Create an Apple Homekit accessory with NodeMCU (ESP8266) - esp8266

My goal is to create a simple LED controlled by my iPhone through Homekit.
I'd like to do it using only a NodeMCU (ESP8266).
I found lots of solutions using a NodeJS library (HAP-NodeJS), which works well on my PC, but obviously can't run on a NodeMCU board.
As I understand, all these solutions require a RaspberryPI (or similar board running Linux) that talks with the NodeMCU board. But I don't like this solution.
Is there a way to achieve this goal only with a NodeMCU board?
Update 1 (25/01/2017)
Ok, I'm reading lots of blogs and watching some videos, and I'm understanding more about this topic.
I found NodeMCU Flasher to install the firmware on the board, and I found the firmware I'd like to use (I think I could be more comfortable with Lua).
First problem... I'm using a Mac, and NodeMCU Flasher is for Windows... Is there an alternative?
I downloaded also ESPlorer. Does it provide the same functionality as NodeMCU Flasher?

Please check this.
Public Apple's HomeKit protocol code has been around for some time for more potent processors (notably HAP-NodeJS). This is a rewrite for the ESP8266 to make the server foundation. This project uses ESP8266_RTOS_SDK and WolfCrypt 3.9.8 for the crypto. It will however NOT deliver a certified HomeKit device.


Sony Spresense Arduino audio recording with digital microphones

The examples and documentation for the Spresense have a lot of very clear information, yet I think there's something missing for using digital mics with the Arduino IDE. Modifications to the extension board for using digital mics are very clearly documented with nice pictures. The Arduino example projects are great, showing you to record, encode, etc. And I've also understood you must tell the recorder to use the digital microphones with the following:
There are also nice details in the audio documentation explaining that CXD56_AUDIO_MIC_CHANNEL_SEL must be changed from the default value of 0xFFFF4321, which is for analog microphones, to values for digital microphones. I've been able to follow the instructions for rebuilding the Nuttx kernel and spresense SDK with a new value of 0xCBA98765 which should enable eight digital mics. The last piece that is not clear is what nuttx/sdk binary files now need to be copied over to the Arduino environment. I have a Windows PC for use with the Arduino IDE and I have a Linux PC for building Nuttx and those examples. Can you please list which files on the Linux machine that I need to copy over to the Windows PC for the Arduino IDE to use the SDK that enables the digital mics? Sorry if this is documented somewhere and I overlooked it!
The instructions provided by Sony to record using the digital mic work fine! It was a hardware problem with my microphones. I was able to use the nuttx example named audio_recorder. I haven't tried with Arduino and the process of copying files from a nuttx build to the arduino build folders is still not very clear, but that's a separate issue.

Is it possible to update NodeMCU Lua files OTA?

I would love to be able to update my NodeMCU ESP8266-01 OTA, since they're located in awkward spots. I'm by no means an expert regarding the ESP or NodeMCU, but I haven't been able to find anything recent about OTA updates. I found some discussions about it going back to 2015, but it never seems to have been implemented.
I use my ESP with NodeMCU to control a PWM dimmer. I upload a precompiled version of NodeMCU with the NodeMCU Firmware FLasher, and then use ESPlorer to upload a custom lua file called 'init.lua'. I'm not even sure if this is the proper way to do stuff, but it works.
So the main question: Has OTA updating been implemented, or is it possible in some way?
Just to clarify, I don't think I want to update the firmware. As I understand it, firmware is what you build yourself, or on a website like I want to update the lua files that run on the ESP, that you normally upload through a program like ESPlorer.
I found some discussions about it going back to 2015, but it never seems to have been implemented.
Indeed, firmware OTA is not available yet. However, as you probably know, the need for firmware OTA is much lower with the NodeMCU firmware than e.g. with the Arduino platform. I'd argue that you're much less likely in need to replace/upgrade/extend the firmware with its built-in modules than the application code that runs on top of it.
Fortunately, it's quite simple to replace one or several Lua scripts (compiled or uncompiled) on the device and reboot it. All the web and cloud IDEs listed at offer this. There's even a pending PR that'll bring FTP support to NodeMCU.
For a complete Lua provisioning system take a look at what #TerryE provided at
I've attempted to use the two Web IDEs listed in the link provided in Marcel Stör's answer, but I honestly failed to understand how to use either IDE. they also seemed like they weren't exactly what I was looking for, and required a server to connect to, or an extra program, which I wanted to avoid.
Edit: Apparently, I did end up using one of the two Web IDEs in the list. Since it's been a while since I did all this, it's a bit fuzzy in my head.
I eventually stumbled upon this GitHub page, which seemed to provide exactly what I was looking for: The ability to access the Lua files on the ESP through a webbrowser. I have personally changed the ide.lua file around completely, since I needed to call functions from it in the init.lua script. However, I think you can just upload the ide.lua script to the ESP, and add a line containing dofile("ide.lua") to your init.lua file.
If anyone is interested in my changes to, or my implementation of the ide.lua script, you can take a look at my repo Timmiej93 / QuinLED / Program code.
In fact there's a class for that to implement OTA i the NodeMCU its called the ESPhttpUpdate you can refer to ESPhttpUpdate for further details.

How do I code in Objective C on windows?

I want to create apps for iOS. I make games in C++ and SFML, so I decided to use Objective C after further research. I can't find any windows IDE's, so I came here. What am I supposed to code in?
You can install macOS on a virtual machine like virtual box or VMware.
Here is a tutorial to install the virtual machine: tutorial
Yeah unfortunately the only way to create iOS apps is through MacOS. You'll have to get your hands on a Mac.
I hav tried to work with a virtual machine on linux and it was not easy to set-up. Ultimately, an iSO development project can take hundreds of hours of coding time, and you will rely a lot on the stability of your system. So why starting from an inperfect arragment?
The cheap way to start is to buy an Apple mini. It's cheap and it will get you started. You can move to faster Mac later on when you are sure you are committed to finish the project.
What am I supposed to code in?
The short answer is "Mac OS." Some people build a "hackintosh" (A PC running Mac OS) and build their iOS apps on that, but that is a violation of Apple's copyrights and developer agreements.
You can also run Mac OS as a virtual OS, but with the same legal issues.
You can try Xamarin. Now belongs to Microsoft and I believe it’s part of Visual Studio. It should be able to export projects for both iOS and Android. But I haven’t used it myself, so I can’t confirm for sure.

Is PlayN on iOS possible without licensing MonoTouch?

Following the instructions on the PlayN wiki I was able to get the "hello" PlayN sample running on the iOS simulator. However, when using MonoStudio, I was told that I need to upgrade to an Indie license or higher to compile the code. (Apparently I was using 33+ features which required it.) When I activated a trial edition, the sample compiled and ran fine on the simulator.
The PlayN wiki seems to indicate the you'd only need a license if you plan on testing on a real device. Is it wrong or am I missing something?
Also, I thought the idea behind PlayN was to build a free, open source game engine on top of free, open-source technology. Mono is both, but MonoTouch is neither. Is there another option or am I stuck with shelling out $1000/year to use iOS (which so far seems far from fully implemented on the PlayN side of things)?
Right now, there isn't. Sorry its disappointing, but its the nature of iOS. Its a very non-free platform.
Perhaps you can try your hands at writing a cross compiler, and release it under an opensource license? You can try basing it on

porting wireshark to qnx based system

I am a newbie to industry and as a part of my internship I have been assigned the above project.I have no experience in how to go about porting a particular application to a different OS.
So far,i have tried to understand the basic structure of a component(thats what an application is called IOS-XR) but as far as I can understand,porting wireshark will also require porting the libpcap lib to XR.
Can someone please shed some light as to how should i go about approaching it?
I know nothing about QNX;
However, I will note that Wireshark has a lot of dependencies on various libraries:
Some examples;
Are these libraries available on QNX ?
With respect to libpcap:
libpcap is needed for capturing files. If not available, it certainly would need to be ported. I could imagine that this might be a large effort given that presumably the code is presumably quite dependent upon the exact OS capabilities to get access to the network level data.
For information about developing Wireshark (on Windows and *nix) see the
Wireshark Developer's Guide.
