Swift class in Cocoa Touch Objective-C Framework - ios

I'm trying to build a Cocoa Touch Framwork (XCode 6, obviously) with Objective-C and some Swift classes.
I've successfully added Swift classes to regular projects (no framworks) before so I'm aware of the build settings required for this (Embedded Content Contains Swift Code). Unfortunately, the framework project doesn't build the header file (projectName-Swift.h) and I'm not able to import the class and the Swift classes into any of my .m files.
Does anybody know why this wouldn't work, and what build settings I need to change in order to make this work?

Finally found the answer;
Within the frameworks the import statement for Swift files has to look as follows;
#import <ProjectName/ProjectName-Swift.h>
instead of
#import "ProjectName-Swift.h"
Sometimes it helps to RTFM (https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/Swift/Conceptual/BuildingCocoaApps/MixandMatch.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40014216-CH10-XID_82)

I've struggled with this for a while because I don't think the documentation is clear. I have a slightly different project setup, and it's taken me a while to work this out so I thought I'd answer here.
I have a project with name: MyProject
In this project, I have a framework: MyFramwork
I have a swift file in MyFramework which I want to import into an objective c file in MyFramework.
To do this, you need:
#import <MyFramework/MyFramework-Swift.h>
#import <MyProject/MyFramework-Swift.h>
Hope that helps someone.


Objective c and Swift using in Framework in Xcode

I've my own old framework which is only compatible in objective c, but Now I open in new xcode and added few swift classes (Xcode not gave me option to create bridging as this do in normal App when you add swift class in objective c project), Also Xcode gave me suggestion to update build setting and I updated those and currently I'm on Xcode 8.2.1. Now I try to build but I am getting few error as you can see in picture . I googled and found solution to delete derive data and quite xcode and open and clean. I done Everything but didn't workout.
Is bridging can be possible in framwork.
If not possible then how can I achieve.
Need help and suggestion.
When you are mixing Swift/Objc inside a framework, you can import Swift code for Objective-C use and import Objective-C from Swift.
First, ensure that Define Settings is set for the current framework target.
To import Swift into Objective-C:
In each Objective-C file that requires the Swift code, import the generated Swift header with the complete current Framework Path : #import <Framework/Framework-Swift.h>
To import Objective-C into Swift:
Ensure you have an umbrella header. The path can be found inside the Build Settings of the target. In this header, import all the needed Objective-C headers like normally in Objective-C: #import "Header"
Source: https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/Swift/Conceptual/BuildingCocoaApps/MixandMatch.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40014216-CH10-ID122

How to work with Swift file in Objective-C?

I want to use one third party library which is written in Swift but I am working in Objective-C environment. How to do that? Until now what I have done is:
Drag and drop the third party library into my project.
It is asking for the bridging header I clicked on yes.
In Build settings defines Modules no to yes in both.
Product Module Name showing like $(PRODUCT_NAME:c99extidentifier). I have tried with my project name also.
Now I am getting plenty of errors like below:
pDatePicker.swift:50:9: Consecutive declarations on a line must be separated by ';'
Ambiguous use of 'open'.
I am getting errors around 50 to 60 same as above errors. Where is my mistake? Can anybody help me?
Are you able to see projectName-Swift.h file in your project ?
Demo Example is available on github.
If yes then, Hope you have imported #import "projectName-Swift.h" in Objectice C .m file ?
#import "projectName-Swift.h"
Then only you would be able to access objective c files in swift code.
Check in build setting
Objective-C Bridging Header
ProjectName-Bridging-Header.h has perfect location.
if there is problem with that path than bridging will not work properly , that why when you compile #import "projectName-Swift.h" is not getting generate.
Download above sample project.
Make sure, that your swift version in settings is the same as this lib uses; if not, try to translate it by yourself, or set Use Legacy Swift Version to YES

Cocoa pods objective c files in Swift project. Bridging issue

I downloaded code from here:
wich include sample-chat-swift example folder where seems somehow guys created a framework.
In my case if I just use cocoa pods to pull code into my project Xcode says to me that we can't find any of downloaded classes. So I am sure that is problem with bridging but my question what are the steps I need to do to create framework like guys did in theirs example.
Or do I need to bridge each files manually? If so I guess it can take so much time.
I created my own framework for using Tumblr in an app. I'm sure you know how to setup a framework project, but I'll explain what I did when I complied the framework. After you finished the framework what you do is under your xcode project folder in the directory is a fold Products. The text for Project.framework should be red or black. Either way run your project and make sure its black. Then right click and choose Show in Finder. Then you can copy that framework and bring it into the top of the project you want to use the framework in.
You will also need to make a header file. Like the one I have below if you are using Obj-c, but I'm sure you can google and find an example in swift it you are trying to hide certain aspects of your framework with a swift interface file.
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
//! Project version number for Tumblr.
FOUNDATION_EXPORT double TumblrVersionNumber;
//! Project version string for Tumblr.
FOUNDATION_EXPORT const unsigned char TumblrVersionString[];
// In this header, you should import all the public headers of your framework using statements
//#import <Tumblr/Tumblr.h>
#import "TMSDKUserAgent.h"
#import "JXHTTPDataBody.h"
#import "JXHTTPOperationQueueDelegate.h"
#import "TMTumblrAuthenticator.h"
Regarding bridging issue, guys form QB answered on it:
so using this http://quickblox.com/developers/IOS-how-to-connect-Quickblox-framework#Additional_steps_for_Swift_using_CocoaPods
we can simple achieve bridging, even without creating framework.

Mixed language framework

I have a framework (let's call it MyKit) written in Objective-C that I'm extending with some Swift classes. I'm trying to get my head around it using this documentation: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/Swift/Conceptual/BuildingCocoaApps/MixandMatch.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40014216-CH10-XID_77
As far as I understand, I'm not supposed to have a bridging header class, and instead put all my includes in the umbrella header file (that I understand to be ).
So I write in MyKit.h:
#import <MyKit/ModelObjectA.h>
#import <MyKit/ModelObjectB.h>
#import <MyKit/ControllerObjectC.h>
I don't list ControllerObjectD.swift, even though it goes into here as well? Or should I include
#import <MyKit/ControllerObjectD-Swift.h>
ControllerObjectD uses ModelObjectA and ModelObjectB. Now that I don't have a bridge headerfile, I get compile errors in it because it cannot find these objects.
The documentation says "Swift will see every header you expose publicly in your umbrella header." and this is true when I import the framework into other projects, but the framework project cannot compile because it doesn't see it. I have turned on the "Define Modules" build setting.
Is there something I've misunderstood about the umbrella header, perhaps? Where can I say "hi project, this is the umbrella header file"? The framework compiles if I set the umbrella header file as bridging header, but that sounds like I've come back to the beginning this way?
I believe your problem may be down to the Access Modifiers in your Swift class, however I've written a short guide and sample project to help you:
Sample project can be found here
There are two parts to having a mixed language framework:
Importing Objective-C into Swift
Importing Swift into Objective-C
1. Importing Objective-C into Swift
This is, for example, if you have an Objective-C class named Player that you want to add to a swift class called Game.
According to the documentation, you need to do these two steps to import the Player object into the Game object.
Under Build Settings, in Packaging, make sure the Defines Module setting for that framework target is set to Yes.
In your umbrella header file, import every Objective-C header you want to expose to Swift.
#import <Framework/Player.h>
Make sure your Player header file in Objective-C is marked for public target membership in the framework:
Following these steps, it's possible to import the Player Objective-C class into the Game Swift Class:
import UIKit
public class Game: NSObject {
public let player: Player
public init(player: Player) {
self.player = player
2. Importing Swift into Objective-C
For importing the Swift Game class into the Player object, we can follow a similar procedure.
As before; Under Build Settings, in Packaging, make sure the Defines Module setting for that framework target is set to Yes.
Import the Swift code from that framework target into any Objective-C .m file within that framework target using this syntax and substituting the appropriate names:
#import <ProductName/ProductModuleName-Swift.h>
In my case, this works as:
#import <SwiftObjC/SwiftObjC-Swift.h>
and I assume, for you:
#import <MyKit/MyKit-Swift.h>
Therefore, make sure that all the properties, methods and classes you want to access are defined as public in your swift file or else they won't be visible to Objective-C .
I have uploaded my sample project showing how this all works on GitHub https://github.com/elliott-minns/SwiftObjCTestFramework
I hope this helps you with your problem.
I think you need to do bridging-header to access your obj-c code in swift.
More in the link
so it is a file with your imports from obj-c transfering to swift. names are very important so care about that. hope it helps
p.s. also you need to add this header path to your project settings
From the Documentation at Apple: A Swift class must be a descendant of an Objective-C class to be accessible and usable in Objective-C. For more information about what you can access from Objective-C and how the Swift interface is imported, see Swift Type Compatibility.
So your public swift class needs to extend NSObject for example.

Add MFSideMenu 3rd party library to swift project

I'm currently translating an Objective-C project I have over to Swift. In the process, I have a few implemented 3rd party libraries that are pure Objective-C like MFSideMenu and Parse.
I've created a Bridging-Header.h file per Apple's documentation and other's recommendations to bridge the Objective-C files with the Swift code. This works fine for frameworks like Parse. Unfortunately, when importing MFSideMenu and running the application, I receive the attached errors below.
I was contemplating if this was because a library needed to be manually imported into the Objective-C files using it, so I attempted importing UIKit and Foundation in the project and manually added the frameworks without any success. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Turns out, the compiler for swift no longer supports non modular based imports for frameworks. You must change all references to frameworks to #import statements rather #import.
I had the same problem, add code below at the header file of this class
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
it can help you
