How to run travis-ci locally for Objective-C language - ios

I'm trying to run travis-ci locally.
I'm following this thread: How to run travis-ci locally and
But I think I chose the wrong image because it hasn't got xcodebuild
Any idea which image should I choose instead?

You can only run the docker images for local debugging. The MacOS images are not docker images, and cannot be used to be run locally. This would also violate license terms of Apple, so this will not happen in the conceivable future.


Is Docker-ized dev envoirment good for maintaining legacy software?

Let's say I have old, unmaintained application that lives on a VPS (i.e. Symfony 3 PHP app that relies on PHP 5).
If some changes are needed I have to clone this app to my desktop, build it, change and re-deploy. As time goes, recreating desktop dev environment gets harder - in this example I can't simply build the app as I use PHP7 in my CLI that breaks building process.
I tried to dockerize the app, so I added Ubuntu 18 to my docker-compose file... and it doesn't work as latest Ubuntu that has PHP5 support is 14.04. 14.04 is also the oldest (official) version available on DockerHub. But will it be still available in 3 years? If not, Docker won't build a container.
So, my question is: is Docker a right tool to solve described problem at all?
If so, should I backup docker images described that my build relies on?
If not, beside proper maintenance, what tool is better?
You can install PHP5 in newer ubuntu versions, but it means adding an external repository.
You could also create your own docker image, containing only the libraries you want. If so, I'd advise to try and use alpine as a base image. There is a bit of a learning curve to adapt, but once you do it you'll have a small image tailored to your needs.
Given that containers allow you to isolate processus and conf with minimal footprint compared to a VM, I think it is the best option. Tailoring and maintaining your own image is not that expensive in terms of maintenance if you document it correctly, and it will allow you to always have a system 'maintaining' all your precise requirements.

Use a Docker container as an install set

I'm currently building a Docker container that contains all the libraries needed for deployment of our app on a test machine, such as, for example, OpenCV 3.3 built with CUDA 9.
So, on a clean minimal OS install we can download the container and fire up our app in the desired environment, which is as I understand it one of the main reasons to use Docker.
So, after a while we decide to do our tests on the bare metal without the Docker file system, etc, in the way. Can we somehow replay the Dockerfile commands or image command history to run the apt-get, etc of not just the current package, but all FROM packages that are not yet installed on the raw environment?

Building a iOS app with Fastlane inside Docker

I'm trying to streamline my iOS development builds and read about Docker.
If I understood it right, I could create an image that would include all the dependencies and my fellow devs could just pull it and build inside it.
Point is now, does this also work with Fastlane (which uses the Xcode cli tools I think) and "Docker for Mac"?
Also, I'm using React-Native, which seems to start a second process for bundling the JavaScript that will be included in the native build later and I read Docker only allows one process, is this a problem?
The problem with using Docker is that even if you use Docker for mac, you won't have access to macOS-based images. Docker runs in a lightweight virtual machine called xhyve - at least if you install docker via the Docker for Mac package - that runs Linux on your mac.
Essentially what this means is that your docker container is going to be limited to non-Xcode functionality. Here's what you definitely won't be able to do, at least not without a non-trivial amount of work:
Compile your app's native code
Take screenshots of your app or run your app in the Simulator
Signing the finished app with Apple's codesign
Here's things that you could potentially use your docker container for:
Building the JS code (I assume, since RN should work on Linux)
Uploading your app with iTMSTransporter (i.e. using fastlane's deliver)
Downloading/Creating certificates, provisioning profiles and push certificates (i.e. fastlane's match, cert, pem and sigh)
Working with git
All in all you're probably going to be very limited. Instead, it would be advisable to use things like Gemfile and Brewfile to list all your dependencies, and have a small script that runs brew bundle and bundle install to install them on your colleague's machines. You can also set it up to run those during building (with Xcode's script build phases), so that no one can accidentally forget to install something that is needed for the build.
That being said, there is a fastlane docker image that is being worked on here that is also available on the Docker Hub. Note that it has only ever been tested to run the fastlane tests (that don't depend on macOS-only software), so it doesn't actually claim to run fastlane reliably.
I read Docker only allows one process
Docker allows multiple processes, it just doesn't allow more than one main process. If your main process stops everything else and the container stops with it. If you just want to use it to install dependencies so that you can run one-off commands that use them, instead of hosting a long-running service, you can always do that by using docker run:
docker run <repo/image:tag> <your_command>
Or launch an interactive shell into the container:
docker run -it <repo/image:tag> /bin/bash

Deploy docker image as standalone executable

Are there any tools to install/deploy a docker image as a standalone/portable installation.
So that you don't have to install docker manually beforehand, just one installation, and it will run and deploy your docker image. And perhaps autostart it as well on boot.
Mainly interested for Win&OSX, but for linux would be nice too.
You can get a standalone Docker image automatically with preconfigured scaling options using the already packaged Docker engine. The details of this solution and its installation are described in the instruction.
I don't think that this is even possible. Docker has so many dependencies.
(Linux &/ OSX)
The much easier way would be a bash script wich starts the installation and afterwards runs the container. Shouldn't be that time consuming.

Development environment setup for Mac and CentOS using Docker

I have searched the history a little bit but failed to find a good answer. So I just asked my question here. If there is a good answer already, please redirect it for me. Thanks.
The question is, I found my company's new hire doc lists a bunch of software to install to setup the development environment. Usually it took 1 or 2 days for a new hire to setup everything ready for a new mac. We want to shorten that process. The first thing I thought is Docker.
I read through the user guide of Docker and followed some blogs regarding to how to setup dev environment using Docker but still a little confused if Docker applies to our setting. So here's the detail of requirements:
We need to install a bunch of software (many of them are customized binaries). Right now, we distribute the source code, a new hire need to build from the source code, install it and set environment to include the binary into path. I am wondering if Docker allows us to install customized binaries into it's container?
The source code should not stay in the container. The source code is still checked out in one's local machine using git. Then, how can I rely on the Docker container's environment to build my software? I have searched a little bit is that, you need to mount your folder into the container, and then shell into your container to build? Is that how it works?
We usually develop in mac, does Docker also support mac container or it just allows you to run Linux container using boot2Docker?
Thank you so much in advance for your help.
Some answers :)
First, I think it's a really good idea to use Docker to standardise the development configuration (softwares, custom packages, env variables, ...).
With Docker, you can get your customised binaries from the host, it's not a problem. With the CMD command, you can use bash to install them and add them into your PATH. You can also write a shell script to install all your stuff and launch this script when you build your container
Your code will be on the host and you can "mount" a host folder in your docker image with the -v command. Ex: docker run -v /home/user/code:/tmp/code your_image. I'll detail below how the developer will use your Docker image.
Yep, you have to use Boot2Docker, it works well
Once your development image will be ready, you have to publish it on the official Docker registry (or to host a local registry on your network).
Next, the developer will launch the following Docker command:
docker run -rm -ti your_build_image /bin/bash
This will launch a bash terminal in your Docker image and the developer will be able to compile the code. Ex: cd /tmp/code + mvn clean install
Please have a look to this article to learn about volumes:
And this one about Dockerfile:
You can also find a lot of Dockerfiles on github (search Dockerfile).
If the goal is to speed up the time it takes to get a Mac setup and usable in your environment, you might want to look at Boxen.
From the "About" section:
"Boxen is your team's IT robot. It's a dangerously opinionated framework that automates every piece of your development environment. GitHub, Inc. wrote the first version of Boxen (imaginatively called “The Setup”) to help employees start shipping on day one."
