Executing docker run command from config file - docker

I have several arguments in my docker run command like
docker run --rm -v /apps/hastebin/data:/app/data --name hastebin -d -p 7777:7777 -e STORAGE_TYPE=file rlister/hastebin
Can I put all the arguments of this in a default/config file so that I dont have to mention it explicitly in the run command?

You can try docker compose
With Compose, you use a Compose file to configure your application’s services. Then, using a single command, you create and start all the services from your configuration
In your case docker-compose.yml file will looks like
version: '2'
image: rlister/hastebin
- "7777:7777"
- /apps/hastebin/data:/app/data
And you can run service by command docker-compose up


How to find volume files from host while inside docker container?

In a docker-compose.yml file I have defined the following service:
container_name: php
context: ./container/php
dockerfile: Dockerfile
- saasnet
- ./services:/var/www/html
- ./logs/php:/usr/local/etc/php-fpm.d/zz-log.conf
- "DB_PORT=3306"
- "DB_HOST=database"
It all builds fine, and another service (nginx) using the same volume mapping, - ./services:/var/www/html finds php as expected, so it all works in the browser. So far, so good.
But now I want to go into the container because I want to run composer install from a certain directory inside the container. So I go into the container using:
docker run -it php bash
And I find myself in the container at /var/www/html, where I expect to be able to navigate as if I were on my host machine in ./services directory, but ls at this point inside the container shows no files at all.
What am I missing or not understanding about how this works?
Your problem is that your are not specifying the volume on your run command - docker run is not aware of your docker-compose.yml. If you want to run it with all your options as specifiend in it, you need to either use docker-compose run, or pass all options to docker run:
docker-compose run php bash
docker run -it -e B_PORT=3306 -e DB_HOST=database -v ./services:/var/www/html -v ./logs/php:/usr/local/etc/php-fpm.d/zz-log.conf php bash

docker-compose working but docker run not

I have a docker-compose with just one image. This is the docker-compose.yml definition:
image: "1234567890.dkr.ecr.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/myNodeApp:latest"
container_name: 'myNodeApp'
- data:/root/data
But I want to move it to docker run as I am using just one container. Executing a docker run command as the following:
docker run 1234567890.dkr.ecr.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/myNodeApp:latest --name myNodeApp -v "data:/root/data"
But I get this message 1.12.4. However, executing docker-compose up starts the application and shows the log by output.
What is the difference? What is the equivalent of docker-compose up with docker? What am I doing differently?
I think you are looking for this?
docker run -it --name myNodeApp -v "data:/root/data"
Or maybe this command would help you, because it will build a local image associated with the config in your docker-compose.yml .
docker-compose build
docker images

How to add rocker/verse configuration ROOT=TRUE to docker-compose file?

I am running a docker container via docker-compose. Here is the image I am using.
On that page link above, there's a section 'Give the user root permissions (add to sudoers)' with an example:
docker run -d -p 8787:8787 -e ROOT=TRUE -e PASSWORD=yourpasswordhere rocker/rstudio
My question is, how can I use this ROOT=TRUE configuration within docker compose?
version: "3.5"
image: 123456.blah.dogs.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/ds/rstudio-image/main:latest
- 8787:8787
root: 'TRUE'
When I try to run this I get:
docker-compose up
ERROR: The Compose file './docker-compose.yaml' is invalid because:
Unsupported config option for services.server: 'root'
How can I add the configuration ROOT=TRUE via docker-compose when running this image as a container?

How do I specify the "model_config_file" variable to tensorflow-serving in docker-compose?

I will preface this by saying that I am inexperienced with docker and docker-compose. I am trying to convert my docker run ... command to a docker-compose.yml file, however, I cannot get the models.config file to be found.
I am able to correctly run a tensorflow-serving docker container using the following docker run ... command:
docker run -t --rm \
tensorflow/serving \
-p 8501:8501 \
-v "$(pwd)/models/:/models/" \
--model_config_file=/models/models.config \
This works as expected, and the models.config file is found in the container at /models/models.config as expected.
The tensorflow-serving pages do not mention anything about docker-compose, however, I would much rather use this than a docker run ... command. My attempt at a docker-compose file is:
version: '3.3'
image: tensorflow/serving
- '8501:8501'
- './models:/models'
- 'model_config_file=/models/models.config'
- 'model_config_file_poll_wait_seconds=60'
Using this docker-compose file, the container runs, however, it seems like the environment variables are completely ignored, so I'm not sure if this is how I should set them. The container image looks in the default location for the models.config file, and it doesn't exist there, and so it does not load the configuration defined in models.config.
So, how can I define these values, or run a tensorflow-serving container, using docker-compose?
I appreciate any help.
So I have come across a solution elsewhere that I haven't found on any threads/posts/etc that talk about tensorflow/serving, so I will post my answer here.
Adding those options underneath a command section, as follows, works.
version: '3.3'
image: tensorflow/serving
- '8501:8501'
- './models:/models'
- '--model_config_file=/models/models.config'
- '--model_config_file_poll_wait_seconds=60'
I don't know a lot about docker so I don't know if this is an obvious answer, but I didn't find a solution even after a lot of Google'ing.
The problem is that the option --model_config_file is not an environment variable. It is an argument that you can pass to the command that is set as an entrypoint in the image tensorflow/serving.
If we look at the Dockerfile that was used to build the image, we can see :
# Create a script that runs the model server so we can use environment variables
# while also passing in arguments from the docker command line
RUN echo '#!/bin/bash \n\n\
tensorflow_model_server --port=8500 --rest_api_port=8501 \
--model_name=${MODEL_NAME} --model_base_path=${MODEL_BASE_PATH}/${MODEL_NAME} \
"$#"' > /usr/bin/tf_serving_entrypoint.sh \
&& chmod +x /usr/bin/tf_serving_entrypoint.sh
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/bin/tf_serving_entrypoint.sh"]
This script accept various arguments (you can see them by running docker run -t --rm tensorflow/serving --help)
As far as I know, the only environment variables used by TF serving are MODEL_VERSION and MODEL_NAME. model_config_file and model_config_file_poll_wait_seconds are just arguments to the CLI serving executable.
To achieve the result you are after, you could override the entrypoint of the docker image by setting your own entrypoint in the docker-compose.yml :
version: '3.3'
image: tensorflow/serving
- '8501:8501'
- './models:/models'
- /usr/bin/tf_serving_entrypoint.sh
- --model_config_file=/models/models.config
- --model_config_file_poll_wait_seconds=60
(Note : I did not test that docker-compose.yml file)

Executing docker with php and then use other container in command

I'm using docker for php and another one for sql. Also I have a makefile to run commands in a instance of this container. This is the entry I use for command execution, and I would like to use sql container I have.
docker run --rm \
--volume=${PWD}/code:/code \
--volume=${PWD}/json:/json:rw \
--volume=${PWD}/file:/file:rw \
own_php:latest \
time php /code/public/index_hex.php ${page}
If I try to execute this command from the make file, I get the following error.
SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed:
Name does not resolve
This is the docker-compose I have in my project
version: '3'
image: mariadb
- "3307:3306"
- ./init-db:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d
- ./.mysql-data:/var/lib/mysql/
context: './docker-base'
- sql
- ./json:/json:rw
- ./file:/file:rw
- ./code:/code
But if I run the container using my docker-composer, and I enter inside the container the command executes well.
It is possible for docker run --rm to use another container?
Docker Compose creates a network for each compose file and you have to attach your manually docker run container to that network to be able to reach other containers on it. The network will usually be named something like directoryname_default, based on the name of the directory holding the compose file, and it will show up in the docker network ls listing.
You should run something like
docker run --rm --net directoryname_default ...
