Publish jenkins build results on website - jenkins

I need to get the results of my jenkins builds on my website. I already set up jenkins that when someone pushes on my repository the project will be build. Now I need the information if the build failed on my homepage, to enable/disable the download button. Theres the next question is it possible to get the latest build through jenkins?
I already found HTML Publisher Plugin but I dont think that this would solve my problem?
Best regards

The way this is traditionally done is with a build passing or failing icon, that lets users know that a build failed


how to get jenkins build urls related to a jira fix version?

I need some help to ingrate Jenkins with jira my user case is this one : i would like to feed urls of builds related to a Jira fix version. This is important for us ( audit & compliance purposes )
How can i do that ?
Think you in advance.
This is how we handled it:
Add a custom text field to every jira issue type. it can be 'build number' or 'build url' or whatever information you need to display regarding the jenkins build
Create a python script that receives as parameters a list of jira issues and a build number.
Using the JIRA python module (pip install jira), the script creates a connection to jira, goes over the list of issues and updates the custom field above to the given build number.
if the list of issues is not known in advance, then instead of parameter you can provide (or hard-code) a JQL query which the script can use to obtain the list of issues.
Depending on your needs, you may want to skip updating issues who already has a build
number set (either manually or by a previous build)
(Sorry, i can't share exact code but it shouldn't be complicated.)
In your Jenkins build, add a 'batch command' item which runs that python script with the appropriate parameters.

VSTS, create build definition gets AllowScriptsAuthAccess error

long time listener, first time caller!
I've spent two days searching for an answer to this so hopefully someone here may be able to help.
I've set up a personal/free VSTS instance and created a project.
One of the first tasks I want to do is setup the build pipeline, so create a new pipeline, define the agent pool as VS2017, connect to my Github repo etc, all of which is fine.
Next I try to add an Agent Job, again choosing VS2017 as the agent. With no other options chosen, if I try to save the build definition I get the following error message (and cannot save it);
The AllowScriptsAuthAccess build option is not supported in API versions greater than 4.0.
Allow scripts to access the OAuth token is unchecked on the Agent job configuration under phases and on the Build/Options tab (slider set to disabled)
I've googled and searched for all sorts of stuff to try and find someone with the same problem but it's almost like I'm the first to discover this - which is highly unlikely!! It has almost driven me to using Bing to search for a solution, but let's not get carried away.
Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
So it turns out that turning off the "New YAML pipeline creation experience" and "New Navigation" under preview features fixes the problem, insofar as I can now create and save a build pipeline without the error.
Also, if you have "Build YAML Pipelines" enabled under preview features for the Organisation, you get the "View YAML" link that I was missing also.
Thanks all for your help. I'd be interested to know the root cause of this still. I'll update the Microsoft support ticket with the same and post back here if they have any insights.
There's an similar issue here:
Seems the build template was broken. So, you can try with other build templates or starting over with an empty template, then add the needed tasks manually to check if that works.
Besides, you can try below things:
Clean the caches on your client machine, also clean the browser
caches, then check it again. See How to clear the TFS cache on
client machines.
Create a new team project and create a new build pipeline within the
new team project to check if that works
I am assuming this is a bug in the VSTS system and it will likely be fixed soon. But for the time being, I found a workaround:
I was also getting the AllowScriptsAuthAccess error and struggled with it for hours. I don't think any of the configuration settings you mentioned have anything to do with it (free account, GitHub, OAuth token unchecked).
To solve it, I converted the Agent Job to YAML (which is as easy as clicking "View YAML" in the upper right). Save the code to a file named .vsts-ci.yml, and save this in the root folder of your solution. Commit/push the new file, then queue the build. (Note that the conversion to YAML is one-way, so you may want to Clone your build.)
That should get rid of the AllowScriptsAuthAccess error. After that I had to add a few variables, but then it's just a matter of following the error messages.
I hope this helps. Sorry I can't answer this more authoritatively. Please post a comment if I am missing any steps.
I had this issue and it turned out that I didn't have Build Admin permissions in VSTS for the project. Not a very helpful error message for this.

Using Jira to trigger a Jenkins build

I have a strange use case here I know, but basically I have a CI / CD solution that starts be a developer creating a zip file of a set of resources. This zip is then sucked in to SVN via the tools internal programs.
Currently the solution works, using the FSTRigger to poll for an updated zip. When it see it, then the process kicks off and we're happy.
going forward I'd like the builds to be triggered by a Jira job reaching a certain status and have been looking at the Jira trigger plugin. It looks like it will help satisfy me with regards the triggering of the build and passing data from Jira to Jenkins to use for delivery notes etc. However it would still depend on the zip file being in a certain location to be picked up.
I'm wondering if it's possible to attach the zip to the Jira task and then as part of the task status hitting 'build' kick off the Jenkins job and copy the zip so it can be picked up by by the Jenkins build task.
for reasons to complex to mention, checking the zip into svn first won't really work.
When your Jenkins build is triggered via jira-trigger-plugin, you would be able to access JIRA_ISSUE_KEY environment variable that contains the JIRA issue which status has changed.
With the JIRA issue key, you can hit Get Issue JIRA REST API to retrieve the issue details. The issue details would contain the attachment information, which would then be able to be used for downloading the zip in Jenkins.

Way to make Jenkins ignore failure of post build step

I have a nice plugin called Zulip notification in Jenkins, this plugin posts the results to Zulip so people there can see whats happening. Our Zulip server is a bit unstable and goes offline every now and again, and then all the nightly builds fail.
Is there a way to configure a post build step as "best effort"? To try to run the step, but ignore failure. It's obviously nonessential in the "compile the code" view of the world.
I have looked at the "Flexible Build Step" plugin, and it seems to be able to run other plugins fine, but i dont see any "ignore error" kind of option..
Current thinking re a solution: Perhaps there is a way to get the flexible build step plugin to check if the url is online?
Ok my workaround is to use the "flexible build step" and run a batch file (thanks to this answer) to determine if url is up:

Jenkins Display version number in the build history coloumn

I have a job that builds and tests a software, What I want to do is, after I build the solution I want to display the version on the build history column. I have seen this done but I dont know how.
Really appreciate your help
You can use the Description Setter plugin if the version number is somewhere in your build log.
