TWebBrowser and ProcessMessages - delphi

Sample code for working with TWebBrowser typically inserts a loop to call Application.ProcessMessages until ReadyState is READYSTATE_LOADED.
For example, from the Embarcadero forums, some code to load an HTML string into a TWebBrowser:
while (mWebBrowser->ReadyState< READYSTATE_LOADED)
// load mWebBrowser from TStreamAdapter
As I understand it, calling ProcessMessages is risky, because it can create reentrancy problems. (For example, if the user clicks the Close button on the form, then that message could get handled by ProcessMessages, such that the TWebBrowser instance no longer even exists when the function returns.)
Am I understanding this correctly?
If so, is there a "safe" way to handle TWebBrowser's needs to have messages processed, without ProcessMessages' risks? Or do I need to redesign all of my TWebBrowser code to be asynchronous?

You don't need to call ProcessMessages at all. You can let the main application message loop deal with the messages.
But the code here is waiting for a page to load before doing the next task. To retain that sort of behaviour you switch to an asynchronous event driven approach. Remove the loop and instead handle the browser's OnDocumentComplete event. Only then do you load the actual content from your stream.


Form destroy (OnDestroy) never called when using custom styles? XE7

Delphi XE7 - When using custom styles (Project, Options, appearance) OnDestroy never gets called. Using default-native-windows skin-theme, form destroy is called as expected, is this normal?
If so, what are other alternatives besides OnClose?
Blank project, OnDestroy():
procedure TForm1.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
ShowMessage('destroy called only when not using styles');
Solution and advice:
When using styles (see #andreas advice): onDestroy() is not a good place to put code, since application termination will not wait for all code to finish, some code might be executed but there is a chance not all.
The OnDestroy event is called irrespective of whether styles are used or not, when the form is in the process of being destroyed. You can confirm it by putting a break point on the ShowMessage() line (works of course only when running under the debugger) or by adding a call to Beep() (assuming your sound system is OK).
When the main form is destroyed, the program starts to prepare for termination. The call to ShowMessage() makes a furious attempt to show the message box but the process is already going down. The message box can even be seen briefly as a flash, in the case of not succeeding in staying visible. It is close to a miracle that the message box shows up in some OS's under any conditions.
Anyway, The best place to show any messages at the end, is in either OnCloseQuery() or OnClose() events. The OnDestroy() event is only meant to clean up any resources aquired in the OnCreate() event.

In Dart, if I listen to a click event with two listeners, how do I know which happens first?

If I write the following Dart code, how do I know which click handler happens first?
main() {
var button = new ButtonElement();
var stream = button.onClick.asBroadcastStream();
Let's say I'm in other code that doesn't know anything about the first two click handlers, but I register another one.
Can I know that the stream has two listeners?
Can I pause or cancel all other subscribers?
If I write button.onClick.asBroadcastStream() again elsewhere, does it point to the same stream as was used in main?
Can I say in one of the handlers to not pass event on to the other broadcast listener? Is that a consumer?
Let's say I'm in other code that doesn't know anything about the first
two click handlers, but I register another one.
Can I know that the stream has two listeners?
No, you can't. You could extend the stream class or wrap it and provide this functionality yourself, but it does not feel like a good design choice, because I don't think a listener should know about other listeners. What are you trying to do exactly? Perhaps there's a better way than letting listeners know about each other.
Can I pause or cancel all other subscribers?
You can cancel/pause/resume only the subscriber you are dealing with. Again, you probably shouldn't touch other listeners, but I guess you could wrap/extend the Stream class to have this behavior.
If I write button.onClick.asBroadcastStream() again elsewhere, does it point to the same stream as was used in main?
No, at least not at the current version of SDK. So, unfortunately, you need to store a reference to this broadcast stream somewhere, and refer to it, because calling asBroadcastStream() multiple times will not yield in the result you might expect. (Note: at least based on quick testing: although the documentation seems to indicate different, I have yet to test a bit more when I find the time).
Can I say in one of the handlers to not pass event on to the other broadcast listener?
Well, there's stopPropagation() in the HTML land which means that the event won't propagate to other elements, but it's probably not what you were looking for.
For being able to stop an event firing in other listeners, there needs to be an order of which the listeners are getting called. I believe the order is the order of registration of those listeners. From the design perspective, I don't think it would be a good idea to allow a listener to cancel/pause others.
Event propagation in HTML makes sense since it's about hierarchy, but here we don't have that (and even in case of events in HTML there can be multiple listeners for the single element).
There's no way to assign weight to listeners or define the order of importance, therefore it's not surprising that there isn't a way to stop the event.
Instead of letting listeners know about each other and manipulate each other, maybe you should try to think of another way to approach your problem (whatever that is).
Is that a consumer?
The StreamConsumer is just a class that you can implement if you want to allow other streams to be piped into your class.
Can I know that the stream has two listeners?
No, you have a ´Stream´ that wraps the DOM event handling. There is no such functionality.
Can I pause or cancel all other subscribers?
Look at Event.stopPropagation() and Event.stopImmediatePropagation(), and possibly Event.preventDefault().
If I write button.onClick.asBroadcastStream() again elsewhere, does it point to the same stream as was used in main?
[Updated] No, the current implementation doesn't gives you the same Stream back since the onClick getter returns a new stream every time it is invoked. However, the returned stream is already a broadcast stream so you shouldn't invoke asBroadcastStream() on it. If you do you will hower just get a reference to the same object back.
Stream<T> asBroadcastStream() => this;
Can I say in one of the handlers to not pass event on to the other broadcast listener? Is that a consumer?
Again, take a look at Event.stopPropagation() and Event.stopImmediatePropagation(), and possibly Event.preventDefault().

Synchronization in ActionScript

Despite my best efforts, I am unable to produce the kind of synchronization effects I would like to in ActionScript. The issue is that I need to make several external calls to get various pieces of outside information in response to a user request, and the way items will be laid out on the page is dependent on what each of these external calls returns. So, I don't care that all of these calls return asynchronously. However, is there any way to force some amount of synchronization on ActionScript, so that at least calling the method for doing the final layout and placement of items on the page is dependent on all of my calls finishing?
If I understand the question right, event listeners are probably your best bet. Most loader classes throw an Event.COMPLETE message when they finish doing everything behind the scenes. If you wrote those external calls, it would be easy to dispatch a complete event at the end.
So when you make all these external calls, have a function that listens to when those calls complete. This function would keep track of how many calls have been made, and when there's none left to run, continue building your layout.
Rough Sketch to explain below:
var numProcesses:int = 0;
function waitForSlowest(e:Event)
if(numProcesses == 0)

Delphi: Freeing a dynamic control at runtime

Is there a failsafe way of freeing a Delphi control?
I have a TStringGrid descendent which I am "embedding" a custom control in it for an inplace editor. When the user navigates within the cells of the grid via the tab key or arrow keys, I need to create a dynamic control if the cell is editable. I have hooked the needed events and am utilizing the OnKeyDown event of my custom control to pass the navigation keys back to the parent TStringGrid.
Previously, the TStringGrid descendent would simply call FreeAndNil on the embedded control, but under some circumstances this would cause access violations inside of UpdateUIState/GetParentForm. Looking at the call stack, it appears that sometimes after the control was free'd, a WM_KEYDOWN (TWinControl.WMKeyDown) message was still happening.
I've all ready looked at and implemented the changes discussed in How to free control inside its event handler?. This appears to have resolved the issue, but I am wondering if there are any other cavet's to this approach.
In effect, this workaround has simply delayed the destruction of the control until after all the existing messages on the queue at the time the CM_RELEASE message was posted.
Would it not be possible that after the CM_RELEASE was posted, another WM_KEY* or similar message could all ready have been posted to the message queue?
My current CM_RELEASE handler looks like:
procedure TMyCustomControl.HandleRelease(var Msg: TMessage);
So, will this be safe in all instances or should I do something to clear any other messages from the queue? ( SendMessage(Self.Handle, WM_DESTROY, 0, 0) comes to mind )
In general you should not destroy a control in an event-handler of that control.
But since your function is a plain non virtual message handler which is never called from internal code in that control you should be ok. I don't like too too much from a style point of view, but I think it's ok for your use-case.
But a custom message might be cleaner.
Would it not be possible that after the CM_RELEASE was posted, another WM_KEY* or similar message could all ready have been posted to the message queue?
If messages in queue would cause big problems you could never safely destroy a control since messages can be posted from other threads and applications. Just make sure the correct functioning of your application doesn't depends on those messages being handles in every case.
SendMessage sends the message and wait for it to return, that's why you can not use it safely in the event handler of the control you are freeing.
PostMessage in the other hand, will send the message and will be processed after the event exits (if there are no more code in the event).

What is called after Loaded() in Delphi

I have some code that does some setup of internal objects in the Loaded() function. However, some external objects are not completely created yet, but are AFTER the Loaded() function is complete. What function does Delphi call after it calls Loaded()?
Better yet what is the creation sequence of a component?
Basically I have a TCP Server and Client. Most people will place those two components into two separate applications, some will place them in the same application for local access.
My Client tries to fetch data from the server in OnLoaded(), but the server may not be up yet! I want to know if another function is called after all the OnLoaded()'s are called.
Loaded is called immediately after the dfm is streamed in, and shouldn't be used to access the server. Your best bet is probably to post a custom message to yourself in the constructor, and have a message handler procedure that responds to that message. Posting the message puts it into the end of the message queue, and therefore it won't get processed until all the other messages ahead of it has been handled. This should delay things long enough for your components to be fully constructed for use.
I've used breakpoints in some components and firmly established that AFTERCONSTRUCTION is called BEFORE LOADED not AFTER.
I've also done the same thing on a FORM and firmly established that AFTERCONSTRUCTION is called AFTER LOADED not BEFORE.
Bear in mind that AfterConstruction is a method in TObject, but Loaded is not. It follows that Loaded is generated by code that may not necessarily put it in a specific order relative to AfterConstruction, since Loaded is not actually part of the construction sequence of a TObject and AfterConstruction is.
Indeed, if you study the RTL source, you will see that Loaded is not even invoked by any self.method of a TComponent, but is in fact invoked by a stream reader that is reading the DFM, and that will most probably be happening under the control of an "owner" component. I strongly suggest therefore that its relationship relative to the execution of AfterConstruction is not really guaranteed. The fact that it appears in a particular order for a form is because the form is most likely the component to initiate stream reading. In other words, it smacks of a convenient accident that Loaded is before AfterConstruction in a form.
Further research shows that NON-FORM components that include the following code may never call the event handler.
procedure Txxx.AfterConstruction; override;
inherited AfterConstruction;
if Assigned(FOnCreate) then FOnCreate(Self);
The reason is that AfterConstruction, if invoked before properties are loaded, will find FOnCreate has not been assigned yet!
In such cases, you really HAVE to use the following:
procedure Loaded; override;
inherited Loaded;
if assigned(OnLoaded) then OnLoaded(self);
Like I said, this will produce different outcomes for a component owned by a form than it would for the form itself! The TForm component is usually the invoker of the DFM stream reader and it is the stream reader that calls Loaded for each component it reads from the form. This process starts (fortunately) BEFORE the form's AfterConstruction, but each component that is loaded by that reader gets its AfterConstruction method called BEFORE its loaded method.
The great irony is that the Delphi 6 help file says "The AfterConstruction method implemented in TObject does nothing. Override this method when creating a class that takes some action after the object is created. For example, TCustomForm overrides AfterConstruction to generate an OnCreate event."
What it omits to say is that if you try this on anything other than a TCustomForm (which does it already), it doesn't work! Because only a form (which has it already) will load its OnCreate property before calling AfterConstruction. Any other component won't, because the DFM reader invoked by the form calls AfterConstruction before Loaded! A clear case of Borland et. al. not understanding their own code, or at best, writing a help file entry that implies something is possible when in fact it is not.
Note, if your component is not on a form and is created at runtime (even if this is as an "owned" component), its "Loaded" method will NOT be called, because there was no stream reader involved.
Another point of interest is something that "Dr" Bob Swart wrote some time ago about AfterConstruction, namely that it represents the point where virtual methods can be invoked. Evidently this is only partly true: if a form's Loaded method is invoked BEFORE AfterConstruction, then you would not be able to invoke any virtual methods from Loaded if that were true. This is not the case (obviously) because Loaded is itself a virtual method! Evidently, Loaded for a form is called between the constructor and AfterConstruction by the stream reader. It begs the question: by what method is the stream reader actually invoked? My guess is either that it runs under control of the application (not the form) and that it deliberately invokes AfterConstruction differently for a form than for other components, OR that it is the last thing the form's constructor does after having created the VMT and hence the last thing that occurs before AfterConstruction is called in the form. Accordingly all the AfterConstruction-Loaded couplets of components owned by the form are called before the form's AfterConstruction is called. Tracing the calls also shows that mostly AfterConstruction is called for ALL of those components before ALL of their loaded methods are called. I didn't however test the case where there are hierarchical "parents" (such as panels with components on them), so there may be variations on this.
Normally you would override TObject.AfterConstruction for that purpose.
The order of execution is:
each Component.AfterConstruction in creation order
(Form or DataModule).Loaded
each Component.Loaded in creation order
(Form or DataModule).AfterConstruction
Debug Output: button AfterConstruction Process Project2.exe (4876)
Debug Output: Form Loaded Process Project2.exe (4876)
Debug Output: button Loaded Process Project2.exe (4876)
Debug Output: Form AfterConstruction Process Project2.exe (4876)
I'm not sure what you mean with
the server may not be up yet
Anyway, if the client and the server are both on the same application form or datamodule, I see alternatives:
You may "force" the system to create the server before the client and up the server in the server's OnLoad and it will be up at the client OnLoad, because documentation says:
When the streaming system loads a form or data module from its form file, it first constructs the form component by calling its constructor, then reads its property values from the form file. After reading all the property values for all the components, the streaming system calls the Loaded methods of each component in the order the components were created. This gives the components a chance to initialize any data that depends on the values of other components or other parts of itself.
Inform the "client" whenever the server is UP to let it initialize (pull data from the server). You can use a direct method call, post a message or whatever you feel comfortable with.
Let the client stand up the server inside it's own OnLoad method.
Why not use the onCreate event of the main Form ?
