Shopify API calls not working in Rails background job - ruby-on-rails

In my Rails controller action, I have a method that does a bunch of Shopify API calls. Things like:
ShopifyAPI::Product.find(:all, params: {title: title})
ShopifyAPI::Product.create(title: title, body_html: description, images: images, tags: tags, product_type: product_type)
All of it does what I want...very neat.
The problem is that I'm going to be uploading a CSV and using this controller method. It's fine if I have like 8 line items, but very quickly it gets slow. So, I thought, let's move it to a background worker.
I'm using Redis/Resque to get everything going and using some dummy outputs (i.e. puts 'Hi there champ!') I've confirmed that the background worker is configured properly and executing when and where it should be. Neat.
So then I put bits and pieces of my controller action in and output that. That all works until I hit my Shopify API calls. I can call .new on about any object, but the when I try to .find, .all, or .create any valid object (which worked before I abstracted it to the background job), it sort of goes dead. Super descriptive! I've tried to output what's going on via logger and puts but I can't seem to generate much output of what's going on, but I have isolated it down to the Shopify API work. I thought that, even though I have an initializer that specifies my passwords, site, API keys, secrets, etc, I might need to reinitialize my Shopify session, as per their setup docs here. I either did it wrong, or that did solve the issue.
At this point I'm sure I'm just missing something in the docs, but I cannot find out how to make these necessary API calls from my background job. Any thoughts on what I might be doing obviously wrong that could solve this? Anyone dealt with anything similar?

Turns out this has to do with where the Shopify Engine was mounted. In my routes.rb I have the following (in addition to other routes; these are the two pertinent ones):
mount ShopifyApp::Engine, at: '/'
root to: 'products#index'
This is all fine and good, but sort of forces the context of your Shopify API calls to be made within the context of the products.rb index controller action...without some changes. 2 ways to do this, one obviously the more Railsy way to do it:
Option 1:
session = ShopifyApp::SessionRepository.retrieve(1)
at the beginning of any file in which you want to make Shopify API calls. This sets the session (assuming you only have 1 store, by the way...this is using the retrieve method to retrieve store 1. Risky assumption), authenticate to the API, and everything in life is good.
Option 2:
Class inheritance for the win. Have all your controllers that are making API calls inherit from ShopifyApp::AuthenticatedController. This makes the initializer actually work, and that's it. This is (in retrospect) the clear and obvious way to go. Have an order controller? class OrdersController < ShopifyApp::AuthenticatedController and done: order = ShopifyAPI::Order.find(params[:id]) does exactly what you'd expect it to.


How to get the myshopify_domain from a ShopifyApp::Authenticated controller without an API call

I am trying to reduce unnecessary calls to the Shopify API from a controller that inherits from ShopifyApp::AuthenticatedController, for example to get the myshopify_domain:
myshopify_domain = ShopifyAPI::Shop.current.myshopify_domain
Is there some method in ShopifyApp::SessionRepository or somewhere else in the ShopifyApp that I can call to retrieve Shop.current.myshopify_domain without making an actual call to the Shopify API webservice? If not, can I store the myshopify_domain, once retrieved, in the ShopifyApp::SessionRepository?
If you are in the AuthenticatedController, dump the following to the console:
You will see that you can access all sorts of stuff about the current session, such as:
I had the same problem with a muli-store app, where I needed to pull data tied to a specific store. ShopifyAPI::Shop.current.myshopify_domain is redundant in that you are slowing down the controller waiting for Shopify's response, and you are tinking down the api bucket limit. The session object is the superior method to avoid all of that, and should be accessible from any controller which inherits the ShopifyApp::Authenticated controller.
Your question is confusing. At the point where you are doing calls to the API, you clearly already know the myshopify_domain, as you cannot do API calls with that the shops name and token.
So now we're past that point, and you are asking how you can somehow have the myshopify_domain be more convenient for you to use? Just make yourself a little helper so that when you open a session, you have access to shop_name or whatever you want.
Shopify always sends you shop name in their requests, so you're covered there as it's a param, and your own interface code and calls will also be setting up the shop name too, so you're really now into some pretty esoteric territory to need anything else.
Seem like you're caught in a classic "the dog chasing its own tail", but why?
The myshopify_domain is usually available in the session parameters:
if !session[:myshopify_domain].nil? && !session[:myshopify_domain].empty?
session[:myshopify_domain] = ShopifyAPI::Shop.current.myshopify_domain

How to make a rails server wide object?

I am using the RedditKit gem and in order to access certain elements, I need to send a request to reddit api to create a "client" object. Below is my current logic:
## application_controller
before_action :redditkit_login
def redditkit_login
#client = ENV["reddit_username"], ENV["reddit_password"]
As you can see in my logic here, before EVERY REQUEST, I am subsequently making a new client object and then using that everywhere.
My question is, how do I only make one client object which can be used to serve ALL requests from anywhere?
My motive behind this is speed. For every request to server, I am making a new request to reddit and then responding to the original request. I want to have the client object readily available at all times.
You have a lot of options. A simple one would be to create a config/initializers/reddit_client.rb file and put in there:
RedditClient = ENV.fetch("reddit_username"), ENV("reddit_password")
(note I switched to ENV.fetch because it will error if the key is not found, which can be helpful).
You could also rename the file as app/models/reddit_client.rb. Although it's not really a model, that folder is also autoloaded so it should work as well.

ACRCloud webapi in Rails

I'm a newb hobbyist developer. Can I just throw this repo of their ACRCloud's ruby example code into a controller? I'd like to use an audio fingerprinting song recognition database as a name validation for songs users are uploading using paperclip. Not sure if it's possible, just starting to research it, any hints or suggestions would be appreciated.
Obviously I'd have to replace
file_name = ARGV[0]
etc, but I'm also wondering about the require 'openssl' etc
Definitely! But there are few points to be taken care of. That's a pure ruby script, when it comes to rails there are certain rules/best practices. One of which is thin controller and fat model..
You need to create a route/action in your app which will ask the app to execute this request with required params.
Write a method in your model which contains the code and call it from controller and pass the permitted params to it.
Instead of hardcoding your credentials in the model, make them environment variables.
Would suggest using Httparty gem wgich will reduce many lines of your code and you just need to pass headers, params, etc. as hash in the arguments.
Last, but not the least...if you notice..there's a puts in the end however, rails uses mvc and so you need to have a view for the controller action you created in step1. Return and save the response.body in the class variable like #response = res.body and you can play with the body depending on the response type.
Hope it helps..
P.S. I wish I could write few lines of code/optimise it for you but i m using my mobile right now. But I think this much information should be enough to convert that script to mvc rails structure..

What's a good way to stub Contentful Model instances in feature specs?

(I think this question generalises to stubbing any extensively-pinged API, but I'm asking the question based on the code I'm actually working with)
We're using the Contentful Model extensively in our controllers and views including in our layouts. This means that in any feature test where we visit (say) the homepage, our controller action will include something like this:
class HomepageController < ApplicationController
def homepage
# ... other stuff
#homepage_content = Homepage.find ('contentful_entry_id')
... where Homepage is a subclass of ContentfulModel::Base, and #homepage_content will have various calls on it in the view (sometimes chained). In the footer there's a similar instance variable set and used repeatedly.
So for feature testing this is a pain. I've only come up with two options:
Stub every single call (dozens) on all Contentful model instances, and either stub method chains or ensure they return a suitable mock
Use a gem like VCR to store the Contentful responses for every feature spec
Both of these (at least the way I'm doing them) have pretty bad drawbacks:
1) leads to a bunch of test kruft that will have to be updated every time we add or remove a field from the relevant model;
2) means we generate a vcr yaml files for every feature test - and that we have to remember to clear the relevant yml file whenever we change an element of the test that would change the requests it sends
Am I missing a third option? Or is there some sensible way to do either of the above options without getting the main drawbacks?
I'm the maintainer of contentful_model.
We use VCR to stub API Calls, so that you can test with real data and avoid complicated test code.

rails the best way to saving page duration and page loading speed

Hi I'm a beginner of rails and I'm not good at English. so if there is some total nonsense please understand..
I'm trying to record loading speed and page duration in every pages.
I made a database "pages" and method "savepage" in my "Page" model.
To save in every page I put "savepage" method in application controller.
def self.savepage
before_filter :dosave
def dosave
these kind of format..
My question is
1. am I doing correct? using before_filter to do save in very first of loading process?
2. to save after loading all the contents in a page what should I use?
3. to save after user leave this page what should I use?
I saw before_destroy and after_filter, but I can't find what it is... what filter means.... what action means destroy....
thank you in advance!
before_filter is the first thing which loads before giving request to controller.But your need is completely different . Fundamentally filter are used boolean checking.If certain method is true,it will run otherwise it may not. This filter are further extended and we put code into that filters.(And Even sometimes it is consider as best practice) .
Now, before_filter :dosave might be right but is it not true way of knowing page(UI) loading process. I suggest you to use javascript call or use some manually created helper methods and place it into view .erb files.
May be this will interest you
Log user activities in ROR
what action means ?
Action Controller is the C in MVC. After routing has determined which controller to use for a request, your controller is responsible for making sense of the request and producing the appropriate output. Luckily, Action Controller does most of the groundwork for you and uses smart conventions to make this as straightforward as possible.
Source :
I highly suggest you to read above documentation. It is very necessary for you and it covers topic which you asked here.`
And one more thing,
what is action destroy ?
This is simply an action method just like new. Since, rails follow Convention over configuration ( and its developer too) so they put code which do some delete destroy or some destruction. This make thing simple,otherwise more configuration will require which is against rails policy.
