CNN Object Localization Preprocessing? - machine-learning

I'm trying to use a pretrained VGG16 as an object localizer in Tensorflow on ImageNet data. In their paper, the group mentions that they basically just strip off the softmax layer and either toss on a 4D/4000D fc layer for bounding box regression. I'm not trying to do anything fancy here (sliding windows, RCNN), just get some mediocre results.
I'm sort of new to this and I'm just confused about the preprocessing done here for localization. In the paper, they say that they scale the image to 256 as its shortest side, then take the central 224x224 crop and train on this. I've looked all over and can't find a simple explanation on how to handle localization data.
Questions: How do people usually handle the bounding boxes here?...
Do you use something like the tf.sample_distorted_bounding_box command, and then rescale the image based on that?
Do you just rescale/crop the image itself, and then interpolate the bounding box with the transformed scales? Wouldn't this result in negative box coordinates in some cases?
How are multiple objects per image handled?
Do you just choose a single bounding box from the beginning ,crop to that, then train on this crop?
Or, do you feed it the whole (centrally cropped) image, and then try to predict 1 or more boxes somehow?
Does any of this generalize to the Detection or segmentation (like MS-CoCo) challenges, or is it completely different?
Anything helps...

Localization is usually performed as an intersection of sliding windows where the network identifies the presence of the object you want.
Generalizing that to multiple objects works the same.
Segmentation is more complex. You can train your model on a pixel mask with your object filled, and you try to output a pixel mask of the same size


CNN approaches to detection which are not bounding box based

Most of the approaches to detection problems are based more or less on some form of bounding box proposal, which turns to two class (positive/negative) classification. I found lots of materials on these topics.
But I was wondering, aren't there some approaches taking the whole image as an input, then sending it through several convolutional and pooling layers, output of which would be two numbers (x, y position of the object)? Of course this would mean that there's just one object in the image. So far I haven't find anything about this, should I consider it not usable?

Labeling runways for localization and detection using deep learning

Shown above is a sample image of runway that needs to be localized(a bounding box around runway)
i know how image classification is done in tensorflow, My question is how do I label this image for training?
I want model to output 4 numbers to draw bounding box.
In CS231n they say that we use a classifier and a localization head.
but how does my model knows where are the runnway in 400x400 images?
In short How do I LABEL this image for training? So that after training my model detects and localizes(draw bounding box around this runway) runways from input images.
Please feel free to give me links to lectures, videos, github tutorials from where I can learn about this.
**********Not CS231n********** I already took that lecture and couldnt understand how to solve using their approach.
If you want to predict bounding boxes, then the labels are also bounding boxes. This is what most object detection systems use for training. You can just have bounding box labels, or if you want to detect multiple object classes, then also class labels for each bounding box would be required.
Collect data from google or any resources that contains only runway photos (From some closer view). I would suggest you to use a pre-trained image classification network (like VGG, Alexnet etc.) and fine tune this network with downloaded runway data.
After building a good image classifier on runway data set you can use any popular algorithm to generate region of proposal from the image.
Now take all regions of proposal and pass them to classification network one by one and check weather this network is classifying given region of proposal as positive or negative. If it classifying as positively then most probably your object(Runway) is present in that region. Otherwise it's not.
If there are a lot of region of proposal in which object is present according to classifier then you can use non maximal suppression algorithms to reduce number of positive proposals.

Image recognition and Uniqueness detection

I am new to AI/ML and am trying to use the same for solving the following problem.
I have a set of (custom) images which while having common characteristics also will have a unique pattern/signature and color value. What set of algorithms should I use to have the pass in following manner:
1. Recognize the common characteristic (like presence of a triangle at any position in a 10x10mm image). If present, proceed, else exit.
2. Identify the unique pattern/signature to identify each image individually. The pattern/signature could be shape (visible to human eye or hidden like using an overlay shape using background image with no boundaries).
3. Store color tone/hue/saturation to determine any loss/difference (maybe because the capture source is different from the original one).
While this is in way similar to face recognition algo, for me saturation/shadow will matter while being direction independent.
I figure that using CNN may be the way to go for step#2 and SVN for step#1, any input on training, specifics will be appreciated. What about step#3, use BGR2HSV? The objective is to use ML/AI and not get into machine-vision.
Recognize the common characteristic (like presence of a triangle at any position in a 10x10mm image). If present, proceed, else exit.
In a sense, what you want is a classifier that can detect patterns in an image. However, we can train classifiers to detect certain types of patterns in images.
For example, I can train a classifier to recognise squares and circles, but if I show it an image with a triangle in it, I cannot expect it to tell me it is a triangle, because it has never seen it before. The downside is, your classifier will end up misclassifying it as one of the shapes it knows to exist: either square or circle. The upside is, you can prevent this.
Identify the unique pattern/signature to identify each image individually.
What you want to do is train a classifier on a large amount of labelled data. If you want the classifier to detect squares, circles, or triangles in an image, you must train it with a large amount of labelled images of squares, circles and triangles.
Store color tone/hue/saturation to determine any loss/difference (maybe because the capture source is different from the original one).
Now, you are leaving the territory of simple image labelling and entering the world of computer vision. This is not as simple as a vanilla image classifier, but it is possible and there are a lot of online tools to help you do this. For example, you may take a look at OpenCV. They have an implementation in python and C++.
I figure that using CNN may be the way to go for step#2 and SVN for
You can combine step 1 and step 2 with a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). You do not need to use a two step prediction process. However, beware, if you pass the CNN an image of a car, it will still label it as a shape. You can, again circumvent this by training it on a million positive samples of shapes, and a million negative samples of random other images with the class "Other". This way, anything that is not a shape will get classified into "Other". This is one possibility.
What about step#3, use BGR2HSV? The objective is to use ML/AI and not
get into machine-vision.
With the inclusion of this step, there is no option but to get into computer vision. I am not exactly sure how to go about this, but I can guarantee OpenCV will provide you a way to do this. In fact, with OpenCV, you will no longer need to implement your own CNN, because OpenCV has its own image labelling libraries.

OpenCV cascade-training using images bounded/outlined by irregular polygons?

I need to prepare training data which I will then use with OpenCV's cascaded classifier. I understand that for training data I'll need to provide rectangular images as samples with aspect ratios that correspond to the -w and -h parameters in OpenCV's training commands.
I was fine with this idea, but then I saw web-based annotation tool LabelMe.
People have labelled in LabelMe using complex polygons!
Can these polygons be somehow used in cascaded training?
Wouldn't using irregular polygons improve the classification results?
If not, then what is the use of the complex polygons that outline objects in LabelMe'd images?
Data sets annotated with LabelMe are used for many different purposes. Some of them, like image segmentation, require tight boundaries, rather than bounding boxes.
On the other hand, the cascade classifier in OpenCV is designed to classify rectangular image regions. It is then used as part of a sliding-window object detector, which also works with bounding boxes.
Whether tight boundaries help improve object detection is an interesting question. There is evidence that the background pixels caught by the bounding box actually help the classification.

Projecting from 60D (shape context) space to 2D for visual analysis

I have a set of 60D shape context vectors. These were constructed using a sample of 400 edge points from a silhouette using 5 radial bins and 12 angular bins (thus, I have 400 shape context vectors of 60D).
I would like to analyse just how descriptive these vectors are in representing the overall shape of the underlying silhouette. To do this, I would like to project the 60D shape context vectors back into 2D space and visually inspect the result -- what I am hoping to see is a set of points that roughly resemble the original silhouette's shape.
An approach to do this is by projecting on the first two principal components (PCA). Based on my implementation, the projected points did not resemble the silhouette's shape. I can see two main reasons for this (assuming for the time being that my implementation is correct): (1) shape context is either not appropriate as a descriptor given the silhouettes, or it's parameters need to be better tuned (2) this analysis method is flawed / not valid.
My question is whether this is the right approach for analysing the descriptiveness of shape contexts in relation to my silhouette's shape? If not, can someone please explain why and propose an alternative method?
The good way to check whether features are descriptive or not is to try train some classifier(svm/bayes/tree/whatever) upon them and check it cross-validated precision/recall etc. You also can filter your feature vector by feature selector like Chi/infogain.
Other than PCA, you can visualize your data with SOM, or by clustering.
I think this analysis method is flawed/not valid. I think this would be a similar reasoning: I can reconstruct the view from above on a football field by doing PCA on what each football player sees. It just isn't reasonable to expect that.
I think the simplest way to analyze the descriptiveness of shape context is to download MNIST or some other databases of written digits, and compute the 10x10 matrix of the shape similarities of 5 ones and 5 twos, and then draw this graph using (say) graphviz.
