Telerik MVC controls still loading jQuery Validation even after setting it not to -

I have a project I'm working on and I'm using the Telerik MVC controls. I have the newest open source version.
In my _Layout.cshtml, I have the following line:
#(Html.Telerik().ScriptRegistrar().DefaultGroup(group =>
I want to load jQuery and jQueryValidation myself by using Cassette. The above line keeps jQuery from loading in favor of the location and version I've specified.
My problem is that when I bring up a page with a grid on it, the jquery.validation.min.js that exists in the telerik script directory still gets loaded as well as the one I have specified from a different directory.
Why is the ScriptRegistrar still loading jQueryValidation?

There was a bug which caused this erroneous behavior. Try downloading the latest internal build.

Another approach is to replace the jquery.validation.min.js that exists in the telerik script directory with an empty file.


Bundle Loading Scripts in wrong order

I am getting a jQuery is not defined error from jQuery validate being loaded before jquery.
I am not sure if this is involved with using Boilerplate or not, though in the bundle config I have the following:
new ScriptBundle("~/Bundles/vendor/js/bottom")
So I am using the minified version of jQuery and the minified version of jQuery.Validate. As soon as I use the minified version of jQuery and I load a page, jquery.validate.min.js is the first script that gets loaded in and as expected it throws a jQuery is not defined. error.
Though as soon as I do not use the minified version of jQuery (jquery.js) the scripts are loaded up in the correct order.
Is ASP.NET Boilerplate using any custom file ordering in the bundles that I do not know of? I do believe that MVC, but could be wrong, that it will process explicitly named scripts first in the bundle, then symbolically named scripts. Though these are all explicitly named scripts.
Is there something I am missing or some solution on how I can solve this?
I ended up using an answer from here:
So pretty much I defined my own BundleOrderer called AsIsBundleOrder that implementsIBundleOrderer that just returned the files as is, and set that as the orderer to use in the BundleConfig.
That works, though still doesn't give me a complete answer as to WHY (the important reason in my mind) the default orderer was only promoting jQuery validate to be before jQuery only when I used the minified version of jQuery.

C# MVC5 Upgrade broke Javascript loading

Just upgraded a very old project from MVC 4 to 5 and now after the upgrade the Razor Partial views which were working fine no longer work.
By this I mean that in the partial views there is a Script file that is called at the bottom:
<script src="~/Scripts/simAvail.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
And this was loading the JS and in that file some JQuery added CSS etc as needed to the elements on the page. However after the upgrade this JS file is no longer loaded and I use this method on many pages in the project so wondered if anyone knows the reason why.
The data in the Partial view is loaded and displayed but all the styling and reading/posting of the changes via Ajax is no longer there as this is what the JS file adds to the page.
I Managed to fix this it turns out that when the upgrade to MVC5 happened part of the process as detailed on the MS instructions was to re-install all the Nuget's. This part actually installed the latest versions of all the JS packages like JQuery/Knockout etc without me noticing.
This then caused there to be two versions of everything being loaded and thus caused the issue. SO I deleted the old version of the JS packages and back running.

dose not show icon in kendo grid

I'm working on a project using ASP MVC, for showing data I have used kendo.
When I publish the project on IIS the icon of Kendo grid dose not load and I have bundled CSS and JS. Without bundling would be better. I do not know what to do?
I have published in IIS without bundling
show image
I have published in IIS with bundling
show iamge
and I have tested to enable and disable the following line but it did not work;
BundleTable.EnableOptimizations = true;
Any solutions?
Sometime it is because of folder references inside kendo css file. Have a look to files like kendo.bootstrap.min.css in your kendo folder in your solution explorer.For example may be you need change Bootstrap/sprite.png to 2016.3.914/Bootstrap/sprite.png based on your kendo folder refrence in your project.

Performance in MVC web application

I am struggling to get some performance in my MVC application.I am loading a partial page (popup) which is taking hardly 500ms. But each time the popup loads it also downloads 2 jQuery files as well.
is it possible to use the jQuery from cache or from parent page?
I have attached the image in red which shows 2 additional request to server.
In order to improve the performance you can try with the following approaches:
see if your application server supports GZip and configure the application/server to return the responses always archived in Gzip
Use minified version of JQuery
there are also Packing libraries where you can pack all the imported resources, such as CSS files and JS files, and the browser will do only 1 request per resource type. For instance, in Java we have a library called packtag.
In general, I recommend you using Google Chrome browser and its performance analyzer. It will give you good hints.
In the Bundle config use this code
BundleTable.EnableOptimizations = true;
and also indclude both files in single bundle.
Does the popup use an iframe or does it's content just get added to the DOM of the current page?
If it gets added to the current page you could try just adding the script references to the parent page instead. It might not always be the best idea if the parent page has no need for those two files, but if the parent page also uses the jQuery validation then the popup will be able to use the parent's reference to the script file.
For an iframe I'd suggest looking at Gzip and minification to make the scripts load faster.

Unable to Bundle JQuery Mobile 1.2 in ASP.NET MVC 4 app

I'm working on an ASP.NET MVC 4 app. This app leverages bundling to improve performance. Previously, the app was using Everything worked fine. However, I've upgraded to JQuery Mobile 1.2 and when I load my screen, I always see a wait spinner. I've pinpointed it to the fact that both the standard and the minified versions are being referenced. When I look in my view-source after the page is loaded, I see the following at the top:
<script src="/Scripts/"></script>
<script src="/Scripts/"></script>
From what I can tell, this was generated from the following in my ASP.NET MVC .cshtml file
In my BundleConfig.cs file, I have the following definition:
bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/jquerymobile").Include("~/Scripts/*"));
Essentially, I want to use the normal version when the debug="true" flag is set in my web.config compilation setting. However, when debug="false", I want to use the minified version. What am I doing wrong?
Thank you
This should happen automatically for you already (assuing the fileextensionreplacement lists still have the default "min" entry for when optimizations are enabled).
As a workaround, you could try this instead which should also work:
This basically is similar to your * except it will regex match for version strings. Note, both this and what you have require that you only have the latest jquery in your Scripts folder, if you still have the 1.1 version there, you will end up with both versions in your page.
