dose not show icon in kendo grid -

I'm working on a project using ASP MVC, for showing data I have used kendo.
When I publish the project on IIS the icon of Kendo grid dose not load and I have bundled CSS and JS. Without bundling would be better. I do not know what to do?
I have published in IIS without bundling
show image
I have published in IIS with bundling
show iamge
and I have tested to enable and disable the following line but it did not work;
BundleTable.EnableOptimizations = true;
Any solutions?

Sometime it is because of folder references inside kendo css file. Have a look to files like kendo.bootstrap.min.css in your kendo folder in your solution explorer.For example may be you need change Bootstrap/sprite.png to 2016.3.914/Bootstrap/sprite.png based on your kendo folder refrence in your project.


How to implement the Gentelella Bootstrap Admin theme in ASP.NET MVC?

I'm starting now with web development in Visual Studio. I have already understood MVC, I have some knowledge of HTML and I started to study the bootstrap.
Then, I discovered the beautiful template Free Bootstrap 3 Admin Template on the web, which has an example online here:
I downloaded the files like custom.css and custom.min.css as they are shown in the following image:
But now I don't know how to put it in my project, so I created a new clean project in Visual Studio Community 2015. I did some tests, and I created some controllers and views.
How can I change the default bootstrap theme that came with ASP.NET MVC project to the downloaded one?
I imagine I should replace the _Layout in the shared folder. But what else should I bring?
I do not want all those example pages, etc. Just Bootstrap and the base layout to create my view's.
I have found everything I needed from a YouTube video, entitled "Plantilla Bootstrap en Proyecto ASP.NET MVC" (obviously in Spanish).
There are many steps:
Adding files to the project
setting the _Layout
set scripts references
Ultimately, it worked.
step one
Create a MVC project Default template in visual studio
Step Two
Delete All cshtml in view folder expect shared folder
you must be detrmine wthich part of your page repeatly in all pages that is your layout and you can put html tag like header menu and footer in /views/shared/_layout.cshtml and write renderbody in part of layout to see default login homepage or etc
all css and java script folder paste in your project and in layout change target to available js and css resource
Learn about mvc Layout
Understand Css And JavaScript embed from bundle

how to add bootstrap template to MVC project

I want to create a MVC5 project by using bootstrap template like this one "".
I have download it by my browser but i don't know how to add it to my project in visual studio 2013.
I have not find a tuto that help to do that, i just find how to add theme.
May someone know how to do it or a tuto that can show me the way?
Thanks a lot
1.- Create a new project with the MVC structure. Bootstrap and jQuery are already installed.
The folder structure should look like this:
2.- Add your downloaded css in the Content folder
3.- Add your downloaded js in the Scripts folder
4.- Add your html files in differents view folders depending on what you want. You should put the common html elements of all the page in the _Layout page (e.g. Menu or Top bar).
Hope it helps!
Create a Bootstrap class inside the Content folder and name it
App Start folder contains configuration files.
The folder should contain 3 files:
Go inside BundleConfig.cs, there should be a function
bundes.Add(new StyleBundle("~/Content/css").Include(
~/Content/bootstrap.css to ~/Content/bootstrap-anything.css
That's it.

File system references to Kendo in MVC Layout.cshtml publish

Though my development environment is working fine, I have not been able to get Kendo or Jquery to load from my Index.cshtml page.
Is there sometihng wrong witn my references.

Telerik MVC controls still loading jQuery Validation even after setting it not to

I have a project I'm working on and I'm using the Telerik MVC controls. I have the newest open source version.
In my _Layout.cshtml, I have the following line:
#(Html.Telerik().ScriptRegistrar().DefaultGroup(group =>
I want to load jQuery and jQueryValidation myself by using Cassette. The above line keeps jQuery from loading in favor of the location and version I've specified.
My problem is that when I bring up a page with a grid on it, the jquery.validation.min.js that exists in the telerik script directory still gets loaded as well as the one I have specified from a different directory.
Why is the ScriptRegistrar still loading jQueryValidation?
There was a bug which caused this erroneous behavior. Try downloading the latest internal build.
Another approach is to replace the jquery.validation.min.js that exists in the telerik script directory with an empty file.

ASP.NET MVC's Content/Themes/base Directory

What's the purpose of the Content/Themes/base directory in an ASP.NET MVC application? I see that it has some images (which as far as I can tell, are not used); and a bunch of jQuery CSS files.
What are these files for? Are they used by default in a new ASP.NET MVC application?
jQuery UI is included with new ASP.NET MVC projects; these files are used by all the different widgets. If you're not going to use jQuery UI, or if you want a custom download package (available from their website), you can delete all of these files (and the references to them in the layout/master page file).
