MVC5 Changes on Server not being reflected -

Whenever I update one of my views on the server, for example if I have the words "Hello World" printed out and then I go change it to "Hi World" it doesn't reflect.
The old text is still there. The weird part is even if I delete the whole view file the page still loads. I feel that something is being cached but I do not know what or where to look for it. On my local machine it all works, in develop and release mode, but on the server when I push the published version of the code, the changes don't take, any help as to why is most appreciated.
This is on a shared host server
If I take all the files and move them to a temp folder, load the site so it crashes, and then move the files back to original location then the changes kick in.
This is not a browser cache, I ensured by deleting any and all history and even loading it on a new browser.
The files are 100% updated because I updated them directly on the server to ensure its not something to do with publishing.

This is maybe because of this.


having external files in an electron application

I have an electron app, and when I make it, it packages and compiles everything.
Sounds like it works perfectly right?
Well, problem is I want one of the folders to not be compiled, but still be accessible by my static files, so the users can add or remove content from the folders.
I've tried making it in a seperate folder, but then it can't find the files even when it's placed in the correct relative path.
Overall, I want my app to exist next to a folder and my <script src="./folder/script.js"></script> to actually be able to access it.
I'm new to basically anything node or electron so i'm probably making some dumb mistake.
Thanks in advance.
Having your user touching files close to your Electron application may be fraught with danger. If they accidently overwrite an important file or accidently delete an important file then your application may stop working and require the user to perform a re-install.
Instead, have any default files the user may need to "touch" packaged up with your application and then upon your applications first run, copy these files (and any necessary folder structure) over to the users home, desktop, documents, downloads or even userData directory.
That way, your application will always know where to find them and the directory is a directory your user will already be comfortable adding files to and removing files from.
You can always let the use choose where these files are stored as a settings option which persists in an application setting file, using something similar to path.join(app.getPath('userData'), 'settings.json');
See Electron's app.getPath(name) for more information.

error 75 path/file access lotus notes while deleting files

I have a lotus notes agent which takes some files from the server and does some processing and then deletes those files.
For deleting we have used the Kill command. It was working fine, but now we are getting the error "path/file access". Could anyone please help me on this.
If the files are NSF files and your code is opening them as NotesDatabase objects via the server, the files on disk will not be closed even after you are done using them and the objects are gone. That's because the server maintains a cache of open NSF files. You cannot delete the files until they are out of the cache. (This may or may not be true if you specified "" instead of the server name when you opened the NotesDatabase object. I don't recall, but if the workaround had been as easy as just opening locally using "", I think we would have done that.)
To get around this in the past, what I have done is just leave the files on disk and write another agent that runs once per day to clean them up. It's ugly, but it was the only way to deal with the problem.

how to extract css and html from already opened page which has been changed and modifed locally

i am faced with a huge problem. I have been developing a website since many days now. I have a style1.css which i use through dream weaver. today morning i was starting work on a new page and i by mistake linked an old style1.css from another website folder into my current HTML/JSP page(that i started work on today) and i continued everything. It got saved and the latest style1.css got replaced by the older one and got updated. This is screwed up eveything, and i dont have a backup because i never made such a blunder ever and the file that i linked was from an older backup. I didnt know. Now i have an old Reg.html(the proper one) page open in my Opera browser. What i want to do is copy the css and HTML from the browser itself from memory. Because if i view source and click on my linked CSS file, it shows the current(wrong one) and also the HTML source maybe wrong. I have replaced about 3-4 days of work, i cannot afford to rework, so if there any way i can extract html and css from an opened page from memory. (what i am saying is that if i refresh, my work is gone, so i havent refreshed it and carefully trying to extract out.) I tried recuva file recovery software locally, in my css folder, but it doesnt work. in windows previuos versions also there is nothing. In dreamweaver is there any backup mechanism from which i can restore it? I think my only option is to extract from opera. Is there any software or mechanism i can use to do that? or do i have to work again. The latter means that i have to do all the work again on multiple pages. Please help me! :(

Cant update .html.erb file in a Ruby on Rail application

I'm totally new in RubyonRail field:
i tried to update the html in a view file .html.erb, but after uploading the file via ftp, the changes dont take place even if the file has changed.
It seems to be cached, is there something I miss?
you need to be sure and restart the application; how you do so depends on your hosting situation, but try touching /tmp/restart.txt. Passenger-based installs (most low-end hosting fits this description) will restart your app when the mod time on that file changes.

How can I make a server log file available via my ASP.NET MVC website?

I have an ASP.NET MVC website that works in tandem with a Windows Service that processes file uploads. For easy maintenance of the site, I'd like the log file for the Windows Service to be accessible (to me, only) via the website, so that I can hit http://myserver/logs/myservice to view the contents of the log file. How can I do that?
At a guess, I could either have the service write its log file in a "Logs" folder at the top level of the site, or I could leave it where it is and set up a virtual directory to point to it. Which of these is better - or is there another, better way?
Wherever the file is stored, I can see that there's going to be another problem. I tried out the first option (Logs folder in my website), but when I try to access the file via HTTP I get an error:
The process cannot access the file 'foo' because it is being used by another process.
Now, I know from experience that my service keeps the file locked for writing while it's running, but that I can still open the file in Notepad to view the current contents. (I'm surprised that IIS insists on write access, if that's what's happening).
How can I get around that? Do I really have to write a handler to read the file and serve it to the browser myself? Or can I fix this with configuration or somesuch?
PS. I'm using IIS7 if that helps.
Unfortunately I'm afraid you'll have to write a handler that will open the file, and return it to the client.
I've written an IIS Manager extension that displays server log files, and what I've noticed that even the simple
can still run in the same problem, and return the same error.. It was kind of confusing.
In the end I used
System.IO.File.Open("", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite)
and I could easily open the file while the server was writing logs to it :)
I think the virtual directory is an "okay" solution, if you add the directory (application) with READ ONLY rights + perhaps "BROWSE directory" too (so you can see the folder contents rendered by the IIS).
(But once you do that, you should consider that you also anonymous access to that folder - unless you enable authentication, so watch out for "secret" contents of the logfiles that you might expose? just a thought.)
Another approach, I prefer myself, is to make a MVC/ASP.NET page that does the lookup in the folder by normal code, so that you 100% can filter whatever data is shown in the HTML.
You can open the files as TextStream's and in Read Only mode.
If it's a problem to gain access to the logfolder, I would use the virtual directory with READ ONLY access and then program something that renders the logfiles as HTML on my screen and with my detail levels. Perhaps even add some sort of "login" first. But it all depends on your security levels and contents of logfiles.
is this meaningfull to you? if not, please explain more, as I've been through this thought a few times already for similar situations.
