes me pause is the number of downloads 198k and 88k.
That seems really low for basically something I would think 100% of the Razor community would need so I am not confident that I not using the dll that most people are using.
I assume this is also being used for MVC so I would assume downloads would be in the millions.
System.Web.Helpers was released as part of ASP.NET Web Pages in 2010. It contains helpers for common tasks such as working with charts, images, caching as well has being the home of the WebGrid. While it is available from Nuget, the standard way that it was made available to Web Pages and MVC applications (MVC 3-5) was as part of the project template - hence the relatively low download numbers.
It depends on System.Web, which is part of the old .NET Framework, and is therefore not suitable for use in Razor Pages or any other type of .NET Core application.

implementing datepicker with bootstrap

I'm working on a UI application with asp.net mvc. I'm currently using bootstarp.
As i'm still learning about it, i'm confused about where to find the needed components. I used to work with kendo UI where all widgets and api are in the same place.
But now when I need some new functionality or widget (such as datepicker), I find that there are a lot of alternatives and plugins to be installed to choose from..
How should I choose, is there a bootstarp library that I can integrate and which will provide most of what I would need?
As far as I know, there is no package of widgets similar to jquery.ui. But some often used features like popovers and modals are already included in the bootstrap.js.
We are using bootstrap-datepicker by Stefan Petre and Andrew Rowls, which you can install using NuGet.

ASP.NET to Mobile

Right now I am developing a website in visual studio using ASP.NET and C#. Is there any easy way to turn it into an application where iPhone users can get it on the app store. I heard something about Xamarin(monotouch), but I did not really understand exactly what it did.
No. Xamarin is a framework that lets you write Apps for iOS and Android using C# and accessing the native API frameworks. It does not allow you to simply port any .NET app to a mobile platform.
You can use responsive design to allow your ASP.NET site to work with both desktop and mobile browsers. See http://www.asp.net/mobile
As Jason wrote Monotouch enables you to build native applications. If you would choose a single page application approach you would be able to put the output in PhoneGap to publish it to the AppStore/Google Play.
That requires a bit of different thinking and doing, as you can't rely on the classic model with controllers/views and hard links.
However, it is still possible and I did it already for a project. I have an ASP.NET MVC application with Razor etc. as foundation, so I can easily manage the different "pages", dozens of different script files etc. However, all pages are Parial Views rendered within one single page. The nice thing about is, that this application works in each browser and is testable, too. To get it additionaly in an app container, we wrote a little tool that grabs all the output of that single page and converts it to a static HTML file, copying and referencing all the images, stylesheets and scripts, too.

Where can I find Umbraco free skins

I am trying to compare Umbraco with Orchard, and though I could find free Orchard Skins (not many on the site) but couldn't find any for Umbraco.
And in general I looking for CMS system for my own site, what should I choose based on Professional support and ease of development (I am a .Net Developer too)
Update: I was wrong. There are lots of skins for Umbraco.
I think the two CMSes are very different, with Orchard focusing on the authors and Umbraco on the developers. In other words: As far as I know there aren't any skins for Umbraco, because you are expected to choose your own layout framework. If you need skins, then choose a framework that has some.
You can pretty much use any HTML template, but you would have to set it up yourself. This makes Umbraco pretty flexible.
Orchard is a little like DotNetNuke with its skinning capability because you can put things inside of styled "containers".

Are there add-on libraries or tools available for ASP.NET MVC development?

My first experience with ASP.NET MVC and the Entity Framework has raised my interest in this framework and I would like to implement some basic applications, covering the basic requirements of real-world web applications. So far the support given by VS 2008 is already impressive.
For some areas however, it might be a time saver to use existing add-ons or libraries of all kind. Are there already commercial or open solutions which I should take a look at?
Some of them:
S#arp architecture
MVC Project Awesome
Be sure to check out example projects.
Telerik has made some UI stuff too (haven't checked out yet).
You might be interested to check out other view engines like:
Spark (this one kicks a$$)
Haack recently posted about .less - might be worth checking out for managing css
T4MVC by David Ebbo library is a nice solution how to make your asp.net mvc app more strongly typed.
For UI testing - Watin framework.
Here's Jimmy talking about implementation and solution of common problems when doing UI testing. Seems to me that he prefers Gallio + NBehave + MbUnit combo but i personally like BehaveN (it doesn't need test runner, is not tied with particular unit test framework).
HtmlAgilityPack is a nice tool if working with raw html is necessary.
MvcTurbine might simplify technical part of your asp.net-mvc project.
Found useful MvcExtensions extension made by Kazi Manzur Rashid.
For managing javascript and css - Chirpy.
Object to object mapper for MVVM support - AutoMapper.
elmah is great for error logging.
Not necessarily MVC specific, but:
MVC lends itself to take advantage of all the jQuery UI controls and pretty things.
There's also Elmah, and StructureMap for DI/IOC.
Nothing much else to add here except that xVal is a really nice validation library, utilising jQuery. My company is currently in the process of moving from a 'roll-your-own' solution to this.
There are some useful links at the bottom of this post.
MVC HtmlHelper for Gravatar
Paging HtmlHelper for ASP.NET MVC
Marquee and GridView HtmlHelpers for ASP.NET MVC
ReCAPTCHA HtmlHelper (and also a solution to use ReCAPTCHA in ASP.NET MVC)
ASP.Net MVC Extension method to create a Security Aware Html.ActionLink
CheckboxList Helper
Also, keep an eye on some of the big component developers. Telerik has a demo of some MVC components and I hear DeveloperExpress has some on the way too.
Just to add details to Telerik's MVC support:
We just kicked-off our official support for ASP.NET MVC with last week's CTP. Our new UI Extensions for MVC will aim to bring the productivity of WebForms to MVC without violating any MVC concepts. Our new extensions are built from the ground-up specifically for MVC and they will leverage jQuery on the client for all behaviors and Ajax.
Further, the Extensions are completely open source, licensed under the Microsoft Public License (MS-PL) - the same license that the ASP.NET MVC framework ships under. You can find the CTP source today on Telerik.com or on CodePlex:
All of that said, this is our early support. We will ship the first 3 UI Extensions in November and build from there in 2010. The first planned Extensions are:
You can find more details, demos, and downloads on Telerik.com:
Hope that helps.
