create a Scale9Sprite in quick-cocos - lua

Bt using function following may create a Scale9Sprite
display.newScale9Sprite(filename, x, y, size, capInsets)
The image is packed in a pvr.ccz file which is encrypted. I don't think using the function above is a good way to do the job.
So I wonder whether there is a function may create Scale9Sprite from SpriteFrame? Or I have to save the image in a single file?

You can use
CCScale9Sprite:createWithSpriteFrame(spriteFrame, capInsets)
CCScale9Sprite:createWithSpriteFrameName(spriteFrameName, capInsets)
to create your sprite.


Changing paths in Delphi

I am working on a project where I need to play a video from a file in Delphi. I often work from home and school, and I have the problem that at home, my USB is drive 'J' and at school my USB is drive 'D'.
I manually go and change it every time. Is there a way for Delphi to automatically get the video from where ever it is?
Each sector has an image component laid over it for selecting the sector.
*Note, I know I can search for a specific file's location in Delphi, but I have over 24 different places where I need to play different videos, so searching would probably be my last resort, unless I use a procedure and set constants for each sector to differenciate between them.
The code currently looks as follows:
procedure TtForm.imgSector1Click(Sender: TObject);
//Variables,this is for initializing them when I create them later.
SectorDeselect; //Procedure to turn all sector borders white
// Video
WindowsMediaPlayer1.URL := 'J:\IT\PAT\phase 2\Videos\Footage1.mp4'; //Where my problem lies
// Sector Info. The memos and Rich edits
// Sector. Highlighting the sector borders surrounding the sector
SectorBordr1.Brush.Color := clGreen;
SectorBorder10.Brush.Color := clGreen;
I would suggest adding a TEdit control in your app's UI to let you specify the base drive/path for the files on the machine the app is currently running on. Your code can then construct individual file paths at runtime that are relative to that base path. Don't use hard-code paths in your code.
You can then save that base path into the Windows Registry in a new key you create, ie HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\MyApp. Or, you can save the path in a configuration file (INI, XML, JSON, etc) created in a subfolder in your Windows user profile, like %APPDATA%\MyApp. Your code can then read in that base path each time the app is run.
If the files are stored on a USB drive, an alternative solution would be to simply enumerate the available drives at runtime, such as with GetLogicalDriveStrings(). For each drive, append a relative path for a given file onto the end of it, and then check if that file exists, such as with FileExists(). If so, you now know which drive to use for all of the files until the next time your app is run (you can save the drive path between runs, as described above). If the file is not found, move on to the next drive.
What about adding a parameter on the CommandLine?
D:\myfolder\myfile D
J:\myfolder\myfile J
GUI files can accept a parameter. Capture it with code like:
DriveLetter := ParamStr(1);

run move_base node and get costmap from text file

The move_base node call the function makePlan:
bool makePlan(
const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped& start,
const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped& goal,
std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>& plan
I wrote a c++ program to randomly generate start, goal, and map, which is a 2d array of 0s(free) and 100s(obstacle), and store this data into text file.
How can I configure makePlan to take start and goal from this text file, and how to allow move_base to use the 2d array stored in the text file?
Appreciate any help.
You can create your own GlobalPlanner by implementing a GlobalPlanner Plugin see:
Then frist step would be to copy the original source code of the GlobalPlanner to your own GlobalPlanner and make it work.
Now you can change the make_plan method in your own global planner and adjust it as you like.

Saving image in plot window after placing points in plot

Using Octave, I am able to show a image and then plot some red circles over it, as follow:
tux = imread('tux.png');
hold on;
plot(100,100,'r','markersize', 10);
plot(150,200,'r','markersize', 10);
The above code display this window:
My question is: How can I save this image as it is being showed inside the window?
Thank you very much!
Pretty simple. Use:
print -djpg image.jpg
print is a command in Octave that allows you to capture what's currently seen in the current figure window. -d specifies what output device you want to write to. There are multiple "devices" you can use to save to file... EPS, PS, TEX, etc. A device can also be an image writer, and so here I chose JPEG. You can choose other valid image formats that are supported by Octave. Take a look at the link I provided above for more details.
After, you just specify what file name you want to save the plot to. In this case, I chose image.jpg.
You can also take a look at saveas. Make sure you get a handle to the current figure first before doing so:
h = gcf;
saveas(h, "image.jpg");
Also... a more point-and-click approach would be to Go to File -> Save As in the figure that your image is displayed in :)
You can use print to save your plot to a file:
print (FILENAME, OPTIONS) // for the current figure
print (H, FILENAME, OPTIONS) // for the figure handle H
and also take a look to saveas
saveas (H, FILENAME)

Opencv - create png image

As part of my project I wanted to send stream of images using websockets from embedded machine to client application and display them in img tag to achieve streaming.
Firstly I tried to send raw RGB data (752*480*3 - something about 1MB) but in the end I got some problems with encoding image to png in javascript based on my RGB image so I wanted to try to encode my data to PNG firstly and then sent it using websockets.
The thing is, I am having some problems with encoding my data to PNG using OpenCV library that is already used in the project.
Firstly, some code:
websocketBrokerStructure.matrix = cvEncodeImage(0, websocketBrokerStructure.bgrImageToSend, 0);
websocketBrokerStructure.imageDataLeft = websocketBrokerStructure.matrix->rows * websocketBrokerStructure.matrix->cols * websocketBrokerStructure.matrix->step;
websocketBrokerStructure.imageDataSent = 0;
but I am getting strange error during execution of the second line:
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::logic_error'
what(): basic_string::_S_construct NULL not valid
and I am a bit confused why I am getting this error from my code.
Also I am wondering if I understand it right: after invoking cvEncodeImage (where bgrImage is IplImage* with 3 channels - BGR) I just need to iterate through data member of my CvMatto get all of the png encoded data?
The cvEncodeImage function takes as its first parameter the extension of the image you want to encode. You are passing 0, which is the same thing as NULL. That's why you are getting the message NULL not valid.
You should probably use this:
websocketBrokerStructure.matrix = cvEncodeImage(".png", websocketBrokerStructure.bgrImageToSend, 0);
You can check out the documentation of cvEncodeImage here.
You can check out some examples of cvEncodeImage, or its C++ brother imencode here: encode_decode_test.cpp. They also show some parameters you can pass to cvEncodeImage in case you want to adjust them.

Is there a way to force Magick++ to skip its cache when writing modified PixelPackets?

I have written a program that relies on Magick++ simply for importing and exporting of a wide variety of image formats. It uses Image.getPixels() to get a PixelPacket, does a lot of matrix transformations, then calls Image.syncPixels() before writing a new image. The general approach is the same as the example shown in Magick++'s documentation. More or less, the relevant code is:
Magick::Image image("image01.bmp");
Magick::PixelPacket *imagePixels = image.getPixels(0, 0, 10, 10);
// Matrix manipulation occurs here.
// All actual changes to the PixelPacket direct changes to pixels like so:
imagePixels[i].red = 4; // or any other integer
// finally, after matrix manipulation is done
When I run the above code, the new image file ("image01_transformed.bmp" in this example) ends up being the same as the original. However, if I write it to a different format, such as "image01_transformed.ppm", I get the correct result: a modified image. I assume this is due to a cached version of the format-encoded image, and that Magick++ is for some reason not aware that the image is actually changed and therefore the cache is out of date. I tested this idea by adding image.blur(1.0, 0.1); immediately before image.syncPixels();, and forcing this inconsequential change did indeed result in the correct result for same-format images.
Is there a way to force Magick++ to realize that the cache is out-of-date? Am I using getPixels() and syncPixels() incorrectly in the first place? Thanks!
