Integration of WebDav with azure blob storage - ithit-webdav-server

I need to use webdav in my application but i have one question which is related to azure blob storage support.
Is it possible to integrate azure blob storage with webdav?


Not able to generate the DataProtectionKeyRing when it is protected using Azure Key vault on .Net 4.8

I am not able to generate the DataProtectionKeyRing when I am storing it in the Azure Blob Storage and protecting it using Key vault key. Using UseCookieAuthentication middleare for authentication. Only storing it on Azure Blob Storage works but protecting it using key vault not generating the key in blob storage. My application is in .Net 4.8. I am using the Azure.Extensions.AspNetCore.DataProtection.Keys nuget package.
I tried all the overloads of the ProtectKeysWithAzureKeyVault but non of them creating the key on blob storage.

disadvantages of storing secrets in Blob Storage

My current customer has secrets stored in Blob Storage and we want to propose them to migrate to KeyVault. May I know what are the benefits or storing secrets into KeyVault as compared to Blob?
When I read the documentation, KeyVault uses the HSM to protect the keys and secrets but Blob also uses the encryption which is also secure. so what are the other advantages?
I'd say that in general they look very similar, however I'd say the most important difference between the two would be the authorization model.
Access to a storage account is done by one of the two available connectionstrings/keys. Access to a KeyVault can be assigned directly to users or groups (from AAD) and the access to resources within the Key vault can be configured with more granularity. Next to that it is very easy to limit the type of resources from within azure that may or may not retrieve data from a KeyVault, reducing the attack service.
Storage accounts do have AAD integration currently in preview, but what i gather is that that is mostly focusing on the Azure file share functionality (
Another nice differentiation is definitely the integrations that are already available when using KeyVault (i.e. Retrieving Azure DevOps secrets directly from a KeyVault or automatically retrieving Certificates for VMs)
FYI, i'm by no means a KeyVault expert but that's just my 2 cents :)

What storage options are available for using PlayReady on Azure Media Services?

My company runs a web service for film and tv production/distribution companies, and we already have a large catalog of video online. We are interested in using PlayReady with Azure Media Services and the JW Player to better protect the content we stream to our customers.
Every guide I can find demonstrates only how to stream content that has been uploaded to Azure. Is it possible to take advantage of PlayReady streaming without moving all of our stored files into Azure?
This is possible, please take a look at my blog: You could be able to use PlayReady services alone without using Azure Streaming service. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me at
Mingfei Yan
Storage options = Azure Blob Storage only at this time. Based on documentation it appears you have to back your storage with Azure Blob Storage. The creation dialog forces you to choose an existing storage account or create a new one.

Azure blob storage as ROR's Dragonfly data store

With EngineYard recently adding Azure's IAAS in their bucket, one of our client is deciding to migrate to Azure blob storage.
In the application, we are using predefined S3 data store settings for dragonfly and in there, other settings are available for various cloud services as well.
Has anyone implemented dragonfly's data store for Azure blob storage?

Azure - uploading files to blob storage via shared hosting

Im struggling to find an answer to this. I have a website that is deployed in a shared hosting environment. I want to allow people to upload files to my azure blob storage account.
I have this working locally, using the storage emulator, however when I publish the site I get a Security Exception.
Is this actually possible under a shared hosting envrionment ?
A bit more detail would help, in understanding how these uploads are taking place. That said, I'll make the assumption that people are uploading directly to Blob Storage, and not through your Website (or Web Service).
To allow direct uploads, you need to provide either a public blob or container (which everyone in the world can see), or create a temporary Shared Access Signature (SAS) on a specific blob or container, that grants access for a short time window.
If your app is Silverlight, then you are probably running into a cross-domain issue (and you'll need to correct that with an access policy).
If you provide more details around the way uploads are being sent, as well as the client and server technology, I can edit my answer to be more specific.
