cannot convert 'int' to 'node *' - postfix-notation

i am reading a c++ source code,
converting infix to postfix
i am using turbo c++
#include <stdio.h>
typedef struct node
float data;
struct node *next;
} stack;
void StackInitiate(stack **head)
if(*head=(stack *)malloc(sizeof(stack))==NULL)
// I'm getting .. cannot convert 'int' to 'node *' ...
can anybody tell me why so . and how to solve it regards.
full source code here

Because of operator precedence the expression
*head=(stack *)malloc(sizeof(stack))==NULL
is actually equivalent to
*head=((stack *)malloc(sizeof(stack))==NULL)
That is, you assign the value of the comparison to *head.
You need to put in your own parentheses to make it correct:
(*head=(stack *)malloc(sizeof(stack)))==NULL
Or better yet use the new operator which is what you rreally should use to allocate object dynamically in C++:
(*head=new stack)==NULL

Because of operator precedence rules, the following:
if(*head=(stack *)malloc(sizeof(stack))==NULL)
is parsed as
if(*head=((stack *)malloc(sizeof(stack))==NULL))
which is assigning the result of the == NULL comparison to *head.
To compare the new value of *head to null instead, use parentheses to change the precedence:
if((*head=(stack *)malloc(sizeof(stack)))==NULL)
Or even better, separate the assignment from the if condition:
*head = (stack *) malloc(sizeof(stack));
if(*head == NULL)
This convention is more readable and would also avoid similar bugs happening in the future.


What is the most up to date IsDefined operator in Rascal?

According to Rascal's documentation, the "?" operator can be used to query if a variable is "defined".
For example:
int u=1;
int v; // Defined but uninitialised
u = v?2;
v is uninitialised and therefore u will get the value 2.
However, doing this flags a "Warning: deprecated feature: run-time check on variable initialisation"
Hence the question, what is the non-deprecated way to do what the ? operator did in Rascal?
You can check with the IsDefined operator only things that can in principle be "undefined". Variables are not in that class; they were accidentally and now we are deprecating that behavior. In principle, there exists no null or undefined value in Rascal.
Having said that there are situations with maps and keyword fields of nodes and algebraic constructors where it is possible that a declared name does not exist at runtime. So:
myMap[myKey]?def; // a map does not have to have the key
myCons.myKeywordField?def ; // a keyword field does not have to be set
The isDefined operator is part of the assignment syntax on the left-hand side, as explained here:
Also, the same syntax can be used as an expression:
Again, checking variables for undefinedness does not make sense since variables are always defined in Rascal. It is a static error otherwise. Defined but uninitialized variables are for making matching patterns look more elegant:
int i; int j; // here they are declared with a type
// here they are not defined and may not be used
if (<i, j> := <1,2>) { // here they are bound/defined
// here they can be used
// here i and j are not defined again and may not be used

Why dart type casting affects the original casted variable

I am learning dart programming language version 2.14.3 and came across an odd issue that I am unable to understand.
The following code doesn't compile obviously because isEven is only defined in int class.
void main() {
const num someNumber = 3;
However, casting someNumber to int and assigning the value to a different variable, solved the problem and the code compiles with print(someNumber.isEven); not changed. The following code compiles.
void main() {
const num someNumber = 3;
final someInt = someNumber as int;
Is this a bug in dart or a language feature that I am not aware of?
When you do:
final someInt = someNumber as int;
If the cast fails, an uncaught TypeError will be thrown and exit your function. Therefore, the compiler can logically deduce that, if print(someNumber.isEven) is reached, someNumber must be an int. Therefore, on lines that follow the cast, the original object is promoted to the casted type. (Note that only local variables can be promoted.) Put another way, the cast acts as a type assertion; you don't need the someInt variable:
someNumber as int;
This is the same principle by which ! (which is basically a non-null cast operator) can promote a local nullable variable to be non-nullable and avoid the need to pepper ! for subsequent accesses to the same variable.

Clang: How to get the macro name used for size of a constant size array declaration

How to get the macro name used for size of a constant size array declaration, from a callExpr -> arg_0 -> DeclRefExpr.
Detailed Problem statement:
Recently I started working on a challenge which requires source to source transformation tool for modifying
specific function calls with an additional argument. Reasearching about the ways i can acheive introduced me
to this amazing toolset Clang. I've been learning how to use different tools provided in libtooling to
acheive my goal. But now i'm stuck at a problem, seek your help here.
Considere the below program (dummy of my sources), my goal is to rewrite all calls to strcpy
function with a safe version of strcpy_s and add an additional parameter in the new function call
i.e - destination pointer maximum size. so, for the below program my refactored call would be like
strcpy_s(inStr, STR_MAX, argv[1]);
I wrote a RecursiveVisitor class and inspecting all function calls in VisitCallExpr method, to get max size
of the dest arg i'm getting VarDecl of the first agrument and trying to get the size (ConstArrayType). Since
the source file is already preprocessed i'm seeing 2049 as the size, but what i need is the macro STR_MAX in
this case. how can i get that?
(Creating replacements with this info and using RefactoringTool replacing them afterwards)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define STR_MAX 2049
int main(int argc, char **argv){
char inStr[STR_MAX];
//Clang tool required to transaform the below call into strncpy_s(inStr, STR_MAX, argv[1], strlen(argv[1]));
strcpy(inStr, argv[1]);
} else {
printf("\n not enough args");
return -1;
printf("got [%s]", inStr);
return 0;
As you noticed correctly, the source code is already preprocessed and it has all the macros expanded. Thus, the AST will simply have an integer expression as the size of array.
A little bit of information on source locations
NOTE: you can skip it and proceed straight to the solution below
The information about expanded macros is contained in source locations of AST nodes and usually can be retrieved using Lexer (Clang's lexer and preprocessor are very tightly connected and can be even considered one entity). It's a bare minimum and not very obvious to work with, but it is what it is.
As you are looking for a way to get the original macro name for a replacement, you only need to get the spelling (i.e. the way it was written in the original source code) and you don't need to carry much about macro definitions, function-style macros and their arguments, etc.
Clang has two types of different locations: SourceLocation and CharSourceLocation. The first one can be found pretty much everywhere through the AST. It refers to a position in terms of tokens. This explains why begin and end positions can be somewhat counterintuitive:
// clang::DeclRefExpr
// ┌─ begin location
// └─ end location
// clang::BinaryOperator
// ┌─ begin location
int Result = LHS + RHS;
// └─ end location
As you can see, this type of source location points to the beginning of the corresponding token. CharSourceLocation on the other hand, points directly to the characters.
So, in order to get the original text of the expression, we need to convert SourceLocation's to CharSourceLocation's and get the corresponding text from the source.
The solution
I've modified your example to show other cases of macro expansions as well:
#define STR_MAX 2049
#define BAR(X) X
int main() {
char inStrDef[STR_MAX];
char inStrFunc[BAR(2049)];
char inStrFuncNested[BAR(BAR(STR_MAX))];
The following code:
// clang::VarDecl *VD;
// clang::ASTContext *Context;
auto &SM = Context->getSourceManager();
auto &LO = Context->getLangOpts();
auto DeclarationType = VD->getTypeSourceInfo()->getTypeLoc();
if (auto ArrayType = DeclarationType.getAs<ConstantArrayTypeLoc>()) {
auto *Size = ArrayType.getSizeExpr();
auto CharRange = Lexer::getAsCharRange(Size->getSourceRange(), SM, LO);
// Lexer gets text for [start, end) and we want him to grab the end as well
auto StringRep = Lexer::getSourceText(CharRange, SM, LO);
llvm::errs() << StringRep << "\n";
produces this output for the snippet:
I hope this information is helpful. Happy hacking with Clang!

Use Z3::expr as a map value

I got difficulties in using Z3::expr as a map value type. The compiler complains no default constructor can be used. A toy example looks like the following.
#include <z3++.h>
#include <map>
//#include <vector>
using namespace std;
using namespace z3;
int main() {
map <int, expr> m;
context c;
m[1] = c.bool_const("x");
return 0;
The Compiler(Clang++) complains
no matching constructor for initialization of 'mapped_type' (aka 'z3::expr')
__i = insert(__i, value_type(__k, mapped_type()));
in instantiation of member function 'std::map<int, z3::expr, std::less<int>,
std::allocator<std::pair<const int, z3::expr> > >::operator[]' requested here
m[1] = c.bool_const("x");
/usr/include/z3++.h:562:9: note: candidate constructor not viable: requires single argument 'c', but no arguments were provided
expr(context & c):ast(c) {}
/usr/include/z3++.h:564:9: note: candidate constructor not viable: requires single argument 'n', but no arguments were provided
expr(expr const & n):ast(n) {}
/usr/include/z3++.h:563:9: note: candidate constructor not viable: requires 2 arguments, but 0 were provided
expr(context & c, Z3_ast n):ast(c, reinterpret_cast<Z3_ast>(n)) {}
Using a vector to wrap the expr or find method in map as alternatives seems to be fine. Is there any way to use expr as a map value type + [] operator directly?
This is a general issue with map: [] requires an empty constructor for the instance type, see this and this.
(Ugly) Tweak.
You might want to derive a sub-class of map, add a local reference to a z3 context and provide this parameter either through the constructor of map_subclass or a method. Then, you should override [] so that it uses this reference to create a new expr instance with the constructor expr(context &c), instead of attempting to use expr().
My knowledge of z3's internals is limited, but as far as I know this should not break anything.
The idea is bad, since z3 is greedy and assumes it has ownership of all expressions/objects.
Unfortunately you need to use z3::expr_vector and store the offset positions.
You also have an out of bounds error, because you did not use the correct API for insertion into map/z3::vector (insert()/push_back()).

How does Objective-C initialize C struct as property?

Consider below struct:
typedef struct _Index {
NSInteger category;
NSInteger item;
} Index;
If I use this struct as a property:
#property (nonatomic, assign) Index aIndex;
When I access it without any initialization right after a view controller alloc init, LLDB print it as:
(lldb) po vc.aIndex
(category = 0, item = 0)
(lldb) po &_aIndex
I am a little confused, the struct already has valid memory address, even before I want to allocate one. Does Objective-C initialize struct automatically? If it is a NSObject, I have to do alloc init to get a valid object, but for C struct, I get a valid struct even before I tried to initialize it.
Could somebody explains, and is it ok like this, not manually initializing it?
To answer the subquestion, why you cannot assign to a structure component returned from a getter:
(As a motivation this is, because I have read this Q several times.)
A. This has nothing to do with Cbjective-C. It is a behavior stated in the C standard. You can check it for simple C code:
NSMakeSize( 1.0, 2.0 ).width = 3.0; // Error
B. No, it is not an improvement of the compiler. If it would be so, a warning would be the result, not an error. A compiler developer does not have the liberty to decide what an error is. (There are some cases, in which they have the liberty, but this are explicitly mentioned.)
C. The reason for this error is quite easy:
An assignment to the expression
NSMakeSize( 1.0, 2.0 ).width
would be legal, if that expression is a l-value. A . operator's result is an l-value, if the structure is an l-value:
A postfix expression followed by the . operator and an identifier designates a member of a structure or union object. The value is that of the named member,82) and is an lvalue if the first expression is an lvalue.
ISO/IEC 9899:TC3,
Therefore it would be assignable, if the expression
NSMakeSize( 1.0, 2.0 )
is an l-value. It is not. The reason is a little bit more complex. To understand that you have to know the links between ., -> and &:
In contrast to ., -> always is an l-value.
A postfix expression followed by the -> operator and an identifier designates a member of a structure or union object. The value is that of the named member of the object to which the first expression points, and is an lvalue. 83)
Therefore - that is what footnote 83 explains – ->, &, and . has a link:
If you can calculate the address of a structure S having a component C with the & operator, the expression (&S)->C is equivalent to S.C. This requires that you can calculate the address of S. But you can never do that with a return value, even it is a simple integer …
int f(void)
return 1;
f()=5; // Error
… or a pointer …
int *f(void)
return NULL;
f()=NULL; // Error
You always get the same error: It is not assignable. Because it is a r-value. This is obvious, because it is not clear,
a) whether the way the compiler returns a value, esp. whether he does it in address space.
b) when the time the life time of the returned value is over
Going back to the structure that means that the return value is a r-value. Therefore the result of the . operator on that is a r-value. You are not allowed to assign a value to a r-value.
D. The solution
There is a solution to assign to a "returned structure". One might decide, whether it is good or not. Since -> always is an l-value, you can return a pointer to the structure. Dereferencing this pointer with the -> operator has always an l-value as result, so you can assign a value to it:
// obj.aIndex returns a pointer
obj.aIndex->category = 1;
You do not need #public for that. (What really is a bad idea.)
The semantics of the property are to copy the struct, so it doesn't need to be allocated and initialized like an Objective-C object would. It's given its own space like a primitive type is.
You will need to be careful updating it, as this won't work:
obj.aIndex.category = 1;
Instead you will need to do this:
Index index = obj.aIndex;
index.category = 1;
obj.aIndex = index;
This is because the property getter will return a copy of the struct and not a reference to it (the first snippet is like the second snippet, without the last line that assigns the copy back to the object).
So you might be better off making it a first class object, depending on how it will be used.
