I have an issue using Wordpress's Media Manager whilst using iOS Chrome browser. It won't allow me to select any PDF files. It works fine in Safari but was wondering if there is any restrictions on Chrome, Dropbox or iOS which is stopping a user from selecting it.
I have checked that all the correct "accepted types" are correct. I'm sure it's not that. (Wordpress has added .pdf and application/pdf to type="file")
iOS Chrome (59.0.3071.102) This is the exact code for our File Input:
<input id="html5_1bka" type="file" multiple="" accept="image/jpeg,.jpg,.jpeg,.jpe,image/gif,.gif,image/png,.png,image/bmp,.bmp,image/tiff,.tiff,.tif,.ico,.asf,.asx,video/x-ms-wmv,.wmv,.wmx,.wm,video/avi,.avi,.divx,video/x-flv,.flv,video/quicktime,.mov,.qt,video/mpeg,.mpeg,.mpg,.mpe,video/mp4,.mp4,video/x-m4v,.m4v,video/ogg,.ogv,video/webm,.webm,video/x-matroska,.mkv,video/3gpp,.3gp,.3gpp,video/3gpp2,.3g2,.3gp2,text/plain,.txt,.asc,.c,.cc,.h,.srt,text/csv,.csv,.tsv,.ics,.rtx,text/css,.css,text/html,.htm,.html,.vtt,.dfxp,audio/mpeg,.mp3,audio/x-m4a,.m4a,.m4b,.ra,.ram,audio/x-wav,.wav,audio/ogg,.ogg,.oga,.mid,.midi,audio/x-ms-wma,.wma,.wax,.mka,text/rtf,.rtf,application/x-javascript,.js,application/pdf,.pdf,.class,.tar,application/zip,.zip,.gz,.gzip,.rar,.7z,image/photoshop,.psd,.xcf,application/msword,.doc,application/vnd.ms-powerpoint,.pot,.pps,.ppt,.wri,.xla,application/vnd.ms-excel,.xls,.xlt,.xlw,.mdb,.mpp,application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document,.docx,.docm,application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.template,.dotx,.dotm,application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet,.xlsx,.xlsm,.xlsb,.xltx,.xltm,.xlam,application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation,.pptx,.pptm,application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slideshow,.ppsx,.ppsm,application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.template,.potx,.potm,.ppam,.sldx,.sldm,.onetoc,.onetoc2,.onetmp,.onepkg,.oxps,.xps,.odt,.odp,.ods,.odg,.odc,.odb,.odf,.wp,.wpd,.key,.numbers,.pages,.bz2,.jpeg,.jpg,.mp4,.onetoc,.ppt,.tgz,.txz,.txt,.wpd,.xz,.jpe">
Screen shots:
I've seen another site working and looking at the code I could see that they didn't specify an "accept" attribute. I remove it and tested. It still doesn't allow PDF selection. Totally stumped.
Try removing all the file types in the accept attribute. Removing the entire attribute altogether didn't work for me.
Your input html should now look like:
<input id="html5_1bka" type="file" multiple="" accept="">
In order to fix this in Wordpress you might have to write a bit of custom JS to listen for wp.media, open event
How to Trigger some JavaScript when Media Popup is opened?
In an Electron application, what is the standard way to navigate to different pages / locations when a link is clicked?
I tried creating
<a href="/profile.html>profile</a>
and an HTML file named profile.html, but clicking the link just takes my app to a blank page.
What is actually happening when the link is clicked & what is the right way to do basic links?
Just use a relative link - this will work (note no slash at the beginning):
This is because Electron uses local file:// URLs which map to your file system. If you link to /profile.html that will be looking for the file in the root of your drive, and you probably want it to be loading the file from the same directory instead.
Also if you put the profile.html in a directory called pages you could access it like this:
Electron is designed to work best as a single-page application.
Clicking a link shouldn't load a new page but should manipulate the DOM to changes the contents on the same page.
If you use jquery you could use Tabs to swap between content https://jqueryui.com/tabs/
<a href="./profile.html>profile</a>
use ./{filename} to access the file in the same directory
My ASP.Net MVC app is an intranet app, and in the HTML, I put an anchor link to PDF files that are stored on our network. Chrome does not open these files in the browser if you click on the link, however if you copy the link off the webpage and make a new tab, paste the link in, it will open.
Now, both the app and the files are on the same domain so how can I get PDF to open automatically in a new tab? I have looked at the various Chrome extensions, but they don't seem to work. There must be a way to get local/network based files to open in your intranet using Chrome, please don't say I have to resort to awful Internet Explorer!
Any help much appreciated.
Have you tried to use HTML iframe tag to display the PDF?
<iframe id="frameID" style="border:1px solid #666CCC" title="PDF in an i-Frame" src="PDFData.pdf" frameborder="1" scrolling="auto" height="1100" width="850" ></iframe>
Out of date for you, but I recently solved this problem on an apache2 server on ubuntu. I believe it's a matter of security from the client browser- so that a webpage can't open client files maliciously
What solution was
mount the network share drive on my web server
html point to pdf inside the mounted drive
(Optional on Apache) use a .htaccess rule to prevent folder indexing (listing all files/folder)
therefore the webpage was opening its own file, not the clients; so firefox/chrome/et al will allow this to happen
The fix should be in your mvc project . Just make sure the action returns FileStreamResult . example:
return new FileStreamResult(new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open), MimeMapping.GetMimeMapping(filePath));
Using the JQTouch library, usely links like the following ... should open the new page in the SAME window. That works fine when I go to the site using Safari BUT when I launch the site from the home saved icon, it opens a fullscreen site and on the first link it opens a NEW Safari window. How can I make it stay in the same original fullscreen window?
You have to set the target to _webapp. E.g:
<li class="arrow">Some Page</li>
and then it will load on the same page.
You need to look into manifest files.
The manifest file declares what files (html, javascript, css, jpgs etc.) that the iPhone should cache in order to make a webapp work offline. A part of the manifest file is used to declare which URLs are OK to use when in full screen (webapp) mode.
Specifically look at NETWORK in manifest files.
This should allow access to any URL you like, and stay in webapp mode.
Alternatively use target="_self" - I haven't seen target="_webapp" anywhere.
One solution I found here is to change the way you write your links for a mobile app. Rather than a href='link.url' you'd write a href="javascript.window.location.href='link.url'"
Dislaimer: I haven't personally tried this yet, so I can't guarantee it will work. But logically, it does make sense.
Using target="_webapp" works only if you remove the rel="external", you cannot have both.