Azure blob storage as ROR's Dragonfly data store - ruby-on-rails

With EngineYard recently adding Azure's IAAS in their bucket, one of our client is deciding to migrate to Azure blob storage.
In the application, we are using predefined S3 data store settings for dragonfly and in there, other settings are available for various cloud services as well.
Has anyone implemented dragonfly's data store for Azure blob storage?


Can we upload files to AWS S3 and Google Cloud Storage simultaneously using CarrierWave gem?

One of my Model's attachments needs to save files on AWS S3 and the other Model should save it to Google Cloud Storage.
Is this possible using CarrierWave gem?
I think you could, as per this wiki. Just configure 2 uploaders, each one for a different provider

Use external file storage for heroku app?

I have rails application running on heroku, as heroku file system is read-only so we cannot store any files or images on heroku.
A lot of people has suggested to use amazon s3, but can i use external storage to save user files and images and to retrieve them from there with paperclip or carrier-wave or anything similar.
Currently i am using Dropbox for images and files storage. But its too slow. I have a shared hosting account, there i have a lot of disk space and i want to use that to store files.
Any idea on how to do that?

Do I need to use AWS S3 or EC2 for backend of my iOS app?

I'm new to AWS and not sure which product to use for my iOS app. I will brief the requirement of my sample app:
I need to create a table named "Recipes" with columns Name,Type,Image,Ingredients.
2.My app will load all data from table "Recipes" into tableviewController which includes images and string type of data.
Based on above need what should I use S3 or EC2 ?
AWS EC2 and S3 are two different component and are for different purpose all together -
AWS EC2 - Think it as a virtual machine where you can host the db and
server or any one of it. Which means its not the Database. It is an
OS where you will install the database.
AWS S3 - S3 is a static storage which means you don't use it to store
tabular data or data related to application, what you can store here
is static files which you can download using
APIs consumed in your application.
Based on above two facts you should use either dynamodb for NoSql db and data, or any of relational databse available as service from AWS. Or you can install any of database of your choice in EC2 instance and use it for data persistence.

Integration of WebDav with azure blob storage

I need to use webdav in my application but i have one question which is related to azure blob storage support.
Is it possible to integrate azure blob storage with webdav?

Rails - How to store uploads on my database server

In my Rails app, for HIPAA reasons, I need to keep all my data stored on a separate server from my web application. This is simple to do with the database, but what's the best way to allow my rails app (on the web server) to access uploads on the filesystem of the database server? Or should I just store the uploads in the database (mysql)?
I'm using Rails 3.2 and Paperclip, but could switch to Carrierwave or another solution
Or should I just store the uploads in the database (mysql)
No. I will point you here for a better explanation Storing Images in DB - Yea or Nay?
what's the best way to allow my rails app (on the web server) to access uploads on the filesystem of the database server
I would probably create another web server with a separate rails app that was responsible solely for serving up files from it's local filesystem through some authenticated API.
It looks like people do use Amazon S3 successfully with HIPAA-compliant websites for file storage.
Can you create a HIPAA compliant Amazon S3 Web Application?
Amazon White Paper - Creating HIPAA-compliant Medical Data Applications with AWS
Googling "amazon hipaa compliance" turns up quite a bit of info. I would look into this before building my own infrastructure for storing files.
you can configure paper clip to store your documents on amazon s3
