UINavigationItem: detect touch - ios

Is it possible to detect a touch in a UINavigationItem?
I would like to create a little animation on an UINavigationItem when the user taps on it.
In other words:
my titles contain way too much text, hence I had to truncate them
I want the user to be able to read the full title text when he/she presses the navigation item
To do so I need to:
Detect the touch
Animate the String / text (I could have a timer to animate this, however I am wondering if there is already a built in function in iOS - do you know of any?)

UINavigationItem inherits directly from NSObject as johnryu stated in the comments, but instead of showing a title in your navigation bar you can do something more complex by adding a UIView in place of the title.
This view can be composed of a UILabel that will show the actual title and a transparent button.
The transparent button can have an action that triggers a popup with a full text for a "touch down" event or "touch up inside".
Or you can add to that view a simple tap gesture recognizer.

Try assigning a custom titleView to UINavigationItem. Make it a UIView with a label inside which you will have your text. In default state, the label would have same size as its superview. Make sure that the UIView has clipsToBounds set to YES/true.
Attach a UITapGestureRecognizer to either the label or the view to switch to "animating" state and back.
When entering animating state, make the label wide enough to have enough space for the entire string and animate its movement within the container, you can use NSString's boundingRectWithSize:options:attributes:context: to calculate the proper width.
Then just add an animation where label moves to the left until its right end is visible, probably best if it's repeating.


UIButton not receiving IBAction

I have what should be a very simple thing to do. I'm working on someone else's code, and I want to enlarge a UIButton because it's too small for users. I made it bigger in the storyboard, but when I run the app, the associated IBAction only gets hit when touching where the original rectangle was before I changed it. The button is still visibly larger, but only a portion of it receives touch events. Does anyone know what else might be at play here?
Note: there are no views on top of the new area that the button occupies, so I don't think the touches get picked up by a view on top.
Something to check is whether the UIButton has an ancestor view (i.e. a view in its superview chain) that is the smaller size. Hit-tests only pass down the view hierarchy if the touch is contained within the view so a smaller superview will stop the touches outside its bounds, even if the touch is inside the button.
Is the IBAction hooked up to "touch up inside" in Interface Builder/Storyboard? I've made mistakes where I hook it up with a different kind of event, which exhibits behaviours like you're experiencing.
Found the issue. There was a view being programmatically added on top of the button. It's origin.x was being hardcoded to where the buttons width use to end.

How to make a popup window with an image SWIFT

I was wondering how to make a popup window similar to this example:
The origin window is full of buttons that when is selected will then pull up the image I desire to use.
I would simply create a reusable UIView component and everything you need as a subview, such as a UIImageView for your image, a UILabel or a UIButton in the top right. Here is the process to show it:
Create a UIView that takes up the full screen, make it black, and maybe 0.5 alpha.
Create another UIView which is your primary pop-up view, make it slightly smaller than the previous view, but make sure both of these views are subviews of the parent subview.
Add the desired elements on to the pop-up view as subviews, I would even suggest creating a UIView subclass if you plan to use this a lot.
To present the pop-up, make sure both views are set to hidden = true when created and so that when a button is selected, you can set them to hidden = false
If you would like them to be animated, simply start them off with alpha = 0.0 and use something like UIView's animateWithDuration and set the pop-up view to alpha = 1.0
There is a lot of little details you can change to cater to your needs, but this is the basic structure on how to accomplish your goal.
Check out UIView animation methods here.

iOS: Combine two UIButtons to one UIButton

On the storyboard I have two UIButtons. In my UIViewController subclass I have one IBAction method for this buttons. One of this buttons has an image and hasn't got a title, another has the title but hasn't got the image. So, it's simply image that behaves as a button and ordinary button.
Both of this buttons call a method. The problem is that if I push one button, another doesn't highlight. Another problem that this buttons have padding and for me will be better if this padding will be touchable (I mean space between image button and title button to be clickable).
I know that I can subclass UIButton and make my buttons as I want, but maybe there is a way to make what I want without subclassing?
Assign both buttons to properties.
When an IBAction fires, you can set one or both buttons to highlighted via those controls' "highlighted" properties, or via setHighlighted:.
As for making space between the buttons touchable, set the alignment for the button graphic to left aligned or right aligned (the latter is what I've done in my example below) and these two separate buttons have edges that are touching.
3) Or...
You can cheat and have simply one button and put some space between your image and your button text, like this:
Yes, that's a whole bunch of spaces (which I've highlighted in green) before the word "Button".
Subclassing is a good thing. If you need a button with both an image and a title, then by all means create a subclass of UIButton that does what you want. You do that once, and then use it anywhere that you want. The alternative is to muck around with stacked duplicate buttons everywhere you want this look.
I found the most suitable variant for me and I think for all, who encountered the same problem. If you have one UIButton for image and another UIButton for text(title label), you can combine this two UIButtons to one Custom type UIButton. Then you can set image and title label text to this custom button. After that, use Insets to layout your image and title label.
For example, to set title label under image you must set Inset Left parameter as negative value and Inset Left parameter as positive value that is greater than image height. With Insets you can set proper image size too.
Using this way you don't need to handle highlight property changing by yourself.

Making an element an element display on top of the UIView border

I am trying to place a UIButton inbetween my popup view and the parent view.
I cant successfully do that by doing that [self.view addSubview:new];. My problem there is the border UIView can be seen across the UIButton .
I've tried [self.view.superview addSubview:new]; thinking that that would make it go away but it doesnt it still shows there.
I need to find a way to successfully place that button on top of everything (UIView border in this case).
I know I could do that if I insert the button from the parentView, but I want to handle all my subViews buttons within each subView, otherwise it everything will become messy very quickly.
Is there a way to do what I am trying to achieve?
According to Apple's CALayer documentation, borders always appear above subviews because they're drawn on another layer. The best solution is to create a background view to fake the border.
So instead, your popup view would have an orange background. It'd have another, slightly smaller subview directly over it with a white background, and then your button.
See this post for the implementation.

Custom UIbutton down part does not recognize touchup inside

I created a custom UIbutton and placed it onto a view which shows certain information about a package.I want the whole area to be touchable as button that was my starting point.THe problem is that only the upper half of the custom button is touchable and the down part is ignored.I set the background color to a solid one and the frame seems to be ok.
UPDATE: If i add the same custom button to superview it seems to be ok but the coordinates are not right in this case.I need to convert the coordinates of the subview to super view.
After struggling so many hours i figured out that my outer frame was smaller than it was supposed to be.
