How to reset a user password for Icinga-web version 1.8.4 - icinga

I am running Icinga with Classic UI, but an year ago I added the Icinga-web as well.
I have tested a couple of things with it and left it behind.
Now I want to access it, but I don`t remember what were the credentials.
Is there a way to reset the password or to create a new username and password for it?
Thank you in advance.

Depends how you've installed Icinga Web 1.x in the first place. The sources contain a make parameter to safely reset the root user's password.
make icinga-reset-password
If you are using Debian packages, you can reconfigure the package:
dpkg-reconfigure icinga-web


authentication failures with external users

I am trying to have SCM Manager accept users from my organization so they can log in using their Windows username and password. I have installed the LDAP plugin, but it still doesn't recognize my own windows username and password from my organization
I don't really understand - I think I shouldn't even need LDAP and some kind of basic authentication should be able to figure out my username password on windows active directory etc type of thing...
Do I need the SSL to do this? It says various things about a binding problem.
I am using the custom LDAP profile. I put wsproxy in the proxy server area and enabled. I have no idea what that means but it was the same configuration that I saw in a previous installation of SCM-server that worked with organizational credentials on windows server.
This problem occurred after upgrading from version 1.6 to 2.9.
Though I was not the person who set it up on v1.6.
UPDATE: what's needed is not LDAP plugin, but rather understanding how to configure active directory for SCM - previously, in 1.X versions active directory plugin worked under the hood - now it needs to be configured and I have no idea how -- also the active directory plugin for 1.X is no longer available - if you could provide me with that code I might be able to see how it connects to AD and then go from there on version 2.X - any chance you can get me access to the code of
We have an issue for the LDAP plugin saying that the migration of the ldap password may fail (though I cannot reproduce this), so maybe this happened with your migration, too. Proxy settings should not play any part in this game, because as far as I know company ldaps aren't behind a proxy.
The configuration for 2.x should be the same as for 1.60. We haven't changed anything here. So first I would try to reenter the "Connection Password". If this still fails, please use the "Test connection" feature. Enter a valid authentication here. This tells you, on what level the connection fails and may show you an exception with further information.
Feel free to post your results here for further investigation.

Smartgit SHA fingerprint of the certificate does not match

I am trying to install SmartGit and trying to provide bitbucket as hosting provide. I provide correct credentials of my bitbucket account but I get following error:
======================================= SHA fingerprint of the certificate does not match.
Expected: [some string]
Actual: [some other string]
This may either mean that the server certificate has changed or that you are spoofed.
I think this is related to SSL certificate but do not know how to fix it. Any help will be highly appreciated.
From [1]: to fix SmartGit (and older) add following line to (in the SmartGit settings directory, see About dialog):
After restarting SmartGit, connection will work again.
Same problem here. Guess BitBucket changed their key since the latest version got released.
Solution (or rather, workaround)...:
Don't add BitBucket as a remote provider. Add your URL simply per each project.
Remote -> Add
You can find the URL for your projects on the web interface of BitBucket.
Right after you select a project of yours, a link is displayed on the right side of your screen. It starts with https ... That is what you need.
BitBucket just changed their certificates, as announced on their blog.
On March 7th at 22:00 UTC, we’ll be updating our SSL certificates to replace ones that will be expiring soon. It’s likely that you won’t notice any changes and won’t need to take any action.
You can work around it it using the per-project URLs as described in Shiki's answer.
Just add the following line to your ~/.smartgit/5/
Then re-try adding Bitbucket and it should work.
I had this same issue, but for github and adding the fingerprint to was not working.
What did work was updating to the latest build (last option in the Help menu).

how to install Joobsbox on wampserver

how to install Joobsbox on wamp server (Without db password....)
this field be empty received this message
"Joobsbox really needs a database. Please let it have one."
please help me
thank you
Read the documentation
Make sure you have the PDO extension enabled (it is by default on newer versions of WampServer)
Check the database credentials and other config values are correct in config/config.ini.php
Try creating the database first (phpMyAdmin is usually installed by default, alternatively I like to use MySQL Workbench

Grails/Spring Security: Unable to login with a newly created user

I have just started using grails and installed the spring-security and spring-security-ui plugins. I am following the tutorial given here. The application starts with one bootstrapped user me with ROLE_ADMIN permission.
With the UI override scripts I was able to get the register functionality up and running and it works all right. Now, I have installed the User Management scripts (grails s2ui-override user) to try adding, editing, removing users.
A new user gets created fine, I have checked this against the HSQLDB instance. However, if I now log-out from the application and try to login with the newly created user the application tells me that it is unable to find a user with the provided username and password.
I haven't modified the default logout handling so am using /j_spring_security_logout which as the documentation says invalidates the session.
Is this a know issue? If so how can I get around this or if not how can I debug this issue?
This issue is also persisting without the UI addition. Register as a new user. Once you finish e-mail verification you are auto-logged in to the site. Now logout and try to login in back again. It gives the same error.
The UI plugin comes with the RegisterController that still encodes the password. However, the newer domain classes that come with the core are also doing this and the recommended practice is that controllers shouldn't. I commented out a line that does the encoding and the login/logout works now at least for the basic scenario.
There is a warning on that tutorial
Earlier versions of the plugin didn't include password encryption logic in the domain class, but it makes the code a lot cleaner.
I am guessing security-ui plugin does not know about that change, and comparing unencrypted password with the encrypted one on the database.
l managed to fix my problem. The problem was double encryption. Under the spring security ui in the user controller on line 41 the password was being encrypted and then again by the domain class so on login it was comparing a double encrypted password and a single encrypted password. To solve the problem l just commented out line 41 in the user controller which was encrypting the password
EDIT: If you have trouble figuring out where one would go to edit the controller, you can find the source code of the downloaded plugins in your user home's
directory for editing (at least on Mac / Linux, dunno where you'd find it in windows).

gitorious install won't login

I have installed a copy of Gitorious on my own server. Everything so far seems to be okay except the fact I can't login. Any attempt to login(with correct credentials), from multiple browsers, just throws me back to the main page. Logging in with wrong password will just clear password box. What could be causing this?
I found the issue resolution here:
I had to change my host in config from localhost to my domain name.
