Google Dart visibility of methods and properties - dart

Just to avoid some misunderstanding, I know that Google Dart handles things on a library level and that private properties and methods can be identified with a underscore prefix.
Is this still up to date as of 2017? Are there any plans for adding object level visibility keywords like: private, protected or public?
I dont just want to do something random but im rather interested in best practices. The way I see it is: if I dont want class one to see what class two has then both must be in different libraries, those libraries then are part of a bigger package.
libraries = privacy between classes
packages = privacy between files
What about fine grained control of privacy? I mean maybe there is 1 thing I want private. What about using visibility when using inheritance? I mean protected keywords can be really valuable.
Here a little example in one file:
class one {
int n = 1;
one() {
var test = new two(n);
class two {
int n = 2;
two(n) {
this.n += n;
int showNumber() {
return n;
As it stands now, both classes can do what they want.

Dart still has only library-level privacy.
Library-level privacy with identifiers starting with an underscore is also enforced at runtime.
The analyzer provides some additional features during static analysis which are ignored at runtime though.
Per convention also libraries inside lib/src are considered private, and should now be imported from other packages. The linter, a plugin for the analyzer notifies about violations. Seems to be part of the analyzer itself.
The meta package provides some annotations that are supported by the analyzer.
#protected produces a warning if public members are referenced by code from other libraries that is not within subclasses.
#visibleForTesting produces a warning if public members are references by code that is not within the test directory (of the same package I assume) Not sure if the analyzer actually warns about violations yet, otherwise it's planned to do that.
As far as I remember there are some issues for more rules but not yet implemented.
From #lrn's comment below
One reason for the current design is that Dart allows dynamic calls, even in strong mode. That means that cannot be rejected based on "class level privacy" without retaining and checking extra information at runtime. With library/lexical based privacy, it's absolutely clear whether or o._foo() is allowed (it always is, it's just that the latter can only refer to the _foo name of the same library). If Dart only had static resolution of identifiers, then it could use static information (like a private declaration) to reject at compile time without a runtime overhead.


How to properly use class extensions in Swift?

In Swift, I have historically used extensions to extend closed types and provide handy, logic-less functionality, like animations, math extensions etc. However, since extensions are hard dependencies sprinkled all over your code-base, I always think three times before implementing something as an extension.
Lately, though, I have seen that Apple suggests using extensions to an even greater extent, e.g. implementing protocols as separate extensions.
That is, if you have a class A that implement protocol B, you end up with this design:
class A {
// Initializers, stored properties etc.
extension A: B {
// Protocol implementation
As you enter that rabbit-hole, I started seeing more extension-based code, like:
fileprivate extension A {
// Private, calculated properties
fileprivate extension A {
// Private functions
One part of me likes the building-blocks you get when you implement protocols in separate extensions. It makes the separate parts of the class really distinct. However, as soon as you inherit this class, you will have to change this design, since extension functions cannot be overridden.
I think the second approach is...interesting. Once great thing with it is that you do not have to annotate each private property and function as private, since you can specify that for the extension.
However, this design also splits up stored and non-stored properties, public and private functions, making the "logic" of the class harder to follow (write smaller classes, I know). That, together with the subclassing issues, makes me halt a bit on the porch of extension wonderland.
Would love to hear how the Swift community of the world looks at extensions. What do you think? Is there a silverbullet?
This is only my opinion, of course, so take what I'll write easy.
I'm currently using the extension-approach in my projects for few reasons:
The code is much more clean: my classes are never over 150 lines and the separation through extensions makes my code more readable and separated by responsibilities
This is usually what a class looks like:
final class A {
// Here the public and private stored properties
extension A {
// Here the public methods and public non-stored properties
fileprivate extension A {
// here my private methods
The extensions can be more than one, of course, it depends on what your class does. This is simply useful to organize your code and read it from the Xcode top bar
It reminds me that Swift is a protocol-oriented-programming language, not an OOP language. There is nothing you can't do with protocol and protocol extensions. And I prefer to use protocols for adding a security layer to my classes / struct. For example I usually write my models in this way:
protocol User {
var uid: String { get }
var name: String { get }
final class UserModel: User {
var uid: String
var name: String
init(uid: String, name: String) {
self.uid = uid = name
In this way you can still edit your uid and name values inside the UserModel class, but you can't outside since you'll only handle the User protocol type.
I use a similar approach, which can be described in one sentence:
Sort a type's responsibilities into extensions
These are examples for aspects I'm putting into individual extensions:
A type's main interface, as seen from a client.
Protocol conformances (i.e. a delegate protocol, often private).
Serialization (for example everything NSCoding related).
Parts of a types that live on a background thread, like network callbacks.
Sometimes, when the complexity of a single aspect rises, I even split a type's implementation over more than one file.
Here are some details that describe how I sort implementation related code:
The focus is on functional membership.
Keep public and private implementations close, but separated.
Don't split between var and func.
Keep all aspects of a functionality's implementation together: nested types, initializers, protocol conformances, etc.
The main reason to separate aspects of a type is to make it easier to read and understand.
When reading foreign (or my own old) code, understanding the big picture is often the most difficult part of diving in. Giving a developer an idea of a context of some method helps a lot.
There's another benefit: Access control makes it easier not to call something inadvertently. A method that is only supposed to be called from a background thread can be declared private in the "background" extension. Now it simply can't be called from elsewhere.
Current Restrictions
Swift 3 imposes certain restrictions on this style. There are a couple of things that can only live in the main type's implementation:
stored properties
overriding func/var
overidable func/var
required (designated) initializers
These restrictions (at least the first three) come from the necessity to know the object's data layout (and witness table for pure Swift) in advance. Extensions can potentially be loaded late during runtime (via frameworks, plugins, dlopen, ...) and changing the type's layout after instances have been created would brake their ABI.
A modest proposal for the Swift team :)
All code from one module is guaranteed to be available at the same time. The restrictions that prevent fully separating functional aspects could be circumvented if the Swift compiler would allow to "compose" types within a single module. With composing types I mean that the compiler would collect all declarations that define a type's layout from all files within a module. Like with other aspects of the language it would find intra file dependencies automatically.
This would allow to really write "aspect oriented" extensions. Not having to declare stored properties or overrides in the main declaration would enable better access control and separation of concerns.
I hate it. It adds extra complexity and muddies the use of extensions, making it unclear on what to expect that people are using the extensions for.
If you're using an extension for protocol conformance, OK, I can see that, but why not just comment your code? How is this better? I don't see that.


Assuming there are a few classes, each using something like the following code to protect their area.
static pthread_mutex_t _mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
//some code
The question:
Do all these classes share the same mutex (so if s/o locks the mutex no one else will be able to access the protected area). Or does every PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER create a new mutex?
Literature seems to be ambiguous about this topic, depending on the system PTHREADS is running on.
This has nothing to do with the PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER (or even Pthreads) and cannot be system dependent.
This is a basic C++ language question. You're using a static variable so there is only one of it. You haven't shown enough code to know if it's a static member of a class (so there's one _mutex per class type, not per object) or a global static (so there's one _mutex per file).

How to test a private function, in Dart?

Say I defined a private function in a dart file hello.dart:
_hello() {
return "world";
I want to test it in another file mytest.dart:
library mytest;
import 'dart:unittest/unittest.dart';
main() {
test('test private functions', () {
expect(_hello(), equals("world"));
But unfortunately, the test code can't be compiled. But I do need to test that private _hello function. Is there any solution?
While I agree that private methods/classes shouldn't be part of your tests, the meta package does provide an #visibleForTesting attribute, and the analyzer will give you a warning if you attempt to use the member outside of its original library or a test. You can use it like this:
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
String hello() {
return "world";
Your tests will now be able to use it without error or warning, but if someone else tries to use it they'll get a warning.
Again, as to the wisdom of doing this is another question - usually if it's something worth testing, it's something that's worth being public (or it'll get tested through your public interfaces and that's what really matters anyway). At the same time, you might just want to have rigorous tests or test driven principles even for your private methods/classes so - Dart lets you this way.
Edit to add: If you're developing a library and your file with #visibleForTesting will be exported, you are essentially adding public API. Someone can consume that with the analyzer turned off (or just ignore the warning), and if you remove it later you may break them.
Several people believe we shouldn't test private directly: it should be tested through the public interface.
An advantage of following this guidance, is that your test won't depend on your implementation. Said differently: if you want to change your private without changing what you expose to the world, then you won't have to touch your tests.
According to this school of though, if your private is important enough to justify a unit test, then it might make sense to extract it in a new class.
Putting all this together, what you could do here, is:
Create a kind of helper class with this hello method as public. You can then easily unit test it
Let your current class use an instance of this helper class
Test the public methods of your current class which relies on _hello: if this private has a bug, it should be catch by those higher level tests
I don't like either of the above answers. dart's private variable test design is very bad. dart's private visibility is based on library, and each .dart file is a library by default, similar language is rust, but rust can write test code directly in the file, there is no private visibility problem, while dart does not allow this.
Again, I don't think #visibleForTesting is a valid solution,
Because #visibleForTesting can only be used to decorate public declarations, it serves as a mere analysis reminder that developers cannot invoke these declarations in other files,
But from a syntax point of view, developers can't use the _ prefix either, so the form, public, private, becomes confusing. and violates dart's own naming rules.
The argument that one should not test private, or that they should be separated into other classes, is like a justification that is completely unacceptable.
First, private exist because they belong to a business logic/model etc. in a contextual relationship, and it does not make logical sense to separate it into another class.
Second, if you must do this, it will greatly increase the complexity of the code, for example, you move to other classes will lose access to the context variables, or you have to pass a separate reference, or have to create an instance of the class, indeed, then you can finally do some mocks, but you also add a layer of abstraction,
It's hard to imagine that if you were to do this for the whole project, you'd probably double your entire code layers.
For now, If you want your dart package to get more than 90% coverage,
you should not define any private.
It sounds harsh, but that's the real story.
[Alternative] No one seems to have mentioned this yet,
Using part / part of to expose the privates, you can define a test-specific .dart file as the public interface to the library(file) to be tested, and use it to expose all the private declarations that need to be tested. you can name them xxx.fortest.dart
But this is more of a psychological solution, since you are still essentially exposing all private variables/methods
But at least, it's better than splitting class,
Also, if one day dart finally solves this problem, we can simply delete these .fortest.dart files.
A suggestion would be to NOT make methods/classes private but to move code, where you want to hide implementation details, to the lib/src folder.
This folder is considered private.
I found this approach on the page in this section under "Testing".
If you want to expose those private methods/classes, that are located in the src folder, to the public, you could export them inside your lib/main file.
I tried to import one of my libraries A (projects are libraries) into another library B and couldn't import code that was in the src folder of library A.
According to this StackOverflow answer it could still be possible to access the src folder from A in library B.
From the dart documentation
As you might expect, the library code lives under the lib directory and is public to other packages. You can create any hierarchy under lib, as needed. By convention, implementation code is placed under lib/src. Code under lib/src is considered private; other packages should never need to import src/.... To make APIs under lib/src public, you can export lib/src files from a file that’s directly under lib.

Using hidden properties vs. private iVars

This question is specifically focused around static libraries / frameworks; in other words, code that other people will eventually touch.
I'm fairly well versed in properties, since I started iOS development when iOS 6 was released. I have used hidden properties declared in interface extensions to do all of my "private" property work, including using readonly on public facing properties I don't want others to modify and readwrite within interface extensions.
The important thing is that I do not want other people who are using these static libraries / frameworks to be accessing these properties if I don't allow it, nor writing these properties if I let them read it.
I've known for a while that they could theoretically create their own interface extension and make my readonly properties readwrite themselves, or guess the names of hidden properties.
If I want to prevent this, should I be using ivars with the #private tag with directly declared ivars? Are there potential downfalls to doing it this way? Does it actually get me an additional measure of security, or is it a red herring?
Under ARC the only mode supported by properties and not instance variables is copy - so if you need copy use a property.
If you declare your private instance variables in the #implementation section:
#implementation MyClass
// private instance vars
then it takes serious effort to access them from outside the class. As you say accessing a "private" property just takes guessing its name - or using the library calls which tell you.
Is it worth it for security? YMMV. But its a good coding practice regardless.
As the comment trail shows there has been much discussion over my use of serious effort.
First let's be clear: Objective-C is in the C family of languages, they all allow the programmer to just about anything they choose while staying within the language[*] - these are not the languages of choice if you want strong typing, access restrictions, etc., etc. within your code.
Second, "effort" is not an absolute measure! So maybe I should have chosen the word "obvious" to qualify it rather than "serious". To access a private property just requires the use of a standard method call where the object has type id - there is little clue in the code that the method being called is hidden. To access a private variable requires either an API call (a runtime function or KVC call) or some pointer manipulation - the resultant code looks nothing like a standard variable assignment. So its more obvious.
That said, apart from uses requiring copy, under ARC there is no good reason to use a private property when a private instance variable will do. For a private variable fred compare:
self.fred = 42; // property access, may involve a call (if not optimised out)
_fred = 42; // common way to bypass the accessors and get at the underlying var
fred = 42; // direct access
Take your pick, there is no right answer, but there isn't a wrong one either - this is the realm of opinion (and that is of course an opinion ;-)). I would often pick the last one, private variable - clean & simple. However #RobNapier in his answer prefers the use of properties.
[*] Note: once you consider linking to external code, say written in assembler, all bets are of in any language. At that point you have to look at the "hardware" (real or virtual) and/or "OS" to provide protection.
You should use private ("hidden") properties here. There is no "security" risk. The "attacker" in this scenario is the caller. The caller has complete access to all memory in the process. She can access anything in your framework she wants and there is absolutely nothing you can do to stop that (nor should you). This is true in any language. You can bypass "private:" designations in C++ as well if you know what you're doing. It's all just memory at the end of the day.
It is not your job to protect yourself or your framework from the caller. You both have the same goal: correct program behavior. Your goal is to protect callers from themselves. Make it difficult for them to use your framework incorrectly and easy to use it correctly.
So, you should use the tool that leads to the most correct code. And that tool is properties, and avoiding directly ivar access except in init and dealloc.

A pragmatic view on private vs public

I've always wondered on the topic of public, protected and private properties. My memory can easily recall times when I had to hack somebody's code, and having the hacked-upon class variables declared as private was always upsetting.
Also, there were (more) times I've written a class myself, and had never recognized any potential gain of privatizing the property. I should note here that using public vars is not in my habit: I adhere to the principles of OOP by utilizing getters and setters.
So, what's the whole point in these restrictions?
The use of private and public is called Encapsulation. It is the simple insight that a software package (class or module) needs an inside and an outside.
The outside (public) is your contract with the rest of the world. You should try to keep it simple, coherent, obvious, foolproof and, very important, stable.
If you are interested in good software design the rule simply is: make all data private, and make methods only public when they need to be.
The principle for hiding the data is that the sum of all fields in a class define the objects state. For a well written class, each object should be responsible for keeping a valid state. If part of the state is public, the class can never give such guarantees.
A small example, suppose we have:
class MyDate
public int y, m, d;
public void AdvanceDays(int n) { ... } // complicated month/year overflow
// other utility methods
You cannot prevent a user of the class to ignore AdvanceDays() and simply do:
date.d = date.d + 1; // next day
But if you make y, m, d private and test all your MyDate methods, you can guarantee that there will only be valid dates in the system.
The whole point is to use private and protected to prevent exposing internal details of your class, so that other classes only have access to the public "interfaces" provided by your class. This can be worthwhile if done properly.
I agree that private can be a real pain, especially if you are extending classes from a library. Awhile back I had to extend various classes from the Piccolo.NET framework and it was refreshing that they had declared everything I needed as protected instead of private, so I was able to extend everything I needed without having to copy their code and/or modify the library. An important take-away lesson from that is if you are writing code for a library or other "re-usable" component, that you really should think twice before declaring anything private.
The keyword private shouldn't be used to privatize a property that you want to expose, but to protect the internal code of your class. I found them very helpful because they help you to define the portions of your code that must be hidden from those that can be accessible to everyone.
One example that comes to my mind is when you need to do some sort of adjustment or checking before setting/getting the value of a private member. Therefore you'd create a public setter/getter with some logic (check if something is null or any other calculations) instead of accessing the private variable directly and always having to handle that logic in your code. It helps with code contracts and what is expected.
Another example is helper functions. You might break down some of your bigger logic into smaller functions, but that doesn't mean you want to everyone to see and use these helper functions, you only want them to access your main API functions.
In other words, you want to hide some of the internals in your code from the interface.
See some videos on APIs, such as this Google talk.
Having recently had the extreme luxury of being able to design and implement an object system from scratch, I took the policy of forcing all variables to be (equivalent to) protected. My goal was to encourage users to always treat the variables as part of the implementation and not the specification. OTOH, I also left in hooks to allow code to break this restriction as there remain reasons to not follow it (e.g., the object serialization engine cannot follow the rules).
Note that my classes did not need to enforce security; the language had other mechanisms for that.
In my opinion the most important reason for use private members is hiding implementation, so that it can changed in the future without changing descendants.
Some languages - Smalltalk, for instance - don't have visibility modifiers at all.
In Smalltalk's case, all instance variables are always private and all methods are always public. A developer indicates that a method's "private" - something that might change, or a helper method that doesn't make much sense on its own - by putting the method in the "private" protocol.
Users of a class can then see that they should think twice about sending a message marked private to that class, but still have the freedom to make use of the method.
(Note: "properties" in Smalltalk are simply getter and setter methods.)
I personally rarely make use of protected members. I usually favor composition, the decorator pattern or the strategy pattern. There are very few cases in which I trust a subclass(ing programmer) to handle protected variables correctly. Sometimes I have protected methods to explicitly offer an interface specifically for subclasses, but these cases are actually rare.
Most of the time I have an absract base class with only public pure virtuals (talking C++ now), and implementing classes implement these. Sometimes they add some special initialization methods or other specific features, but the rest is private.
First of all 'properties' could refer to different things in different languages. For example, in Java you would be meaning instance variables, whilst C# has a distinction between the two.
I'm going to assume you mean instance variables since you mention getters/setters.
The reason as others have mentioned is Encapsulation. And what does Encapsulation buy us?
When things have to change (and they usually do), we are much less likely to break the build by properly encapsulating properties.
For example we may decide to make a change like:
int getFoo()
return foo;
int getFoo()
return bar + baz;
If we had not encapsulated 'foo' to begin with, then we'd have much more code to change. (than this one line)
Another reason to encapsulate a property, is to provide a way of bullet-proofing our code:
void setFoo(int val)
if(foo < 0)
throw MyException(); // or silently ignore
foo = val;
This is also handy as we can set a breakpoint in the mutator, so that we can break whenever something tries to modify our data.
If our property was public, then we could not do any of this!
