How can I provide application config to my .NET Core Web API services running in docker containers? - docker

I am using Docker to deploy my ASP.NET Core Web API microservices, and am looking at the options for injecting configuration into each container. The standard way of using an appsettings.json file in the application root directory is not ideal, because as far as I can see, that means building the file into my docker images, which would then limit which environment the image could run in.
I want to build an image once which can they be provided configuration at runtime and rolled through the dev, test UAT and into Production without creating an image for each environment.
Options seem to be:
Providing config via environment variables. Seems a bit tedious.
Somehow mapping a path in the container to a standard location on the host server where appsettings.json sits, and getting the service to pick this up (how?)
May be possible to provide values on the docker run command line?
Does anyone have experience with this? Could you provide code samples/directions, particularly on option 2) which seems the best at the moment?

It's possible to create data volumes in the docker image/container. And also mount a host directory into a container. The host directory will then by accessible inside the container.
Adding a data volume
You can add a data volume to a container using the -v flag with the docker create and docker run command.
$ docker run -d -P --name web -v /webapp training/webapp python
This will create a new volume inside a container at /webapp.
Mount a host directory as a data volume
In addition to creating a volume using the -v flag you can also mount a directory from your Docker engine’s host into a container.
$ docker run -d -P --name web -v /src/webapp:/webapp training/webapp python
This command mounts the host directory, /src/webapp, into the container at /webapp.
Refer to the Docker Data Volumes

We are using other packaging system for now (not docker itself), but still have same issue - package can be deployed in any environment.
So, the way we are doing it now:
Use External configuration management system to hold and manage configuration per environment
Inject to our package the basic environment variables to hold the configuration management system connection details
This way we are not only allowing the package to run in almost any "known" environment, but also run-time configuration management.
When you are running docker, you can use environment variable options of the run command:
$ docker run -e "deep=purple" ...


How to work with the files from a docker container

I need to work with all the files from a docker container, my approach is to copy all the list of files from the container to my host.
I'm using the next docker commands, for example with the postgres image:
docker create -ti --name dummy_1 postgres bash
docker cp dummy_1:/. Documents/docker/dockerOne
With this I have all the container folders and files in my host.
And then the idea is to transverse all the files with the java API, and work with them and finally delete the files and folders from local, but I would like to know if is it a better approach, maybe with Java and access directly to the container files, instead of create a local copy of the container files in my host.
Any ideas?
You can build a small server app inside your docker container which feeds you the information you need at an exposed port. Thats how i would have done it.
Maybe I don't understand the question, but you can mount a volume when you run, not create the container
docker run -v /host/path:/container/path your_container
Any code in the container (e.g. Java) that modifies files at /container/path will be reflected on the host, and not need to be copied back in/out. Similarly, any modifications on the host filesystem will be seen in the container.
I don't think I can implement an API in the docker container
Yes you can. You bind a TCP port using -p flag

Docker: How to create an environment variable in the host machine that points to a directory in a docker container?

I am using Docker to run four containers to run a backend web application. The backend web application uses buildout to assemble the software.
However, the frontend, which is installed and runs on the host machine (that is, not using Docker), needs to access the buildout directory inside one of the four docker containers.
Moreover, the frontend uses an environment variable called NTI_BUILDOUT_PATH that is defined on the host machine. NTI_BUILDOUT_PATH must point to the buildout directory, which is inside the aforementioned container.
My problem is that I do not know how to define NTI_BUILDOUT_PATH such that it contains a directory that points towards the buildout directory that is needed by the front end for SSL certificates and other purposes.
I have researched around the web and read about volumes and bind mounts but I do not think they can help me in my case.
One way you can do that is by copying your buildout folder into the host machine using docker cp
docker cp <backend-container-id>:<path-to-buildout> <path-to-host-folder>
For Example if your backend's container_id is d1b5365c5bca and your buildout folder is in /app/buildout inside the container. You can use the following command to copy it to the host.
docker cp d1b5365c5bca:/app/buildout /home/mahmoud/app/buildout
After that you docker rm all your containers and recreate new ones with a bind mount to the buildout folder in the host. So following the previous example we'll have
docker run -v /home/mahmoud/app/buildout:/app/buildout your-backend-image
docker run -v /home/mahmoud/app/buildout:/app/buildout -e NTI_BUILDOUT_PATH=/app/buildout your-frontend-image

How should I mount docker volumes in mlflow project?

I use mlflow in a docker environment as described in this example and I start my runs with mlflow run ..
I get output like this
2019/07/17 16:08:16 INFO mlflow.projects: === Building docker image mlflow-myproject-ab8e0e4 ===
2019/07/17 16:08:18 INFO mlflow.projects: === Created directory /var/folders/93/xt2vz36s7jd1fh9bkhkk9sgc0000gn/T/tmp1lxyqqw9 for downloading remote URIs passed to arguments of type 'path' ===
2019/07/17 16:08:18 INFO mlflow.projects: === Running command 'docker run
--rm -v /Users/foo/bar/mlruns:/mlflow/tmp/mlruns -e
MLFLOW_RUN_ID=ef21de61d8a6436b97b643e5cee64ae1 -e MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI=file:///mlflow/tmp/mlruns -e MLFLOW_EXPERIMENT_ID=0 mlflow-myproject-ab8e0e4 python' in run with ID 'ef21de61d8a6436b97b643e5cee64ae1' ===
I would like to mount a docker volume named my_docker_volume to the container
the path /data. So instead of the docker run shown above, I would like to
docker run --rm --mount source=my_docker_volume,target=/data -v /Users/foo/bar/mlruns:/mlflow/tmp/mlruns -e MLFLOW_RUN_ID=ef21de61d8a6436b97b643e5cee64ae1 -e MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI=file:///mlflow/tmp/mlruns -e MLFLOW_EXPERIMENT_ID=0 mlflow-myproject-ab8e0e4 python
I see that I could in principle run it once without mounted volume and then
copy the docker run ... and add --mount source=my_volume,target=/data but
I'd rather use something like
mlflow run --mount source=my_docker_volume,target=/data .
but this obviously doesn't work because --mount is not a parameter for
mlflow run.
What's the recommened way of mounting a docker volume then?
A similar issue has been brought up on the mlflow issue tracker, see "Access large data from within a Docker environment". An excerpt from it says:
However, MLFlow Docker environments currently only have access to data baked into the repository or image or must download a large dataset for each run.
A potential solution is to enable the user to mount a volume (e.g. local directory containing the data) into the Docker container.
Looks like this is feature others would benefit from too. Best course of action here would be to contribute support for mounts, or keep track of the issue until someone else implements it.
Why do you need to mount /data folder in the first place? There's another issue, a PR containing a fix related to storing artifacts in a custom location on host machine, could it be something you're looking for?
Finally, to avoid the above problem and facilitate volume mounting, I now run my experiments using three interacting docker containers. One that runs the machine learning code, one that runs an mlflow server and one that runs a postgresql server. I closely followed this walk-through article to set things up. It works nicely and docker-compose makes volume mounting easy. Metrics, parameters and meta data are stored in a database that is mounted to a local persistent volume. Artifacts are logged in the directory /mlflow or if you prefer in a docker volume.
Note: There's a typo in the cited walk-through article
In docker-compose.yml it shouldn't be
- ./postgres-store:/var/lib/postgresql/data
which would bind a local folder named postgres-store.
Instead, to mount the docker volume postgres_store, you should use
- postgres-store:/var/lib/postgresql/data

File storage options with Docker

We plan to use Docker with our new core project and one of the requirements is that app will upload files and we need to have them stored permanently.
We have read that Docker creates filesystem/volumes (i might be imprecise in terminology here) per container and if container is recreated for whatever reason - filesystem/volume exposed to container is lost.
We would like to avoid storing files in our database (mongodb).
What is the usual, best practice way to have files permanently&reliably stored with Docker?
Keeping non-ephemeral data in external storage servers is one solution. An more recent approach is to use S3 or a local equivalent like minio to store shared or private data that needs to outlive the lifetime of the container.
Refer to similar question
It's possible to create data volumes in the docker image/container.
$ docker run -d -P --name web -v /webapp training/webapp python
This will create a new volume inside a container at /webapp. But the files stored will be lost once the container is destroyed.
On the other hand, we can mount a host directory into a container. The host directory will then by accessible inside the container.
$ docker run -d -P --name web -v /src/webapp:/webapp training/webapp python
This command mounts the host directory, /src/webapp, into the container at /webapp.
The files stored by the docker container into this mounted directory will be available even if the container is destroyed. If you are planning to persist the files beyond the life time of container this will be a good option.

Docker exec command not using the mounted directory for /

I am new to docker containers and I and am trying to solve a problem I am facing right now.
These are my understanding based on limited knowledge.
When we create a docker container, Docker creates a local mount and use it as the root file system for the docker container.
Now, if I run any commands in the container from the host server using docker exec the docker is not using the mounted partition as the / file system for the container. I mean, it still pics up the binaries and env variables from the host server. Is there any option/alternate solution for making the docker use the original mounted directory for docker exec too ?
If I access/start the container with docker attach or docker run -i -t /bin/bash, I get the mounted directory as my / file system, which gives me an entirely independent environment from my host system. But this doesn't happen with the docker exec command.
Please help !!
You are operating under a misconception. The docker image only contains what was installed in it. This is usually a very cut down version of an operating system for efficiency reasons.
The docker container is started from an image - and that's a running version, which can change and store state - but may be discarded.
docker run starts a container from an image. You can run the same image multiple times to create completely different containers (which happen to have the same starting point for their content).
docker exec attaches to one of those containers to run a command. So you will only see the things inside it that ... were inside the image, or added post start (like log files). It has no vision of the host filesystem, and may not be the same OS - the only requirement is that it shares elements of the kernel ... although it usually has a selection of the commonly used binaries.
And when you run an image to create a container, you can specify a mount. One of the options when you do this is passing through a host filesystem, with e.g. -v /path/on/host:/path_in/container. But you don't have to, you can use data containers or use a docker volume mount instead. e.g. docker run -v /mount creates a mount point within the container, using the docker filesystem, which isn't part of the parent host. This can be used to make a data container with: docker create -v /path/to/data --name data_for_acontainer some_basic_image
And then mount volumes from that data container on a new one:
docker run -d --volumes-from data_for_acontainer some_app_image
Which will attach that data container onto the /path/to/data mount. But in neither case is the 'host' filesystem touched directly - this is the whole point of dockerising things.
