Status of jQuery mobile project - jquery-mobile

Does anybody have any idea on jQuery Mobile project status?
The latest update in their blog, dated Jan 2016 - is already 1 year old ( They talk about incoming version 1.5 - but nothing more happened for a year.
If the project is dead - what do you use instead of jQuery Mobile?
Thank you
Update: I found this page - - dated Jan 2016, several days before official statement of jQuery Mobile blog. It recommends switching to Angular or ReactJS.


Orbeon - Dynamic dropdown - search dont work

I have problem with dynamic dropdown with search. Search dont work and dropdown then have no data. Without search everything works. I have form witch work in Orbeon 2020 but after update to 2021 it stop working. I try example from documentation ( with countries. It not workion in Orbeon 2021 but same form work in Orbeon 2020. Can be problem with {$fr-search-value} in new Orbeon versions?
Here is example
You've hit issue #5204, which is fixed in Orbeon Forms PE 2021.1.2.

jQuery datepicker calender issues in Firefox [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Daylight Saving Cause an issue on jQuery UI datepicker on Firefox
(1 answer)
Closed 6 years ago.
I have wrong dates showing up in my jQuery UI datepicker in some 2016 months in Firefox (Mobile & Web). For example:
March 31, 2016 is Thursday and April 1, 2016 of course is a Friday - but not on my calendar, where it shows up as a Thursday, as well. There is the same issue for May 2016.
Please see screenshots:
Note that I tried to use many versions of jQuery scripts but have the same issue with all of them.
Its not code issue..
This issue has been caused by Firefox with jquery datepicker because
some countries had daylight saving changes on 2016-04-01, and the
changes is right at 00:00:00! So these countries does not have
00:00:00 on 2016-04-01, Firefox is confused and thinks that 00:00:00
is still Thursday.
And the issue has been fixed while we are in 1-4-2016 ...

jQueryMobile, Ajax Navigation, and MVC

Following the MVC 4 article on new Mobile Features, I added the NuGet package jQuery.Mobile.MVC. That package installs, among other things, an older version 1.0.3b of jQuery Mobile (the current version is 1.1.0) and creates the following in _Layout.Mobile.cshtml:
$(document).bind("mobileinit", function ()
// As of Beta 2, jQuery Mobile's Ajax navigation does not work in all cases (e.g.,
// when navigating from a mobile to a non-mobile page), hence disabling it.
$.mobile.ajaxEnabled = false;
I can not find any documentation on what exactly is not working, whether there is a bug filed for it, and what the status of that bug might be. The closest non-ancient similar mention in the jQuery Mobile Forum is
In that case, the OP's issue was deemed "by design".
Why might Ajax navigation be turned off out-of-the-box, and is that still a valid concern in jQuery Mobile 1.1.0?
This problem with MVC 4 Beta is that page navigation simply stops working after one navigation if the ajax navigation is not switched off.
This is still a valid concern in jQuery Mobile 1.1.0. I am using MVC 4 beta with jQuery Mobile 1.1.0, and navigation between pages is very unstable if the ajax navigation is not disabled.
The forum post you refer to is not related to this problem. The post is about values in the page header not being updated, which is per design.
(since this is the only problem for that OP, I guess he is using MVC 3)
About the status of this, related to your question:
(...) whether there is a bug filed for it, and what the status of that bug might be (...)
I don't know... I am also anctious to know this. Hopefully, it will be fixed when MVC 4 is officially released.

jquery mobile - loading spin wheel keep appearing

I am using jquerymobile latest stable version with jquery 1.5
on my application i am using Spring webflow,
On first page of flow i have two links to other pages. See below scenario
Click on link 1
Page B opens with slide transition
click browser back button
First page comes back but with spin wheel which never disappear
How to get rid from this spin wheel?
This is happening in android and iphone
Depending on the version of jQuery Mobile you are using, you may have to upgrade your jQuery Core.
As of the Beta 2, this was stated:
Note that jQuery Mobile 1.0 will require jQuery core 1.6.2 as a
According to the Release page for 1.0.1, they use 1.6.4. I believe this is the minimum and 1.0.1 is the latest full release of jQM as of this writing.

What jQuery mobile build is running at

It seems that the jQuery Mobile test site at is not really running alpha 2 (despite of what is written on the first page).
It definitely shows different (and perhaps less?) bugs than the alpha 2 demo at
Does that mean that the test site is running the latest nightly build? If not, what version is that?
As I just found out it is the daily build of jQuery Mobile. Which (as I hoped) makes it the easiest way to stay up to date with the latest development version.
if you view source on the page. and then click the link to the 'js' file (script src="js/" ) this then links to here.
v 1.4.4?
edit: it looks like the mobile script may be combined with the jQuery script.
search for * jQuery Mobile Framework : widget factory extentions for mobile in the js and that may be the start of it.
cant see a version number though :(
