NumberFormatter wrong result for 0.9972 - ios

I have a double:
let value = 0.99720317490866084
And a Double extention function:
extension Double {
func stringWithFixedFractionDigits(min: Int, max: Int) -> String {
let formatter = NumberFormatter()
formatter.minimumFractionDigits = min
formatter.maximumFractionDigits = max
formatter.minimumIntegerDigits = 1
let numberObject = NSNumber(value: self)
return formatter.string(from: numberObject) ?? "\(self)"
If I use:
value.stringWithFixedFractionDigits(min: 2, max: 2)
I get 1.00 but I would like to get 0.99
What can I change?

You just need to set your NumberFormatter rounding mode property to .down:
formatter.roundingMode = .down
Note that you don't need to create a new NSNumber object, you can safely cast from Double to NSNumber or use string(for: Any) method instead. As an alternative you can extend the protocol FloatingPoint to make it available to all Float types :
extension Formatter {
static let number = NumberFormatter()
extension FloatingPoint {
func formattedWithFractionDigits(minimum: Int = 2, maximum: Int = 2, minimumIntegerDigits: Int = 1, roundingMode: NumberFormatter.RoundingMode = .halfEven) -> String {
Formatter.number.roundingMode = roundingMode
Formatter.number.minimumFractionDigits = minimum
Formatter.number.maximumFractionDigits = maximum
Formatter.number.minimumIntegerDigits = minimumIntegerDigits
return Formatter.number.string(for: self) ?? ""
0.9972031749.formattedWithFractionDigits() // 1.00
0.9972031749.formattedWithFractionDigits(roundingMode: .down) // "0.99"
0.9972031749.formattedWithFractionDigits(minimumIntegerDigits: 0, roundingMode: .down) // ".99"


Swift - Not enough bits to represent the passed value

Below code works fine on iOS devices and watchOS simulator.
static func getEventDateTime(startDateTime: Date?) -> String {
if let startDateTime = startDateTime {
let startTimeInMillis = Int(startDateTime.timeIntervalSince1970 * 1000)
let fiveMinutesInMillis = 300000
let eventStartDateTime = Date(timeIntervalSince1970: TimeInterval((startTimeInMillis-fiveMinutesInMillis)/1000))
return convertDateToString(eventStartDateTime)
return ""
However when I run it on Apple Watch Series 3, I get the following error: double value cannot be converted to int because the result would be greater than int.max on line let startTimeInMillis = Int(startDateTime.timeIntervalSince1970 * 1000).
So I changed
let startTimeInMillis = Int(startDateTime.timeIntervalSince1970 * 1000) to let startTimeInMillis = Int64(startDateTime.timeIntervalSince1970 * 1000)
let eventStartDateTime = Date(timeIntervalSince1970: TimeInterval((startTimeInMillis-fiveMinutesInMillis)/1000)) to let eventStartDateTime = Date(timeIntervalSince1970: TimeInterval((Int(startTimeInMillis)-fiveMinutesInMillis)/1000)).
Now I am getting following error: Not enough bits to represent the passed value on line let eventStartDateTime = Date(timeIntervalSince1970: TimeInterval((Int(startTimeInMillis)-fiveMinutesInMillis)/1000))
How do I change the function to make it work on Apple Watch Series 3 or watchOS 7?
Updated function code:
static func getEventDateTime(startDateTime: Date?) -> String {
if let startDateTime = startDateTime {
let startTimeInMillis = Int64(startDateTime.timeIntervalSince1970 * 1000)
let fiveMinutesInMillis = 300000
let eventStartDateTime = Date(timeIntervalSince1970: TimeInterval((Int(startTimeInMillis)-fiveMinutesInMillis)/1000))
return convertDateToString(eventStartDateTime)
return ""
Use the Calendar API to add/subtract time units (doesn't support milliseconds, but does support nanoseconds, which can be converted from):
func getEventDateTimeCal(startDateTime: Date?) -> String {
if let startDateTime = startDateTime,
let date = .minute, value: -5, to: startDateTime) {
return convertDateToString(date, startDateTime)
return ""
But also, if you don't need millisecond precision, subtract seconds from TimeInterval. Note that TimeInterval is typealias TimeInterval = Double and always represents seconds.
func getEventDateTime(startDateTime: Date?) -> String {
if let startDateTime = startDateTime {
let fiveMinutesInSeconds = 5.0 * 60
let eventStartDateTime = Date(timeIntervalSince1970: startDateTime.timeIntervalSince1970 - fiveMinutesInSeconds)
return convertDateToString(startDateTime, eventStartDateTime)
return ""

Convert currency formatter to double swift

For some reason, I can't convert the Price string to double.
When I do it always returns nil.
func calculateAirfare(checkedBags: Int, distance: Int, travelers: Int) {
let bagsPrices = Double(checkedBags * 25)
let mileCosts = Double(distance) * 0.10
let price = (bagsPrices + mileCosts) * Double(travelers)
/// Format price
let currencyFormatter = NumberFormatter()
currencyFormatter.numberStyle = .currency
let priceString = currencyFormatter.string(from: NSNumber(value: price))
print(priceString) -> "Optional("$750.00")"
if let double = Double(priceString) {
print(double) -> nil
You can use your same formatter to go back to a number like so:
let number = currencyFormatter.number(from: priceString)
and get the doubleValue like:
let numberDouble = number.doubleValue
The price is already double from the line
let price = (bagsPrices + mileCosts) * Double(travelers)
thus no need to convert it to double.
The code below will return a string with a $ symbol
currencyFormatter.string(from: NSNumber(value: price))
To get a double from that string then you need to remove the $ symbol
which you can do using removeFirst()
After that, the string can be converted to Double.
The complete code is:
func calculateAirfare(checkedBags: Int, distance: Int, travelers: Int) {
let bagsPrices = Double(checkedBags * 25)
let mileCosts = Double(distance) * 0.10
let price = (bagsPrices + mileCosts) * Double(travelers)
/// Format price
let currencyFormatter = NumberFormatter()
currencyFormatter.numberStyle = .currency
var priceString = currencyFormatter.string(for: price)
if let double = Double(priceString!) {

Swift - How to remove a decimal from a float if the decimal is equal to 0?

I'm displaying a distance with one decimal, and I would like to remove this decimal in case it is equal to 0 (ex: 1200.0Km), how could I do that in swift?
I'm displaying this number like this:
let distanceFloat: Float = (currentUser.distance! as NSString).floatValue
distanceLabel.text = String(format: "%.1f", distanceFloat) + "Km"
Swift 3/4:
var distanceFloat1: Float = 5.0
var distanceFloat2: Float = 5.540
var distanceFloat3: Float = 5.03
extension Float {
var clean: String {
return self.truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: 1) == 0 ? String(format: "%.0f", self) : String(self)
print("Value \(distanceFloat1.clean)") // 5
print("Value \(distanceFloat2.clean)") // 5.54
print("Value \(distanceFloat3.clean)") // 5.03
Swift 2 (Original answer)
let distanceFloat: Float = (currentUser.distance! as NSString).floatValue
distanceLabel.text = String(format: distanceFloat == floor(distanceFloat) ? “%.0f" : "%.1f", distanceFloat) + "Km"
Or as an extension:
extension Float {
var clean: String {
return self % 1 == 0 ? String(format: "%.0f", self) : String(self)
Use NSNumberFormatter:
let formatter = NumberFormatter()
formatter.minimumFractionDigits = 0
formatter.maximumFractionDigits = 2
// Avoid not getting a zero on numbers lower than 1
// Eg: .5, .67, etc...
formatter.numberStyle = .decimal
let nums = [3.0, 5.1, 7.21, 9.311, 600.0, 0.5677, 0.6988]
for num in nums {
print(formatter.string(from: num as NSNumber) ?? "n/a")
extension is the powerful way to do it.
Code for Swift 2 (not Swift 3 or newer):
extension Float {
var cleanValue: String {
return self % 1 == 0 ? String(format: "%.0f", self) : String(self)
var sampleValue: Float = 3.234
sampleValue = 3.0
sampleValue = 3
Sample Playground file is here.
Update of accepted answer for swift 3:
extension Float {
var cleanValue: String {
return self.truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: 1) == 0 ? String(format: "%.0f", self) : String(self)
usage would just be:
let someValue: Float = 3.0
print(someValue.cleanValue) //prints 3
To format it to String, follow this pattern
let aFloat: Float = 1.123
let aString: String = String(format: "%.0f", aFloat) // "1"
let aString: String = String(format: "%.1f", aFloat) // "1.1"
let aString: String = String(format: "%.2f", aFloat) // "1.12"
let aString: String = String(format: "%.3f", aFloat) // "1.123"
To cast it to Int, follow this pattern
let aInt: Int = Int(aFloat) // "1"
When you use String(format: initializer, Swift will automatically round the final digit as needed based on the following number.
You can use an extension as already mentioned, this solution is a little shorter though:
extension Float {
var shortValue: String {
return String(format: "%g", self)
Example usage:
var sample: Float = 3.234
Swift 5
for Double it's same as #Frankie's answer for float
var dec: Double = 1.0
dec.clean // 1
for the extension
extension Double {
var clean: String {
return self.truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: 1) == 0 ? String(format: "%.0f", self) : String(self)
Swift 5.5 makes it easy
Just use the new formatted() api with a default FloatingPointFormatStyle:
let values: [Double] = [1.0, 4.5, 100.0, 7]
for value in values {
// prints "1, 4.5, 100, 7"
In Swift 4 try this.
extension CGFloat{
var cleanValue: String{
//return String(format: 1 == floor(self) ? "%.0f" : "%.2f", self)
return self.truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: 1) == 0 ? String(format: "%.0f", self) : String(format: "%.2f", self)//
//How to use - if you enter more then two-character after (.)point, it's automatically cropping the last character and only display two characters after the point.
let strValue = "32.12"
Formatting with maximum fraction digits, without trailing zeros
This scenario is good when a custom output precision is desired.
This solution seems roughly as fast as NumberFormatter + NSNumber solution from MirekE, but one benefit could be that we're avoiding NSObject here.
extension Double {
func string(maximumFractionDigits: Int = 2) -> String {
let s = String(format: "%.\(maximumFractionDigits)f", self)
var offset = -maximumFractionDigits - 1
for i in stride(from: 0, to: -maximumFractionDigits, by: -1) {
if s[s.index(s.endIndex, offsetBy: i - 1)] != "0" {
offset = i
return String(s[..<s.index(s.endIndex, offsetBy: offset)])
(works also with extension Float, but not the macOS-only type Float80)
Usage: myNumericValue.string(maximumFractionDigits: 2) or myNumericValue.string()
Output for maximumFractionDigits: 2:
1.0 → "1"
0.12 → "0.12"
0.012 → "0.01"
0.0012 → "0"
0.00012 → "0"
Simple :
NSNumberFormatter is your friend
let distanceFloat: Float = (currentUser.distance! as NSString).floatValue
let numberFormatter = NSNumberFormatter()
numberFormatter.positiveFormat = "###0.##"
let distance = numberFormatter.stringFromNumber(NSNumber(float: distanceFloat))!
distanceLabel.text = distance + " Km"
Here's the full code.
let numberA: Float = 123.456
let numberB: Float = 789.000
func displayNumber(number: Float) {
if number - Float(Int(number)) == 0 {
} else {
displayNumber(numberA) // console output: 123.456
displayNumber(numberB) // console output: 789
Here's the most important line in-depth.
func displayNumber(number: Float) {
Strips the float's decimal digits with Int(number).
Returns the stripped number back to float to do an operation with Float(Int(number)).
Gets the decimal-digit value with number - Float(Int(number))
Checks the decimal-digit value is empty with if number - Float(Int(number)) == 0
The contents within the if and else statements doesn't need explaining.
This might be helpful too.
extension Float {
func cleanValue() -> String {
let intValue = Int(self)
if self == 0 {return "0"}
if self / Float (intValue) == 1 { return "\(intValue)" }
return "\(self)"
let number:Float = 45.23230000
Maybe stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString could help you :)
let aFloat: Float = 1.000
let aString: String = String(format: "%.1f", aFloat) // "1.0"
let wantedString: String = aString.stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString(".0", withString: "") // "1"

How can I format currency depending on decimal value?

I am using NSDecimalNumber to format currency and want the following inputs and outputs:
9.99 --> 9.99
10 --> 10
10.00 --> 10
9.90 --> 9.90
9.9 --> 9.90
0 --> 0
0.01 --> 0.01
20 --> 20
10.01 --> 10.01
How can I do this in Swift.
EDIT: Essentially if there are cents (i.e. cents > 0) then display the cents. Otherwise, don't.
Your rule is "Display two fractional digits if either is non-zero; otherwise, display no fractional digits and no decimal point”. I would do it in the most straightforward way:
let number = NSDecimalNumber(string: "12345.00")
let formatter = NSNumberFormatter()
formatter.positiveFormat = "0.00"
let formattedString = formatter.stringFromNumber(number)!
.stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString(".00", withString: "")
You can use NSNumberFormatter's currency formatting for this. However, there doesn't seem to be a built-in way to do rounding the way you want. Here's a workaround:
let formatter = NSNumberFormatter()
formatter.numberStyle = NSNumberFormatterStyle.CurrencyStyle
func numToCurrency (num: Double) -> String {
if floor(num) == num {
formatter.minimumFractionDigits = 0
formatter.maximumFractionDigits = 0
else {
formatter.minimumFractionDigits = 2
formatter.maximumFractionDigits = 2
return formatter.stringFromNumber(num)!
numToCurrency(9) // "$9"
numToCurrency(9.9) // "$9.90"
Check the NSNumberFormatter class reference for further configuration options (you might need to set a locale for this formatter to automatically use the correct international currency sign for the current user).
(Answering here, as a closed question was re-directed to this one...)
Perhaps the most straightforward route, particularly since this is tagged "Swift", is to determine if it's a whole number or not:
if value.truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: 1) == 0 {
// it's a whole number,
// so format WITHOUT decimal places, e.g. $12
} else {
// it's a fraction,
// so format WITH decimal places, e.g. $12.25
the added benefit is avoiding issues with locales and currency formats... no search/replace of ".00" when you're in Germany, for example, where the format is ",00"
edit/update: Xcode 8.3 • Swift 3.1
extension Formatter {
static let noFractionDigits: NumberFormatter = {
let formatter = NumberFormatter()
formatter.minimumFractionDigits = 0
formatter.maximumFractionDigits = 0
formatter.minimumIntegerDigits = 1
return formatter
static let twoFractionDigits: NumberFormatter = {
let formatter = NumberFormatter()
formatter.minimumFractionDigits = 2
formatter.maximumFractionDigits = 2
formatter.minimumIntegerDigits = 1
return formatter
extension FloatingPoint {
var customDescription: String {
return rounded(.down) == self ?
Formatter.noFractionDigits.string(for: self) ?? "" :
Formatter.twoFractionDigits.string(for: self) ?? ""
extension String {
var double: Double { return Double(self) ?? 0 }
let array = ["9.99","10","10.00","9.90","9.9"]
let results = { $0.double.customDescription }
results // ["9.99", "10", "10", "9.90", "9.90"]
Here's how to create a custom formatter class to handle this for you:
import Foundation
class CustomFormatter: NSNumberFormatter {
required init(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
super.init(coder: aDecoder)
override init() {
self.locale = NSLocale.currentLocale()
self.numberStyle = .DecimalStyle
func isIntegerNumber(number:NSNumber) -> Bool {
var value: NSDecimal = number.decimalValue
if NSDecimalIsNotANumber(&value) { return false }
var rounded = NSDecimal()
NSDecimalRound(&rounded, &value, 0, NSRoundingMode.RoundPlain)
return NSDecimalCompare(&rounded, &value) == NSComparisonResult.OrderedSame
override func stringFromNumber(number: NSNumber) -> String? {
if isIntegerNumber(number) {
self.minimumFractionDigits = 0
self.maximumFractionDigits = 0
return super.stringFromNumber(number)
else {
self.minimumFractionDigits = 2
self.maximumFractionDigits = 2
return super.stringFromNumber(number)
let formatter = CustomFormatter()
formatter.stringFromNumber(NSDecimalNumber(double: 5.00)) // -> "5"
formatter.stringFromNumber(NSDecimalNumber(double: 5.01)) // -> "5.01"
formatter.stringFromNumber(NSDecimalNumber(double: 5.10)) // -> "5.10"
Thanks to this post for the proper way to test if a NSDecimal is an integer.
I think it's best to let the currencyStyle determine the maximumFractionDigits. Just set the minimumFractionDigits to 0 where desired. The code is slightly shorter, but as a bonus if you set the locale, this way will allow for languages that don't have 2 decimal places.
Using NSNumberFormatter gives you the benefit of currency symbols, decimal places and comma’s, all in the perfect places for the different locale’s.
extension NSNumber {
func currencyString() -> String? {
let formatter = NSNumberFormatter()
formatter.numberStyle = .CurrencyStyle
if self.isEqualToNumber(self.integerValue) {
formatter.minimumFractionDigits = 0
return formatter.stringFromNumber(self)
let inputArray: [NSDecimalNumber] = [9.99, 10, 10.00, 9.90, 0, 0.01, 20, 10.01, 0.5, 0.055, 5.0]
let outputArray: [String] ={return $0.currencyString() ?? "nil"})
["$9.99", "$10", "$10", "$9.90", "$0", "$0.01", "$20", "$10.01", "$0.50", "$0.06", "$5"]
Adding a locale to a NSNumberFormatter looks like this(ex. from an SKProduct object):
formatter.locale = product!.priceLocale
For an OSX app you need to add:
formatter.formatterBehavior = .Behavior10_4

FloatValue with 2 decimals from textField

In my Core Data app I save 3 Floating point numbers from 3 UITexFields. To do that I had to convert them to Strings.
Now the problem is that the values are rounded to .0.
How do I do it?
nyTankning.liter = (textFieldLiter.text as NSString).floatValue
nyTankning.kronor = (textFieldKronor.text as NSString).floatValue
nyTankning.literpris = (textFieldLiterpris.text as NSString).floatValue
Your problem there is that you are trying to use a comma "," instead of a period "."
struct Number {
static let formatter = NumberFormatter()
extension String {
var converted: String? {
return fractionDigits()
var doubleValue: Double? {
return Number.formatter.number(from: self)?.doubleValue
var floatValue: Float? {
return Number.formatter.number(from: self)?.floatValue
func fractionDigits(min: Int = 2, max: Int = 2) -> String? {
Number.formatter.decimalSeparator = "."
if let result = Number.formatter.number(from: self) {
Number.formatter.minimumFractionDigits = min
Number.formatter.maximumFractionDigits = max
return Number.formatter.string(from: result)
} else {
Number.formatter.decimalSeparator = ","
if let result = Number.formatter.number(from: self) {
Number.formatter.minimumFractionDigits = min
Number.formatter.maximumFractionDigits = max
return Number.formatter.string(from: result)
return nil
"1,1222".converted // "1.12"
"2".converted // "2.00"
"1,1222".converted?.doubleValue // 1.12
"2".converted?.doubleValue // 2.0
"1,1222".converted?.floatValue // 1.12000000476837
"2".converted?.floatValue // 2.0
"1.1222".converted // "1.12"
"1.1222".converted?.doubleValue // 1.12
"1.254".converted?.floatValue // 1.25
"1.254".fractionDigits(min: 1, max: 2) // "1.25"
"1.2".fractionDigits(min: 1, max: 2) // "1.2"
You can use the NSString(format: "%.02f", nyTanking.liter)
