I have successfully installed weblogic server 12.2.1 and created a domain using docker tool box, but when I tried to create a generic datasource for MS SQL server, I am getting the following error:
Cannot load driver: weblogic.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver
Please give solution how to add this driver to weblogic server.
Thanks in advance.
I encountered the same problem when I installed Weblogic Quick Installer for Developers which was about 209MB.
After some research, I found out why from here: https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E15523_01/web.1111/e13753/usedriver.htm#JDBCD111
The WebLogic Type 4 JDBC drivers are installed by default when you perform a complete installation of WebLogic Server. If you choose a custom installation, ensure that the WebLogic JDBC Drivers option is selected (checked). If this option is unchecked, the drivers are not installed.
Granted, the above documentation is for Weblogic 11, but it seems to still apply to 12. I resolved the issue by downloading a separate wlsqlserver jar file (wlsqlserver-12.2.1-0-0.jar) and renaming it to wlsqlserver.jar (according to Manifest.MF spec) and putting it on to oracle_common/modules/datadirect folder.
I also believe if you choose Generic Installer which is about 791MB, it would also install the drivers so you wouldn't have to go through the process I did.
I am confused by Oracle documentation on how to setup the (ATG) Web Commerce available on the edelivery website.
I would like to get to the step where I have properly set up the admin console.
Running the bin files on a server seems not work for various reasons:
either installation finishes but nothing is working
the installation endlessly asks for arbitrary input.
Also, I want to know if it is possible to setup the server in docker and/or an Amazon Linux EC2 instance.
There are quite a number of steps involved in getting the ATG Admin Server up and running. These start with installing a JDK, Application Server and provisioning a database. Once you have gone through the Installer (which you downloaded from the edelivery site) you need to go through a basic setup process using the CIM tool. The installation process (for ATG 11.3.1) is documented here, while the steps to setup a basic application is documented here.
Working through the steps in the CIM tool, you will end up with a deployable .ear file that you can copy to your application server. Once your application server is started, you will be able to access the Dynamo Admin server.
As of version 11.3.1 ATG is officially supported on Docker. Considering that you compile your own .ear file and it can be deployed to an Application Server (such as Weblogic), Docker support won't necessarily provide you with an ATG Image. It will simply allow you to run your compiled artefact on a Docker container. You are more likely wanting to get hold of a Weblogic Docker Image and deploy your ATG artefact there.
I downloaded neo4j 3.4.0 Community edition on Ubuntu 16.04 and installed it.
I launched it successfully once with command ./neo4j console
But after I restarted the system, I used the same command ./neo4j console in /bin/, there is an error: could not find or load main class org.neo4j.server.CommunityEntryPoint
Anyone knows how to solve it?
the neo4j have been based on java. please check jdk path in env.
After trying many things (and no success).
I reinstalled the app by deleting ~/.configs/Neo4j-desktop and running again the Appimage file.
consider by this action you will lose license-key (and if you use Appimage version also all Db-data) so backup first if you have important data.
I'm just starting out on Bluemix, I've created a small rails 4 app and tested it locally using sqlite. As DB2 is the default on Bluemix I opted for it when I setup the app.
When I added the ibm_db gem to my gem file ready to deploy to Bluemix I got the following error from bundler:
Environment variable IBM_DB_HOME is not set. Set it to your DB2/IBM_Data_Server_Driver installation directory and retry gem install.
I don't have DB2 installed on my dev machine as I won't use it for anything else, I normally use Postgres but thats not natively supported on Bluemix it's a third party provider which I don't want to get into. I'm not willing to install DB2 just to deploy to Bluemix, I'm hoping theres another way ?
In order to make a connection to DB2 from your local machine, you'll also need an IBM DB2 driver installed and your IBM_DB_HOME environment variable set to the path where you install the driver package. (e.g. /home/db2inst1/sqllib)
The ibm_db gem should then be able to find the necessary binaries in order to make a connection to the database.
You can obtain a driver here: https://www-304.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21418043
This developerworks article will also be of help, as you could use DB2 Express-C to test things out locally: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/data/library/techarticle/dm-0705chun/
DB2 is not default on Bluemix. You can select a range of database services offered on bluemix and you need to bind your app with that database service. For DB2, you can opt for a SQLDB service. On Bluemix, DB2 comes as SQLDB.
We get "Environment variable IBM_DB_HOME is not set" error while pushing app in Bluemix if during deployment of your app client driver for DB2 is missing. Bluemix automatically download DB2 client driver if version of your gem is 2.5.18 or later. It seems you are using older version of gem. Hence, getting this error. Download latest version of gem and try. It should work.
you can choose from wide range of DB(mysql,SQLDB,mongodb,elephantSQL) service offerings from Bluemix dashoard. There is no such default db or any services is defined in Bluemix!!
I think you are likely on Mac and Darwin 14 more specifically for which there isn't yet a prebuilt ibm_db binary. U can follow on this dw thread for updates
DB2 is termed as SQLDB in bluemix dashboard,which is not the default one.Infact,Bluemix dont have anything boilerplate which is default.
Now looking at the error snippet your provided "Environment variable IBM_DB_HOME is not set" means that your app client driver for DB2 is missing.
Possible reason would be that you are using older version gem,you should try to download latest version,which would fix this error.
Hope it helps!!!
I want to start my Neo4j service when booting, and my system environment is Redhat.
I add below text on /etc/rc.d/rc.local, but it is not working
/opt/neo4j/bin/neo4j start
But it works for MongoDB...
Please take a look at the Neo4j reference for Linux installation. You can find it here:
We have an installer script that will configure Neo4j to startup at system boot $ /path/to/neo4j-community-2.1.4/bin/neo4j-installer install
First remove the text you've added from /etc/rc.d/rc.local to make sure there aren't any conflicts.
You can also use our debian package installation to automatically download, install, and configure Neo4j as a service on Linux.
That information can be found here: http://debian.neo4j.org/
I am a new user to Neo4j usage and my OS is 32bit Ubuntu12.04. You need to start the server from Terminal by entering into the directory of Neo and then type
bin/neo4j start
which is all set and correct was until yesterday, there is some problem now and I get this
WARNING: Max 1024 open files allowed, minimum of 40 000 recommended.
See the Neo4j manual.WARNING! You are using an unsupported Java runtime.
Please use JDK 6.Neo4j Server already running with pid 3527
I am clueless to why this error occured suddenly.
When I run
on my browser it doesn't recognise it any more.I tried to update my version following Install JDK6 on Ubuntu 12.04 link, but doesn't seem to work.Still gives the same error.
After checking for the version from terminal
java -version
I recieve
java version "1.6.0_27"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.12.3) (6b27-1.12.3-0ubuntu1~12.04.1)
OpenJDK Server VM (build 20.0-b12, mixed mode)
How do make localhost:7474 work on my machine?
For some licensing issues, Ubuntu does no longer ship Oracle/Sun JDKs directly, blame Oracle for that!
There is https://github.com/flexiondotorg/oab-java6 which automatically fetches Oracle/Sun JDKs, build local deb packages from them and puts them in a local apt repository.
Using update-java-alternatives you can set your system's default jdk.
Regarding the "open file" warning see http://docs.neo4j.org/chunked/stable/configuration-linux-notes.html#_setting_the_number_of_open_files.
We are using Ubuntu 12.04 as well. We use OpenJDK 1.6.0_24.
We ran into similar problems when we initially used Neo4j. Here are the instructions to get pass those hurdles.
You need to be able to open more files.
Edit /etc/security/limits.conf and add these two lines:
root soft nofile 40000
root hard nofile 40000
Edit /etc/pam.d/su and uncomment or add the following line:
session required pam_limits.so
Finally check that limit was changed. You might need to reboot.
ulimit -n
Returns 40000
Next in order to be able to use the webadmin on Ubuntu. You need to change one of the properties files inside neo4j. It works without this change on a Mac, I know.
Edit the neo4j-server.properties file:
cd [neo4j installation]/conf/
vim neo4-server.properties
Change this line
The default is set to only listen for connections from localhost (that's why it works on a Mac). This way you can access the webadmin from anywhere. This can be a security problem though.
Hope this helps.
This seems to be a bug in neo4j about detection of running instance. By the reported pid there was some script about gnome and proxy, which after being killed (including parent lens script) let me start neo4j with OpenJDK. I guess they made it too smart.