Youtube api Get channels by date joined - youtube

If someone could point me in regards to getting/retrieving a list of all YouTube channels that say joined between October 31, 2016 to December 31, 2016.
Help in any language will be appreciated (whether its python, ruby, php ...)


YouTube PlaylistItems list for WatchLater does not return any items

YouTube PlaylistItems list for WatchLater (playlistId = WL) started to misbehave starting on November 26, 2019.
It started out of sudden, because previously working codewas working without any issues for months. I also checked for any recent changes in API - and last changes were two months ago (in September 2019).
It started that on November 26 it wasn't working at all, returning "Backend Error".
Then after some hours it started to pass again, returning OK result, but it returned Items array is always empty.
My request call is quite simple, results are same both in my app and trying in API explorer. I'm calling like this:"part"%3A"snippet%2CcontentDetails"%2C"maxResults"%3A25%2C"playlistId"%3A"WL"%7D#examples_1
Was the issue with WatchLater playlist acknowledged, is it known? If yes - should it be fixed or is it still something in progress?
You have to acknowledge that the WatchLater property has been deprecated for quite some time.
According to Google's staff response from Aug 19, 2019 22:42 UTC, there's no way to get the WatchLater playlist information from the API.

Where did the /symbol-sync endpoint go?

Because I backtest portfolios of stocks, it is useful to keep a historical record of ticker symbols. I typically do this with a daily reading of the /symbol-sync endpoint. For example for today, it would be: /symbol-sync/2018-02-11.csv. On Friday, Feb. 9th, it has started returning 404. Is this service discontinued by StockTwits? Has this become a fee based service?
This has been added back. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Twitter API: How can I know the exactly hour a tweet was created?

I'm dealing with the Twitter API.
I need to know the hour exactly when the tweet was created. Meaning, the real locate hour where that guy was stand.
For example: If I create a tweet at 5PM Argentina Hour, I want to get "5PM" in the Twitter api.
The problem, is that the Twitter API always return the UTC hour, meaning, it's always "+0000".
If I you don't know that I was in Argentina (-0300) in the moment I created the Tweet, you can't know that I tweeted at 5PM.
Absolutely all tweets are like this: Sun May 14 02:43:02 +0000 2017.
All of those numbers always change (Day, Month, Day number, hour, minutes, seconds, year) BUT the +0000 never change.
For example, If my tweet (at 5PM) should be like: Sun May 14 17:00:00 -0300 2017 (because I'm in Argentina at 5PM: 17PM). But the API say: "Sun May 14 20:00:00 +0000 2017". (17 + 3).
I can't know where the tweet come from (because 99,9999% of the users has no GeoLocation enabled).
What can you say?
I'm thinking that if Twitter give me that "-0300", twitter will be letting me know that I'm in Argentina, so, that will be movement against my provacity (and my no-geolocation-activated), so, makes sense that Twitter doesn't give us that information. But, anyways, I want to know what you say.
The only way to know what the user's local time was when he created the tweet is to know where the user was when the tweet was created.
If the tweet does not have geolocation information, then you cannot easily know where the user was at that time without doing broader analysis.
About 2% of Tweets contain geolocation data (source), so that's a lot of tweets to work with.

Google Calendar generates incorrect time in xml feed

I'm generating an ICS feed from an exchange server with the timezone set to "UTC Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London"; I'm then importing this into Google Calendar, which then creates an XML feed which I then import into FullCalendar in my Rails application.
The ICS feed from the exchange server has this:
SUMMARY:Test Event
DTSTART;TZID=GMT Standard Time:20140713T000000
DTEND;TZID=GMT Standard Time:20140719T000000
However the XML feed generated by Google Calendar, is wrong. it shows:
<title type='html'>Y12 Biology Field Trip</title><summary type='html'>When: Sat 12 Jul 2014 23:00 to Fri 18 Jul 2014 23:00&nbsp;
How do I correct the xml feed created by Google Calendar? It appears it isn't using GMT Daylight saving.
Or, how do I force use of Daylight saving in Google Calendar/FullCalendar?
My 2nd go at this... For me, there is nothing incorrect in the google feed. Google is receiving a time in "GMT Standard Time", an ambiguous time zone which, contrary to what you might expect, may have daylight saving. It then converts this time to UTC (no daylight saving), It does this because UTC is the timezone of the google calendar. Events imported into a google calendar are converted to the time zone of the google calendar. So midnight becomes 11pm.
I don't know fullcalendar, but the google xml feed is not suited for digestion by machines. Event times are mixed up in text descriptions. The timezone information is too short to be definitive. You would be much better sticking with Icalendar for exchanging calendar information. Why can't full calendar handle the Ical feed directly from Exchange? If you persist with google xml, try changing the time zone setting on the google calendar.

Streaming API with languages

Is there anyway i can retrieve only English tweets using the Twitter's Live Straeming API?
It seems like using "sample" or "filter" results around 60-70 percent of non-English tweets.
I haven't found a good solution to this, I've solved this using the following:
1) filter by lang attribute equal to "en".
2) I found that several non-english languages are still in the english labelled tweets. So, I downloaded spanish, dutch, and indonesian word lists, and checked for number of non-english word occurrences in tweets. More than 1, and I discard it as non-english.
3) I think I need to filter for portuguese as well, need to investigate this.
Filtering only English-language messages from the twitter stream is an active research area. You could use an off-the-shelf language identification system to locally process the stream and select only messages in English. One such system is Full disclosure, I am the author of
Another system I know of is ldig by Nakatani Shuyo. I haven't had a chance to experiment with it yet, but it is made specifically for language identification of Twitter messages.
Twitter will soon be releasing a new (or updated) attribute just for this purpose! See their blog post, Introducing new metadata for Tweets
The new lang attribute specifies the language the Tweet was written in, as identified by Twitter's machine language detection algorithms.
At the time of this writing the lang attribute and language parameter haven't yet appeared, however check the Calendar of API changes to see when they plan on releasing it (currently just specifies "2013").
Update 3/30/2013:
The lang attribute was added to the Streaming API on March 26, 2013. In addition, it was also made available on the REST API on March 6, 2013.
For use in the Twitter Streaming API, language is now a request parameter:
So for English you'd add 'language=en' into your request parameter string.
Twitter just finished it!!
cf calendar API:
March 26, 2013 lang attribute & language parameter appears on streaming Blog post Streaming API.
The twitter API rocks!!
