How to show/hide the progressHUD, with MVVM and RxSwift in swift - ios

I'm beginning with MVVM in order to well separate logic code from the view. But I have some concern about where to put the progressHUD related code when tapping a button that makes a request.
Before, I used to do that:
#IBAction func startRequestTapped() {
self.apiClient.requestObservable().subscribe(onError: { (error) in
}, onCompleted: {
But when I use mvvm, I do like that:
//In the viewModel
public var validateButtonDidTap = PublishSubject<Void>()
init() {
validateButtonDidTap.flatMap { (_)
return self.apiClient.requestObservable()
// In the viewController
viewDidLoad() {
let tap = self.validateButton.rx.tap
And amongst that, I don't know where to put the the ProgressHUD hide or show.

Mark answer is right, but I am going to guide you step by step.
Let's supose you're going to try signing in.
Copy ActivityIndicator.swift file in your project.
In the viewModel:
//MARK: - Properties
/// The http client
private let apiClient: YourApiClient
/// Clousure when button is tapped
var didTappedButton: () -> Void = {}
/// The user
var user: Observable<User>
/// Is signing process in progress
let signingIn: Observable<Bool> = ActivityIndicator().asObservable()
//MARK: - Initialization
init(client: YourApiClient) {
self.client = client
self.didTappedButton = { [weak self] in
self.user = self.apiClient
Create an extension of SVProgressHUD: (I don't know SVProgressHUD library, but it would be something like this. Please fix it if needed)
extension Reactive where Base: SVProgressHUD {
/// Bindable sink for `show()`, `hide()` methods.
public static var isAnimating: UIBindingObserver<Base, Bool> {
return UIBindingObserver(UIElement: self.base) { progressHUD, isVisible in
if isVisible { // or other show methods
} else {
progressHUD.dismiss() // or other hide methods
In your viewController:
#IBAction func startRequestTapped() {
override func viewDidLoad() {
// ...

Accepted answer updated to Swift 4, RxSwift 4.0.0 and SVProgressHUD 2.2.2:
3- Extension:
extension Reactive where Base: SVProgressHUD {
public static var isAnimating: Binder<Bool> {
return Binder(UIApplication.shared) {progressHUD, isVisible in
if isVisible {
} else {
4- Controller:
viewModel.signingIn.asObservable().bind(to: SVProgressHUD.rx.isAnimating).disposed(by: disposeBag)

You could try using an ActivityIndicator.
See the example here:


How can I move a loadCategories() func from SomeViewController to SomeViewModel?

So I have the following function:
var categoryArray: [Category] = []
private func loadCategories() {
downloadCategoriesFromFirebase { (allCategories) in
self.categoryArray = allCategories
that is currently in my SomeViewController. I need to move it to SomeViewModel.
Sorry if my question is not well formulated, please do ask if you need any more information since I am so new at all this.
Thanks in advance
Assuming you have a reference to SomeViewModel in your SomeViewController, you can move the code over there.
For example:
import UIKit
class ViewController: UIViewController {
private var viewModel: ViewModel!
override func viewDidLoad() {
func callToViewModel() {
viewModel.loadCategories {
// rest of your code
The ViewModel could look something like this:
import Foundation
class ViewModel: NSObject {
var categoryArray: [Category] = []
override init() {
func loadCategories(completion: (() -> Void)?) {
downloadCategoriesFromFirebase { (allCategories) in
self.categoryArray = allCategories
When reloading your data, make sure to refer to viewModel.categoryArray instead of self.categoryArray now.
Please notice that I'm making use of a completion handler to notify the ViewController the call in the ViewModel was finished. There are other (perhaps better) ways to do this, like the Combine framework.

Where to trigger Loading in Clean Architeture Swift

Where is the correct place I should put the code that would trigger a loading to display in my app.
It is correct to do is on view? since it is displaying something on screen, so it fits as a UI logic
class ViewController: UIViewController {
func fetchData() {
or on interactor? since it's a business logic. something like, everytime a request is made, we should display a loading. View only knows how to construct a loading, not when to display it.
class Interactor {
func fetchData() {
worker?.fetchData() { (data) [weak self] in
same question applies to MVVM and MVP.
it is totally up to you . i am showing loading using an Observable .
in my viewModel there is an enum called action :
enum action {
case success(count:Int)
case deleteSuccess
case loading
case error
and an Observable of action type :
var actionsObservable = PublishSubject<action>()
then , before fetching data i call onNext method of actionObservable(loading)
and subscribing to it in viewController :
.subscribe(onNext: { (action) in
switch action {
case .success(let count):
if(count == 0){
self.noItemLabel.isHidden = false
self.noItemLabel.isHidden = true
case .loading:
self.showSpinner(onView : self.view)
case .error:
}, onError: { (e) in
}).disposed(by: disposeBag)
You can use the delegate or completion handler to the update the UI from view model.
class PaymentViewController: UIViewController {
// for UI update
func showLoading() {
func stopLoading() {
protocol PaymentOptionsDelegate : AnyObject {
func showLoading()
func stopLoading()
class PaymentOptionsViewModel {
weak var delegate : PaymentOptionsDelegate?
func fetchData() {

Prevent disposal of PublishSubject (RxSwift)

I'm struggling with specific use-case incorporating RxSwift's PublishSubject.
For sake of simplicity unimportant details were omitted.
There is a MVVM setup. In VC I have a UIButton, on tap of which a network call should dispatch. In ViewModel I have a buttonDidTapSubject: PublishSubject<Void>.
class ViewModel {
let disposeBag = DisposeBag()
let buttonDidTapSubject = PublishSubject<Void>()
let service: Service
typealias Credentials = (String, String)
var credentials: Observable<Credentials> {
return Observable.just(("testEmail", "testPassword"))
init(_ service: Service) {
self.service = service
.flatMap(service.login) // login method has signature func login(_ creds: Credentials) -> Observable<User>
.subscribe(onNext: { user in print("Logged in \(user)") },
onError: { error in print("Received error") })
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
class ViewController: UIViewController {
let viewModel: ViewModel
let button = UIButton()
init(_ viewModel: ViewModel) {
self.viewModel = viewModel
In controller's viewDidLoad I make a binding:
override func viewDidLoad() {
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
The problem is, since network request can fail and Observable that is returned from login(_:) method will produce an error, the whole subscription to buttonDidTapSubject in ViewModel will be disposed. And all other taps on a button will not trigger sequence to login in ViewModel.
Is there any way to avoid this kind of behavior?
You can use retry to prevent finishing the subcription. If you only want to retry in specific cases or errors you can also use retryWhen operator
In the view model:
lazy var retrySubject: Observable<Void> = {
return viewModel.buttonDidTapSubject
.retryWhen { error in
if (error == .networkError){ //check here your error
return .just(Void())
} else {
return .never() // Do not retry
In the view controller I would have done it in another way:
override func viewDidLoad() {
.flatMap { [weak self] _ in
return self?.viewModel.retrySubject
.subscribe(onNext: {
//do whatever
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
Not sure if still relevant - Use PublishRelay ( although it is RxCocoa )

swift:Unbind listeners which are closures from array of listeners

I am trying to develop a theme engine, which loads themes from a json. I have a Thememanager which is a singleton class and holds a currentTheme variable.
I then have a baseViewController which listens to any change in the currentTheme with the help of Boxing technique, and all the viewControllers need to be subclass of
base and need to override the observer method to apply their styles. In the box class I have an array of listeners so that multiple view controllers can observer theme change simultaneously, it works well and now
my problem is that whenever a view controller gets deallocated, I want to remove that listener also from the box class array of listeners, which I am unable to figure out, because of which listeners are getting piled up.
I tried to write an unbind method in the deint of the viewController and tried to pass the closure like the below but it didnt work
func unbind(listener: Listener?) {
self.listeners = self.listeners.filter { $0 as AnyObject !== listener as AnyObject }
class Thememanager {
// Hold a list of themes
var themes = [Theme]()
// Private Init
private init() {
// You can provide a default theme here.
//change(theme: defaultTheme)
// MARK: Shared Instance
private static let _shared = Thememanager()
// MARK: - Accessors
class func shared() -> Thememanager {
return _shared
var currentTheme: Box<Theme?> = Box(nil)
func change(theme: Theme) {
currentTheme.value = theme
private func fetchMenuItemsFromJSON() {
let theme = Theme()
class Box<T> {
typealias Listener = (T) -> Void
var listeners = [Listener?]()
var value: T {
didSet {
for listener in listeners{
init(_ value: T) {
self.value = value
func bind(listener: Listener?) {
for listener in listeners{
func unbind(listener: Listener?) {
self.listeners = self.listeners.filter { $0 as AnyObject !== listener as AnyObject }
class BaseViewController: UIViewController {
private var themeManager = Thememanager.shared()
typealias Listener = (Theme?) -> Void
var currentListener: Listener?
override func viewDidLoad() {
override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
// Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.
// Bind the theme variable so that changes are immediately effective
func observeThemeChange() {
currentListener = {[weak self] (theme) in
guard let currtheme = theme else {
self?.loadWith(theme: currtheme)
themeManager.currentTheme.bind(listener: currentListener)
// This method will be implemented by the Child classes
func loadWith(theme: Theme) {
self.navigationController?.navigationBar.tintColor = theme.navigationBarTextColor
self.navigationController?.navigationBar.titleTextAttributes = [NSAttributedStringKey.foregroundColor : theme.navigationBarTextColor]
// Need to be implemented by child classes
print("theme changed")
deinit {
themeManager.currentTheme.unbind(listener: currentListener)
struct Theme {
// Define all the theme properties you want to control.
var navigationBarBgColor: UIColor = UIColor.darkGray
var navigationBarTextColor: UIColor =
The issue is with the comparison of closure in unbind method as it snot available for closures and functions(). See this. I guess you could maintain a hashmap where listeners be the value and a unique identifier be the key. It is going to be much faster to unbind it as well.
But, I feel Notifications way is much better as it gives you the same behaviour(Publisher-Subscriber) without you having to manage the listeners.

Why RxSwift Subscribe just run once in First launch viewWillAppear?

I write a subscribe in viewWillAppear.
But it also run once in first launch app.
When I push to another viewcontroller, I use dispose().
Then I back in first viewcontroller, my subscribe func in viewWillAppear don't run.
What's wrong with my rx subscribe?
var listSubscribe:Disposable?
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
listSubscribe = chatrooms.notifySubject.subscribe({ json in
print("*1") //just print once in first launch
override func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {
let controllers = tabBarController?.navigationController?.viewControllers
if (controllers?.count)! > 1 {
RxSwift documentation says "Note that you usually do not want to manually call dispose; this is only an educational example. Calling dispose manually is usually a bad code smell."
Normally, you should be doing something like this -
let disposeBag = DisposeBag()
override func viewDidLoad() {
whatever.subscribe(onNext: { event in
// do stuff
}).disposed(by: self.disposeBag)
As for your question, I believe you don't need to re-subscribe because you subscription will be alive and 'notifySubject' will send you updates whenever there are any.
Maybe you can get some reactive implementation of viewWillAppear and similar functions? And forget about manual disposables handling... For example your UIViewController init will contain something like this:
.filter({ $0 == .willAppear })
.take(1) // if you need only first viewWillAppear call
.flatMapLatest({ _ in
// Do what you need
And the implementation of driverViewState:
public extension UIViewController {
public enum ViewState {
case unknown, didAppear, didDisappear, willAppear, willDisappear
public extension Reactive where Base: UIViewController {
private typealias _StateSelector = (Selector, UIViewController.ViewState)
private typealias _State = UIViewController.ViewState
private func observableAppearance(_ selector: Selector, state: _State) -> Observable<UIViewController.ViewState> {
return (base as UIViewController).rx
.map { _ in state }
func driverViewState() -> Driver<UIViewController.ViewState> {
let statesAndSelectors: [_StateSelector] = [
(#selector(UIViewController.viewDidAppear(_:)), .didAppear),
(#selector(UIViewController.viewDidDisappear(_:)), .didDisappear),
(#selector(UIViewController.viewWillAppear(_:)), .willAppear),
(#selector(UIViewController.viewWillDisappear(_:)), .willDisappear)
let observables = statesAndSelectors
.map({ observableAppearance($0.0, state: $0.1) })
return Observable
.asDriver(onErrorJustReturn: UIViewController.ViewState.unknown)
