Objective c and Swift using in Framework in Xcode - ios

I've my own old framework which is only compatible in objective c, but Now I open in new xcode and added few swift classes (Xcode not gave me option to create bridging as this do in normal App when you add swift class in objective c project), Also Xcode gave me suggestion to update build setting and I updated those and currently I'm on Xcode 8.2.1. Now I try to build but I am getting few error as you can see in picture . I googled and found solution to delete derive data and quite xcode and open and clean. I done Everything but didn't workout.
Is bridging can be possible in framwork.
If not possible then how can I achieve.
Need help and suggestion.

When you are mixing Swift/Objc inside a framework, you can import Swift code for Objective-C use and import Objective-C from Swift.
First, ensure that Define Settings is set for the current framework target.
To import Swift into Objective-C:
In each Objective-C file that requires the Swift code, import the generated Swift header with the complete current Framework Path : #import <Framework/Framework-Swift.h>
To import Objective-C into Swift:
Ensure you have an umbrella header. The path can be found inside the Build Settings of the target. In this header, import all the needed Objective-C headers like normally in Objective-C: #import "Header"
Source: https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/Swift/Conceptual/BuildingCocoaApps/MixandMatch.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40014216-CH10-ID122


How to use Swift framework in Objective-c app

I would like to use a Swift library in my Objective-C IOS app. I have the Swift library setup as a separate project, which builds fine in XCode. I can drag the generated Swift framework from the Swift project into the "Frameworks, Libraries and embedded content" list of my Objective-C project target. It appears with an "Embed & Sign" label.
The Apple description here: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swift/importing-swift-into-objective-c states that
You can work with types declared in Swift from within the Objective-C
code in your project by importing an Xcode-generated header file. This
file is an Objective-C header that declares the Swift interfaces in
your target, and you can think of it as an umbrella header for your
Swift code. You don’t need to do anything special to create the
generated header—just import it to use its contents in your
Objective-C code.
When I look inside the swift .framework file, I can see the header file there. But when I import it in one of my Objective-c .m files, then the compiler says that the file is not found. I have tried both the
#import "Starscream-Swift.h"
and the
#import <Starscream/Starscream-Swift.h>
How can I convince XCode to use the header file from the Swift framework? Do I need to copy that header somewhere, maybe? And what else do I need to think about to use a Swift library from an Objective-c IOS app?
I am using XCode version 13.4.1.
By the way, the Swift library I am trying to use is Starstream.
Xcode-generated header file is required when your own project has Objective-C and Swift classes mixed. When dealing with frameworks you either include the framework's umbrella header like this:
#import "SwiftFramework/SwiftFramework.h"
Or, more preferably, you import it with #import expression:
#import SwiftFramework;
Be advised, that only part that is exposed to Objective-C runtime is accessible from this framework (i.e. public/open classes inherited from NSObject or some other Cocoa classes)

Could not build Objective-C module, when using swift in objective-c module

In an iOS application I have a subproject (not cocoapods) in which I have included a swift file and ObjC file (that is used by the swift file). XCode automatically created a bridging file but could not build it because apparantly bridging is not allowed in a framework. The workaround that I used was to add the objective-c header to the umbrella file and it worked. Now I need to use a swift class from ObjC. I have define module to set to YES, the generated file Framework-Swift.h . But when I try to import it in objective-c i get
Could not build Objective-C module
The closest I got after some googleing was this answer:
Ah gotcha. It looks like you're building a mixed Swift & Objective-C
pod - if that's the case, Xcode will try to import
within the generated -Swift.h header.
You'll need to create the header manually and add imports for the
Objective-C classes that you want to expose to Swift.
CocoaPods generates an umbrella header automatically and imports it
within the .modulemap, but Xcode doesn't use that when generating the
-Swift.h header
But I am unsure what header needs to be created manually.
Any ideeas or pointer about using swift in an objective-c framework ? In both ways ?
I also had similar issue when using Swift pods in my Swift project containing several targets. No Objective-C code at all. I tried to clear build folder, pods cache, derived data - nothing worked.
Open the Build Settings for a target that contains your module code. Set the "Install Objective-C Compatibility Header" to "No"
There's a great and simple article that wraps up this case:
To use ObjC classes in Swift, create a bridging header and specify path to it in the build settings
To use Swift classes in ObjC, #import <ModuleName/ModuleName-Swift.h> in your *.m file (use #class SwiftClass; forward declaration in *.h file, if needed)
For swift classes and their members to be visible to objc
inherit your class from NSObject
prepend it with #objcMembers
make both the class and its members public

Import of ProjectName-Swift.h and Bridging-Header.h recursion

I have a project with large amount of obj-c and swift code inside it.
I have an obj-c class which imports ProjectName-Swift.h to let that class access swift code.
Now I need to expose that obj-c class to the swift so I can access it from swift code.
The problem is that after import in bridging header name of obj-c class project stops building with error that it cannot find ProjectName-Swift.h which import is stated in obj-c class.
I cannot remove import of ProjectName-Swift.h from obj-c class because after that class breaks.
What can I do ?
OK, had one answer and then re-read the question. Make absolutely certain that your import of the swift header is the Module Name of the project (not necessarily the project name):
Apple Documentation: Swift and Objective-C in the Same Project
More specifically, go to the section marked "Importing Swift into Objective-C" and read it. And even more specifically:
Under Build Settings, in Packaging, make sure the Defines Module setting for that framework target is set to “Yes”.
Import the Swift code from that framework target into any Objective-C .m file within that framework target using this syntax and substituting the appropriate names:
#import <ProductName/ProductModuleName-Swift.h>

Linking my Obj-C framework with a Swift Framework

I am building a framework that contains links to other frameworks, and the parent Framework is Obj-C. One of the child frameworks is Swift and I am getting errors 'module not found'.
How do I link a Swift framework to an Obj-C framework ? If this task was to simply add Swift source code to Obj-C source code, then I would know what to do...but it's not. Any help would be appreciated.
I think you need a bridging header. If I have this right, you have a framework written in Objective-C, but your Xcode project written in Swift. In that case, you have to create a bridging header and then use #import in the bridging header to access the code in Swift. You would then import the framework in the swift page/class that you want to implement code into. Here is a great video on YouTube on how to do it!
NOTE: In the video, there is a #ifndef, #define, and #endif ... which I don't believe you need in Xcode 7.

Swift class in Cocoa Touch Objective-C Framework

I'm trying to build a Cocoa Touch Framwork (XCode 6, obviously) with Objective-C and some Swift classes.
I've successfully added Swift classes to regular projects (no framworks) before so I'm aware of the build settings required for this (Embedded Content Contains Swift Code). Unfortunately, the framework project doesn't build the header file (projectName-Swift.h) and I'm not able to import the class and the Swift classes into any of my .m files.
Does anybody know why this wouldn't work, and what build settings I need to change in order to make this work?
Finally found the answer;
Within the frameworks the import statement for Swift files has to look as follows;
#import <ProjectName/ProjectName-Swift.h>
instead of
#import "ProjectName-Swift.h"
Sometimes it helps to RTFM (https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/Swift/Conceptual/BuildingCocoaApps/MixandMatch.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40014216-CH10-XID_82)
I've struggled with this for a while because I don't think the documentation is clear. I have a slightly different project setup, and it's taken me a while to work this out so I thought I'd answer here.
I have a project with name: MyProject
In this project, I have a framework: MyFramwork
I have a swift file in MyFramework which I want to import into an objective c file in MyFramework.
To do this, you need:
#import <MyFramework/MyFramework-Swift.h>
#import <MyProject/MyFramework-Swift.h>
Hope that helps someone.
