Rails scope conditions - ruby-on-rails

Here are my scopes in the News model:
scope :category, -> (category_names) { joins(:category).where('categories.name IN (?)', category_names)}
scope :tag, -> (tag_name) { joins(:tags).where('tags.name = ?', tag_name)}
Here's the GET request:
"id": 8,
"tag_list": "ipsum",
"category": "sit"
"id": 9,
"tag_list": "",
"category": "sit"
My index action:
news = News.filter(params.slice(:tag_list, :category, :days_ago))
I want to get News which satisfy BOTH of the conditions - only those news should be displayed that have category="sit" AND tag_list="ipsum".
What's the best way to achieve this?

You should simply chain the scopes together. In your news controller:

You can simply link the scopes as so:


Rails 4 - Iterate through nested JSON params

I'm passing nested JSON into rails like so:
"product": {
"vendor": "Acme",
"id": "3",
"method": "remove",
"id": "4"
in order to update the category on a product. I am trying to iterate through the categories attribute in my products_controller so that I can add/remove the product to multiple categories at once:
def updateCategory
#product = Product.find(params[:id])
params[:product][:categories].each do |u|
#category = Category.find_by(id: params[:product][:categories][:id])
if params[:product][:categories][:method] == "remove"
However, this only uses the second 'categories' ID in the update and doesn't iterate through both.
Example response JSON:
"product": {
"id": 20,
"title": "Heavy Duty Aluminum Chair",
"product_price": "47.47",
"vendor": "Acme",
"categories": [
"id": 4,
"title": "Category 4"
As you can see, it only added the category with ID = 4, and skipped over Category 3.
I'm fairly new to rails so I know I'm probably missing something obvious here. I've played around with the format of the JSON I'm passing in as well but it only made things worse.
You need to change your JSON structure. As you currently have it, the second "categories" reference will override the first one since you can only have 1 instance of a key. To get what you want, you should change it to:
"product": {
"vendor": "Acme",
"categories": [
"id": "3",
"method": "remove",
"id": "4"
You will also need to change your ruby code to look like:
def updateCategory
#product = Product.find(params[:id])
params[:product][:categories].each do |u|
#category = Category.find_by(id: u[:id])
if u[:method] == "remove"

Elasticsearch : Multi match query on nested fields

I am having a problem with multi-match query in RoR. I have Elastic Search configured and working however I am working on setting up aggregations which so far seem to work, but for whatever reason I am not able to search on the field which I am aggregating. This is the extract from my model:
settings :index => { :number_of_shards => 1 } do
mapping do
indexes :id, index: :not_analyzed
indexes :name
indexes :summary
indexes :description
indexes :occasions, type: 'nested' do
indexes :id, type: 'integer'
indexes :occasion_name, type: 'string', index: :not_analyzed
def as_indexed_json(options = {})
self.as_json(only: [:id, :name, :summary, :description],
include: {
occasions: { only: [:id, :occasion_name] },
courses: { only: [:id, :course_name] },
allergens: { only: [:id, :allergen_name] },
cookingtechniques: { only: [:id, :name] },
cuisine: { only: [:id, :cuisine_name]}
class << self
def custom_search(query)
__elasticsearch__.search(query: multi_match_query(query), aggs: aggregations)
def multi_match_query(query)
query: query,
type: "best_fields",
fields: ["name^9", "summary^8", "cuisine_name^7", "description^6", "occasion_name^6", "course_name^6", "cookingtechniques.name^5"],
operator: "and"
I am able to search on all fields as specified in the multi_match_query apart of "occasion_name" which happens to be the field I am aggregating. I have checked that the field is correctly indexed (using elastic search-head plugin). I am also able to display the facets with the aggregated occasion_names in my view. I tried everything I can think of, including removing the aggregation and searching on occasion_name, but still no luck.
(I am using the elasticsearch-rails gem)
Any help will be much appreciated.
I got this ES query from rails:
:fields=>["name^9", "summary^8", "cuisine_name^7", "description^6", "occasion_name^6", "course_name^6", "cookingtechniques.name^5"],
{:nested=>{:path=>"occasions"}, :aggs=>{:id_and_name=>{:terms=>{:script=>"doc['occasions.id'].value + '|' + doc['occasions.occasion_name'].join(' ')", :size=>35}}}}}}},
This is an example of all that gets indexed for 1 of my dummy recipes I use for testing (the contents are meaningless - I use this only for testing):
"_index": "recipes",
"_type": "recipe",
"_id": "7",
"_version": 1,
"_score": 1,
"_source": {
"id": 7,
"name": "Mustard-stuffed chicken",
"summary": "This is so good we'd be surprised if this chicken fillet recipe doesn't become a firm favourite. Save it to your My Good Food collection and enjoy",
"description": "Heat oven to 200C/fan 180C/gas 6. Mix the cheeses and mustard together. Cut a slit into the side of each chicken breast, then stuff with the mustard mixture. Wrap each stuffed chicken breast with 2 bacon rashers – not too tightly, but enough to hold the chicken together. Season, place on a baking sheet and roast for 20-25 mins.",
"occasions": [
"id": 9,
"occasion_name": "Christmas"
"id": 7,
"occasion_name": "Halloween"
"id": 8,
"occasion_name": "Bonfire Night"
"id": 10,
"occasion_name": "New Year"
"courses": [
"id": 9,
"course_name": "Side Dish"
"id": 7,
"course_name": "Poultry"
"id": 8,
"course_name": "Salad"
"id": 10,
"course_name": "Soup"
"allergens": [
"id": 6,
"allergen_name": "Soya"
"id": 7,
"allergen_name": "Nut"
"id": 8,
"allergen_name": "Other"
"id": 1,
"allergen_name": "Dairy"
"cookingtechniques": [
"id": 15,
"name": "Browning"
"cuisine": {
"id": 1,
"cuisine_name": "African"
I managed to make the search work for occasions as suggested by #rahulroc, but now I can't search on anything else...
def multi_match_query(query)
path: 'occasions',
query: query,
type: "best_fields",
fields: ["name^9", "summary^8", "cuisine_name^7", "description^6", "occasion_name^6", "course_name^6", "cookingtechniques.name^5"],
operator: "and"
UPDATE: Adding multiple nested fields - I am trying to add the rest of my aggregations but I am facing similar problem as before. My end goal will be to use the aggregations as filters so I need to add about 4 more nested fields to my query (I also would like to have the fields searchable) Here is the working query as provided by #rahulroc + the addition of another nested field which I can't search on. As before in terms of indexing everything is working and I can display the aggregations for the newly added field, but I can't search on it. I tried different variations of this query but I couldn't make it work (the rest of the fields are still working and searchable - the problem is just the new field):
def multi_match_query(query)
bool: {
should: [
path: 'occasions',
query: {
query: query,
type: "best_fields",
fields: ["occasion_name"]
path: 'courses',
query: {
query: query,
type: "best_fields",
fields: ["course_name"]
multi_match: {
query: query,
fields:["name^9", "summary^8", "cuisine_name^7", "description^6"],
You need to create a separate nested clause for matching a nested field
"query": {
"bool": {
"should": [
"nested": {
"path": "occassions",
"query": {
"multi_match": {
"query": "Christmas",
"fields": ["occassion_name^2"]
"multi_match": {
"query": "Christmas",
"fields":["name^9", "summary^8", "cuisine_name^7", "description^6","course_name^6"] }

Rails permit nested array

I am trying to use accepts_nested_attributes_for in conjunction with a has_many association and having a lot of trouble...
Here is a simplified version of my user.rb:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :user_permissions
accepts_nested_attributes_for :user_permissions
My user_permission.rb:
class UserPermission < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
And my users_controller.rb:
class UsersController < ApiController
def update
#user.assign_attributes user_params
if #user.save
render partial: 'user', locals: { user: #user }
render json: {errors: #user.errors}.to_json, status: 500
def user_params
params.require(:user).permit(:first_name, :last_name, user_permissions_attributes: [ :user_id, :resource_id, :can_read, :can_update, :can_create, :can_delete ])
I am referencing this rails documentation on how to use accepts_nested_attributes_for with Strong Parameters.
However, when I 'puts user_params' from inside the users_controller this is all I see (no reference to the user_permissions):
{"first_name"=>"Joe", "last_name"=>"Shmoe"}
Here is an example of JSON I am submitting to the server (via angular $resource):
"id": 10,
"first_name": "Joe",
"last_name": "Shmoe",
"user_permissions": [
"organization_resource_id": 20,
"user_id": 10,
"can_update": true,
"can_read": true
"organization_resource_id": 21,
"user_id": 10,
"can_create": true,
"can_read": true
Which returns this JSON:
"id": 10,
"first_name": "Joe",
"last_name": "Shmoe",
"user_permissions": [],
I am fairly confident this is an issue in my rails layer, but just for reference here is the angular User.js service I created to perform this RESTful interaction with the server:
angular.module('slics').service('User', [
'$resource', function($resource) {
return $resource('/api/users/:id', {
id: '#id'
}, {
update: {
method: 'PUT',
isArray: false
Really not sure what I am missing here. It does not seem like it should be this difficult to submit nested attributes... but the more research I do the more I realize this does seem to be a pretty common Rails frustration.
Please feel free to comment if any additional context/information would be useful to include in my problem description to help troubleshoot this problem and I would be happy to provide it!
Strong params expects user_permissions_attributes, and you're submitting user_permissions.
Strong params is separate from accepts_nested_attributes_for (in fact, it has nothing to do with it), so however you define your require!/permit calls is exactly how your attributes should be submitted.
ProTip: To save you some future frustration, if you plan on updating through accepts nested attributes, you probably want to permit :id as well.
Well, you post an array of hashes, not a hash.
So this code
user_permissions_attributes: [ :user_id, :resource_id, :can_read, :can_update, :can_create, :can_delete ]
will permit such structure
"id": 10,
"first_name": "Joe",
"last_name": "Shmoe",
"user_permissions_attributes": [
"organization_resource_id": 20,
"user_id": 10,
"can_update": true,
"can_read": true
Try to whitelist all params at "user_permissions"
user_permissions_attributes: []
Or check out this article, to learn how to build advanced whitelists with StrongParams
user_permissions_attributes: [ :user_id, :id, :can_read, :can_update, :can_create, :can_delete ]) permit :id and submitting hashes with index value..
JSON format submitting to the serve
"user": {
"id": 10,
"first_name": "Joe",
"last_name": "Shmoe",
"user_permissions": {
"0": {
"id": 20,
"user_id": 10,
"can_update": true,
"can_read": true
"1": {
"id": 21,
"user_id": 10,
"can_create": true,
"can_read": true

Rails way for creating an endpoint accepting multiple objects at once

I need to create an endpoint that accepts multiple objects at once. Example request (json body) below:
"obd_bluetooth_events" : [
"car_id": 1,
"obd_plugin_id": "1",
"kind": "CONNECT",
"date": 1422369149
"car_id": 1,
"obd_plugin_id": "1",
"kind": "DISCONNECT",
"date": 1422369149
"car_id": 1,
"obd_plugin_id": "1",
"kind": "CONNECT",
"date": 1422369149
So in order to be able to pass an array to create method: #obd_bluetooth_event.create(obd_bluetooth_events_params)
I need to define obd_bluetooth_events_params method like this:
def obd_bluetooth_events_params
obd_bluetooth_events: [
After calling which i get:
Unpermitted parameters: obd_bluetooth_event
=> [{"car_id"=>1, "obd_plugin_id"=>"1", "kind"=>"CONNECT", "date"=>1422369149},
{"car_id"=>1, "obd_plugin_id"=>"1", "kind"=>"DISCONNECT", "date"=>1422369149},
{"car_id"=>1, "obd_plugin_id"=>"1", "kind"=>"CONNECT", "date"=>1422369149}]
Im wondering wether there is a more railsy way to permit an array of objects?
def obd_params
params.require(:myparams).permit(:myarray => [])
Works fine for me to permit arrays.
Hope this helps ;)

:include based on condition on included table

I have a model Client which has many :tours, association in it. I am using this code to provide all the clients with their tours,
render :json => Client.all(:include => :tours)
Now, the requirement has changed such that this object representation loads only tours of a user. Each tour is associated with an user with relation User has many :tours. I tried
render :json => Client.all(:include => :tours, :conditions => ["tours.user_id = ?", params[:user_id]])
This gives me the clients having tours of that user, but lists all the tours of these clients. But, I want only tours of that user only to be listed under each client. Can I do that using :includes?
has_many :tours, :dependent => :destroy
has_may :tours, :dependent => :destroy
I thought it would be better to add an example to explain my problem. Suppose, there are 3 clients A, B, C.
Client A has 3 tours (all of user user1)
Client B has 4 tours (none of user user1)
Client C has 3 tours (1 of user user1, others of other users)
Now if we use my method to get the response for user1, it will be like this:
"name": "Client A",
"tours": [
"name": "Tour1",
"name": "Tour2",
"name": "Tour3",
"name": "Client C",
"tours": [
"name": "Tour4",
"name": "Tour5",
"name": "Tour6",
You can see that Client B has been omitted, and Client A and Client C has been included, which is correct. But, for Client C, only Tour5 belongs to user user1. But, it has all its tours included. I want my response to omit Tour5 and Tour6, like this:
"name": "Client A",
"tours": [
"name": "Tour1",
"name": "Tour2",
"name": "Tour3",
"name": "Client C",
"tours": [
"name": "Tour4",
I'm only guessing but have you tried something along the lines of:
render :json => Client.all(:include => {:tours => :user}, :conditions => ["users.id = ?", params[:user_id]])
