Invalid '`' error when using local macro - foreach

I am following instructions from this link on how to append Stata files via a foreach loop. I think that it's pretty straightforward.
However, when I try to refer to each f in datafiles in my foreach loop, I receive the error:
invalid `
I've set my working directory and the data is in a subfolder called csvfiles. I am trying to call each file f in the csvfiles subfolder using my local macro datafiles and then append each file to an aggregate Stata dataset called data.dta.
I've included the code from my do file below:
local datafiles: dir "csvfiles" files "*.csv"
foreach f of local datafiles {
insheet using “csvfiles\`f'”, clear
** add syntax here to run on each file**
save temp, replace
append using temp
rm temp
save data.dta, replace

The backslash character has meaning to Stata: it will prevent the interpretation of any following character that has a special meaning to Stata, in particular the left single quote character
will not be interpreted as indicating a reference to a macro.
But all is not lost: Stata will allow you to use the forward slash character in path names on any operating system, and on Windows will take care of doing what must be done to appease Windows. Replacing your insheet command with
insheet using “csvfiles/`f'”, clear
should solve your problem.
Note that the instructions you linked to do exactly that; some of the code includes backslashes in path names, but where a macro is included, forward slashes are used instead.


GNU make .env:6: *** unterminated variable reference. Stop

I have windows 10 and installed GNU Make 4.3 Built for Windows32. This is my first time using GNU make and it gave me an error like this
.env:6: *** unterminated variable reference. Stop.
my .env file contain
You may think that you're saving yourself by adding quotes. And, if this variable is parsed by a shell then you are.
But, make doesn't use quotes. The value of a variable is the complete contents to the right of the equal sign (after any initial whitespace is skipped). So for example:
If parsed by the shell, the value of the POSTGRES_USER variable is postgres because the shell interprets the quotes. But make doesn't interpret quotes so the above line results in POSTGRES_USER make variable having the value "postgres" (including the quotes).
Now for your issue. Line 6 of your file is:
and you don't show us the text of your secret key.
First, this is wrong even in shell syntax: you must use single-quotes here not double quotes, and even that will not be right if your secret key contains single quotes itself; you'd have to escape that.
However that error means that in your secret key you have the character sequence $( or ${ which make interprets as starting a variable reference: since there is no close paren or brace you get this error.
The short answer is, there's no portable way to use the same file sourced by both make and the shell if the values of the variable assignments contain any sort of special character (including whitespace).
Usually people do something like base64 encode their secret keys, so that those special characters are not a problem.

Systematically renaming variables in SPSS (without Python)

I'm looking for a solution to rename variables in SPSS. I can't use Python because of software restrictions at my workplace.
The goal is to rename variables into "oldname_new".
I tried "do repeat" like this, but it can't be combined with the rename function.
do repeat x= var1 to var100.
rename var (x=concat("x","_new")).
end repeat print.
Also, I figured that even without the do repeat, the rename command doesn't allow concat and similar commands? Is that correct?
So, is there any solution for this in SPSS?
As you found out you can't use rename within a do repeat loop.
SPSS macro can do this -
define DoNewnames ()
rename vars
!do !v=1 !to 100 !concat("var", !v, " = var", !v, "_new") !doend .
* now the macro is defined, we can run it.
DoNewnames .
The code above is good for a set of variables with systematic names. In case the names are not systematic, you will need a different macro:
define DoNewnames (varlist=!cmdend)
rename vars
!do !v !in(!varlist) !concat(!v, " = ", !v, "_new") !doend .
* Now in this case you need to feed the variable list into the macro.
DoNewnames varlist = age sex thisvar thatvar othervar.
If you want to see the syntax generated by the macro (like you did with end repeat print) you can run this before running the macro:
set mprint on.
As the OP says - the last macro requires naming all the variables to be renamed, which is a hassle if there are many. So the next code will get them all automatically without naming them individually. The process - as described in #petit_dejeuner's comment - creates a new data set that contains each original variable as an observation, and the original variable name as a value (=meta information about the variables, like a codebook). This way, you can recode the variable name into the renaming syntax.
dataset name orig.
OMS /SELECT TABLES /IF COMMANDS=['File Information'] SUBTYPES=['Variable Information']
display dictionary.
dataset activate varnames.
string cmd (a50).
compute cmd=concat("rename vars ", rtrim(var1), " = ", rtrim(var1), "_new .").
* Before creating the rename syntax in the following line, this is your chance to remove variables from the list which you do not wish to rename (using "select if" etc' on VAR1).
write out="my rename syntax.sps" /cmd.
dataset activate orig.
insert file="my rename syntax.sps" .
A couple of notes:
Before writing to (and inserting from) "my rename syntax.sps" you may need to add a writable path in the file name.
This code will rename ALL the variable in the dataset. If you want to avoid some of the variables - you should filter them in the variable list before writing out to "my rename syntax.sps" (see where I point this out in the code).

How to escape ( parenthesis in stata - invalid '(' error r(196)

I have to replicate a do file of a colleague who used a macro for his file names. The problem is that the pathname contains a parenthesis, which causes problems:
*setting directory
cd "D:/Dropbox (Center for Child Well-being and Development)/2020/Playground"
sysuse auto
save "/Dropbox (Center for Child Well-being and Development)/example", replace
global path "/Dropbox (Center for Child Well-being and Development)"
local file "/example.dta"
global data "$path`file'""
disp "$data"
use $data
I get the following output
. disp "$data"
/Dropbox (Center for Child Well-being and Development)/example.dta
. use $data
invalid '('
I know that calling the macro within quotations as use "$data" would do the job, but as it is not my do file I would like to try to avoid changing every occurrence where the macro is used.
I tried to escape the parenthesis with \( and add various numbers of quotations at any position I could imagine while constructing the global. Also I tried to add escaped quotations \" which did work neither.

BBEdit: how to write a replacement pattern when a back reference is immediately followed by a number

I'm new to GREP in BBEdit. I need to find a string inside an XML file. Such string is enclosed in quotes. I need to replace only what's inside the quotes.
The problem is that the replacement string starts with a number thus confuses BBEdit when I put together the replacement pattern. Example:
Original string in XML looks like this:
What I need to replace it with:
01 new file name.png
My grep search and replace patterns:
Using the replacement pattern above, BBEdit wrongly thinks that the first backreference is "\101" when what I really need it understand is that I mean "\01".
TIA for any help.
Your example is highly artificial because in fact there is no need for your \1 or \3 as you know their value: it is " and you can just type that directly to get the desired result.
"01 new file name.png"
However, just for the sake of completeness, the answer to your actual question (how to write a replacement group number followed by a number) is that you write this:
\0101 new file name.png\3
The reason that works is that there can only be 99 capture groups, so \0101 is parsed as \01 (the first capture group) followed by literal 01.

End of line lex

I am writing an interpreter for assembly using lex and yacc. The problem is that I need to parse a word that will strictly be at the end of the file. I've read that there is an anchor $, which can help. However it doesn't work as I expected. I've wrote this in my lex file:
ABC$ {printf("QWERTY\n");}
The input file is:
without spaces or any other invisible symbols. So I expect the outputput to be QWERTY, however what I get is:
which I guess means that the program couldn't parse it. Then I thought, that $ might be a regular symbol in lex, so I changed the input file into this:
So, if $ isn't a special symbol, then it will be parsed as a normal symbol, and the output will be QWERTY. This doesn't happen, the output is:
The question is whether $ in lex is a normal symbol or special one.
In (f)lex, $ matches zero characters followed by a newline character.
That's different from many regex libraries where $ will match at the end of input. So if your file does not have a newline at the end, as your question indicates (assuming you consider newline to be an invisible character), it won't be matched.
As #sepp2k suggests in a comment, the pattern also won't be matched if the input file happens to use Windows line endings (which consist of the sequence \r\n), unless the generated flex file was compiled for Windows. So if you created the file on Windows and run the flex-generated scanner in a Unix environment, the \r will also cause the pattern to fail to match. In that case, you can use (f)lex's trailing context operator:
ABC/\r?\n { puts("Matched ABC at the end of a line"); }
See the flex documentation for patterns for a full description of the trailing context operator. (Search for "trailing context" on that page; it's roughly halfway down.) $ is exactly equivalent to /\n.
That still won't match ABC at the very end of the file. Matching strings at the very end of the file is a bit tricky, but it can be done with two patterns if it's ok to recognise the string other than at the end of the file, triggering a different action:
ABC/. { /* Do nothing. This ABC is not at the end of a line or the file */ }
ABC { puts("ABC recognised at the end of a line"); }
That works because the first pattern will match as long as there is some non-newline character following ABC. (. matches any character other than a newline. See the above link for details.) If you also need to work with Windows line endings, you'll need to modify the trailing context in the first pattern.
