PlayFramework: The relation between Controller and Dependencies Injection - dependency-injection

Now I am reading PlayFramework's official document which explains DI like this
There are two ways to make Play use dependency injected controllers.
I can't imagine how they are related, so what do they mean?
Why do we need putting the concept of DI into the Controller?
Could anyone explain?

In earlier versions of Play, controllers had static methods. This in turn lead to lots of either static code or singletons because static controllers couldn't easily share code or service objects. This also made testing harder than it had to be.
By moving to dependency injected controllers, everything can now be object-based (in place of the earlier class-based approach) and so shared instances or dedicated code can be passed into controllers.
Imagine a app that manages items of some type. Items are stored in a database, so some configuration is required.
public class StaticController extends Controller {
// active record approach
public static Result getItems() {
// static call to Item
List<Item> items = Item.findAll();
// do other stuff
When testing this, StaticController and Item are tightly coupled. Compare this to an approach using DI, in which a DAO can removed that coupling.
public class InjectedController extends Controller {
private final ItemDao itemDao;
public InjectedController(final ItemDao itemDao) {
this.itemDao = itemDao;
public Result getItems() {
// static call to Item
List<Item> items = itemDao.findAll();
// do other stuff
Because ItemDao can be an interface, coupling is massively reduced and testing just because a lot easier.


Ninject factory management

I'm using Ninject.Extensions.Factory to control the lifecycle of the repository layer. I want to have a single point of reference from which I can get a reference to all repositories and have them lazily available. Ninject Factory approach seems like a good solution but I'm not too sure about my solution:
public class PublicUow : IPublicUow
private readonly IPublicRepositoriesFactory _publicRepositoriesFactory;
public PublicUow(IPublicRepositoriesFactory publicRepositoriesFactory)
_publicRepositoriesFactory = publicRepositoriesFactory;
public IContentRepository ContentRepository { get { return _publicRepositoriesFactory.ContentRepository; } }
public ICategoryRepository CategoryRepository { get { return publicRepositoriesFactory.CategoryRepository; } }
The problem lies in the PublicRepositories class.
public class PublicRepositoriesFactory : IPublicRepositoriesFactory
private readonly IContentRepositoryFactory _contentRepositoryFactory;
private readonly ICategoryRepositoryFactory _categoryRepositoryFactory;
public PublicRepositoriesFactory(IContentRepositoryFactory contentRepositoryFactory, ICategoryRepositoryFactory categoryRepositoryFactory)
_contentRepositoryFactory = contentRepositoryFactory;
_categoryRepositoryFactory = categoryRepositoryFactory;
public IContentRepository ContentRepository { get { return _contentRepositoryFactory.CreateContentRepository(); } }
public ICategoryRepository CategoryRepository { get { return _categoryRepositoryFactory.CreateCategoryRepository(); } }
I'm worried that this will become hard to manage as the number of repositories increases, this class might at some point need to have around 20-30 constructor arguments with the current implementation.
Is there an approach I can take to reduce the number of ctr arguments, like passing an array/dictionary of interfaces or something similar?
I've thought about using property injection in this scenario but most articles suggest avoiding property injection in general.
Is there maybe a more general pattern that would make this easier to manage?
Is this in general a good approach?
It has become rather common practice to use a repository interface like
public interface IRepository
T LoadById<T>(Guid id);
void Save<T>(T entity);
instead of a plethora of specific repositories like IContentRepository, ICategoryRepository,..
specific repositories are only ever useful in case of having specific logic to the entity type and an operation, for example verifying that it's valid. But such operations are rather an "aspect" or a cut-through-concern which you should model as such. Managing/doing validation on save should not be implemented x-times but only once. The only thing you should specifically implement are the exact validation rules (DRY). But these should be implemented in separate classes and used by composition, not inheritance.
Also, for stuff like retrieving an entity or multiple entities "based on a use case", you should use specific query classes, and not put methods on a repository interface (SRP, SOC). An example would be GetProductsByOrder(Guid orderId). This should be neither on the Products nor the Order Repository but rather in a separate class itself.
Taking things a step further, it does not seem a good idea to use a factory to late create all repositories. Why?
makes software more complex (thus harder to maintain and extend)
usually negligible performance gain
deteriorates testability
also see Mark Seeman's blog post Service Locator is an anti pattern, where he's also talking about the disadvantages of late-creation vs. the composition of the entire object graph in one go.
I'm not trying to say that you should never use factory/lazy, but only when you've got a really good reason to :)
Example of a query
I'm not very familiar with EntityFramework. I know NHibernate a whole lot better, so behold.
public class GetParentCategoriesQuery : IGetParentCategoriesQuery
private readonly EntityFrameworkContext context;
public GetParentCategories(EntityFrameworkContext context)
this.context = context;
public IEnumerable<Category> GetParents(Category child)
return this.context.Categories.Where(x => x.Children.Contains(child));
So basically the only thing you change is extracting the GetParentCategoriesQuery into it's own class. The DbContext instance must be shared with the other query and repository instances. For web projects, this is done by binding the DbContext .InRequestScope(). For other applications you may need to use another machanism.
The usage of the query would be quite simple:
public class CategoryController
private readonly IRepository repository;
private readonly IGetParentCategoriesQuery getParentCategoriesQuery;
public CategoryController(
IRepository repository,
IGetParentCategoriesQuery getParentCategoriesQuery)
this.repository = repository;
this.getParentCategoriesQuery = getParentCategoriesQuery;
public void Process(Guid categoryId)
Category category = this.repository.LoadById(categoryId);
IEnumerable<Category> parentCategories =
// so some stuff...
An alternative to the scoping is to have the repository instantiate the the query type and pass the DbContext to the query instance (this can be done using the factory extensions):
public TQuery CreateQuery<TQuery>()
return this.queryFactory.Create<TQuery>(this.context);
which would be used like:
IEnumerable<Category> parents = repository
But please note that this alternative will again only late-create the query and thus result in less testability (binding issues may be remain undetected for longer).
The GetParentCategoriesQuery is part of the repository layer, but not part of the repository class.

Multiple BaseControllers with IoC

I read this question, and the answer helps me but not completely. What if I have 20 repositories with different responsibilities, like for example:
I can have all the methods of this repositories in the BaseController, but I would prefer something like having a TerritoriesBaseController, whit the ICoutnryRepository and ICityRepository and PersonsBaseController IUserRepository and IPersonRepository, than inherits from BaseController.7
My problem is that, if I have a controller that wants to use the TerritoryBaseController and PersonBaseController, I can't make it inherit from both controllers.
The reason why I want to separate the base controllers, is for structure, order and for not having a controller with 200 methods, but 20 controllers with 10 methods, and with separated responsibilities.
Some ideas how can it be organized?
I think I didn't explain the question properly.
Let's take this example:
I have a project with IoC, and let's say I have 4 repositories.
ICountryRepository, ICityRepository, IUserRepository, IPersonRepository.
I have a controller that needs methods of the 4 repositories, for example, UserController, it will use IUserRepository and IPersonRepository to save the user, and ICountryRepository and ICityRepository to show a list of countries and cities that the user has to select.
I also have a BaseController, where i have the generic methods of the controllers, and UserController inherits of BaseController, so:
UerController : BaseController
What I would like to do is, have a TerritoriesBaseController, where i would have all the methods that are repeated in my controlers of ICouuntrRepository and ICityRepository, like:
public JsonResult GetCountriesSelectList()
List<Country> listCountryLanguage = _applicationCountry.GetAll().ToList();
return Json(new SelectList(listCountryLanguage, "IdCountry", "Name"), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
And the same with IPersonRepository and IUserRepository, with a UserBaseController.
But I Can't use:
Usercontroler : BaseController, TerritoriesBaseController, UserBaseController
Because in c# you can only inherit from one class.
How can i reorganize it or what solution can I use?
What if I have 20 repositories with different responsibilities,
If you have a controller that needs to use 20 repositories, there is something wrong with your design. That controller will violate the Single Responsibility Principle.
There are a few solutions to this problem:
Split the logic in the controller up into multiple smaller, more focused controllers that each have just a few dependencies.
Move part of the logic to an aggregate service. In your case your controller probably has a lots of business logic in it. You should extract that business logic to a different class. The command/handler pattern is very suited for implementing business logic.
If you have code that uses multiple repositories, there's a special well-known pattern that for this: the Unit of Work pattern. What you can do is make those repositories accessible as properties on a Unit of Work class and inject only that unit of work.
UserController, it will use IUserRepository and IPersonRepository to
save the user, and ICountryRepository and ICityRepository to show a
list of countries and cities that the user has to select.
In that case you should extract the logic of saving the user into a new class and you should do the same with the logic for getting the list of countries. In that case your UserController will only depend on two more specific dependencies and the code inside the UserController will be minimized.
Don't use base controllers. Using base classes is often a sign of a glitch in your design. Your code becomes much harder to test when using base classes, and those base classes will often grow into god classes. Besides, you already noticed that multiple inheritance is not possible in .NET.
So what you can do is the following:
public class UserController : Controller
private ICommandHandler<SaveUser> saveUserHandler;
private IQueryProcessor queryProcessor;
public UserController(ICommandHandler<SaveUser> saveUserHandler,
IQueryProcessor queryProcessor)
this.saveUserHandler = saveUserHandler;
this.queryProcessor = queryProcessor;
public ActionResult Save(SaveUserViewModel model)
this.saveUserHandler.Handle(new SaveUser
UserId = model.UserId,
Name = model.UserName,
public JsonResult Countries()
var listCountryLanguage = queryProcessor.Execute(new GetAllCountries());
return Json(new SelectList(listCountryLanguage, "IdCountry", "Name"),
Do note that for this example I use the query/handler and command/handler patterns, but that's optional.

where to keep frequently used methods in MVC

I need to implement MVC architecture in my company, So can anyone suggest where to keep frequently used methods to call on all pages. Like:
states ddl, departments ddl also roles list and etc...
Please give me suggestions where to keep them in architecture.
There are different solutions depending on the scale of your application. For small projects, you can simply create a set of classes in MVC application itself. Just create a Utils folder and a DropDownLists class and away you go. For simple stuff like this, I find it's acceptable to have static methods that return the data, lists, or enumerations you require.
Another option is to create an abstract MyControllerBase class that descends from Controller and put your cross-cutting concerns in there, perhaps as virtual methods or properties. Then all your actual controllers can descend from MyControllerBase.
For larger applications, or in situations where you might share these classes with other MVC applications, create a shared library such as MySolution.Utils and reference the library from all projects as required.
Yet another possibility for larger solutions is to use Dependency Injection to inject the requirements in at runtime. You might consider using something like Unity or Ninject for this task.
Example, as per your request (also in GitHub Gist)
// declare these in a shared library
public interface ILookupDataProvider
IEnumerable<string> States { get; }
public class LookupDataProvider: ILookupDataProvider
public IEnumerable<string> States
return new string[] { "A", "B", "C" };
// then inject the requirement in to your controller
// in this example, the [Dependency] attribute comes from Unity (other DI containers are available!)
public class MyController : Controller
public ILookupDataProvider LookupDataProvider { get; set; }
public ActionResult Index()
var myModel = new MyModel
States = LookupDataProvider.States
return View(myModel);
In the code above, you'll need to configure your Dependency Injection technology but this is definitely outside the scope of the answer (check SO for help here). Once configured correctly, the concrete implementation of ILookupDataProvider will be injected in at runtime to provide the data.
One final solution I would suggest, albeit this would be very much overkill for small projects would be to host shared services in a WCF service layer. This allows parts of your application to be separated out in to highly-scalable services, should the need arise in the future.

Where should 'CreateMap' statements go?

I frequently use AutoMapper to map Model (Domain) objects to ViewModel objects, which are then consumed by my Views, in a Model/View/View-Model pattern.
This involves many 'Mapper.CreateMap' statements, which all must be executed, but must only be executed once in the lifecycle of the application.
Technically, then, I should keep them all in a static method somewhere, which gets called from my Application_Start() method (this is an ASP.NET MVC application).
However, it seems wrong to group a lot of different mapping concerns together in one central location.
Especially when mapping code gets complex and involves formatting and other logic.
Is there a better way to organize the mapping code so that it's kept close to the ViewModel that it concerns?
(I came up with one idea - having a 'CreateMappings' method on each ViewModel, and in the BaseViewModel, calling this method on instantiation. However, since the method should only be called once in the application lifecycle, it needs some additional logic to cache a list of ViewModel types for which the CreateMappings method has been called, and then only call it when necessary, for ViewModels that aren't in that list.)
If you really don't want to use a bootstrapper, then at least a static constructor is an easy way of ensuring your CreateMap is called at most once. (With less messing around and more thread proof than Jonathon's answer.)
public class AccountController : Controller
static AccountController()
Mapper.CreateMap<Models.User, ViewModels.UserProfile>();
Mapper.CreateMap<Models.User, ViewModels.ChangePassword>();
If you use profiles, you can place all of your "CreateMap" calls there. Additionally, you can create a static bootstrapper class that contains your configuration, and have the startup piece just call the bootstrapper.
OK, the way I'm currently doing it is this:
I add some logic to the constructor of my BaseController, which runs the 'CreateMappings' method, but only once per Controller Type:
public abstract class BaseController : Controller
public BaseController()
if (!controllersWithMappingsCreated.Contains(GetType()))
protected virtual void CreateMappings() { }
In each concrete controller, I use CreateMappings to declare the mappings for all the Models/ViewModels relevant to that controller.
public class AccountController : BaseController
public AccountController() : base() { }
protected override void CreateMappings()
Mapper.CreateMap<Models.User, ViewModels.UserProfile>();
Mapper.CreateMap<Models.User, ViewModels.ChangePassword>();
I also found some interesting alternatives involving Attributes here and here, however they strike me as a bit overcomplicated.

How are you able to Unit Test your controllers without an IoC container?

I'm starting to get into Unit Testing, Dependancy Injection and all that jazz while constructing my latest ASP.NET MVC project.
I'm to the point now where I would like to Unit Test my Controllers and I'm having difficulty figuring out how to appropriately do this without an IoC container.
Take for example a simple controller:
public class QuestionsController : ControllerBase
private IQuestionsRepository _repository = new SqlQuestionsRepository();
// ... Continue with various controller actions
This class is not very unit testable because of its direct instantiation of SqlQuestionsRepository. So, lets go down the Dependancy Injection route and do:
public class QuestionsController : ControllerBase
private IQuestionsRepository _repository;
public QuestionsController(IQuestionsRepository repository)
_repository = repository;
This seems better. I can now easily write unit tests with a mock IQuestionsRepository. However, what is going to instantiate the controller now? Somewhere further up the call chain SqlQuestionRepository is going to have to be instantiated. It seems as through I've simply shifted the problem elsewhere, not gotten rid of it.
Now, I know this is a good example of where an IoC container can help you by wiring up the Controllers dependancies for me while at the same time keeping my controller easily unit testable.
My question is, how is one suppose to do unit testing on things of this nature without an IoC container?
Note: I'm not opposed to IoC containers, and I'll likely go down that road soon. However, I'm curious what the alternative is for people who don't use them.
Isn't it possible to keep the direct instantiation of the field and also provide the setter? In this case you'd only be calling the setter during unit testing. Something like this:
public class QuestionsController : ControllerBase
private IQuestionsRepository _repository = new SqlQuestionsRepository();
// Really only called during unit testing...
public QuestionsController(IQuestionsRepository repository)
_repository = repository;
I'm not too familiar with .NET but as a side note in Java this is a common way to refactor existing code to improve the testability. I.E., if you have classes that are already in use and need to modify them so as to improve code coverage without breaking existing functionality.
Our team has done this before, and usually we set the visibility of the setter to package-private and keep the package of the test class the same so that it can call the setter.
You could have a default constructor with your controller that will have some sort of default behavior.
Something like...
public QuestionsController()
: this(new QuestionsRepository())
That way by default when the controller factory is creating a new instance of the controller it will use the default constructor's behavior. Then in your unit tests you could use a mocking framework to pass in a mock into the other constructor.
One options is to use fakes.
public class FakeQuestionsRepository : IQuestionsRepository {
public FakeQuestionsRepository() { } //simple constructor
//implement the interface, without going to the database
[TestFixture] public class QuestionsControllerTest {
[Test] public void should_be_able_to_instantiate_the_controller() {
//setup the scenario
var repository = new FakeQuestionsRepository();
var controller = new QuestionsController(repository);
//assert some things on the controller
Another options is to use mocks and a mocking framework, which can auto-generate these mocks on the fly.
[TestFixture] public class QuestionsControllerTest {
[Test] public void should_be_able_to_instantiate_the_controller() {
//setup the scenario
var repositoryMock = new Moq.Mock<IQuestionsRepository>();
.SetupGet(o => o.FirstQuestion)
.Returns(new Question { X = 10 });
//repositoryMock.Object is of type IQuestionsRepository:
var controller = new QuestionsController(repositoryMock.Object);
//assert some things on the controller
Regarding where all the objects get constructed. In a unit test, you only set up a minimal set of objects: a real object which is under test, and some faked or mocked dependencies which the real object under test requires. For example, the real object under test is an instance of QuestionsController - it has a dependency on IQuestionsRepository, so we give it either a fake IQuestionsRepository like in the first example or a mock IQuestionsRepository like in the second example.
In the real system, however, you set up the whole of the container at the very top level of the software. In a Web application, for example, you set up the container, wiring up all of the interfaces and the implementing classes, in GlobalApplication.Application_Start.
I'm expanding on Peter's answer a bit.
In applications with a lot of entity types, it is not uncommon for a controller to require references to multiple repositories, services, whatever. I find it tedious to manually pass all those dependencies in my test code (especially since a given test may only involve one or two of them). In those scenarios, I prefer setter-injection style IOC over constructor injection. The pattern I use it this:
public class QuestionsController : ControllerBase
private IQuestionsRepository Repository
get { return _repo ?? (_repo = IoC.GetInstance<IQuestionsRepository>()); }
set { _repo = value; }
private IQuestionsRepository _repo;
// Don't need anything fancy in the ctor
public QuestionsController()
Replace IoC.GetInstance<> with whatever syntax your particular IOC framework uses.
In production use nothing will invoke the property setter, so the first time the getter is called the controller will call out to your IOC framework, get an instance, and store it.
In test, you just need to call the setter prior to invoking any controller methods:
var controller = new QuestionsController {
Repository = MakeANewMockHoweverYouNormallyDo(...);
The benefits of this approach, IMHO:
Still takes advantage of IOC in production.
Easier to manually construct your controllers during testing. You only need to initialize the dependencies your test will actually use.
Possible to create test-specific IOC configurations, if you don't want to manually configure common dependencies.
